Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Graham Gourley (Page 1 of 2)

Tesla’s missing post – The Goat

The forecast of rain didn’t stop 8 PAX from showing up on time in the early morning gloom.

In typical Tesla fashion, 5:30 rolled around and the Q was MIA. Having planned for this eventuality, YHC and Watts Up led the mosey across the bridge to the pavilion where the pax performed a series of exercises on the benches.

The Thing:

20x each dips, ‘Mericans, Step Ups, CDD, stacking up the ladder with a lap around the park in between each rung.

Workout Q did show up at some point during the workout and proceeded to take over the balance of the work.

We moseyed back to F&B for some Mary, COT and pledge.

Backblast courtesy of YHC

continued prayers for:

Anchorman, Jackson Curti, Termite



Extinction run 5/18 – donations, sign ups and volunteers needed

Younglife golf tournament is 5/13 and there is still room available for teams.

4/16 Hold’em at The Storm

Started at 5:30

with 1 PAX showing up a minute late, the rest who were on time served the punishment of 5 Merkins



no FNGs

Warmed up with 10 SSH IC, followed by 41 LBC in cadence (for some unknown reason), although the PAX decided to stop counting somewhere around number 37.

@Flintstone heard a mythical train and decided to do 5 burpees

Mosey to the school where YHC had hidden the workout deck. The Pax got to draw a card, (2 at a time), and performed the first exercise at the school, ran to the driveway, performed the second exercise and back.

@Flintstone heard another mythical train and decided to do 5 more burpees

100 SSH

20 Heels to Heaven

20 Back lunge

60 second low plank

100 flutter kicks

20 Lunges

5x each side Bulgarian split squats

300M sprint


Second, we played Texas Hold’em with the cards. 2 teams were dealt 2 cards each, and YHC showed the Flop. Each exercise on the flop was performed 10x, followed by a run to the end of the parking lot where the 1st exercise on the dealt card was performed 20x. Back to the deck where the Turn was shown–20x of that exercise followed by the exercise on the second dealt card.

Prior to the River, YHC showed the exercise to be betting on – backwards run. Team 1 went all in (1/4 mile) and team 2 called. The river was turned and Team 2 lost with a pair of 4’s, queen high. Team 1 performed 5 burpees in celebration of their pair of Kings while Team 2 ran backwards. @Flintstone heard a third mythical train and decided to do 5 more burpees. Team 1, led by @Nutria, joined for half of the backwards run.

Back to the deck, where several more exercises were performed due to time constraints.

Diamond Merkins

@Flintstone did more burpees for nonexistent trains

@Sargento and @Dr. Suess led some singing

Hand Clap Merkins

Alternating side squat


Chuck Norris Merkins

200m Sprint

Mtn Climbers

Wojo squats

High Knees

Backwards lunges

Oblique crunches

100’ish meter bear crawl


100’ish meter lunge walk


Mosey back to the flag for 3 minutes of Mary and COT.




  • @Sargento had a client pass over the weekend. Prayers for them
  • Anchorman
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Orangeman has a friend in need of prayer
  • Tooth Fairy job and recovery from surgery
  • Fannie Mae starts a new job today
  • Prayers for Nutria – his daughter starts drivers ed today. Also a praise

Prayer to end workout, and on to Coffeeteria with chocolate dipped pretzels, thanks to YHC’s shortie, Kaylin.



4/15 LifeLine vinedressing

9 Pax showed to work and 2 poked their faces in towards the end. Something about a golf tournament excusing the need to work out…


Started with Pledge and a quick disclaimer and a light mosey around the church to the rear parking lot. Some SSH to get muscles moving, then on to the real thing:


Tabata with weights. 5 sets of 10 exercises followed by a short mosey. 25 seconds of lifting and a 10 second rest.

-Bicep Curls

-Front arm raise (with one unnamed PAX deciding he should straight arm it for a 1-rep max)

-Single arm rows (25 seconds and flapjack with no rest)

-Kettlebell swings

-Tricep Extension

-Rocky Balboa

-Shoulder shrugs


-Heels to Heaven



As the time ran short, YHC introduced an exciting change up from the Bear Crawl Slalom–Bear Crawl Racing.

Pax lined up in 2 lines and raced up the hill, with a plank at the top for the 6.

3 renditions of this, and we friendship moseyed to the front for Mary:

-Homer to Marge

-6 Shooters

-Mericans IC


Ended in a COT and prayer, followed by devotion/coffeeteria



  • @Cakeboss (F3 The Fort) runs in the Boston Marathon today
  • @Turtleman, @Anchorman, @Huckleberry
  • FCA Golf Tournament today
  • Jackson Curti is on Day 5 of 9 chemo treatment today. Prayers for him, the bone marrow transplant upcoming
  • @Toothfairy is looking for work in RE Development
  • Praise @Mayor’s daughter does not need further (invasive) GI testing



John 15: 1-9

  • Discussion on Western vine dressing vs Basket vine dressing in the Middle East
  • Discussion on pruning, joy vs. happiness, trials, Family leadership, and distractions of work and the world that blind us to leading our families
  • Chocolate pretzels by YHC’s shortie, Kaylin.

First 5 are the M’s

8 Ruckers and 7 runners took the DRP and braved the early spring wind with an 8° chill factor to improve their Fitness this morning.  COT ended with a passing of the flag for The GOAT to Ocho for site Q due to Bubba Sparxxx travel schedule. Coffeeteria followed with a discussion around the M.

**HIMs were challenged to take a step forward in accelerating this week by making their first 5 minutes at home exclusively dedicated to taking time to talk with the M. Doesn’t have to be just 5 minutes, but the priority is to immediately make a beeline to the M and focus on talking with her as soon as work is finished.**


  • Foundation run 4/13
  • Extinction run may change dates. TBD. Ruck sack still available—reach out to BOS or Anchorman for details on raffle tickets. Donations still needed.
  • Metro beer ruck 4/13
  • Convergence 4/13–all other AO’s are closed. Convergence will be at the Ballpark downtown. 


  • Jane Fonda slept at home last night!
  • Jane Fonda wedding 5/18
  • Anchorman
  • Turtleman
  • Hall family

3/21 Bulldog

3/21 bulldog

3/21 – Bulldog


Mosey around the parking lot



Fng – none


10 Side straddle

10 Imperial walker



Bicep curl to overhead press

Duck walk

Mike Tyson


Part 2:

Overhead carry or farmers walk while the rest of the pax do the following: 

  1. Bicep curl
  2. Front raise to overhead press
  3. Single arm rows in groups of 5
  4. Kettle bell swings
  5. Tricep curl to front raise
  6. Rocky Balboa
  7. Big boy
  8. Partner passing
  9. Lateral lunge switch Row
  10. Single arm overhead press (thrusters)
  11. Heels to heaven
  12. Reverse lunge overhead press


Mary with remaining time




  • Foundation Run 4/13
  • Convergence 4/13
  • Metro – beer ruck 4/13
  • Buckshot with the Q at the Yank Saturday
  • 4/20 Extinction run @ primal, registration starts 8-9. Run at 9.
  •  Young life golf tourney 5/13 – sponsors and teams needed. Reach out to Ocho, Breaker Breaker or Buckshot for more info. 
  • FCA golf tournament? (Hot corner with info to come)



  • Jackson Curry update?
  • Turtleman
  • Jane Fonda – moving in
  • Montana
  • Jackson hall family
  • Anchorman
  •  Orangeman brother – heart issue? Went to ER Saturday
  • Huckleberry recovery
  • Stogie
  • Tesla


Flinstone, Nutria, Stagecoach, Hunchback, Winehouse, Clavin, Orangeman, Ocho


Members Only and the DRP

7 Runners and 7 Ruckers took the Red Pill and braved 28° weather to push themselves and each other in the early Morning Gloom.

QIC pulled up the 6 in the first running workout completed, setting the stage for disruption to the status quo.

4 mile loop followed by COT


  • Q school this Saturday at Gashouse
  • Blood drive in June
  • Rice n beans March and May. (Good time to bring someone you’ve been trying to EH)


  • Anchorman
  • Breaker Breaker’s aunt and stepdad
  • Turtleman
  • Montana recovery
  • Jane Fonda
  • Final interview for job Fannie Mae – wisdom and discernment requested on the best path forward
  • Bubba sparks recovery


Finished COT with prayer and on to coffeeteria and discussion on the DRP


we all need to be active in reaching out to guys who have stopped posting. Not just once, but regularly. If they stopped posting, they may have something going on that they need friends for.

Keep up with the 2nd F


Tequila Sunrise 1/26/24

Started off the morning watching the FRC hold an unofficial COT while we enjoyed a few minutes of fellowship in the warm weather before our 5:30 start.

Began with the pledge, then 5 burpees for the train



mosey to the basketball court, counted off and began the warmup:

Side straddle hops

Gravel picker

Don q

Mosey to the tennis courts for the Thang:

1. Pain train

  1. Hand release Mericans > bear crawl > shoulder jacks 
  2. 1+ lunge walk > Mike Tyson > high knees back > shoulder jacks > run
  3. 1+2+ duck walk > v-ups > karaoke > Mike Tyson > high knees > shoulder jacks > run

2 . 4 corners stack, run a lap in between

  1. Sumo squat
  2. Lbc (making sure to get our back evenly wet)
  3. Cdd
  4. spider man

What goes up must go down. Removing from the stack with a lap in between

3. Dora

  1. Merican x100
  2. Wall sit  hold 2 laps each
  3. Low plank hold 3 laps each

Run back




  • Monday lifeline Cherie berrie vq and devotional/coffee
  • Koaid q at Ts
  • Sammy’s 2nd f tonight 5:30
  • Rice and beans Feb 13. HC to anchorman


  • Ocho job
  • Virus father in law
  • Flinstone mom – virus and health issues
  • Bubba sparks and Montana healing
  • Whatsupp back issues

Siren call of the fartsack

Apparently the fartsack was a siren call to the PAX of Gastonia this morning.

We had a good start with 3 PAX and no rain. Started with the pledge and mosey around to the front of the school where we did some sides straddle hops imperial walkers and begin our gear workout with 11s Mike Tyson on one end and squat thrusters with the blocks on the other then Moved into Circle work with the blocks and rotated between farmers carry with two blocks down to the end of the row with a step up of each leg and back while the other two packs per performed exercises ranging from bicep curls to overhead press chest press, big boys, World War™ threes And so on.

Out with five minutes of Mary and mosey back to the flag for COT  and name-o-rama

The Goat’s meteor shower

We started off the day in a balmy 32° weather with clear skies and burpees, then moseyed around downtown Cramerton and back to the start for some more Burpee’s by the train and headed up the hill and ran the paint train twice, then four corners under a sky riddled with shooting stars. We then moseyed on back to the parking lot for five minutes of Mary.

Excercises performed:



Side straddle hop

Mike Tyson




Mike Tyson

Bear crawl





Rocky balboas

6-shooters (apparently with different size chambers on the reload)

Windshield wipers




  • Beer mile 12/30 @ Sargento’s house (or just show up this weekend randomly per Ocho)
  • 2nd F Wednesday hickory tavern Gastonia
  • Christmas Day all ao closed
  • Breaker breaker Q tomorrow tequila sunrise


  • Jane Fonda
  • Jackson curry 2nd round chemo complete
  • Turtleman in a tough spot
  • Montana
  • Orangeman 2 friends 1 mom is not doing well the other has been diagnosed with breast cancer
  • Mayor has a friend going through a lot need prayer deiorio
  • Tesla sister passed away
  • Rebar son had surgery
  • Mayor’s knee

12/5/2023 The Storm

Started the morning at 36 degrees with Burpees (thanks Mamas Boy), followed by some side straddle hops and a mosey to the front of the school. From here we partnered up and ran the loop while doing 150 Mike Tysons, 300 Sumo Squats, 450 LBC’s and Omaha’d 600 step ups to 300 due to time. We rounded out the 1st F with 10 minutes of Mary and a COT with a prayer led by our Nantan-elect, Flinstone.



Beer ruck Saturday – mcadenville river room 11:30am

Beer mile 12/30 preblast to come

Tesla Ricky Bobby tomorrow if you like getting harassed

Radar Has the Q Thursday at The Goat

Belmont run club – Xmas light run tonight; Starts @ food lion @ 630. Message @Orangeman if you are coming

Virus needs sweatshirts/gloves/socks/jackets For Rice & Beans of Gastonia; They are looking for used sweaters/jackets especially.



  • Turtleman
  • Jane Fonda
  • Montana
  • Jackson hall
  • Tooth fairy baby on the way
  • Tiger – injured
  • Ocho – grandmother, possibly Moving to hospice
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