Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Gastone (Page 14 of 17)

Bear Crawl Inch Worm

A gloom ridden morning, a little damp, and also Monday. We had 10 show for Gastone’s first day of 5 in a row. It’s good that I started out easy so the rest of the days will not hurt so bad.

The Thang:


SSH 21

Plank Jack 21

CCD 10

Mosey out to the lower soccer field.

Bear Crawl Inch Worm, Pax Planked in a straight line like an Indian Run. Back guy Bear Crawl to the front and then the next guy all while everyone else planks. We did at least 4 sets off the soccer field and up the next hill making it to the next soccer field. (Crowd favorite I could tell. Turtleman did note that the grass was wet) (Also, people punched me as they went past me to the front)

Little hill between both soccer fields we went down and up backwards 10 times.

Mosey out the back of the park to the neighborhood to Plantation Trail. We then made it to the corner on Riverwood.

We planked with right arm right leg up and then switched while pax gathered.

Mosey to the bottom of Village Ridge. (Gastone’s Hill)

Every mailbox on the right we stopped and did 10 Squats, then 10 Merkins at the next. We alternated to the top. (Defib wins on this one)

Mosey back to the bottom.

Next up we did Bernie Sanders to the top. That is a Lexicon and the thought behind it was (Feel the Burn) We did.

Mosey back down

Head fake but then start to head back for time. (T-Square would have been all over me if we did not finish on time)

We stopped at 3 light poles for 20 CCD’s at each.

We ended with going back to the six. Forming a line and Indian Run back to the finish for 10 seconds to spare.

The Moleskin:

Strong group this morning with lots of hard effort. The 6 was never far behind.

Linus showed up, to get back in the grove. (Good to see you Linus)

Clavin has been out for several weeks now and has proven to be in good shape and only getting stronger. He delivers.

For me this is day 1 of 5 and even if you don’t realize I believe this will be a tough challenge.

Prayers for all those in need and we all need.

Gastone Out!



We started the week…

12 men showed for a Q and then realized I was Q, we had fun.

The Thang:


25 SSH

Mosey to hill near picnic tables at the bottom on the sidewalk.

Plank. One side, arm and leg up. Then the other

11’s up to picnic area and then down to the sidewalk for 1 Burpee. Rinse and repeat until the numbers are inverted.

Mosey to back of the soccer field. Plank.

25 LBC’s

Mosey out the back of the park into the neighborhood to the entrance of Caromont Family Medicine.

Lunge walk about 40 yards.

Mosey over the wall in the back of the parking lot to Bellaciono’s Dock.

10 Sumo Squats, Run to dock jump up on the dock, 10 Squats, Bear Crawl down the ramp.

Rinse and repeat until we got to 1 Sumo and Squats.

Mosey to Brick wall on Neal Hawkins.

15 Dips

10 Incline Merkins

20 Step Ups 10 each leg.

Mosey to start.

25 Box Cutter

25 Flutter

25 LBC’s


The Moleskin:

Strong group of men today at Martha’s. One thing I noticed is we really did not have a 6 today just barely. Everyone was keeping up and on target.

We were joined by Wes Anderson as a FNG who was a Marine (Or always will be a Marine) and he owns a company that does Hosiery. Thus, he was named Spanks for his great work in his company. Also, Spanks dressed like it was 20 degrees outside and he noticed it felt like summer fast. We welcome him and look forward to seeing him out more often.

Whoopee takes the reigns on Wednesday for Snowball’s and that should be interesting.

It’s always an honor to Q, thanks for the opportunity and I look forward to the next.

Gastone Out!


Smooth start

9 men came out to better themselves and the guys around them. 2.2 miles with some pain stations.

The Thang:

25 SSH

Mosey to the Robinson. Halfway we stopped and did 20 Merkins.

Once at Robinson we found a wall.

10 Dips

10 Right step ups

10 Incline Merkins

10 Dips

10 Left step ups

10 Derkins

10 Dips

Mosey to the middle of the school to find the railings.

Everyone up on the railings. Guy at the top bear crawls to the other side. Etc. Repeat  once more. This was the down hill side.

Lunges up one side and down the other.

Back up on railings this time bear crawling up hill. 2 times.

Mosey but blocked by fence locked around the other way.

Large staircase. To the top and back down 10 times touching every step.

Mosey out to parking lot for Mary but noticed lots of poop in every direction. Mosey to front of school to grass.

Jack Webb up to 7 and then back down.

To the parking lot.

30 LBC’s

20 Flutter

10 Box Cutters

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter

10 Box Cutters

10 LbC’s

20 Flutters

10 Box Cutters

Mosey back but stop at the hill for some backwards up the big hill. Ran out of time to go the entire way. Hushpuppy somehow got way ahead of us, beast.

Finished 3 minutes late but took good care of the 6.

The Moleskin:

Great group of guys and always an honor to Q these workouts.

Next 2 workouts are covered with Turtleman on Wed. at Snowball’s and Timeframe has Martha’s House covered on Monday.

Gastone Out@!

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

9 Men showed up to the gloom on a Wednesday morning for a Bootcamp.

The Thang:

30 SSH

10 Merkins

7 Windmill

10 CCD

Mosey to the back of the soccer field at the bottom of the hill to darkness.

Elbow plank 1 minute

20 Squats, Backwards up the hill

20 Squats, 20 Monkey Humpers, Backwards up the hill

20 Squats, 20 Monkey Humpers, 20 Sumo Squats, Backwards up the hill

20 Squats, 20 Monkey Humpers, 20 Sumo Squats, 20 Lunges in place (10 each leg) Backwards up the hill.

Back down the hill and then follow me through the darkest part of the trail around to the small hill.

Backwards up the hill to the free library.

Plank, right arm right leg, then left.

Mosey back down between fields

Elbow plank 1 minute

Mosey to wall next to picnic.

Jack Webb up to 7 and back down.

Sit on wall for 1 minute

Mosey to parking lot.

30 LBC

100 Flutter kicks on my count. (This was a gift really from JK2 and the Mumble Chatter) The last 10 were hard.

25 LBC’s

Mosey to the driveway out of parking lot.

Run backwards to next poll.

Lunge to next poll.

Meander to next poll. (Hushpuppy Mumble)

Elbow Plank 1 minute (JK2 Mumbel)

Mosey to the entrance of park.

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

Prison Break to start for perfect timing.

The Moleskin:

Overall a great morning with great men.

Iron Sharpens Iron, is one of the main talked about verses within F3.

  1. If we are doing 20 3 count Merkins and you can only do 10 that is what you should do. But, to be better you should try to return for the last 3 Merkins. Maybe the next time you might be able to do 4 more.

  2. If you wife ask’s you to do a list around the house and you say that I can get 2 of those things done. Try to do 2 more or even just knock out the list.

  3. You have not been Q or maybe just had it once. Pick up more Q’s with passion become an expert and leading men.

  4. When I started F3 I had not really ever led a group of men in a prayer. I now do this all the time and I am comfortable doing so. Challenge yourself to be a person that leads the prayer.

  5. Weight, health, etc. We should be pushing each other to be better. Not in a mean way but in a productive way. If you are overweight you should cut back and try to make a difference in your life.

  6. The 6, is the group of men at that back of the Pax. I was the 6 and in some workouts in Charlotte Metro I am the 6. I did go through a period that I was happy just completing the workout and very comfortable with being in the 6. But, as people pushed me to Sharpen with little comments I did sharpen. After about 1 year made it to the middle of the Pax. Then I went from 1 workout a week to 5 and sometimes 8.

  7. This is your Pax. If you have not seen a brother in a few workouts check on them. If someone is hurting in the Pax listen to them. I promise they more you give you will one day need.

  8. Try other area’s  and see the difference. Everyone from Gastonia should experience Metro Charlotte workout. One is you can see and learn that each area is different and unique but all follow the basic same tenants.

  9. 2.0’s spend time. We need to start a push towards some F3 Dad’s outings and workouts. The benefits for our children seeing what we are part should be great for our kids.

Everyone did great work this morning and I look forward to the next one.

Prayer for family members and friends of the Pax mentioned this morning.

Gastone Out!


Yes, one more time

7 men showed to a simple Wednesday morning beat down at Martha’s.

The Thang:

10 3 count Merkins

20  3 count Squats

10 3 count right arm stagger

10 Wind Mill’s (Whoopee Wheelhouse)

10 3 count left arm stagger

20 3 count SSH

10 Carolina Dry Dock

Mosey, past the picnic area around the soccer field to the left. Once to the back of the field we did plank with alternating arm and then 1 minute elbow plank.

Lunge to scoreboard.

Bear Crawl to next point.

Elbow plank for 60 seconds

Mosey to bottom of hill behind second soccer field.

20 Monkey Humpers

Backwards up the hill then back down.

20 Sumo Squats

Backwards up the hill then back down.

20 Squats, 20 Monkey Humpers

Backwards up the hill and then back down.

20 Squats, 20 Sumo Squats

Up the hill backwards.

Mosey around the next soccer field towards the playground but first backwards up the last hill.

Mosey to the fence at back of baseball field. Tried a new exercise but the fence will not work. I will find a better spot.

5 Burpee’s

10 second rest

5 Burpee’s

Mosey around the fields to the Maintenance parking lot for 6 Minutes of Mary.

30, LBC’s, 3 counts of Flutters

20, LBC’s, 3 count of Flutters

10 LBC’s, 3 count of Flutters to 30 (Head fake on 10 Flutters, your welcome)

Mosey to middle of baseball fields to a bench.

20 3 Count Dips

10 Second Rest

15 3 Count Dips

10 Second Rest

10 3 Count Dips

Mosey to sidewalk on the way back to the first light pole.

20 Monkey Humpers

Mosey to next pole

20 Sumo Squats

Mosey to next pole

20 Squats

Mosey to start

20 3 Count Flutter

Done right on time.

The Moleskin:

Normally a bigger crowd but this was a strong group. Spec and Wet Nut showed up and conquered. I would like to propose a new name for Wet Nut since he does not like the name and it can be taken the wrong way. We can change his name to Shrek. Really I don’t know why but it is a good name and needs to be used. Let me know if you are apposed. If not it will be so.

Please consider we might have plenty of people to help in the next week if the path takes a crazy turn for Gastonia. Let’s check on each other if that happens and help our brothers out. Once we are are all set and safe lets show the community what we are made of. Hopefully this does not happen.

Prayer request for all Houston and the recovery and for the upcoming Irma.

Gastone Out


TBQ for all!

11 Showed for Gastone’s first Q at Midoriyama. The forecast and Freight were calling for a cooler day but if that is cooler than I am really not going to come out of the gloom that often.

The Thang:

35 SSH

Plank, Raise one arm then the other, then 6 inches until Freight joins us. He took his time.

Jack Webb up to 7 and then back down.

Run around baseball fields to the soccer fields in the tall grass.

Stop along the way at a 15 yard hill for 10 to the top backwards. (We got 2 young guys to join us that made it around the field and when we started the backwards stuff one of them got a phone call from his mother and they had to leave)

Mosey to soccer field.

Partner up for some wheelbarrow all the way across the field.

Next was the 11’s near the dog park. Conveniently a sidewalk between the soccer fields and then on the other side of the fields was a good hill. We started with 1 Partner Hand Slap Merkin then each partner ran in opposite direction to the top of a hill for 10 Get Up’s. We switched sides to run after each set up Partner Hand Slaps. Now this sucked far worse than I would have expected and I will explain. One hill had shade and the other put us closer to the sun. One field was dry and the other field was a swamp that had just been watered. I personally was only done with the second set and realized how much of a suck this was going to be for everyone. Many times during this workout I felt overheated, dizzy, and a close to vomit feeling in my throat. Pizza Man at the end joined several other groups for extra credit, Kudos on that. Slaw had it all under control. Tooltime is a beast and stayed near the front. Freight the Natan, had a serious look on his face and stayed in the front the entire time as well. The rest of us got it done and survived.

The Moleskin:

Midoriyama, one of the only pm workouts in F3 is alive with HIMS. When I look around F3 Gastonia I find that I have friends, some of them new and some I have know for a while.  The surprising thing is that most of even the new friends are like we have know each other for years. I don’t even have the words to express how much I appreciate everyone. F3 Gastonia is a special group of guys and we will grow and should be really proud every day of what has been made with sacrifices from all of you.

Everyone did a great job or the best we could do.

Prayer request for many of our brother’s out here, family, and friends. Let’s pray for all of them.

Always and honor and thanks for the opportunity, That was Fun!

Gastone Out!


Gastone Delivered the mail.

8 men showed for a Gastone Monday morning welcome in the rain and humidity when not raining.

The Thang:

Warm Up.

Imperial Walker x 30

Wind Mill x 15

Mosey through the baseball fields around the soccer field. Through the woods and down to the back of the park to cut across to Plantation Trail Road. On our way we took a few stops to plank, Right side, left side, and six inches.

Plantation Trail we did 10 Merkins and ran up backwards, 10 merkins and ran up more backwards.

We arrived a River Ridge Drive.

Each Mail box on the left we stopped and did….

20 Sumo Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Squats

20 Sumo Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Squats

20 Sumo Squats

20 Sumo Squats

10 CCD

30 Monkey Humpers

40 Sumo Squats

10 Merkins

Turned Left on Riverwood Parkway.

Power Poles on the left we did.

10 Merkins

10 Carolina Dry Dock

10 Carolina Dry Dock

10 Merkins

Mosey behind Caramont Family Medicine for some Mary.

35 Flutter Kicks

20 Bicycle

30 Flutter Kicks, last 10 in slow motion.

Mosey over wall behind Harris Teeter old store.

Mosey out to Neal Hawkins to the wall.

15 Dips

15 Incline Merkins

15 Dips

Mosey back to Snowballs because I am out of town.

The Moleskin:

Overall a great morning. We got in 2 miles but seemed like we went 6 with the rain but most of all the high humidity (Oh, the fun). This was a typical easier Monday workout but Wednesday with no Q on the board should draw me back and I always bring it on Wednesday.

Jar Jar is pushing hard and if he keeps pushing himself he will soon see the results of the morning gloom. Oompa always impresses me with his hard work and dedication. These 2 men get the Monday morning T-Claps from Gastone. Everyone else did great as well.

I am signed up for Need for Speed now so everyone else is now clear to also sign up. Tooltime has promised to wear candy cane tights for the spirit of the season. In all seriousness this will be something to be apart of that you will remember for a long time. Clear your calendar for this meaningful important time in history.

Easy Rider’s brother goes into surgery on Wednesday and needs our prayers.

Gastone Out!


The Gastone Default Q

9 Men showed up for a much cooler Monday morning beatdown.

The Thang:


20 Imperial Walker

Mosey to old Harris Teeter parking lot.

1 Burpee, Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD,  Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts),  Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts), 6 Squats,  Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts), 6 Squats, 7 Imperial Walkers,  Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts), 6 Squats, 7 Imperial Walkers, 8 Merkin’s,  Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts), 6 Squats, 7 Imperial Walkers, 8 Merkin’s, 9 Dips, Mosey to jump up dock and then bear crawl the ramp back down.

1 Burpee, 2 Mike Tyson, 3 Diamond Merkin’s, 4 CDD, 5 Hip Slappers (Right side counts), 6 Squats, 7 Imperial Walkers, 8 Merkin’s, 9 Dips, 10 Sumo Squat’s .

Mosey to small staircase. 15 Calf Raises, rest, 10 Calf Raises, rest, 5 Calf Raises.

Mosey to Riverwood and then to bottom of River Ridge Road for a plank and wait for the pax.

Mosey to the front of Caramont Medical Center grass for:

7 Jack Webb’s and then back down to 1.

Out of time so says Easy Rider. Should have my watch repaired this week.

Mosey back to the start.

The Moleskin:

Always good to start off the week with a nice moderate workout. Nothing to crazy or hard.  Great group of guys this morning, not a lot of Mumble Chatter going on today. Everyone must have been as excited as I am to go to work and start another great successful week. Stonecold continue’s to have on a weight vest and does not seem bugged or strained extra, T-Claps. Hushpuppy is back and ready to take on the world and seems to be working hard.

Prayer request for JJ’s Uncle who has passed away.

Gastone Out!

Crowd was excited to all the sudden have Gastone as the Q…..

We found ourselves with 16 men at 5:29am and we had no Q for the workout. At that point everyone cheered and said “Everybody loves Gastone, why don’t you take the Q”. I quickly obliged all the requests, it would have been hard to turn down.

The Thang:

5:30am Pledge to start the day off with America.

50 SSH

25 Imperial Walkers

10 Merkins

Follow me for a little mosey.  Quick stop at Mcquitter Wall for 15 Dips.

Mosey some more down to Rite Aid on Garrison.

Plank, Plank Right arm, Plank Right arm right leg. then switch sides while we gather the pax for the short mosey.

Elbow plank 45 seconds.

Mosey to Marietta and Garrison intersection.

10 Burpees

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

10 Burpee’s at Intersection.

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

Skipped 3 power poles because of crazy pack of attack Yorkshire Terrier’s. The neighborhood would have been awake.

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

Mosey to Power pole, 20 Monkey Humpers

10 Burpee’s at Intersection.

Mosey to power pole, 20 Monkey Humpers

Mosey to power pole, 20 Monkey Humpers

Mosey to power pole, 20 Sumo Squats

Mosey to power pole, 20 Monkey Humpers

10 Merkins at intersection

Mosey to power pole, 20 Sumo Squats

Run Backwards to 3rd

Plank (I waited for everyone to catch up and then I waited for everyone to get into a plank) Stroganoff caught on before Turtle Man.

Elbow plank for 30. This was more of a rest.

Mosey down 3rd over to South Street.

10 Diamond Merkins

Lunge to Power pole up hill

Run backwards to Franklin.

At this point I let a couple people do 10 counts.

50 wall jumps, OYO on McQuitter Wall. (Right before we started this workout Spiderman jumped out of a bush that he was hiding in at the church to join the pax. He tried to just blend into the crowd without anybody noticing. Almost worked)

Frogger across Franklin and then Mosey to Code Enforcement Parking lot for some Mary. (Almost lost Easy Rider and Bulldog to a sprint but as they started they happened to hear me say everyone to the parking lot for 6 minutes of Mary).

6 Minutes of Mary

15 LBC’s

15 Flutters

15 Freddy Mercury

10  LBC’s

10 Flutters

10 Freddy Mercury

5 LBC’s

30 Flutters (The head fake at this point was really enjoyed by Gastone. Strognoff dropped his 47 year old feet to the ground for the last 10 as I counted louder in his direction)

Mosey back to the start.

The Moleskin:

I am sure Spiderman had a plan for us but his alarm clock was on the fritz. It was 5:30 so someone had to take the Q so I jumped in with cheers from the crowd as I did this one. Some of my favorite comments were “We are only 20 minutes in”, “I won’t be able to walk today”, “I plan on sitting all day so I don’t need to walk”. These just give me energy to even make the workouts more fun. Whoopeee tried to knock me off with the crazy count but it was like rain on a windshield bouncing off after a good wax job. We had an FNG and he was a warrior and handled the workout like a champ, welcome  Reed Jentsch will now be known as Malfunction.

Prayer Request’s: Hunter Stubbs and Helen Hayes passed this week, please keep them and there family’s in your prayers. Prayer request for Bob from Whoopee and Pray for Easy Rider’s friend having surgery.

Ball of Man: Executed by the Q walking to the middle of the circle and all men trying to get a hand on him and someone else. The a prayer is completed by the Q or the person of his choice. This is also done while standing but your head in a prayer position. All hats would be removed or you would be reminded to remove them.


Thanks everyone, it is always an honor to Q. You guys are all great and I could not be luckier to know all of you,

Gastone Out!








To push on, 5 miles

5 Strong for the Coconut horse.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles, regular coarse except backwards.

The Moleskin:

Pushed it hard on the 5 miles. Good to have Drone and Tooltime join us.

We drank coffee, milk, and soda and talked for an hour afterwards.


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