Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dr. Seuss (Page 6 of 14)

Sound the ALARMS

7 in all at the Storm with an FNG, again EH’d by our Nantan.



Warm Up: 10x IC: SSH, Toy Soldiers, Gravel Pickers


Mosey to the front of the school for first set of ALARMS:

 50 Merkins,  100 Squats, 150 Flutters, 200 Rocky Balboas, 250 Monkey Crunches

After some indecision about the running route, YHC as odd man out..with help from Sargento, was placed in a group with FNG. Glad to see another young guy join us.

Mission statement and Five core principles reviewed.


Dips/Shoulder Taps 30/10, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30

This is a favorite of mine..and of Olsen’s. Sargento was lamenting that we needed a lap or so in between, by YHC likes to carry on.

Mosey to side of school for second set of ALARMS:

50 CDD’s, 100 Monkey Humpers, 150 LBCs, 200 Russian Twist, 250 Mountain Climbers

FNG comments on being out of shape..mostly with the running. Stick with it, that will change quickly.

Back to start for a little Mary.



PT Test

F3 Dads

3rd Wednesday Lunch at Twisted Goat in Cramerton

Speed Racer Guest Q at Tequila Sunrise this Friday, June 3


Watts Up family traveling



Freight’s Dad


FNG named: he is a golfer

Radar took us out in prayer

Thanks for the fun, support, camaraderie!






9 for Old School today..including FNG

Nice work and good push amid injuries and other things. At one point, we were 9, then Leppard’s calf began to give him trouble. He pushed until he could push no more. Then we were 8..until Wirenut ambles off to the port-o-john..then we were 7. He was followed by FNG, then we were 6.  FNG was called out for going bathroom during workout..he’ll fit right in;). Leppard was found in his truck; the others emerged in time for some 40’s to end it.


Warm Up

SSH, Gravel Pickers, Toy Soldiers



Jacob’s Ladder:

Run up, 1 Burpee at the top, Run back down.  Repeat until you get to 7 Burpees.


 50 Merkins,  100 Squats, 150 Flutters, 200 Rocky Balboas, 250 Monkey Crunches 

Partner 1 does the exercise. Partner 2 runs from Library to a chosen intersection.


50 Werkins,  100 Monkey Humpers, 150 LBCs, 200 Reverse Crunches, 250 Mountain Climber

Partner 1 does the exercise. Partner 2 runs in front of courthouse.

Mosey back to start for:

Lindsay’s at picnic tables

Dips/Bridge Thrusters: 30/10, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30


Baseball Game tomorrow night

Prayer Requests:


Gump and family

Broke MRI

Leppard calf



But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5:14

“Many of God’s promises do not depend on our character but on His faithfulness. Believers must go on to maturity and God has made it possible to do so. If we start to drift from the Word, we’ll also start to doubt the Word, get dull toward the Word and become lazy believers. The best way to keep from Drifting is to lay hold of the anchor.” Wiersbe

Naming of FNG..Double Stack

Leppard took us out

Thanks for coming out! So thankful for you guys! Nice camaraderie!


Yellow Shirts, Green Lights


6 ran and 2 rucked at the Pub this morning. Most of us had on our yellow shirts, and it seemed like we had to slow down more at intersections as the lights turned green and traffic had the right-of-way.


Ray Nathan’s 2nd F Lunch today at Noon

Honey Hunters game this Sunday

Prayer Requests:

Purple Haze’s mother

Virus-family concerns

Broke MRI on Friday




Thanks for coming out!

A Lot of Work; A Little Talk at The Storm

10 Pax joined YHC for some work at the Storm this morning. Would have been 12 but.. missed ya Boudin.

Warm Up

SSH, Gravel Pickers, Toy Soldiers


At each speed bump: 

50 Flutters, 25 Merkins, 10 Squats, run back to start

50 AH or Monkey Crunches, 25 CDD’s, 10 Calf Raises, run back to start

50 LBC’s, 25 Werkins, Monkey Humpers


Dips/Bridge Thrusters 

Jacob’s Ladder 

Run up, 1 Burpee at the top, Run back down.  Repeat until you get to 7 Burpees. (Modified for Time..ugh)



F2 Lunch at Ray Nathan’s this Thursday at Noon

Honey Hunters game Sunday 4/24

Whetstone/Shieldlock, Kotter sign-up on website under “Fellowship” tab

Prayer Requests:

Broke has MRI this Friday

Gump and family





Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4:14‭-‬16 ESV

“The great purpose of salvation is the glory of God. No trial is too great, no temptation too strong but that Jesus Christ can give us the mercy and grace that we need, when we need it. Jesus, a sinless person, would feel temptations and trials in a much greater way than you or I could ever feel them. He is able to help us when we are tempted. If we fail to hold fast our confession,  we are only telling the world that we failed to draw on his grace and mercy when it was freely available to us.” Wiersbe

Breaker Breaker took us out.

Great guys; great venue! Thanks for coming out!





Since Bubba was touring his home state of PA (you owe me a candy bar from Hershey), I got to Sub-Q for him on Easter morning as 7 pax did run/ruck followed by a discussion on Whetstone and Shieldlock.

YHC got a good EC fellowship run with Freight as he did his best to get us lost (impossible for him) , followed by a ruck/walk with Freight and Broke.

Breaker (despite throwing up) ran with Pockets. After Pockets left, Breaker pushed through and ran more.

Pilgrims’ Progress and Tesla did a ruck.

Termite joined us for our Q Source discussion of Whetstone and Shieldlock.


F2 Lunch at Ray Nathans this Thursday, 4/21

Honey Hunter’s Baseball game this Sunday

Young Life Golf Tournament in the planning stages: sponsor or get a team together

Prayer Requests:



Tesla’s friend Max as he goes through chemo


Gump and family

Broke’s MRI this Friday

Pax on IR

“God’s truth is truly transforming! Many of God’s promises do not depend on our character but on His faithfulness.” Warren Weirsbe

Thanks for coming out!


Dam to Dam-Team FRC

Team FRC began it’s trip to Lake Murray with driver and tour guide Sargento at the wheel of Quiche’s M’s posh vehicle. Four excited, yet a bit nervy pax were ready to push forward.

We arrived at Lake Murray amid pax taking off every quarter hour. As we awaited our 7:15 start time, we were entertained by a rousing announcer and music which YHC actually knew (as opposed to this 1990+ stuff to which I had no clue.. Muse, more than one Marley??) After last-minute bathroom breaks and a view of the lake, we cheered Quiche on as our first runner. As we followed him up, we saw, as no surprise, he was quickly out in front. Overall, he finished at an overall pace of 6:52! Sargento took off next, then YHC, followed by Roundup.

Quiche made it to his first destination in no time flat. Sargento took off and was neck-and-neck at one point with some chick..who chicked him.  Not that I should talk. As I took off and ended up on a busy highway, “GoldDigger” blasted past me out of nowhere, just to find out later that he ran at about a 5:12 pace (okay, so now I don’t feel so bad), then “man in blue” overtook me on one of the many uphill finishes. Man! Sargento was there to greet me after that one..reminding me to not stretch in oncoming traffic. He wasn’t as talkative or ambulatory after the next two legs, his “death” captured in pics by Quiche. Roundup took off for his first leg with two kills already under his belt.

The cycle continued, with Quiche beasting every leg, then Sargento doing the same. So much so, that he arrived at the next church a little sooner than expected. I guess the thrill of a private bathroom got the best of me as I hear Roundup yell, “Seuss!”  I dash out like a shot, hand Roundup my jacket (yes, that was water you felt on the sleeve), and head up the hill past the exchange zone where Sargento had to go to make up for my negligence. 7 kills for YHC on that leg appeased me some. After stretching and rolling, Roundup was off again..shirt off GoldDigger-style running as if his leg hadn’t been tightening up at all. It was about this point that we meet up with “Burley Sebastions” (BOS, Flintstone, Gavel, EZ Rider plus two from Shelby) with whom we hung out and had fellowship.

Last legs..we were ready. Sargento and Roundup had their longest runs, but they both pushed themselves like the true HIMS they are! Roundup’s leg was a bit of a concern, but he pushed through with a smile on his face as we both praised God that he finished well and still in good much so, that he is doing a 5K this weekend. We ran through the Finish as a team, ending up in 8th place overall, despite losing to a bunch of teenage girls.

The view of the Dam was gorgeous, the hamburgers were good, despite the fact that they didn’t offer cheese among the condiments. There were also a few complaints that no beer was included in the  beverage choices. I guess Sargento felt he needed something to counteract the caffeine overkill of pre and post race coffee, with a caramel coffee concoction during the race that he drank even though it didn’t quite appeal. Better for us, though, as he was Designated Driver on the way home, too.

Overall, this was an absolutely terrific race! The weather was perfect, the whole thing was very well organized with open churches, bathrooms at each point, traffic control, the best relay book ever..bound and in color with tear-out pages, just like in school. It was also so well marked that, no EZ Rider, I didn’t get lost even once. On the way home, we were entertained by Quiches videos of “Christian Tingle” which had Roundup and me in stitches, and by tunes from the master Sargento who knows every band and their lyric under the sun. (Was there really more than one British Invasion?).

This is a terrific race in that it is close, can be done in one day, no long waits, and makes for great camaraderie which is the best part. Thanks to Sargento for heading it up, to Quiche for the vehicle, to both of them for the humor..and to my brother Roundup for stepping in and persevering with a great attitude! But, most of all glory to God from whom, I am reminded: “Whatever talents, skills, gifts, abilities, wit we have are free gifts, so put away all pride.”

Thanks to all of the volunteers and organizers!!

Let’s do it again next year,


“I Didn’t Think You Were Big On Burpees!”

5 posted at Old School on a sunny morning about 30 degrees colder than the morning before.

Warm Up:

High Knees/Butt Kickers, Gravel Pickers, Toy Soldiers

Quarter Pounder:

Sprint to the 25 yards and Do 25 Merkins, Run backwards to Goal And Sprint to the 50 and do 50 squats, Backwards to Goal Line sprint to the 75 and do 75 Mountain Climbers, Run backwards to the goal line and sprint to the hundred and do 100 SSH.

Jacob’s Ladder:

Run up, 1 Burpee at the top, Run back down.  Repeat until you get to 7 Burpees


Big Boys/CDD’s 


100 Werkins

200 Imperial Walker Squats

300 LBCs

400 Flutters-count both legs

 1 PAX member will execute as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to cone 1, 1 burpee, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2, 2 burpees, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3, 3 burpees, sprint back, switch with partner.


Community Foundation Run-April 9 Also, Speed-for-Need Component


Gumby’s cousin-major traffic accident

Gumby’s back as it heals

Broke’s M

Struggling Pax

Watts Up and family

Pizzaman family..and his move


YHC took us out.

Always thankful for the camaraderie and encouragement! Thanks for coming out as some pax  were on retreat..or working (Strike 3).






160 Hand Release Merkins..OK

6 Pax for a Pre Winter-weather workout; 4 runners joined the COT.


Warm Up:

Slaughter Starter


DORA  Partner: 1 runs in any direction while other does exercise:

100 Dips 

200 Glute Bridge

300 Step Ups


Big Boys/Plank Jacks

Four Corners Escalator- On Steroids (Due to a bit of confusion on Q’s part, but actually turned out to provide for a stronger beatdown)

Round 1-10 Hand Release

Round 2-10+20 LBFC’s

Round 3 10+20+30 Imperial Squat Walkers

Round 4-10+20+30+40 SSH

Dash/Frogger (Pizza Man) to catch up with SA.. or Mosey.. back to flag.


Q School: Saturday at Gashouse 8:20. HC Whoopee

Rice and Beans: Tuesday 6pm across from QT Gastonia

Retreat in Flat Rock: Feb 18-20. HC Sargento


Gumby-back issues

Roundup and his M/family

Huck’s Dad


..but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners. Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

The gospel is this.. we are not loved because we are intrinsically lovely or because we have made ourselves worthy of love. We are loved because Jesus died for us when we were unattractive to make us attractive.” Tim Keller

Leppard took us out.

Just a few words of appreciation:

To Slaw for the EC Fellowship

To Pizzaman for being a strong partner in the workout..and for showing us new street-crossing maneuvers

To Leppard for offering to take my Q so that I could do the long run

To Wire Nut for showing up just in time despite a heavy work schedule

To Blart for calm and common sense

To Sargento and his enthusiasm and devotion to his new Nantan position

To Broke for continuing to push and motivate

To SA for persevering and a for great comeback..Half Marathon today at a good pace

To Freight for his humor, wit, always being up for a challenge







Forward or Backward?

I think this is a good question to ask ourselves at times in our lives, as there is no standing still. We are either going in one direction or the other.

8 pax ran on a cold morning at the Pub. Opinions seemed to differ as to which direction is best for the “Lee and Perry” run. Though it is more uphill at the beginning, YHC still prefers to run it backwards. Termite ran 8 1/2. Defib did a warm-up EC. Olsen had a new experience.


Convergence-January 1, 7a.m. Midoriyama.

Defib announced upcoming EC at Coconut Horse.


Families traveling


And a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”

Mark 1:11 ESV

“When God sees the believer, He sees Jesus and His perfect obedience,  and so He says to us what He says to Him: ‘With you I am well pleased’. God is pleased with us!! And because God is pleased with us, we can live in a  way which pleases God.” Tim Keller

Nice work, men! Merry Christmas!


Hammering Away at the Storm

12 Pax joined YHC for some work at the Storm! It was chilly but we warmed up quickly with Slaughter Starter and kept going from there.  Short Sale inspired me the other day with some new routines, so I thought I would implement a couple, though I would liked to have done more of them.
Warm Up:
Slaughter Starter
7 of Diamonds: Monkey Crunches, Imperial Squat Walkers, Reverse Crunch, Rocky Balboas
With partner: 1 partner runs straight to end, the other does routine, then flapjack:
Glute Bridge
Step Ups
Seated Jump Squats 
Circle Up:
Captain Thor: 1:4 Big Boys/American Hammers
This was a lot of hammers. Discontent was communicated..a good sign.
Iron Hulk: 1:4 Merkin/Air Press
Convergence: January 1, 7 a.m. Midoriyama
Rice and Beans: January 4th
Christmas Eve Day: Downtown regular schedule; Tequila Sunrise 7 a.m.
Christmas Day: Yank open; other AO’s closed
Watts Up’s family
Pax traveling
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Rom. 8:31 
“If the Spirit of Christ dwells in us, we have all the resources of the victorious Son of God to enable us to conquer in the battle. Think what Spirit dwells within you, what a Father’s smile is yours, what a Savior died to win you, child of Heaven, should you feel discontent fret, mope, languish?” Sinclair Ferguson 
YHC took us out
Great work, men! Thanks for coming out and joining me on the verge of Christmas break!


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