Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Orangeman (Page 3 of 7)

Spreading a Little East Side Cheer

When asked to Q Crossroads, your response should be “why not!”. And that’s what YHC said when asked by Purple Haze.

It’s Crossroads… some rucked, most ran, and then we discussed Shared Leadership, without coffee (better be the last time that happens!). Wirenut did share donuts, and we all shared some good fellowship.

Announcements: Christmastown 5K, reach out to Broke for SFN, sounds like there are 5 chariots; Christmas party Dec. 3 at Lewis Farm

Prayer Requests: Nutira’s brother in law and family on his radiation recover; Tube’s M on kidney stone recovery, Amazon’s new baby, and all the babies coming!

YHC took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Seeing Double

The Bulldog is alive, and you are missing it!

As YHC pulled into the lot, the requisite one Pax was there, but lo and behold, two more showed up… short term success! Double the number of the previous few weeks, and a perfect time to knock out a Tabata workout.

After the warmup, it was off to the Tabata races. 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest, 10 different exercises, for three rounds. Between each round was a bit of core and an opportunity to carry our kettlebells around the parking lot for a bit of sightseeing.

Exercises performed were: Halos, around the worlds, goblet squats, kettlebell swings, curls, chest press, triceps extensions, calf raises, and CDDs (round 1, double calf raises round 2, and burpees round 3).

Tabata style workouts are great for keeping the Pax on time, and are easily adjusted to enhance particular goals you have in mind. It’s also great for mumble chatter since it is all AMRAP (no counting!). As November is the month of new Qs, consider Tabata at The Bulldog, Bunker, or Pain Lab and step up and Q this month.

Announcements: be on the lookout for a blood drive, don’t forget to vote next Tuesday (early voting is still going on), and Christmas Town 5K SFN needs more pushers.

Prayers: Nutria’s brother in law is reconvening from chemo, and a neighbor is fighting the flu (it’s out there, so take care), Tube’s neighbor is recovering from kidney stone laser surgery.

After the name-o-rama, Nutria took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Big Dogs at TRB

It was going to be a wild ride at TRB as YHC realized some big dogs and a kotter posted. All platitudes aside, we had work to do!

After a the requisite warm up, it was off to Tha Thang.

Mosey to the bottom of the back lot for a 4 corner escalator.

Corner 1 – 5 burpees, karaoke to corner 2

Corner 2 – 5 burpees, 10 diamond merkins, bear crawl to corner 3

Corner 3 – 5 burpees, 10 diamonds, 20 Bobby Hurley’s, karaoke to corner 4

Corner 4 – 5 burpees, 10 diamonds, 20 BH’s, and 40 reverse crunches, BC to corner 1

After a 10 count, bear crawl back to corner 4 and start the escalator down

Mosey to the top of the lot for a group suicide. It went something like this: sprint to the second parking spot on the left, touch the ground, sprint back to the start, begin squats until the 6 shows up and performs 10 squats. Sprint to the 4th parking spot, touch the ground, sprint back for squats until the 6 shows up for 10. Keep suiciding every other parking spot until the parking lot ends.

Mosey the long way to the track, stopping at the steps for some “Dirt”y calf raises (we miss you, Tiger… er Dirt). Once the pax made it to the track, it was time for a Bataan Death March with the HIM at the back getting some merkins in before sprinting to the front. Two revolutions around the track, a little mosey to the start for some Mary, and time was called.

We did some announcements and prayer requests, and YHC took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Hot Diggity, Dog Diggity

YHC with a second Q for the week, calling it Tabata Tuesday.

Pledge and warmup, and now for The Thang!

10 Minute Tabata: 45 sec of work, 15 sec of rest, 10 exercises, 3 rounds total, Pax choice of coupon or not.

Exercises called were halos, around the worlds, goblet squats, kettlebell swings, curls, chest press, triceps extension, bent rows, calf raises, and burpees.

After each tabata portion, a slow mosey around the lot with some Mary.

On the third tabata round, YHC offered an Omaha on the burpees. No time for a Lot Mosey, and time was called.

Announcements: CSAUP, Iron Pax sign ups, someone gained respect on the 24th (Tube, cough cough, Tube!!!)

Prayer requests: BOS and family, Tesla and Family, Courtney (Ball Joint’s friend)

YHC took us out.

It was an honor to lead. -Orangeman

Sandlot Manic Monday

After the pledge and a warmup, we moseyed to the park for The Thang. It went something like this…

Big Boys, hand release merkins, Freddy mercs, and diamond merkins at the entrance. Mosey some more to the back picnic shelter for the standard dips, derkins, and step ups. YHC found a nice long area for 11s with squats at one end and lunges (count one leg) at the other. Instead of just a mosey, Pax mixed it up with lunge walks, karaoke, high knees, etc. Another round of dips, derkins, and step ups were in order, then a painfully slow retreat back to the flag. There were some bear crawls and lunge walks interspersed with Pax called Mary. Flintstone gently nudged YHC with the time remaining, so a quick mosey finished us up.

Announcements: CSAUP relay, JJ 5K, Convergence… look ‘em up on Slack

Prayer requests: BOS and family, Tesla and family, EZ’s son, Simpson family, and Roscoe’s neighbor.

YHC took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

P.S. be careful who you call for a 10 count (Roscoe). You may end up calling on another Pax who can count better.

Feelin’ Guilty (No Foolin’)

YHC passed the site Q onto Radar the previous week, but failed to have any future Qs lined up, so, feeling a bit guilty about that, Radar’s first Q was all set.

We started off with a little warm-up with 5 rounds of 5 SSHs and a burpee. A bit of stretching using the patented right over left technique and the Pax was ready to go… wait!! Who’s that moseying in from the parking lot, obviously late? No, not Tesla, it was CPAP. Imperial walkers to kill time, and we took off, slowly, since YHC can’t see the holes in the parking lot.

In a nod to the previous week’s Route 66, Route 666 was called. Same 11 utility poles (mostly), same merkins (of course), but now throw in the Jack Webb air presses (1 merkin to 4 air presses). Finishing at the American Legion, time for the pledge.

Mosey down the hill for some 11s with LBCs and monkey humpers, and there is not enough time to head to the old middle school for some Dora, so Davis park we went for the standard dip/derkin/step up routine at the benches. Three rounds with 5 burpees for the train and some squats for good measure and time to head back to the flag.

Five minuets of pax called Mary with 15 seconds of burpees and it was time.

Announcements: tomorrow is the convergence at The Yank, all other AOs will be closed. Reach out to someone today and bring them to The Yank. Also, BOS is again collecting worn, but in good condition, shoes for the men’s shelter and Soles for Kids. Bring them Saturday, or schedule a pickup with BOS. Also Saturday at 9am is Keep Belmont Beautiful. Check in Slack for the upcoming Baseball outing and Checkers (Metro Pax). Next Saturday is the Community Foundation Run, remember F3 Foundation, and the following Saturday is the F3 Adopt a Highway gig at Gashouse. Whew, that’s a lot going on!

Please remember in your prayers the kids heading to the prom, Tesla and his family, Max Foster (Tesla friend), Huckleberry, Big Pappy’s son, and Turtle Man.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Tabata and a Flag Handoff

Four HIMs joined YHC for a special day as Time Frame handed the flag over to the new Site Q, Spider Man (albeit a couple weeks late!). However, that would happen later as we had work to do.

After the pledge and a warm-up, YHC explained how tabata was going to work this morning: 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest, 5 exercises, do it twice. There were three rounds in total.

Round 1: kettlebell swings, Halo’s, Squats, Triceps, and merkin pull-throughs (all with the KB). After the second set, waiters carry to the cones and back.

Round 2: LBCs, Flutter kicks, plank, six shooters, big boy cross (bottom of feet pointing together during the sit-up). Waiters carry to the cones and back.

Round 3:  with KB, chest press, pullover, bent row (1 side now, other side on second set), one-legged squats (1 side now, other side on second set), calf raises.

No time for a final mosey, so back to the flag.

Prayer requests for Tube’s guidance, Spider Man’s injury, YHCs Mom.

YHC took us out.

Spider Man has the flag!

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Stupid is an Adult Word

Eleven HIMs braved another cold and frosty morning for some Moderate Monday work, and after the pledge and a brief (and slow) warm up, the pax moseyed across the street for a short round of “Dirt”y calf raises.

Another mosey down to the Dr’s. office, with a side of slip and slide in the parking lot, and everyone was ready for the thang.

The Thang:

Count off by three: 1s to the top of the lot, 2s and 3s to the bottom. Pax at the top and bottom perform an exercise AMRAP while the third group bear crawls/lunges up to the top to relieve the top group where they begin to AMRAP. Top group mosey’s down to the bottom and starts an AMRAP of a second exercise, sending the bottom group bear crawling/lunging back to the top. Once at the top, this group starts the new exercise, the top group mosey’s down and starts the second exercise. Back and forth, up and down, the pax continues. It took a little bit for the pax to get the flow, but once we did, we flowed through merkins, squats, dying cockroaches, werkins, Bobby Hurley’s, American hammers, ranger merkins, lunges, gas pump LBCs, CDDs, Apolo Ohno’s, and big boys. A lot of conversation, and a little mumble chatter, and we learned that Stinky Bird is teaching his 2.0s that “stupid” is an adult word.

Mosey back with more slip and slide, and safely to the flag for a quick bit of Mary and time!

Announcements, check Slack for dates and times on Q school and hamburgers, Sargento’s Retreat, and the EH Ruck

Keep in your prayers family members, and Tesla

YHC took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

F3 Workout… At The Goat… Maybe YOU Were There

It was a bone chilling morning at The Goat. YHC arrived early at the back lot to lay down some things to do, and headed to the start where eight other HIMS were braving the cold.

At 5:30 sharp, we said the pledge, did a warm-up (SSH, hillbillies, etc.), and moseyed to the island. Across the bridge we went, just no regular moseying (bear crawl, lunge walk mostly). Once across, we continued with our non-moseying ways with skipping, karaoking, and nurring, eventually making it the back lot where the thang was awaiting.

THE THANG – Touchdown Beatdown

YHC had placed 5 different exercises approximately 10 yards apart before the workout. BOS introduced Gashouse to the Touchdown Beatdown at the Goat last year, so YHC borrowed it for this morning. The TD BD goes like this: Bear crawl from the goal line to the 10 yard line, do 10 reps of the first exercise, run to the 20, do 20 reps of the second exercise, run to 30 for 30 reps, to the 40 for 40, the 50 or 50, then back down to the other 10 yard line and bear crawl to the goal line. In the regular TD BD, you run back to the start, rinse and repeat. However, YHC changed it up to just a reverse.

Called exercises were Apolo Ohno’s x10 (count 1 leg), Merkins x20, Big Boys x30, sumo jump squats x40, and Six Shooters x50 (25 shots at each foot). The Pax pushed hard, teams stayed together, and two full rounds were completed. A few Omaha’s were called as we started round three. YHC needed his stones back that were holding the exercises down, so cold, gloved hands struggled, but succeeded at getting everything cleaned up. Time was very short, so the Pax moseyed back to the flag, with YHC loaded down with the rocks, just enough time (actually over by a minute) for 5 burpees for the train.

Announcements: Nantan’s F3 retreat, Q school

Prayer requests: Breaker Breaker, Tesla, Pillager’s dad, Schools, families, and health.

Tesla took us out.

It was an honor to lead-Orangeman

Too Much of a Good Thing? Make it a Moderate Monday!

Moderate Mondays, just the thing to ease into the workweek after a hard weekend of F3 workouts, long rucks and runs, and cycling. In fact, YHC had one of those gravel rides Sunday afternoon in the Wilson Creek area that necessitated a moderate Monday.

Nice, easy warm up of Abe Vigoda’s to Don Q’s, some arm stretches, and a few cross-overs.

YHC set a 10 minute timer explaining that the Pax will be working major muscle groups from the bottom up. When the timer is up, Pax will move to the next group. Lunge walk across the street to the bank for calf raises, squats, drinking birds, and those weird one-leg squats where you stick the other leg out. DING

Timer set for 5 minutes of core, called by the pax. This included six shooters, scissors, Michale Phelps, pickle pounders, among others. DING

Timer set for another 5 minutes for cardio, or simply running to Martha Rivers and around the parking lot until… DING

Upper body time set at 10 minutes. YHC called for hip slappers, then a half iron hulk (1:4 merkin to air press, but only up to 5:20), short rest, and half iron hulk in reverse. MNCs, Sikorsky’s (or Chinooks), but definitely not Swarovski, a Whoopee called hip slappers and DING

Enough time to run back to the flag for a bit more Mary, and time!

Announcement: Convergence Saturday, January 1st, 7am at Midoriyama. All other AOs closed.

Prayers for traveling families and EZ Rider’s coworker.

YHC took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

P.s. it was said out loud, by YHC, 200 Gashouse workouts for Orangeman in 2022.

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