Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Orangeman (Page 5 of 7)

Double Down Thursday

After posting for Dirt’s first Q at Midoriyama, YHC was called out to make his debut at the mountain. Obliging the Site Q, a date was set, 3/11, setting up a double down Q since YHC had secured The Goat for the same day back in February. Both were HCs, so nothing else to do but show up and do it.

First the Goat… after the pledge and a short w/u, and a short mosey behind the buildings, time for a little tour de Cramerton. Divided the pax into to two groups. Group A would perform a series of exercises, 10 reps each, while Group B would take a mosey and perform a different set of exercises, 5 reps each. The groups switched when Group B returned. Rinse and repeat 2 more times, each mosey longer than the previous.

With time remaining, mosey to the grassy hill for some 11s. YHC called time and headed back to the flag.

COT, Nutria took us out.

It was an honor to lead, Orangeman

Welcome to Tequila Sunrise!

On this clear, cold Friday morning of February 29, 2021, seventeen HIMs cheered to the freshly minted Tequila Sunrise. Before the festivities could begin, however, some work had to be done.


Warm up: Mosey to field for some side straddle burpees (5 ssh i/c followed by 2 burpees) x5, Abe Vigodas/Don Qs i/c, cotton pickers i/c, toy soldiers i/c

After a short mosey around the track then to Park Drive, YHC called for 4 corner escalators. Corner 1 x10 LBCs; Corner 2 x20 LBCs, x10 squats with air press; Corner 3 x30 LBCs, x20 squat/air press, x10 merkins; Corner 4 x40 LBCs, x30 squat/air, x20 merkins, x10 Bonnie Blairs, or jump lunges as YHC did, or whatever it was that Tesla performed.

Pax was having a great time, but were quite surprised at the quickness of the next mosey, maybe 10 yards, to the VFW for 22 merkins for the Vets. Thank you for your service.

Mosey back to Belmont Central for some 20s on the benches – that would be 20 dirkins, 20 dips, and 20 step ups followed by a mosey to the far side of the ball court and back. Rinse and repeat.

Time was getting close, and YHC likes his rugby sprints, so off to the far side of the soccer field we moseyed. One pax called the exercise, OYO, and yelled “go” when it was time to sprint to the far side, sprint back, and slow mosey to the far side. Only rule this time was all exercises had to be started on the ground. Pax soon learned that Tiger is undefeated in sanctioned sprint races on the Belmont  Central field. This Site Q still recognizes Tiger as the undefeated champ, respective of the fact that “sanctioned” sprints are limited to Tiger and elementary school boys of Let Me Run. Rinse and repeat for a total of 3 sprints, a final 5 burpees for the train, then mosey back to the start for the official AO naming.


Official naming of Tequila Sunrise

Announcements: Extinction run 2/13 9am Primal Brewery, Bottoms Up at Primal Friday @5, help Termite move a friend, now Saturday, in Denver

Prayer Requests: Nutria’s family and friend, prayer channel on Slack, Sprinkler


Naming of FNG: Welcome Wagon Wheel!

Tiger took us out.

It is an honor to lead this morning and Tequila Sunrise -Orangeman

“I Heard Him”

YHC celebrated a birthday, F3 style, and all reps were know, so the only thing left to do was push the rock, and 15 HIMs showed up.

W/U after the pledge: Merkins x12 I/C, SSH x29 I/C, immediate calls for a petition to remove YHC from the MHC.

Continue the w/u with a mosey of the Termite Mile. At each stop sign (2) do 12 burpees and 29 squats, and at each round-a-bout (s) do 12 burpees and 29 squats.

Finish the w/u at the loading dock with 12 diamond merkins and 29 hand release merkins.  The MHC becomes move vocal, but YHC carries on.

A quick mosey to the main parking lot for a little island hopping. There are 15 full islands (some are peninsulas and do not count!) in this section of the lot, so the PAX was directed to jump lunges, escalator style (1 each leg at the 1st island, 2 each leg at island #2, etc.). No walking, running, nor Nurring between the islands, only bear crawls, crab walks, and lunge walks allowed (Omaha for karaoke on the last row).

Mosey back to the start where YHC called for 8 contra burpees (increasing merkins with each burpee), which gave the PAX a total of 56 for the morning. A little time left for some Mary, reps of 12 or 29 only, no burpees of any flavor allowed. Sargento called out LBCs, 12 i/c. Nutria called for Nolan Ryans. 15 i/c were called out before the switch… Sargento was quick to catch Nutria’s error. However, Nutria “kindly” reminded everyone that he had indeed heard YHCs rep request, and promptly called out the final 14 i/c.

Time was called.

Announcements: Coconut Horse 10 mile ruck/run on the 1st, Downtown open Friday (Pockets w the Q), Convergence at Folsom on the 9th beginning at 7am.

Prayer Requests for Tiger’s family, Flintstone’s family, YHCs daughter, Sister Act, and El Tigre’s brother-in-law.

Namorama, where YHC officially joined Club 56.

Tiger took us out.

It was an honor and a privilege to lead – Orangeman

Just Another Gloomy Day at The Goat

Thirteen HIMs posted at The Goat this morning for a standard issue beat down. Hopefully, YHC did not disappoint.

Quick warm-up and a short mosey to the island. Walking the bridge is not allowed, so we started off with a stupid shuffle, which quickly Omaha’d to a lunge walk. Mosey to the other bridge for another lunge walk across, then onto the back parking lot.

The Thang: 6 corner escalators! We started in the middle with 2 burpees, scatter shot to any corner for 10 hand release merkins. Back to the middle for 4 burpees, mosey to a different corner for 10 hand release merkins then 20 CDDs. Corner 3 was squats, corner 4 flutters, corner 5 side straddle hops, and corner six for American hammers. Each time in the middle increased the burpees by 2 until 12. Run it back down the escalator until time to head back.

Lunge walk, stupid shuffle, bear crawl, or whatever your PAX heart desired over the two bridges for home.


It was a honor to lead – Orangeman

Guess Who Can’t Follow Directions?

Been quite a while since YHC Q’d, but the prospect of a lot of rain did not deter. Four HIMs showed up, along with Spectrum 14, at The Goat, expecting a deluge and flood. We got neither, but we did get a Deck ‘O Death, as planned by YHC.

The Thang: After a short warm-up, we moseyed to the gazebo, and YHC pulled out his trusty deck of cards, always missing one Ace. This version featured 6 wild cards (duces and one-eyed jacks), and two special Jokers for YHC.

cards = reps, all face cards = 10, aces = 25

clubs = American hammers, spades = big boys, hearts = jump squats, diamonds = diamond merkins (of course)

With a wild card, the PAX that pulled calls the exercise, but the PAX to his right calls the reps

All was going as planned, then Tesla pulls a wild card, 2 of clubs. Of course he calls American hammers, but the rest of us gently remind him that he gets to name his exercise. So he calls 10 burpees. Wait a minute, the rules are the pax to his right calls the reps. Finally get it all square, and we continue. Joker comes up, and here is where a torrential downpour was suppose to wreak havoc. Nevertheless, we take a lap. Tesla again gets a wild card and calls for triple nickels, once again subverting the pax to his right from calling the reps. Oh well, I am sure we will all be able to understand the mind of a soon to be octogenarian one day. We get to the end with just enough time to add the 25 big boys for the missing Ace, then went into OT when YHC saw the 8 of spades stuck in the pack… 8 more big boys.


JJ 5K on the 26th, Iron Pax at Gashouse, Mt. Mitchell hike on the 27th.

Prayer requests: YHCs daughter, Buckeye’s roommate, SAs daughter, and the world in general.

Tesla took us out in prayer.

It was on honor to lead, Orangeman.

Double Nickels for All

YHC celebrated #55 on Sunday, so Mt. Hollywood served as the infamous birthday Q.

Warmup: 55 SSH oyo, 55 merkins oyo, Bolt 55s (variation of the 45s), 5 burpees

The thang: Mosey to the flag at Veteran’s Park for the Pledge and 22 merkins for the Vets, on YHC’s count. Being this is the bottom of the hill, a little Burpback Mountain was called. PAX paired up with P1 nurring up the hill and running back down while P2 performed burpees. Seeing as how YHC has to share a birthday every year with his twin, Siri, 110 burpees were called.

Mosey to the top of the big hill, Crest, for the start of the BIRTHDAY celebration. Each letter represents an exercise, and each exercise has 55 reps. Here’s how it went down:

B=Bonnie Blairs (jump lunges), count each leg

I=Imperial walkers, count each side

R=Reverse crunch

T=Twinkle toes (an Al Gore with calf raises)

Mosey back to the start to finish the celebrating

H=Hand release merkins

D=Dying cockroaches times 2 for Siri

A=American hammers, count one side only (you see, YHC knows what Y is, and is really trying to call time before, but that is not going to be the case)

Y=Yurpees (burpee with clap merkin at the bottom and two tuck jumps at the top) until time was called.

Announcements: New AO starting Wednesday, January 8th @5:30am, New Hope Elementary, Sargento is the Site Q; New Year’s Day at Prison Break and a Murph following; Please sign up for the party

Prayer Requests: Tiger’s list to be posted later, Shell Shock’s Mom, Tiger’s Dad, Sparky’s family

YHC took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

You Can’t Heat the Pavement With Your Body

‘Twas the Thursday before the Hustle, YHC was saving energy for the race, so a little bit of running, and some staring into space. (You did see the moon setting Thursday morning?)

Warmup: 12 burpees, 12 I/C SSHs, mountain climbers, low slow copperhead squats, and toy soldiers.

Mosey to the Goat Island bridge… LOCKED!! Omaha up the big hill to the school.

The thang: Core time with Orangeman, on the cold pavement, everything in 12s (check the date), PAX called exercises. This was suppose to be all core, but one of the PAX called merkins, so it became ArmOrCore, just be sure to keep your core tight! After each round, a quick run to the end of the parking lot and a bear crawl or crab walk back for another round. 5 burpees for the train, some complaining about the cold pavement and something about “don’t let Orangeman lead a camping trip”. Four rounds of ArmOrCore, and a mosey back to the start.

12 burpees for the bookend.


Announcements: Convergence at Gashouse on the 28th, Xmas party January 4th at Lewis Farms

Prayer requests: remember the F3 men that are injured or we haven’t seen in a while, Tiger’s dad, 2.0s coming home for the holidays, and remember the real reason for the season.


Dr. Seuss took us out in prayer.

A great honor to lead this morning. -Orangeman

2nd Post Vacation Q

See YHCs previous post for the humble apology for backblast tardiness.

A second Q in less than a week after a long vacation out of the country, and knew it would be needed to get the body and mind reacquainted.

Warmup: SSH I/C, 5 merkins, 2 burpees; Imperial walkers I/C, 10 merkins, 4 burpees.

The thang: Mosey to the 27th parallel wall for a bit of Double Ds. 10 dirkins/10 dips, 15 dirkins/15 dips, 20 dirkins/20 dips.

Mosey just a bit for YHCs classic Route 666. Similar to the good ‘ol Route 66, but with a little hell thrown in, so instead of one exercise done in increasing amount, there are six exercises to be performed. Called were squats, Bobby Hurley’s, lunges (count one leg only), flutters (count one leg only), WWs, and American hammers (count one side only).

Mosey to the bank lot for a little partner work with Dora. 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 squats.

Time to mosey back to the start for the pledge, name-o-rama, announcements, and the prayer.

An honor to lead… -Orangeman

Post Vacation Q

My sincerest apologies to the PAX and site Qs for backblast tardiness on this and the following post. I learned that 2 weeks of vacation do not mix well with work and Q’ing, so that by the time I found time to write a BB, I forgot (It’s a problem for YHC). Anyway, with that out of the way, let’s get to the meat!

Warmup: SSHs, mountains climbers, seal jacks, and toy soldiers, all 15x I/C.

The thang: Mosey along the tracks to the bridge for 5 burpees. Mosey to the light for 5 more burpees and lunge walk, 10 each leg. Mosey down the big hill for 5 burpees, 10 lunge walks, then nur up the hill.

Time to beef up those soccer arms… 10 merkins, 50 lbcs, 10 diamonds, 50 squats, 10 Chuck Norris merkins, 25 WWIs, 10 ranger merkins, 50 Bobby Hurleys, 20 wide arm merkins, 100 flutter kicks, rinse and repeat until YHC called time.

Mosey back to start for the pledge, announcements, and the prayer.

An honor to lead you all this morning!


VQ Redeux

Recycling is suppose to be good, so why not recycle your VQ bootcamp. That’s just what YHC did, with a few minor changes, of course.

Warm-up: Side Straddle Hops i/c, 3 burpees, Imperial Walkers i/c, 6 burpees, Moroccan  Night Clubs i/c, 9 burpees, mosey to the bank parking lot.

11s: Hip Slappers, count one side only, and WWIs.

Mosey to Veteran’s Park. Pledge and 22 merkins for the Vets.

2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back… start at the bottom of the hill, run to the first cross street, perform an exercise/10 reps, run to the next cross street, perform an exercise/20 reps, run back to the first cross street, perform the first exercise/reps again, run to the second cross street, perform second exercise/reps, run to the third cross street, and back and forth you go. For those who have not had the opportunity to enjoy Mt. Hollywood, it is hilly, and this is a 1/2 mile climb.

Cross street 1: 10 crunchy frogs

Cross street 2: 20 CDDs

Cross street 3: 30 american hammers, count right side only

Cross street 4: 40 squats

Mosey back to the start for Mary, called by PAX

Announcements: 6/29 Gashouse convergence, check with Defib about a Ragnar team at Anne Springs, searching for a few more HIMs for a second Tuna 200 team, tubing trip upcoming (check slack)

Prayer requests, PAX traveling, Tiger’s weekly prayer list.

Name-o-rama, then Doodles took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

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