Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 6 of 31)

Pancake lovers like Bologna

12 total showed up for a little QvQ practice for YHC. I’m testing out some ideas for the upcoming competition. It was a wonderfully warm February afternoon. For all of those that complied with my request to let your cars run all day back when it got really cold, thank you!


Sealjacks ic x 10

Don Quixotes ic x 10

Merkins position for about 45 seconds then 5 Merkins ic

Mosey to get a block and over to the parking lot……good grief!

Tha Thang:

P1 runs a lap around the parking lot. P2 starts doing reps. 3 blockees, 6 merkins, 9 squats. Rinse and repeat until your partner gets back. We did this for about 10 minutes.

After that we lined up along the curb just past shoulder width apart. The person at the beginning of the parking lot bear crawled to the end of the line and got back in place. Then the next person started bear crawling. Everyone else held the Al Gore pose. Picture an indian run but much slower. We did this fully through several rounds until we got to the other end of the parking lot. It was very amusing. We had slow bears, slower bears, and even a happy bear.

Spread out in the parking lot and get on a line for a parking space. Do 1 merkin on the line then plank crawl sideways to the line on the other side of the space. Now do 2 merkins. Go back and forth adding 1 merkin each time going up to 10.

Following the same method as above we did WWI situps and sidewinder crawls.

Next we used the same method as above but used 2 parking spaces lunging in between and doing squats on the line.

After that we moved back over to our blocks for the finale. Do 2 thrusters….ugh good grief! Then do 2 burpee block jump overs. Continue this going up by 2 reps each time until you get to 20. Well actually we ended due to time. I think I made it to the round of 12.




Announcements-Extinction run 3/4, Community foundation/SFN 4/1 get signed up

Prayer Request-Gumby and family, Clavin and his M, Hays family, My daughter


Not too bad today. Just some ideas that popped in my head I thought we could test out. You may see parts of these show up in a QvQ near you. Or not, you don’t really think I’d show my cards before we compete, do you? Comeout to Midoriyama on 3/9 to watch me break Broke. If you are looking to push some rocks these QvQ’s are going to be a good place for it. Everyone is going to be bringing their A game so it’s likely to be hard. If you’re not, then meow somewhere else.

Tiny Dancer

A dozen PAX posted at Folsom on a chilly Saturday. Several didn’t show for the EC run with Seuss, hate to see it.


It’s cold let’s move. Slow mosey up to the flag for the pledge. Mosey back to the tennis courts where we would stay for the remainder of the workout.

The Thang:

Partner up.

P1 does suicides across 1 court then 2 while P2 works on 300 mtn climbers counting one leg. Switch until complete.

P1 bear crawls 1 court and back while P2 works on 100 WWI sit ups. Switch until complete.

P1 broad jumps 1 court and back while P2 works on 200 merkins. Switch until complete.

P1 does Wojo’s across 2 courts and back while P2 does seal jacks. Do this for 3 rounds. Wojo’s are a crowd pleaser. Well, if you do them right or at all. It was noticed some people just looked like ballerinas dancing about. Hate to see it.

P1 does sidewinder crawls 1 court and back while P2 planks. Do this for 3 rounds.

P1 does karaoke 3 courts and back while P2 does Freddy Mercury’s. Do this for 3 rounds.

We split into 2 teams for a suicide relay race. Each member of the team does 1 court, then 2 courts, then 3 courts. Good times. Nothing like a little competition to get people pushing.

We finished up with a couple rounds of Rugby sprints.




Announcements-Convergence next Saturday at Folsom 2/11, Extinction run 3/4 at Primal

Prayer Request-Apologies I let time get me




Blart didn’t Q again

8 men unafraid of the rain posted at Midoriyama Thursday night for yet another workout not led by Blart. You hate to see it! I blame myself. I’ve obviously not done enough to transform Blart into a leader. I shall take him under my wing and sharpen him into the tip of the fiercest dagger.


Under the protection of the picnic shelter, we did some stretches and SSH’s before moving into a tabata style workout.

The Thang:

Kind of the standard for the shelter workout. 1 minute of reps, 20 second break, and move into another minute of reps. We did 3 exercise rounds x 3 rounds then ran a lap around the parking lot.

Diamond Merkins, LBC’s, Squats x 3 rounds

Run a lap

CDD’s, Freddy Mercury, Lunges x 3 rounds

Runa lap

Shoulder Taps, Plank, Step ups

With a few minutes on the clock we did 10 burpees in one minute. Then 9 burpees in the final minute. This is where I realized how much work I had cut out for me with Blart.




Announcements- Defib leading a heart awareness workout at Gashouse Saturday, I’ll be leading a stress test at Folsom, Convergence 2/11 at Folsom 0630, Extinction run 3/4

Prayer Request (all were quiet and respectful)-Gumby’s family, Huck, Wirenut and family, My daughter

Blart took us out-the sharpening begins


Can you take a joke? Are there some things you can take and some things you can’t? Are there some things you can take better than others? Just some things we’ve discussed lately you should mull over. If you can’t take a joke, well you better hold on cause life is gonna hurt.


Come and go

12 was the number at Old School on Saturday. Lots of EC before hand.


Sealjacks, squats, merkins

The Thang:

I explained we would be moseying around town and stopping to do exercises at various points. Every time we passed a telephone/power pole with lines( you have to be as exact as possible with this smart ass group) we would do 2 burpee Tyson’s . That’s a burpee with a Mike Tyson while you’re down. 2 merkins per rep. I asked Slaw to keep us honest and call out any poles we passed. I don’t know if you know this about Slaw but he was a poleman in the navy. At every road intersection we would do 5 WWI’s, 10 squat jumps, and 15 merkins.
We made our way across downtown to the town parking lot for some DORA. 100 diamond merkins, 200 cork screws, 300 toy soldiers. Instead of running we did broad jumps across the parking lot. These quickly turned into bunny hops for many of us.
We continued our way across town looping back toward the flag. Slaw did an excellent job of spotting poles to the dismay of the Pax. Some were quite hidden but no pole gets by Slaw!
We finished up with a few ab exercises.

Announcements-2nd F lunch at Hillbilly’s 25th, Convergence 2/11 at Folsom, Extinction run 3/4.

Prayer Request-Wirenut and family, Gumby’s family, Praise for good reports for Mrs Lawing and Mrs Patterson.


Shout out to Crop duster for hanging tough on his second post! Stick with it. It’ll get better. Also I’d like to apologize for all the disgusting talk. Some  stories probably shouldn’t be repeated.



14 total at Midoriyama on Tuesday. 1 seemed hungover. Maybe too many grapes.

The Warmup:

Sealjacks, low slow squats, merkins. Let’s mosey over to the side parking lot.

The Thang:

On one end of the parking lot start with 12 merkins, run to the far end and do 12 squats. Run back to the other end but stop one parking space line short and do 11 merkins. Now run back to the other end, one space short, and do 11 squats. Continue this until you get to the middle and do one of each. This exercise also worked the mind as everyone had to keep counting to figure out which line they should be on.

Mosey over to the long parking lot to the first light pole on the left side near the corner. Do 10 Freddy Mercury’s(count one side), karaoke across the parking lot to the light pole on the right and do 10 burpees. Keep doing this zig zaging across the parking lot. 4 poles on the left and 3 poles on the right. Once complete we did it going back with 10 lunges on the short side and 10 dying cockroaches(count one side) on the long side.

Mosey back over to the side parking lot for the countdown again. 12 CDD’s and 12 SSH’s. We finished this up and Broke said he wanted to run it back going up from the middle doing Mike Tyson’s and WWI’s. We had a little more time so sounds good to me. We made it to about 8 or 9 before time was called.



I read a word about being warriors. Having Jesus in our lives puts a target on our backs from the devil.

Announcements- 2ndF lunch 25th at Hillbilly’s, Convergence at Folsom 2/11

Prayer Request-Gumby’s family, Super Dave’s mother, Radar’s Sister, Mrs Lawing, Mrs Patterson, Bos

Namerama-yes I broke my own rule. I prayed us out before I did the namerama. I know! I make mistakes too. I’m as surprised as you are.

Come out next time, maybe Blart will Q.

On the Road Again

14 men joined YHC Tuesday at Midoriyama. Thats 15 total for those of you that struggle with things like math and wear a lite pole is shining.


SSH x 2 ic. Lets mosey. We grabbed some blocks and moved them down the road to the stop sign.

We did this during my last Q but didn’t have time to finish it all so I saved it for another day.

The Thang:

10 block swings, run to the next light pole ON THE ROAD(that means the light pole positioned to shine it’s lite on the road, not just any pole you can see from the road)(for future claritys sake), do 10 V-ups, run back to your block, rifle carry it to the next pole, rinse and repeat to the end of the rode. Good times right hear. We turned around and started working our way back doing the same thing but with 5 thrusters and 5 hand release merkins. Instead of a rifle carry we did farmers carrys. I have to admit I like this style of WOD and believe I will use it often in the future. It works great at midoriyama with the amount of lite poles on the road(if you count them write).


I read a little from Jocko about remaining vigilant



Announcements-24 hour run this Saturday in Dallas

Prayer Request


To be clear I filled this BB with grammatical errors for my friend Mayor. Hes into that sort of stuff.


Record 22 at The Sword this morning! String start on the first Monday in 2023. Some ran, some rucked, and at least one was spotted runking. Afterwards I discussed my word for the year, gratitude. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. The Hebrew term for gratitude translates “recognizing the good”. By doing that it has an uplifting and multiplying effect in our lives.

Police of Form

Nice crowd at Downtown this morning. It started quite but quickly ramped up to form bashing and trash talking.


SSH, low slow squats, LBC’s. Let’s mosey down the street about a block.

The Thang:

Pretty simple workout this morning. 5 exercises then a lap around the block making all left turns to return to where we started. First part of the block mosey, 2nd part pick up the pace, 3rd part slow back down, 4th part pick it back up again. After that we made our way to the next block and continued this for 4 blocks.

Exercises were 5 burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs, 15 Merkins, 20 Monkey humpers, 25 Freddy Mercury’s.

The goal would’ve been to get to Garrison but we had about 3 more laps to get there. The trash talk quickly ramped up as SA was defending his stance on Rev Low Carb’s(aka BLL) Merkin form. This turned into others pointing out lunge and squat form. Brotherly love runith over!

Time to head back we stopped at each intersection for 10 squat jumps and 10 WWI’s.

Time! Most got in about 2.75-3 miles all uphill both ways!




Announcements-beer mile tomorrow

Prayer Request-Wirenut’s father and family, Huck, Gumby’s family, Turtleman


Great job this morning guys. Mostly on the mummblechatter. It’s one of my favorite things about working out with y’all. If you didn’t know. The best part of trash talk between men is there is usually a smidge of truth sprinkled in with some humor to help you take it a little better. We all make mistakes. We all rush sometimes. We don’t always have the best form. We all short stroke it(that’s definitely what she said) sometimes. You just have to be able to take the constructive sarcasm and improve upon it.

The Arctic Circle

A surprising 11 PAX posted in the 8 degree temps on Saturday morning at Old School. We wasted no time getting started.


SSH, butt kickers, high knees, butt kicker, high knees, let’s mosey

The Thang:

At the shelter 10 derkins, 10 dips, 10 stepups x 3 sets. Then run a lap. Do this for 4 rounds. About the third lap I actually felt a little sweet popup. Just as I mentioned this to Gumby and SA it quickly froze on my eyelashes! This is dumb! However we stayed moving so that helped with the cold.

Next we grabbed some sandbags Wirenut and I provided and partnered up in the parking lot. P1 does an exercise while P2 goes out and back about 30 yds. Below is what we did each round.

Cleans and Wojo out and back x 3 rounds. The Wojo for 3 rounds sucked at that distance.

Overhead press and karaoke out and back x 1 round

Weighted lunge and NUR x 1 round

I think we ran through those last two another round and somehow I missed the calf raises I had written down. Of course my eye lashes were frozen.

After that we did some sandbag ruck catch me if you can around the block x 2 rounds. Several batflippers had to run with it. I guess they are afraid of burpees.

We finished up with a few minutes of mary




Announcements-rumor of a beer mile 12/31 in Cramer woods somewhere at sometime

Prayer requests-Several family members of Gumby, Wirenut’s father

I read Luke 2:7-19


Pole to Pole

No I’m not talking about T-bone style sleeping Slaw! If you don’t know look it up in the lexicon. I’m talking about working our way through the park light pole to light pole.

I read a Bible verse that hit me the other day. Proverbs 24:10 If you falter in the day of Adversity, your strength is small.


Pfftttt let’s go get some blocks and mosey down the road to where you first turn in.

The Thang:

Do 5 blockees, run to the next light pole, do 10 jumping lunges(feeling those this morning), run back to your block, rifle carry it to the next pole, and rinse and repeat. Looks to be about 14 poles. This was a good grinding workout!

After that we grabbed some wall at the turd shack. Wall Walk up the wall to the BTTW position then walk back down. Grab your block for 5 thrusters. Rinse and repeat for 5 rounds. Nice! Wall Walk? Plank position with feet against the wall. Now start walking your feet up the wall while walking your hands back to the wall until you are vertically in the Balls To The Wall position. Now walk back down.

That about done it so we grabbed our blocks and headed back.




Announcements-Signup for the competition Flintstone put out ASAP

Prayer Request

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