Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Orangeman (Page 6 of 7)

Typical Monday Morning in Mt. Hollywood

It has been just over two months since YHC led a workout due to an injury, and he is rusty on writing creative back blasts, so let’s just get to the thang.

Warm up:

  • SSH I/c, 5 merkins, 10 lbcs
  • Imperial walkers I/c, 10 merkins, 20 lbcs
  • Don Q’s I/c, 15 merkins, 30 lbcs

Mosey to the 27th parallel (you know, the street that parallels hwy 27 in Mt. Holly) to the high wall. No step ups this time, just some DDs, aka, dips and derkins. Set of 10 each, set of 20 each, set of 30 each.

Mosey just a bit further for Route 666, not a typo.  Just like your regular Route 66, but instead of one exercise, there are six. Kinda makes it a bit hellish.

Three legs (jump squats, Bobby Hurley’s, jump lunges ) and three core (six-shooters, WWIs, american hammers) then a lunge walk to the next light pole.

By the time we get to 11, time is nearly up, so the pax heads back for the pledge, name-o-rama, and announcements. Tiger took us out in prayer.

It was an honor to lead today.


Count Each Side!

It was cold, probably 23 degrees, so no time for chit chat, gotta keep the Pax moving.

Warmup: SSH I/C, 5 burpees; Imperial Walkers I/C, 5 burpees; Don Q’s I/C, 5 burpees, Moroccan Night Clubs I/C, 5 burpees

Mosey with high knees down to the guardrail. 25 dips, 25 incline merkins, rinse and repeat.

Mosey up to the circle, karaoke style. Bear crawl 1/2 and crab walk 1/2 around the circle, plank for the six.

Mosey up to the school, karaoke style.

This is where the cold must have affected a few. YHC called for 10 step ups (count each leg/single count), 10 calf raises, and 10 squats, then LBCs while waiting on the six. YHC finishes before Boudin and thinks, “this ain’t right”. Boudin must have thought the same thing since he asked YHC about the counting for the step ups. I kindly remind the pax this is single count, aka, count each leg (5 each leg for a total of 10). So we rinse and repeat this time x15. Boudin finishes well ahead this time… success!, but Dr. Suess and Radar did not get the message. One last time, on the step ups, you count each leg, so this next time, it will be a total of 20. Got it? Yes… success!

Grab some wall for 10 hip slappers (single count, in total), then wall sit, wait for it… sit deeper then air press I/C. Rinse and repeat with 20 hip slappers, wall sit, then deeper with air punches. Did Radar get the counting right? YHC doesn’t remember.

As the pax was discussing the counting instructions of YHC, the parking lot lights finally showed up, so we moseyed the short way down the sidewalk for YHC’s favorite, rugby sprints! In this sprint, a HIM calls an exercise that the Pax performs until the caller yells “GO”. Sprint to the far side (two street lamps), sprint back, then recover walk to the other side. Rinse and repeat. Don’t remember what was called, or how many were called, but we finished with enough time for a round of mary back at the start.


Announcements: Q source Sunday mornings, 7:30 am at cross roads and coconut horse. CSAUP (is that how it’s spelled?) in March, sign up by 2/16.


Prayer requests: Anchorman’s family, Breaker Breaker’s family, Tool Time’s trip

Dr. Seuss took us out.

And thanks to Dr. Seuss for driving YHC home.

It was an honor to lead you all


Mt. Hollywood Bodybuilders

Nine HIMs posted on a chilly Monday morning at Mt. Hollywood, and YHC welcomed his first FNG, forever to be known as Bashful. Full disclaimer.

We got down to business… warm-up: 20 SSHs IC, 2 burpees (Tesla made some “know it all” comment; 15 Toy Soldiers IC, 4 burpees (Roadie groaned… YHC thought he loved those things); 10 Mountain Climbers IC, 6 burpees (Tesla was right, he thinks); 10 Goofballs, 8 count bodybuilders (is this already in the lexicon?)… Tesla was wrong! A bodybuilder is an 8 count burpee+. 1 = squat, 2 = down to high plank, 3 = merkin down, 4 = merkin up, 5 = plank jack out, 6 = plank jack in, 7 = jump to squat, 8 = jump up. We did 8 IC, kinda 8 count, kinda IC, but no worries, PAX, YHC assures more practice on the bodybuilders.

Mosey to the “big wall”. 25 dips, 10 step ups each leg, 10 derkins, rinse and repeat with an Omaha for 5 step ups each leg (it is a big wall). 2x 8 count bodybuilders IC for practice. It doesn’t happen often in Mt. Hollywood, but the train was heard… 5 burpees OYO.

Mosey to the bottom of the hill. YHC called 25 8 counts and either crab walk or bear crawl to the corner. Permission given to complete the 25 OYO. After the PAX finished, Roadie called a quick timeout to remind us of the importance about being mindful of the traffic. Considering we’ve lost a FIA and F3 recently, this was a timely reminder.

Mosey to the Dr. office parking lot for 11s. Tiger squats and merkins were called.

Mosey to Veteran’s Park. This is SOP for YHC. Pax said the pledge and we did 22 merkins for the vets. As an added benefit, we are at the bottom of the hill. Not much time remains, so the pax moseyed up the hill, and up the next hill, and headed back to the start for a little Mary. Tiger called for diamonds, on his count (his slow count). Tesla finished us off with protractors.

COT – Tiger took us out.

An honor to lead you all.


It’s All About Sharing

The morning in Belmont is wet, as it has been for many weeks, as YHC rolled out of the fartsack. This morning, however, was just a tiny bit more special. You see, today is not only YHC’s birthday, but it is also YHC’s hospital brother’s (Siri) birthday. That’s correct, Orangeman is a twin, and with twins always comes sharing. So today’s beatdown is all about sharing with your partner, whether you like it or not.

As YHC moseyed the short 1/2 mile from home to The Yank, several HIMs were finishing up some EC: Quiche, Buckeye, Tooltime, Sargento, and Tiger. 7am ticked over on the ‘ol iPhone, so we got started.

Warm-up: 20 SSH I/C, 2 burpees, 15 Imperial Walkers I/C while Tooltime hummed a Star Wars theme song, 4 burpees, 15 low and slow copperhead squats I/C, 6 burpees, plank position for a little Tesla-style stretching, 4 burpees, 15 toy soldiers I/C, 2 burpees. At this point Quiche and Buckeye retired to their vehicles, a 9 mile EC and a warm-up is enough for them.

Start a mosey to the middle school, partner bataan death march style. Last two PAX will do 5 patty cake merkins, chase down the PAX to let the next two in the back drop for 5 patty cakes, then run to front. YHC assumed all was well until we got to the top of Myrtle Street, and not a single PAX had passed. Tiger finally surged to the head, and YHC called for him to keep going straight. While we waited at the light for a passing car, the PAX regrouped, and the death march started to take shape. Around the block we went, patty cake merkins for all until we got to the far corner of knowledge.

What better way to continue the partner work than with a little Dora 123. This time, however, the birthday girl has growed up, and Dora 12345 was called. P1 started the exercise while P2 ran the sidewalk in front of the school.

  • 100 derkins
  • 200 squats
  • 300 LBCs
  • 400 shoulder taps, single count
  • 500 flutter kicks, single count

YHC called for vacuum cleaners in the wet grass (wheelbarrow a bit then do 5 derkins with partner holding legs) while waiting on the six, but was Omaha’d for lunges. YHC allowed the mutiny as he knew there was still more pain to come.

With the 500 flutters complete, the PAX double applesauced to the field of dreams. A double applesauce is a side-by-side indian run where the last two PAX sprint to the front. (It is also what an aging PAX will be eating for dinner as time keeps ticking). At the track, it was time for a little running game called catch me if you can. P1 starts running around the track with P2 performing the called exercise(s), then chases down P1, who will then do the exercise and chase down P2. ‘Round and ’round we’ll go, at least that is what YHC had in mind. Called exercises were 5 burpees, 10 diamond merkins, and 15 squats. Sargento’s hammy had finally had enough, so when everyone finished 15 squats, we moseyed, regular style, to the driest pad of concrete that YHC could find. Just enough time remained for a round of Captain Thor, a 1 to 4 ratio of big boy sit ups and american hammers. Time was up as the last HIM finished the 10 big boys and 40 am hams. Mosey to the statue for COT.

COT: Happy birthday was sung, and the choir sounded angelic. Anchorman has a birthday Q (at the Yank?) in two weeks, Qs are needed for all the AOs so get on the list and support your F3 brothers, and be on the lookout for new year’s eve and new year’s day events. Prayer requests: little girl named Zoe (Anchorman’s friend), your 2019 leadership team, and speedy recovery for Dr. Seuss from minor surgery. Your Nantan took us out.

Great work by all PAX, and a great attitude given the amount of running involved with the workout. Many thanks for the birthday well wishes. And a final shoutout to the Nantan for his final 2018 post.

It was a great honor to lead you today.

Where 2 Or More Are Gathered

Three other HIM joined YHC for his weekly Rivermen Run Club group run, this evening held in the glow of Christmastown.  We ran some miles, did 5 burpees and at least 1 Kirk burpee (in a future Q, YHC will incorporate).

Grateful to see my brothers for some Christmas EC.

Improv @ The Goat

Goat Island itself is a great venue for a boot camp, and usually the weinke is created with the expectation of the gates being open. However, this morning the gates were locked, causing YHC to improvise. So improvise we did.

Warm up: SSH, IW, toy soldiers, and some slow Don Qs, all IC. Start a mosey, and begin the task of adjusting the weinke. Turn left (instead of right), and head up the short hill to front street. YHC sees a nice long straightaway and calls for a karaoke. After a couple hundred yards, flap jack and karaoke back. Now the real improvisation begins as the island was going to provide a nice area for my 12 days til Xmas thang. Think YHC, think… where to lead the pax for this gift… tennis court area down the street!! So we mosey to the courts.

The thang:

YHCs version of the 12 days of Xmas will start with 12 reps followed by a run, then 12 reps/11 reps/run, 12/11/10/run…

12 merkins, 11 squats, 10 CDDs, 9 monkey humpers, 8 single leg calf raises, 7 flutter crunches, 6 big boy sit ups, 5 diamond merkins, 4 burpees, 3 Bobby Hurley’s, 2 standing broad jumps, and a final run across the parking lot.

The train came through, so 5 burpees.

Mosey back to downtown, stop at the gazebo for some core Mary, pax called. Time was called, took the super short mosey back to the start.

Pledge and COT

Announcements: Quichemas on the 15th, 12 days til Christmas, Boudin’s Mom’s birthday -learned of this because it is also Taylor Swift’s birthday (you see, YHC has a 13 yo daughter who knows this stuff).

Prayer requests, taken out by Dr. Seuss

It’s was an honor to lead you men this morning. Way to push the rock!!

Just Another Manic Monday

Monday mornings come early in Mt. Hollywood,  but 9 HIMs posted to build themselves up with the help of each other.

Warm up: SSH i/c, big arm circles forward and reverse until YHC called time, shoulder pulls for a 10 count x4, cotton pickers i/c, merkins i/c, mountain climbers i/c, 10 count plank each arm and leg.

Long mosey around the big block of Mt. Hollywood. Stopped at the wall for 10 derkins and 10 big step ups (each leg). Continue mosey to the corner of main for a zombie walk with 2 burpees at each light post. Mosey to Veterans Park for the pledge and 22 merkins for the vets. Mosey up the big hill and back to the start.

The thang: YHC called for the Iron Horse, however there seems to be something missing between the 1 merkin and the 4 air presses… Oh yeah! 2 hip slappers and 3 dips. So now we have 1 merkin, 2 hip slappers, 3 dips, 4 air presses for round 1. Round 2 would be 2 merkins, 4 hip slappers, 6 dips, and 8 air presses, and so forth and so on. PAX started with 15 minutes remaining, and YHC called for as many rounds as time would allow. Apparently the PAX thought 15 minutes was a very long time based on the mumble chatter. Only Broke made it all the way to 10 when time ran out. Awesome work by the PAX this morning.

Announcements: Quichemas party 12/15, please complete survey; Saturday at The Yank will meet at 6:30 in the parking lot near Glenway due to the Girls on the Run 5k

Tiger took us out with a prayer.

It is always a great honor to lead!

Trifecta of Respect

With most of the PAX in Shelby, and the rain/cold making things pretty miserable, 3 (R)espctable HIMs post at The Yank. This was not the workout YHC had in mind, but given the circumstances, no one minded.

Warm up with a short mosey to picnic shelter 

(15) ssh, don q’s, hillbillies, goofballs, copper head squats all IC, 5 burpees 

the thang

Deck of death

face value = reps  (minimum 5), face cards = 10, aces = 25

Hearts = derkins 

Clubs = 6 shooters, count right side

Diamonds = step ups, count right side

Spades = American Hammer, count right side

1st Joker = 100 MNCs with a squat

2nd Joker = 100 air presses with a squat



Quichemas 12/15, don’t forget the survey, 12/1 Yank moved to 6:30 at parking lot near Glenway Pub due to Girls on the Run

Name o Rama


Happy that Anchorman and Virus posted this morning. It was an honor to lead.

Vote! Just don’t wait this late ;-

Tad late getting this BB out, but still in time to be counted for November.

Soggy election morning @ The Storm for the 11 strong PAX that posted. Here's how it went down...

Warm-up: 15 SSH IC, 2 4x4 burpees, 15 IW IC, 4 4x4 burpees, 15 cotton pickers IC, mosey the around the school.

The Thang:

Grab some wall for 
10 hip slappers
10 Australian MCs (right leg count only)
10 decline merkins
Wall sit while YHC engages PAX in a little conversation
Continue wall with 10 air presses IC
Rinse and repeat

Mosey a short bit to the parking lot for some rugby sprints between the light poles (do called exercise until caller says "GO!", sprint one way, sprint back, walk/recover to the other end)
YHC called for flutter kicks IC, don't remember the count. Let the PAX call nine other exercises, all core, except for Top Hat who called for squats. I guess definitionally a squat is a core exercise.

Mosey to the tennis courts for some Dora Assisted Suicides. P1 does exercise while P2 runs a suicide sprint across two courts, does 5 burpees, sprints back, then flip flop. Called exercises: 100 jump squats, 200 Bobby Hurley's, 300 monkey humpers. YHC called time with a few dozen monkey humpers remaining.

Moseyed back to the start for the Pledge, announcements, and prayers.

Great work by all, and it was an honor to lead.

Another beautiful morning in Cramerton

‘Twas the morning of Thursday

Here at The Goat 

Pax gathering in the chill

YHC with the antidote 

Running and jumping 

Or maybe some core

Only the weinke and me

Knows what is in store



15 SSH IC, 1 burpee

15 IW IC, 2 burpees 

Mosey to bottom of the street 

15 goofballs IC, 3 burpees 

Mosey up the hill

15 hillbillies IC, 4 burpees 

Mosey to top of stairs

10 merkins IC, 5 burpees 

Mosey to the gazebo 

The thang 

YHC version of escalator 

Round 1, 1 4×4 burpee, sprint through the grass, 1 4×4 burpee, sprint back to gazebo, plank for the six. 

Round 2, 1 4×4, 2 pull-ups, sprint, 2 jump squats (no bar), 1 4×4, sprint back, plank… you get the picture.

1 4×4 burpee

2 pull ups / jump squats 

3 jump lunges, 3 each leg

4 Bobby Hurley’s 

5 mountain climbers, 5 each leg

6 squats 

7 american hammers, 7 each side

8 seal jacks

9 cdds 

10 WW1s

YHC was gassed as there was little rest between rounds. Gilligan made some comment about a VQ’s workout (it is not, but thank you for the compliment). We hear the train, 5 burpees. 

Mosey to bottom of hill for triple nickels. As Tesla says, “blah, blah, blah, strength in 4th quarter…”

5 Plank jacks

NUR up the street

5 Hip slappers, count one side only

Run down 

Repeat 4 more times




Announcements: SFN at Christmastown 5K, Belmont turkey trot (an Orangeman favorite, unsanctioned, donation only thanksgiving morning 5K), Belmont 1/2 marathon 

Prayer requests: YHC forgets, but He knows

Dr. Seuss took us out

Honored to lead the Pax which pushed hard on this crisp, fall morning. 

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