On this clear, cold Friday morning of February 29, 2021, seventeen HIMs cheered to the freshly minted Tequila Sunrise. Before the festivities could begin, however, some work had to be done.
Warm up: Mosey to field for some side straddle burpees (5 ssh i/c followed by 2 burpees) x5, Abe Vigodas/Don Qs i/c, cotton pickers i/c, toy soldiers i/c
After a short mosey around the track then to Park Drive, YHC called for 4 corner escalators. Corner 1 x10 LBCs; Corner 2 x20 LBCs, x10 squats with air press; Corner 3 x30 LBCs, x20 squat/air press, x10 merkins; Corner 4 x40 LBCs, x30 squat/air, x20 merkins, x10 Bonnie Blairs, or jump lunges as YHC did, or whatever it was that Tesla performed.
Pax was having a great time, but were quite surprised at the quickness of the next mosey, maybe 10 yards, to the VFW for 22 merkins for the Vets. Thank you for your service.
Mosey back to Belmont Central for some 20s on the benches – that would be 20 dirkins, 20 dips, and 20 step ups followed by a mosey to the far side of the ball court and back. Rinse and repeat.
Time was getting close, and YHC likes his rugby sprints, so off to the far side of the soccer field we moseyed. One pax called the exercise, OYO, and yelled “go” when it was time to sprint to the far side, sprint back, and slow mosey to the far side. Only rule this time was all exercises had to be started on the ground. Pax soon learned that Tiger is undefeated in sanctioned sprint races on the Belmont Central field. This Site Q still recognizes Tiger as the undefeated champ, respective of the fact that “sanctioned” sprints are limited to Tiger and elementary school boys of Let Me Run. Rinse and repeat for a total of 3 sprints, a final 5 burpees for the train, then mosey back to the start for the official AO naming.
Official naming of Tequila Sunrise
Announcements: Extinction run 2/13 9am Primal Brewery, Bottoms Up at Primal Friday @5, help Termite move a friend, now Saturday, in Denver
Prayer Requests: Nutria’s family and friend, prayer channel on Slack, Sprinkler
Naming of FNG: Welcome Wagon Wheel!
Tiger took us out.

It is an honor to lead this morning and Tequila Sunrise -Orangeman