Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: HIPAA (Page 2 of 14)

Rescue Rangers

Rolled up to Sandlot with 5 minutes until go live. When I pulled in, I noticed a Golden Retriever in the parking lot hanging out with Dry Rub and JJ. Thought maybe one of them brought their dog along for the workout. Sat in my car for a sec wondering how I need to modify my weinke to accommodate a dog??? I stepped out the ride and after speaking with Dry Rub, we realized we have a lost dog on our hands. Dry Rub quickly assessed the collar and noted the address, to which he states he isn’t far from home in the Riverwood Plantation area. EZ Rider and Flintstone arrive back from their EC and Woody rolls in. We’ve concluded that our regularly scheduled workout will be put on pause until we return him home safely.




Merkins IC

Imperial Walkers IC

Woody comes through clutch and grabs a random leash out of his car

Mosey to 3076 Drayton Hal Way (0.60 Miles from Pelicans). We stated out taking Shep down Riverwood Pkwy. Shep was not having it and decided to take the much longer route home. Lets re-route through Martha Rivers Park and come out on Plantation Trail then to Drayton Hall Way. House located and noticed Garage door was half-way opened. I think we might have the right house.

JJ Rings the doorbell to awake the resident at 5:40AM. Owner comes to the door and JJ explains the situation. Woody releases Shep to the owner.

Good deed for the day accomplished by the 6 PAX of F3 Gastonia!

But wait, there’s more!!

Now onto the thang:

Mosey to Gastone’s Hill. Slow mosey up hill while I placed 10 cones evenly spaced out up the hill. Slow mosey back to the bottom.

1st & 10. Which by the F3 Exicon the definition is:

100 yard field marked at 10 yard increments. Perform 10 Merkins, 1 Burpee (11’s) at the 10, sprint the remaining 90 yards. Recover jog back to the 20. Perform 9 Merkins, 2 Burpees, sprint the remaining 80 yards, recover jog to the 30. Repeat until all 100 yards and 11’s have been completed. Plank/core exercise until remaining PAX complete.

HIPAA’s sick twist: We did this going up Gastone’s hill and the cone spacing was about 35 yards apart. Gastone’s hill is .20 miles or 352 yards. Same exercises though, because why not

Whilst we did not get to name Shep Shephard, todays honorary FNG, I think it could be fitting to name him “Hercules”. Hercules after all was the famous dog in the movie “The Sandlot”.


Prayer requests: Those spoken and unspoken. For updated prayer lists please go to Slack #prayer-list channel. Do this daily, someone always has a need for prayer.




Warmup with Yankers in middle of the road. Seemed safe.

The Thang:

AB Work


60 Sec Plank

20 Iron Cross Flutters IC

60 Sec Plank

20 Freddy Mercury’s IC

60 Sec Plank

Time for Tabata

3×4 ( 3 Rounds of 4 exercises) – 40 seconds on 20 seconds rest

#1 x 3 rounds

Goblet Squat sidekicks

Goblet Squats

KB Front Lunge

KB Reverse Lunge

#2 x 3 rounds

KB Deadlift

KB Quad Pickup Right

KB Quad Pickup Left

KB Side to Side Lunge

#3 x 3 rounds

KB Single Leg Drinky Bird Right

KB Single Leg Drinky Bird Left

Wall Sit

1 round of Pistol Squats Omaha to Sumo Squats for round 2&3.

Time. Rendezvous at Yank


Prayer requests: Lots of them. Refer to ongoing prayer list in Slack.

Announcements: Spruced Goose Workout Monday, JJ5k, 9/11 workout Bunker.

Pleasure to lead






10 IW IC



The Thang

BEARICIDES (Or so I was told to name it by the PAX). It’s a twist on the 1st and 10 because Orangeman has cankle issues and can’t run.

Start and goal line and do 11s the bear crawl



R&R until 11’s are done and reducing bear crawl yardage by 10 yards each time.

We finished all rounds and bear crawled 750 yards total.

By the time we were done we had more grass on ourselves than Woodstock in ’69 and our shoes were wetter than a Stormy Daniels movie.


Announcements: JJ5K, Goat Island Games, Labor Day workout at 0700 in Mcadenville, Whoopee Vax Info meeting Folsom this Saturday

Prayer requests: Flintstone sister, Tesla sister, Afghanistan, 🌎



Operation Mango

PAINOPOLY was introduced to the PAX of Belmont this AM. The game has been a great addition to the weinke rotation and with a hectic, long hour work week this was a no brainer to pull out given I had zero time to create a weinke. We had an FNG join us thanks to ShortSale. Welcome Tin Man! This Respect PAX had double knee replacement back in April I think I heard. Replaced both knees with some bionic titanium!! Sounds expensive but he’s in IT Security so his Ransomware collections over the years helped cover the cost. These are the kind of men we need to keep an eye out for and EH. No, not the rich guys with millions in Bitcoin, but they guys out there on IR, recovering from surgery. Good work Short Sale!

Great fellowship and strong work for the six of us. Remember to practice good form. Thanks to Flintstone for requesting demos on most all of the moves. Quite often I forget that some may not know the proper lifting moves & techniques so thanks for keeping me honest and the Pax safe from injury!!



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Got roped into this one

Been a long time since we’ve used shared coupons at Pain Lab so YHC decided it was time to bring them back out. Shoulder and Forearm work is going to be done. Very rarely do we work our forearms. As we get older we start to lose that essential grip strength. Proper forearm work, not the work you did when you were 13, helps maintain the grip. Don’t look silly the next time your M has to open the pickle jar because you are too much of a damn p***y to do it!! Get your A$$ into Pain Lab, Bulldog or new AO “The Bunker” to get in the strength training work, because running 3 miles at a bootcamp 7 days a week will NOT get you where you need to be! #EndRant

Warmup with Flintstone via Gashouse then we broke off for some great fellowship, music and of course PAIN!

Music Playlist – Various Punk (Ramones, The Clash, Sex Pistols, etc.) – Bandit knew every single one. He continues to impress me with his knowledge and history of music. I tip my hat to you sir!

The Thang:

Circuit #1 – 2 Rounds

30 Seconds On / 30 Seconds Off

10 Stations

  1. Battlerope #1 (Light) – Alternating Waves
  2. Slam Ball – Overhead Slams
  3. AB Roller – Straight Back and Forth
  4. Sledgehammer/Tire – Alternating Left and Right Chops
  5. Wrist/Forearm Roller – Overhand Rolls
  6. Battlerope #2 (Heavy) – Two Handed Slams
  7. Dumbbells (15Lbs.) – Front Lateral Raises
  8. Landmines (35Lbs.) – Kneeling Alternating Left and Right
  9. Kettlebell #1 – Forearm Curls
  10. Kettlebell #2 – Single Arm Bottoms Up Press, Alternate Left & Right


Circuit # 2 – 2 Rounds

30 Seconds On / 30 Seconds Off

10 Stations

  1. Battlerope #1 (Light) – In and Outs
  2. Slam Ball – Overhead Slams
  3. AB Roller – Left to Right
  4. Sledgehammer/Tire – Overhead Center Chop
  5. Wrist/Forearm Roller – Underhand Rolls
  6. Battlerope #2 (Heavy) – Around The Worlds
  7. Dumbbells (15Lbs.) – Side Lateral Raises
  8. Landmines (35Lbs.) – Kneeling Alternating Left and Right
  9. Kettlebell #1 – Forearm Curls
  10. Kettlebell #2 – Arnold Press

Rest and load up my vehicle with all the equipment!


Met back with Bootcampers for COT

Thank you men for the opportunity to lead. As I take on new Site Q responsibilities at The Bunker in Belmont, my time at Pain Lab will come to a brief standstill. You all know I am super passionate about low/no impact, strength training workouts. That said I am excited for a new opportunity to see our region grow and be more diverse in our workout offerings. These types of workouts have so many benefits for everyone that attends one. Thank you to Rudolph for bringing this option to Gashouse. Thank you to all past and present Pain Lab/Bulldog/Diablo Sammich Site Q’s that keep the low/no impact workouts going and bringing in new faces. Thanks to all of the PAX that continue to post here to keep the numbers strong!



Devil’s Mile

Rudolph didn’t show. Well that’s a great start to this BB.


No warmup

The Thang:

The Devil’s Mile. This is a true ruck workout and often incorporated into many GoRuck events. I believe this is a standard event to qualify for Selection. There are many variations to the Devil’s Mile, but this is what we did:

1/4 Mile Lunge Walk

We modified this next 1/4 Mile due to time constraints:

1/8 Mile Bear Crawl – 1/8 Mile normal ruck = 1/4 Mile

1/4 Mile Farmer Carry – Left side 1/8, Right side 1/8

1/4 Mile Overhead Carry. (No forward progress if you needed to rest with your pack)



PT Test Gashouse 4/24

Pain Lab style workout trials coming May at The Yank. Come support our low/no impact workouts and help grow F3 in Belmont!

Prayer requests:

Cramerton Middle Teacher w/ Stage 4 Cancer

Tubes BIL addiction and recovery

YHC took us out

Great to be back out getting after it.




Simple & Sinister

Warmup – 3 cycles of the following: low squat with a long pause at the bottom where you wiggle around to open up the hips. Add in some curls while we are down, followed by 5 supine hip bridges, followed by halo’s 5 each way.

The Workout

Swings – 10 Swings – Perfect form. Use heavy bell if you have one. Rest 1 min between sets. 10 Sets total for 100 swings.

Turkish Getups – Do one rep on each side without a break. That’s one set. Do five sets total, resting 1 min in between each set. So a total of 10 getups (5 each side).

Tiger Squats – 10 reps. rest 1 min between sets. We got in 5 sets


PR and Announcements

VooDoo took us out



They got violated. Kinda. Not in that way. You’re gross. Get your head out of the gutter Whoopee

Yank – 11/14

Temp: Cool, 40ish?

Crowd: Grew fast, 11 total. With the PT Test at Gashouse didn’t know how many we would have. Good turnout


Jacked up!

The Thang:

A Triple HIPAA Violation on Main St.!

11’s but with 3 exercises and 3 stops up Main street each stop with 7 squats

3 Exercises:


Diamond Merkins

Bobby Hurleys


115 Burpees (we did 5 more to get us to 8AM), 110 Diamond Merkins, 110 Bobby Hurley’s & 210 Squats

We got it all in with time to spare. Boudin wanted a tour of Belmont so off we ran. By my watch we got in 2.5 miles total. I think Slim Shady said he had 3.5 miles. Either way we got miles in. Non-stop the whole time. FNG Objection said he hates cardio but needed more of it. Well you got it today!


Welcome FNG’s:

Ringo – Musician (Drummer), plays worship music & has an album?

Objection – Lawyer in Charlotte, need i say more? wonder if he knows of the law firm Redding Jones, PLLC?


Announcements and Prayer requests were said

I’d tell you more but it would be a HIPAA Violation.

Snatchn Thangs


Get Jacked Up

The Thang:

Exercise #1

Athlean “Grinder” Challenge

Merkins (Perform to Failure)
Rest 2 Minutes
Merkins (1.5 times the initial number without rest )

Exercise #2


Fun times, noodle salad.




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