Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 17 of 31)

Backyard burn

10 was the number at Midoriyama on Tuesday. No hero WOD today. Today I decided we would do several backyard burn style workouts. If you’re on Strava(if your not stay under your rock Patrick) you may have seen some of the backyard burn workouts I’ve been doing in between my regular posting days. They are usually short HIIT style workouts leaning more toward lifting something. I was inspired to start doing these by Pizza Man and the 27 WOD’s he does daily.

The Warmup:

Nope, get a block and let’s go. 3 PAX walked off. I think they went and done some yoga, partner stretches or something.

The Thang:

10 of each x 5 rounds

Thrusters, Tricep Dips, Weighted step ups

Next round

Kettle bell swings, Overhead press, Donkey kicks

Next round

Goblet squat, Hand release merkin, Wall jumps(taps)

Next round

Curls, Farmer Carry 40ish yds, High pulls

Next round

1 minute overhead hold, rest 1 minute for 5 rounds

Next round

Blockees, Mtn Climbers ic, WWI situps. We made it through a few rounds of this and called time.



Announcements-Mt Mitchell 9/27 info coming, Def Leppard’s favorite band is ABBA

Prayer Request-Obviously Def Leppard(see announcements), Sister Act and family, Blart and family, several people with sickness and loss

Naked Moleskin:

I was reading a devotional and it is mentioned image if we lived a certain way and that got me to thinking(uh-oh). Imagine if we lived out a lot of things we imagine. We can. We like to say hindsight is 20/20 and that insinuates that the future is blind. While we may not know what all it holds we are not completely blind to it either. There are many things we know if we do it what the outcome will be. What if we eat healthy and exercise regularly? We will be healthier in the future. We know this! So what else? What if we pray daily, go to church regularly, get involved with our church, study, etc. I hope you get the point. Don’t put things off that you know the result of. Get after it!





Def Leppard’s WOD

14 posted at Folsom Saturday morning for a prison yard beat down. We got inside the cage and threw down!


SSH x 20

Merkins x 10ic

LBC x 10 ic

The Thang:

Def Leppard’s WOD

Partner up

P1 does the exercise and P2 nurs 4 tennis courts and runs back. Flip flop until you reach the number.

600 Hallelujah’s

500 Flutter kicks(count 1 leg)

400 Calf raises(have you seen his calves?)

300 CDD’s(i mean you know!)

200 Hillbillies(count one side)

100 Burpees(his least favorite)

Well done by all. I hope you enjoyed the Def Leppard WOD!

20 minutes to go lets keep moving. Line up on the fence and we will do the following to the net and back.


Bunny hop


Bear crawl

Sidewinder crabwalk

Wojo slap the ground every side step(I guess the exicon committee didn’t accept my submission)

Burpee broadjump

That’s time so circle up!


All the usual stuff


Why did I create a hero WOD for DL you ask? Me too! Kidding! He is a Godly man that wears his heart and his faith on his sleeve. The partner work was because he is good to have around, he’s helpful, a good friend, a bit of a gorge runner, and he is concerned about others.  He can take a joke and for me that is pretty important!

Tooltime’s WOD

12 PAX showed up for what would eventually be called the smallest WOD in F3 Gastonia. Coincidentally this name came from the smallest F3 Gastonia PAX, go figure! Weather was a bit dicey at times but we risked it all to get it done.


Ask Purple Haze oh wait he wasn’t there yet.

SSH x 20ic

Let’s Mosey to the far soccer field

The Thang:

Tooltime’s WOD

Triple Nickel-Run a lap(we chose to go around both soccer fields)  do 5 exercises 5 ic of each. Rinse and repeat 5 times. Exercises were Don Q(because it’s Tooltime, you know), Merkin(his favorite), Pickle Pounder(because it’s always his anniversary), V up roll up, Crunchy Frog.

That’s it! After some thought I decided that the WOD doesn’t have to take the whole time. It can be a part of a workout thus the smallest WOD I’ve created.

The rain was starting to come down at this point so we made our way back to the start.

Not a part of the WOD but to finish we did it Tooltime style. Core time for Tooltime.

Mostly 20ic of each of the following.

The alphabet(not 20ic)

American Hammer


Nolan Ryan

Freddy Mercury

Plank 1 minute

Pretzel Crunch

Boat Canoe

Time! Note I put each of those on a line by them selves to make the WOD look bigger than it actually is.


Announcements-Ch 35 on XM is the Beastie Boy channel. I hope you tuned in last night because that went away this morning 🙁

Prayer Request


Namerama-Q fail here. I’m not sure where my head was at but as always you can depend on some correction from your brothers.

Naked Moleskin-Some reasons I did a hero WOD for Tooltime. He has as much candor as I do(Broke disagreed). I can tell him anything and I don’t feel the slightest bit of judgement. He is determined. Once he decides on something he gives his all to accomplish it.

Broke’s WOD

15 posted downtown for a special guest Q. This was a little misleading since I was the Q. SA and I had both requested the Q and it was given to him. I’m not usually available during the morning so I convinced Easy Rider to get SA to take next Friday. He sold it on the guest Q thing.

Anyway today we did Broke’s WOD. A hero WOD I created because I look up to Broke and he has a impact on me daily.


Don Q’s


Let’s roll down to the church parking lot

Broke’s WOD:

I thought of some different words or phrases that also mean broke then used those to find exercises. 49 reps of each exercise was completed for his age and after each we did the Wojo to the end of the parking lot and back. The Wojo is a side shuffle like basketball practice(since Broke was a baller back in the day) after every 5 steps bend down and slap the ground.

Bankrupt=Burpees(his least favorite)


As poor as a church mouse=American Hammer(his favorite)


Destitute=Deconstructed burpee


Impoverished=Iron Mike(jump lunge)


Poor=Pretzel crunch


Penniless=Peter Parker


Down and out=Dirty Hookup


Mosey back to the flag and do a round of iron hulk up to 9 and that’s time.

Some reasons Broke is my hero. Broke is a Godly man with strong faith. A good father whose dedication is represented by the good daughters he has raised. He is a dedicated and hard worker who is always willing to help someone out. He’s always respectful.


The usual


The musings of a moron while he mows grass-F3 is like most things in that you get out of it what you put into it. If you want a workout group then that is what you’ll get. If you want leadership training or opportunity then that is what you’ll get. To be clear F3 is about men being leaders in their community. If you just want an exercise group we will still welcome you and the opportunity to persuade you otherwise. My expectation of F3 is to be linked with men that want to make a difference. While I look to F3 Nations leadership for ideas, I really don’t care if they in their positions even exist! I wholeheartedly believe the difference each of us can and will make is right where we are. So I challenge you to narrow your focus onto something you can truly impact, outside of F3, and do it! Again the point is not to make good F3 leaders. The point is to make leaders outside of F3. If each one of us does that then the wheel of progress will start rolling. Now go have an impactful day!



The Blart

9 was the number at Midoriyama on Tuesday. Tyson had the Q but had something come up so he asked if YHC could help him out. Now I had not intended on going to Midoriyama. I had posted that morning and was scheduled to co-q the next. I’m on staycation this week and I try to get in some of the morning workouts for a change when I can. However my brother needed my help so I did what you do. Right? Right? While this was a minor thing I hope you get it.


Just whatever….SSH or something

The Thang:

The Blart

Blart-verb to sound loudly and harshly(that doesn’t sound right)

British slang-The vagina or a fart(insert big eye emoji)

Anyway-Mosey to the soccer field. Merkin ladder starting at 20. Run across the field do 19. Back and forth until you get to zero. (merkins are his favorite exercise.

Mosey to the parking lot for 11’s. Mike Tysons and Sand V’s

To the turd shack. Wall jump 30 times then do 5 burpees(his least favorite) x 3 rounds

To the parking lot. Sprint one lap, rest, rinse and repeat 3 times(this commemorates his one lap race with Ash Pond)

Mosey back to the flag. Merkin mania. 5 of each diamond, regular, wide, crucible, stagered each side, hand release



All the usual stuff

Naked Moleskin:

Blart is my hero because he is a faithful man that is always trying to improve. He cares about others and is always willing to help. He is a listener. He actually pays attention to what people say.


Crossroads started with 4 showing up for the 1st annual Dallas Criterium. This was a 3-4 block loop that came out to be just over a half mile lap. Thunderdome rules apply! Swimmer smoked us all! YHC was doing ok until Purplehaze threw a spike strip under my tire to take me out just past the 14 mile mark. Thunderdome rules!

Def Leppard made it through 5 miles without stopping(insert eye roll) sandbagger!

Sister Act, the site Q, had agreed to be there at 0630 for me since I was riding. If you don’t know I have made a point of this in the past when the Q or no one else was at the starting point at the start time. This is important in case an FNG or someone that needs someone to support them shows up. Anyway “some” have just been waiting for me to slip. Well the canoe let “some” think this was the case. I’m really concerned about those that want to strike at me so badly. It’s ok! I’ll turn the other cheek and I’ll pray for you! That being said we covered lead right for Q-source, lead by YHC, and as always it was a great discussion!

5 Years

June 13th 2015 Sparky and YHC made our first post to F3. We posted at Gashouse where 21 total men showed up to workout. We had been EH’d by Dolph a few months earlier at a men’s retreat at Snowbird. He told us how tough it was and well if it’s tough for Dolph why the heck would we want to do it? I was about 8 months into my weight loss down about 50 lbs at the time and had just started going to the gym 4-5 months earlier. My gym membership definitly did not prepare me for what was to come! That being said after it was over I couldn’t wait to do it again.

So on this special day we decided to run it back and do that workout all over again. Thanks to BB we were able too! Our first workout was Q’d by E4 and The Godfather.  Sparky took E4’s part and I took The Godfathers. Below is exactly how it went both times!


Here we go….
Mosey to Flag (Pledge) then mosey to the GMS Football Field…
WU (E4)
Side Straddle Hop (x20)
Stretch-Stretch-Reach (x10)
Body Builders (Dr Feelgood… -counting improving – you would be proud) (x10)
One Lap (400M)
The Thang (E4)
PAX meet on the sideline and partner up.
Merkin Relay
One partner busts out Merkins while other partner sprints to the other side and back. Flapjack and continue counting where partner stopped. (x150)
Mile of Fun
One partner completes Escalator (10 Diamond Merkins, 20 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats) while other partner runs 400M. Flapjack then Rinse/Repeat until a mile is completed.
Godfather takes over.
County Fair
PAX divide into six groups and go to stations set up around the field. At the whistle, start the station. At the next whistle, rotate to the next station.
1. Station 1 – Bear Crawl Suicides (5 yards/back, 10 yards/back, 15 yards/back)
2. Station 2 – Squat Jumps (100/AMAP)
3. Station 3 – Two Minutes of Mary (30 LBC, 30 Freddie Mercury, 30 Rosalita, 30 Flutter Kicks, 30 LBCs)
4. Station 4 – Crawl Bear Suicides (5 yards/back, 10 yards/back, 15 yards/back – BACKWARDS)
5. Station 5 – Burpee Broad Jump (broad jump instead of vertical jump AMAP)
6. Station 6 – Blimp (5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Mountain Climbers, 30 Squats.
Modified Zombie Walk
PAX spread out across the goal line. At the start, lunge with right leg then the left leg, then do a full squat. Rinse/Repeat to the 50 yard line.
Johnny Cash AKA The Ring of Fire
Circle up in plank position. PAX hold plank while one man does 10 Merkins. When he finishes the next man does reps until all in circle finish.
Mosey Back to Parking Lot
One Minute Wall Sit, 10 Derkins, One Minute Wall Sit, 10 Derkins, One Minute Wall Sit, 15 Derkins


Copy and paste is awesome! So we met back up with the painlab and it was done!



The day of our original post we had 4 FNG’s 2 of which are still getting after it. The other two may not have comeback due to their names-Thong and Bangkok. Yeah Sparky and I got lucky! Today we had 2 FNG’s! One that had to much to eat the night before and one that Stroganoff forced to come to keep his job(ok that may not be true). Either way he came and rucked along with Stroganoff and Hipaa(good to see you sir). I could go on and on about what F3 has meant to me and all that it has given me but I don’t want to bore you. I’ll just say there must be something to it because 5 years later we are still here.

Slaw’s WOD

11 at the hottest AO in F3 Gastonia for what is named Slaw’s WOD(workout of the day) get your mind out of the gutter you sicko!


Warm! It’s already hot! Mosey to the soccer field in the back.

The Thang-Slaw’s WOD:

Each exercise is defined by Slaw’s age=47


run a lap

L-lunge(47 each leg)

run a lap

A-American hammers(47 each side)

run a lap


run a lap


run a lap

W-wide arm merkin

run a lap

O-one legged burpee

run a lap

D-diamond merkin

Mosey back to the flag


Announcements-5 year anniversary “celebration” this Saturday at the Gashouse


Prayer Request

Def took us out

Naked Moleskin:

So there are a lot of hero wod’s out there and I got to thanking about how if I do one the person it is for is usually not on my mind. Mainly because they haven’t had a direct impact on me. So then I thought about impact and how the person needs to be proximate to have impact. So I decided I would make some hero wod’s for the guys that are proximate to me and are my hero’s. Thus the Slaw wod. Some reasons Slaw is my hero-He loves the lord and most people and he has a great way of showing it. When you are down he is great to have around. He can take pretty much anything you can throw at him. He would give you the shirt off of his back both physically and mentally, sometimes to his own detriment. He is compassionate, hilarious, and he knows every line to every movie he’s ever watched. This comes in handy way more than you would think.


V2V or D2D?

This is the story of team Virtually Impossible. Like Lance Armstrong said in his 30 for 30 I will tell the truth or well I’ll tell it how I remember it.

This whole thing started with a simple conversation about how there were a lot of Ville’s around here and since none of us got to do our relays this spring we could set something up. Within no time, I mean like that afternoon or the next day, Pizza Man had a route complete. Well I guess this is happening! Before you know it a team was setup with 3 fast guys and 2 to balance out their pace. I’m really surprised by the number of teams that formed after it was made public. We really have a thing for relays don’t we?

The morning started out uneventful. There were no close calls or unsafe moments at all. Much of our time to start was spent hitting local park bathrooms. With Golddigger and Broke leading the way bathroom breaks had to be broken into sections to keep up with them. Pinch and go if you know what I mean. I don’t know if anyone lives down the drive at Springs road or not but I would say it looks like it snowed there because about half of the teams disappeared into the field when we got there. Now this area being my stomping grounds growing up I had a lot of stories for the guys.  I’m going to leave those stories out on the relay though.

In hind sight I wish I would have left some snow back out on Springs rd because my entire 1st leg I felt like Slaw on the P200. Running is much less efficient when your squeezing the cheeks. Also my morning coffee had finally made it’s way through my bladder. Eventually I had no choose but to stop, you saw the pics and video courtesy of Buckeye Video LLC. Now I’m sure many are aware that Dr Seuss had it out for me during this race. That is why he chose to run the same legs as me.  I’m not sure why. He has some anger management issues and I think sometimes he creates these conflicts in his head. Having done the math I knew he would likely be chasing after me on the first leg. His team mates tried to intimidate me by playing the theme music to Jaws when they rode up to me. They then tried to run me off the road a few times as they could see I was having a good running day and their music was not slowing me down. So eventually I stopped to relieve myself. This allowed Seuss to make up some ground that he would likely have never made up other wise. It was a good thing I stopped! As we ran down the big hill a pack of wild dogs approached. Being who I am I yelled to Seuss who was just behind me to keep running and I would fight them off. Well I guess that was his plan anyway because he started pushing me in the back and said some things I just don’t want to repeat. Either way it worked out because Seuss got away injury free and I was able to fight the dogs off and keep running. Of course
I was much slower having spent so much energy in the fight.

As we drove through Bessemer City I had a story about a relative and what he found in the ditch in front of his house. This story lead to a string of stories with similar themes. Things I hadn’t thought of in a long time and it was hilarious. This is where the D2D comes in to the title. You’ll have to ask I guess. Def Leppard smoked Bessemer city. I think he was afraid but it’s Bessemer so I get it. Pizza Man well he did Pizza Man things and made it into Cherryville in no time. I’m really glad we were able to meet him there because Golddigger just got his permit and we thought a drive through the country would be good practice for him. He nearly killed us! Luckily PM has racing breaks on has Tahoe!

There are only 2 things I remember about the 2nd half of the race. 1) It was hot! There was no shade! The Sun, the asphalt, the grass, everything was hot! I saw a snake try to cross the road and it started smoking! 2) Pizza Man’s last run. We were trailing because Fat Ricky and Cussing Def Leppard let the heat beat them. Oh yeah I forgot to mention the foul language! Up until then I could count the number of times I’ve heard Def say a cuss word on probably 1 hand. That probably tripled on race day. I’m not sure what is going on but If I had to guess it’s the low T due to male menopause. Anyway PM set out in hell like temps and a pretty tough leg with the mind set of making up lost time. At the bottom of Spencer mtn Golddigger decided to join him. These two batflipping fools ran that leg in the 6’s! PM’s watch later showed his heart rate was up to 200. You talk about giving it your all! I mean this was really for nothing. Don’t take that the wrong way. I mean we weren’t going to get any kind of special prize or a prize at all. He/they just pushed themselves because that’s what they do. The majority of us need a little of that!

So that’s how I remember it. Or at least some of it. I’ve got lots of stories that I’d rather tell than write. That’s the best part of a relay, the stories you get to tell later. If you haven’t realized it yet a lot of life is about the story.

As told by Freight



It was raining so I knew the tough ass PAX of F3 Gastonia would still post at Midoriyama on Tuesday. Well 6 did anyway. There’s usually a bit more than that. I’m sure it wasn’t the rain though.  Probably a wreck in all the traffic on 85. Shortage on face mask maybe. Anyway 6 is right in the middle of what some say is the desired number of 5-7 per small workout group. Dr Seuss said Alexa told him there was going to be a break around 5:30. Then he noted she was in a bit of a mood. Women! I’m I right? Well she lied and it it kept raining so we broke out in a sprint to the shelter down by the lake. On the upside Linus wore his duck shoes so he was prepared! No bad weather just bad gear right? Having been through this many times I always have that rainy day workout ready. It had been a while since I’d used it though. There were some strange exercises even I didn’t recognize.

Mosey to the shelter


SSH, morrocan mightclub, jump rope, high knees, superman, iron cross

The Thang:

40 seconds on 20 second break

Merkin, Flutters, squat jump

10 burpees

Pointers, freddy mercury, box jump

10 burpees

ski burps, lbfc, calf raises

10 burpees

Rinse and repeat

After the 2nd round we had enough time for 3 more exercises then it was off to the start


Prayer Request-Def’s son, SA’s daughter, those struggling during this time.



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