Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Gumby (Page 7 of 7)

Time fly’s when you’re having fun!

2 men posted at Folsom this morning. Ahh who’s that coming in hot? Sparky’s here just in time, and right behind him driving like Bo Duke, Gomer is coming in even hotter. Now that everyone is here let’s get this started. Now 4 men strong this morning, good even number for the first set of exercises. No FNG’s so a short discaimer and start the warmup.


SSH, Windmills, Hillbilly’s, and Cherry Picker’s all x15 IC.



Mosey to the tennis courts for Dora 123, Partner up and do 100 merkins, 200 lbc’s, and 300 squat’s. 1 person sprinting to the 3’rd light pole and the other exercising. Aggregate count. Dora’s done and now we mosey to the favorite Folsom Hill.  Here we run down the hill and do 10 CDD’s  at the bottom, Bernie Sander’s back to top with 10 wide leg situps at the top for 3 set’s OYO. Mosey to the shelter at bottom of parking lot. 2 set’s of dips, stepups, and derkins x15 IC. Next we hit the parking lot for a halftime show of Roadies Touchdown Beatdown (Thank’s Roadie). It’s been nearly 30 days since we performed this set of exercises that we are going to revisit in another 30 days for a little friendly competition for the Folsom Trophy. Every 10 yards we do a set of exercises corresponding to the yardline you are at. 10yd = 10 CDD’s , 20yd=20 squat’s, 30yds=30 merkins,  40yds=40 lunge’s, 50yds=50 lbc’s, and back down the corresponding yard markers with the same exercises and count all the way to the 100yd line. Time is nearly up so we mosey to the starting point for the pledge.

COT: no announcement’s  or FNG’s at this time so we take prayer request and namorama. BOM. YHC takes us out.

Moleskin: Great work by everyone today. Way to push the rock! It was an honor to lead you!

All I caught was a concrete block

5 men fought off the fartsack for the Saturday morning fishing tournament. Er I mean workout. With start time coming my coupons were yet to be seen….well never fear Sparkys here. So on with the warmup.

Warmup; SSH x15 IC, Flutterkicks x15 IC, Hillbillys x15 IC, Toe raises x 15 IC.

The Thang, the pax grab a coupon and we mosey to the bottom of the parking lot. YHC didn’t do a good job at explaining so there was a little confusion. Well lets get started and we will figure it out. Starting at the bottom left of the parking lot we did squats, bottom right of lot lunges, top right of lot shoulder presses, top left of lot french curls, center right of lot forearm lift, center left of lot bicep curls, after each exercise, mosey to center with blocks and do LBC’s.  All exercises were x 20 with a total of 3 sets.( All the while cars coming and going to the lower shelter setting up for the fishing tournament that was about to begin, probably wondering what in the world we were doing.) Lay the blocks on the side of the parking lot and mosey to the amphitheater. Here we do rocky balboas x15 IC and just as we were about to do some donkey kicks we must have stirred up a hornets nest in the back wall so that got a big Omaha. Sparky mentioned another wall at the ballfields we could use so off we go. Gomer set off to break the land speed record to the next shelter and after we all arrived the donkey kicks ensued x 15 IC. Next up was hip slappers x10 IC. Time was running out so we set off to mosey back.  Pledge.

COT; announcement’s, prayer request.

BOM: YHC took us out.

Moleskin:  Great work guys! Way to push the rock Huckleberry! It’s a privilege to lead you today. Thanks!



Lather, Rinse, Repeat

5 pax showed up for Q number 2 from YHC.

Started with a short disclaimer as there were no fng’s today.

Warmup; SSH,LBC, Hillbillys, Toe raises, all exercises x15 IC.


Mosey to bottom of parking lot and start the late week beatdown.  This set started at bottom of parking lot working our way up the hill with 5 different exercises. Started with CDD, then Freddie Mercury, Clock Merkins, LBC’s, and Squat’s at the top of the lot all exercises x20 OYO. Mosey back down the hill and mosey 1 lap around the parking lot. Repeato. Get to bottom shelter and start the benchwork with dips, stepups, and Derkins all x15 IC. Repeato. Oops still have time left so we mosey to amphitheater for some flutterkicks and stepups on the wall x10 IC. YHC asks pax for an exercise and burpee’s and BTTW hip slappers were done IC. With time running out we mosey back to do COT.

announcements, prayer request, namorama

Great job guys! Thanks for the opportunity.


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