Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Pilgrim’s Progress (Page 1 of 2)

A Tale of 2 Q’s

This beautiful Sunday morning 5 PAX pushed the rock at Members Only. 3 Ruckers and 2 runners. Tesla fartsacked and showed for the Q source.

Our fearless Site Q (Tiger) assigned 2 Q’s for Members Only and the subsequent QSource and both of us showed.

The group was sufficiently schooled on the topic of “Schooling” and learned that Virtuous Leaders Pass Praise and Take Blame. Since Tiger is our leader, he can take the blame for any shortcomings.


Ultimate frisbee on thanksgiving (teams are set)

Dec 2 convergence and Xmas party

Beer ruck Dec 9th


prayer requests:

David Douglas Pilgrim’s neighbor s coming up on 1 year anniversary of losing his wife and his dog has advanced cancer and will not live long (currently beyond vet expectations). Been a tough year for him and his adult children. 

Prayers for people traveling (work/holidays)



Erika  (Orangeman’s 2.0) has a new job

Cheese whiz (Jane Fonda’s 2.0) is doing better (was sick for a while)


Membership requires Candor

Two Ruckers and 4 Runners posted at Members only this morning. 5 HIM stuck around for Q Source and there was much loud talking (Harris Teeter decided to run the floor cleaner during our session). Regardless we talked about Candor and the importance of giving and receiving hard truths.

I liked the quote in the QSource Dredd received from a manager “Nothing should surprise me unless you are surprised as well”.

Members Only and Q Source Feb 26


Nineteen men showed up for a run or ruck at Members Only AO this morning, and 13 of them stuck around for the Q Source discussion on “King” fitness. It was a great turnout, and the weather was perfect for our workout.

There were two groups – Ruckers launched at 06:15 and Runners at 06:30. Both groups pushed themselves hard and covered some serious ground.

After the run and ruck, we gathered back together for the Q Source discussion on “King” fitness. We talked about what it means to be physically fit and how we can incorporate fitness into our daily lives. We also discussed the importance of setting goals and having a plan to achieve them.

We talked about the F3 model of fitness 3S2T. We also discussed the importance of pushing ourselves to get better every day by chasing faster men and how we can support each other in our fitness journeys.

Overall, it was a great morning at Members Only AO. We pushed ourselves hard, had some great conversations, and left feeling energized and motivated to tackle the day ahead. Thanks to everyone who came out, and we hope to see you all again soon!


Extinction Run:

  • 9am launch
  • BOS looking for volunteers- $10 suggested donations $1000 fundraising goal.
  • QVQ at the Goat this week

Prayer requests:

  • Volt’s son – was in a car wreck and was ejected from the car currently in hospital
  • Tooth fairy daughter
  • Radar’s sister
  • Tigers mom

Q Source (King):

  • Sargento
  • Freon
  • Wattsup
  • BOS
  • Tardigras
  • Dr Seuss
  • Mainframe
  • Eh Y’all
  • Anchorman
  • BreakerBreaker
  • Dr Seuss
  • Orangeman
  • Pilgrim’s Progress

Members Only – January 15, 2023

10 HIM came out to Run or Ruck this morning. Some of the Ruckers did a little of both.  It was a bit chilly at 27 and Wattsup kept pointing out that there might have been a light breeze.


  • 2nd F Lunch on Jan. 25th at Hillbillies
  • Feb 11 – mini CSAUP /Convergence at Folsom
  • All other Saturday AO’s should be closed

prayer requests:

  • Roundup and his wife expecting
  • BOS – expecting job offer
  • Slim shady and Gilligan in Guatemala for service trip
  • Orangeman’s family

2 men worked out and YHC showed for COT and facilitated QSource. Todays topic was Equipping your Team toward their mission.

Here are some thoughts from the QSource:

Often a team will come together without a strong leader. Once a team hits a tough season that team will likely become dysfunctional unless someone steps up.

A good leader will help a team member know their role whether it his to be out front or somewhere in the pack. Sometimes when putting a team together it is necessary to “Black Tahoe” a member that isn’t able to handle their role.

keep pushing men!

12 including Christian Weinke at the GOAT

Not really. I just sported the arm band weinke for the first time today. Bubba Sparxxx brought another FNG (T-Claps). Weinke Arm Band worked out well! Definitely a keeper.

Warm up:

  • 15 – Imperial Walkers called (Started with Hillbillies but at about 5 I caught myself)
  • 15 – Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 10 – Arm Circles (forward and back)
  • 10 – Grass Pickers

Tried the partner curls from LKN convergence…  Bit of grumbling from the pax. Teams of 3, one pax in the middle gets into an inverted plank and holds his elbows at 90 degrees, other 2 curl 10X. Switch positions so all 3 get curled…

Short run.

Chest pull ups – Same team of 3. The 2 standing hold their elbows at 90 degrees while pax in plank performs the exercise.

DORA (partner runs around block from USPS to Doffers):

  • 50 – Hip Slappers
  • 100 – Merkins
  • 150 – WWII’s
  • 200 – CDD’s
  • 250 – Bobby Hurleys
  • 300 – LBC’s

Short Run.

Parking lot for 2 min of Mary (Flutter Kicks in cadence courtesy of WattsApp.


  • New Years Day Convergence
  • Yank open on Christmas Day
  • Radar has a post on slack for running a 5K in Tega Cay

Prayer Requests:

  • Praise – Bubba Sparxx – brother’s eye getting better
  • Bubba Sparxxx – brother-in-law has spinal/nerve issues (pray for healing)
  • Rebar – coworker having hysterectomy
  • Prayers for tornado survivors
  • Purple Haze and M – recover from COVID
  • Travelers during holidays



No Fred (or Tony) at the Storm

It was a good morning. Actually felt a bit cool (before we started). The rain paused for us this morning.

We were missing one thing though. As time crept closer to the start, we were missing our Q.

5:30…. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller??? No takers? Ok Site Q it is.

started with some SSH’s in cadence, Imperial Walkers, Grass Pickers….

Mosey to the other side of the school.

Route 66 – Merkins and Lunges

mosey a bit more to the round tables.

  • 5 dips and run to the loading dock
  • 10 Step Ups run to loading dock
  • 15 dips and run
  • 20 step ups and run
  • 25 dips and run

Mosey to loading dock – 3 rounds of bear crawls up jog down

Mosey back to other side of school

  • 10 Hip Slappers – lap parking lot
  • 20 Squats – lap parking lot
  • 30 Shoulder taps – lap parking lot
  • 40 lunges – lap parking lot
  • 50 Merkins – lap parking lot

Mosey to start

  • LBC’ in cadence
  • Flutters in Cadence




  • JJ5K coming up
  • 50 K race
  • work project at Belmont Central Middle on Wednesday (Bubba Sparxxx)

Prayer Requests:

  • Westside’s father in hospital on a ventilator
  • PAX with COVID
  • Injured PAX
  • PAX looking for work


The Storm Turned to the South!

The Storm Flag was planted…. 2 out of 3 Pax posted in Debordieu Island (Georgetown,SC). The third fartsacked with an assumed hangover.

Started with a pledge and then headed off through the neighborhood. Stopped along the way to add in some pearls. CDD’s, LBC’s, Lunge Walks, Flutters, Merkins, American hammers, Moroccan Nightclubs, air presses, squats were all part of the string of pearls.

We found the beach access and ran about a mile down stopping along the way to save a few starfish (there were hundreds stranded at low tide)

We also spotted 2 gators and a few crabs of varying types.

no announcements.

Prayed for Turtleman, Uranus, and PAX that are traveling.

Dumb Gastonian’s Got Em All Wrong!

The GasHouse has a special flavor to it. Particularly the Belmontian side of the Region. It’s like artificial turf, where it looks classy from a little ways off, but when you get down to it we installed that because of the practicality. Waste not, want not. Pretty sure that’s the Town Slogan… something like that…
So, do guys in GasHouse warm up? I dunno… We’ll fake a few SSHs or Squats or something and maybe they won’t notice.
When I Q DR, I like to see if the culture has spread appropriately and if the men have the #Mission in their minds and on their lips. Can’t get it to your heart if it doesn’t first start there… It’s kind of like Nellie’s Southern Kitchen’s Chicken & Gravy. It’ll get to your heart past your lips… Promise… #arteriosclerosis
So, we mosey quickly over the corner of a parking lot, do a few exercises, and start to see who knows the 5 Core Principles by heart. There is a 5 burpee penalty for having the wording egregiously wrong or for incorrect order. The men of Belmont love burpees. Or they hate them and want to get better at them, so they initiated their own forced practice mechanism by failing to be able to properly recite.
We ran from corner to corner of this parking lot, doing exercises in cadence and attempting to correctly get the wording and order of the 5 Core Principles, then moving on to the Credo and Mission as well.
One man seemed to know the answers quite well. Turns out he was the Nant’an… Nant’an… don’t you know your job is to make sure your men are prepared? We don’t care if you know the answers… unless they do too…
So, we hopped over behind the school and partnered up for a Dora.
Then back to COT…

Final thought:
Failure and struggle are good for you. If you are getting rescued (*ahem – Nantan) constantly, you can’t grow. You can’t learn. This is true of the men you serve, for your employees/teams at work, and for your kids.

Do Better,
Helmet, out.

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