7 PAX showed up for a beautiful sunny day at Midoriyama. It did sort of feel like a hot oven but I guess that means its another one of Pizza Man’s hot delivery’s!!
Warm-up: (Wanted to recognize the most dominant Olympian ever!!)
LBC’s X 28 IC
Don Quixote’s (aka Tool Time’s) X 28 IC
With that being done and NO wind moving it was time to mosey!! We ran the drive and at each break the PAX did an assortment of 25 merkins and 25 of some kind of AB work. It went like this:
25 Merkins SC
25 Flutters IC
25 Squats SC
25 Incline Merkins SC
25 World War I sit-up SC
25 Diamond Merkins SC
25 Freddie Mercury’s IC
Hmmm…can’t just run past the playground!!
10 Pull-ups
10 Knee to elbows
25 Werkins SC
Homer Marge
25 Derkins SC
25 V-Ups SC
25 Squats SC
25 Military Merkins SC
25 In-Outs with arms raised
After a one mile lap, 150 Merkins , 7 AB exercises, 50 Squats, and 10 pull-ups now mosey to the flag for the Pledge.
Lol….sorry PAX the delivery isn’t over quite yet…we mosey to the parking lot where we see some artwork or just exercises written in sidewalk chalk. The closer we got some mumble shatter started and the PAX figured out what was about to go down. Thanks to CSPAN with the idea!!!
In 6 different parking spaces there are 6 different exercises, start at whatever exercise you choose, complete the exercise and take a lap around the median with a 60 ft. bear crawl to finish.
Exercises were:
10 Burpees
20 Merkins
30 CDD’s
40 Squats
50 LBC’s
60 SSH
Mosey back to flag for Announcements and COT
Great work by the PAX at Midoriyama, as always!! The Midoriyama men always bring the best out of each other!! Thanks for the opportunity to lead!!
Philippians 4:13
13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Until the next delivery………..aye!!