Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dirt (Page 3 of 8)

Ring of Fire at The Labyrinth 1-5-22



Warm Up:

Seal Jacks IC x 20

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 15

Merkins IC single count x 10


Time to get to work………

Calf Raises at the side of Pelicans.  A little different spin on them this time though.  Up and hold until the down command.  Time progressively got longer each time we went up.   Rinse and repeat x 5 then run a lap around Pelicans.  We did this three times.

Mosey to the old bank building for Ring of Fire starting with CDD’s.  Circle up. All PAX hold CDD position.  One PAX does one CDD, then the next PAX does one until we go all around the circle.  Next round is 2 CDD’s, then work up to 5 CDD’s.  Mosey a lap around the bank.  Rinse and repeat.  The third round we did LBC’s.

Mosey to BOA where we did Ring of Fire doing Burpees.  Only one burpee each round for 10 rounds.  We got progressivley faster with each round.  Mosey around the bank. Rinse and Repeat.  The third round we did Flutter Kicks and hold 6″ up to 5.

Mosey to Fidelity Bank for Ring of Fire doing Jump Squats up to 5.  PAX in circle did Moroccan Night Clubs will they waited.  Mosey around the bank.  Rinse and repeat.   We did CDD’s for the third round.

Mosey back to Pelicans to two more rounds of Calf Raises.


The Labyrinth 12/22/21




Warm UP

Side Straddle Hop IC x 20

5 Burpees for the ambulance the rolled up Union Road with lights and siren blaring.  A new tradition for when I Q at The Labyrinth.  These won’t be the last Burpees of the day.

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 15

LBC’s IC x 20


The Workout

Mosey toward the park and see Whoopee getting out of an unfamiliar car.  Seems he was late because his truck was parked in and had to scramble to get his daughters car out of the driveway.  He’ll make it up to us later in the workout.

Mosey to the park entrance.  Perform 5 Merkins and 10 squats at each light along the entrance road to the park.  Do this all the way to the turd shack.

Five Burpees for the train whistle I hear in the distance.  These won’t be the last Burpees either.

Triple Nickle between the Turn Shack and the Picnic Shelter.  5 Praying Mantis’ at the Turd Shack and 5 Step Up’s (each leg) at the Picnic shelter.

Slow Mosey to the parking lot.  Again, 5 burpees for the train whistle I heard.  I was going to skip these but a few PAX already started doing them, so we all join in.  These won’t be our last Burpees of the day.

I asked Whoopee what he wanted to do at one end of the parking lot for 11’s and to nobody’s surprise he choose Burpees.  This is where Whoopee made up for being late.  After all, we are there to get some work in aren’t we?  I’ll know better than to ask Whoopee next time!  El Camino suggested Lunges at the other end.  We started with 10 Burpees and 1 Lunge.  These won’t be the last burpees of the day either.

Mosey to the bleachers for Calf Raises.  I didn’t work them too hard.  I think we only did 60 double count.  Nobody should have sore calves on Christmas Day.

Mosey to the front of the parking lot for Ring of Abs.

Two minutes left.  Just enough time to Mosey back to the start and get 2 more Burpees in before 0615.  Finally, these are the last Burpees of the day.

JJ Rolled in just in time for COT.  He was expecting to get a total of 6 miles this morning.  He’s trying to finish out 1,000 miles running for the year, so give him some encouragement when you see him.



Downtown Gastonia will meet at the regular time (0530) on 12/24.

Tequela Sunrise will meet at 0700 on Friday 12/24.

The Fighting Yank will meet at 0700 on 12/25.

Convergence on 1/1/21 at Midoryama @ 0700.



Prayer Request:

Stinky Bird’s friend who is battling mental illness.

Family members traveling.

EZ Riders family

Leg Two of the Turkey Day Trifecta

30 PAX showed up to burn a few extra calories before their traditional Thanksgiving festivities.  This was the second workout of the day for the following PAX:

Sargento, Nutria, Wire Nut, Ball Joint, Watts Up, Volt, Defib, Whoopee, Dr Seuss, Broke, Hacksaw, Gavel, Aikey Breaky, Roscoe, Gumby, Wichita, Round Up, Stroganoff, Gear Wrench, Freight, Dirt (Let me know if I left someone off this list and I’ll add you to it)


This is how it went….


5 Eight count body builders IC.

Mosey to the bridge.  Bear Crawl across the bridge.

Mosey to the open area of the park.  Form 4 lines with 7 Pax each.  I asked Nutria to help lead the Pax with the remainder of the warmup.  Thanks Nutria.

Seal Jack or what I like to call Nutria Jacks IC x 20.  Nutria swings his arms so far back he almost touches the back of his hands together while doing this exercise.

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 15

Mountain Man Poopers IC x 10 (Watch out for Granny’s Squirrel Gravy this afternoon)

Eskimo Merkins IC up to 8.

Partner up for Suicide Lunge Walk. Pax one runs to the far end of the back bridge and back to meet PAX two who is Lunge Walking to the bridge.  Flap Jack when the two PAX meet.

Sargento led the first PAX finished in some Mary while the rest of us finished. Thank you Sargento.

Pax lined up at the end of the back parking lot. PAX one runs to the other end and back while the next PAX leads us in an exercise of his choice.  Continue down the line in this manner until all PAX leads an exercise. Sorry Blart. I didn’t circle back to you as you were the first to run. We finished just in time to mosey back to the flag one minute late.

Let’s all reach out to each other and build strong shield locks with one another.

Thanks for allowing me to lead you on this Thanksgiving Day!




11-9-21 The Storm

Brown Streak joined us at The Storm on 11-9-21.  Welcome back Kotter!  Hope to see you again soon.


Pledge – PP was out of town on business.  Thanks for the flag BOS.

Seal Jacks IC

Hilly Billy Walkers IC

Eskimo Merkins up to 5

Mosey out the lower entrance and do 50 squats at each light pole.  I think there were 5 light poles for a total of 250.

Route 132 up the hill stoping at each light pole to do Merkins and Flutter Kicks.

The first PAX up the hill went over to the traffic circle so we Bear Crawled around the traffic circle.

Mosey to the traffic circle at the school for Ring Of Fire.  Five rounds of Merkins and five rounds of LBC’s.

Partner up for Declining Suicides.  Pax #1 runs to the school box office and back to meet PAX #2 who is Lung Walking to the box office.

Mosey to the flag for Mary.


Thanks for participating men!


10-25-21 – The Sandlot

It’s been two weeks since this workout and I didn’t write the Wienkie down.  I think it went something like this…….


Seal Jacks IC x 20

Hilly Billy Walkers IC x 10

Eskimo Merkins x 5


Mosey to the parkinglot at Martha Rivers park for Declining Suicides.  Partner up.  Pax one will lung walk from the end of the parking lot near the park entrance toward the other end of the parking lot.  Pax two will mosey to the other end of the parking lot and back to swap with Pax one when they meet.  Rinse and repeat until all Pax are at the far end of the parking lot.

For Round Two we will do one of Pockets’ favorite exercises, Drinking Birds.  Pax one will do 2 Drinking Birds (each leg) at each parking lot stripe while Pax two runs to the other end and back to swap out with Pax one.

Round three…….  Burpees!  By now you know the drill.  Two Burpees evey other line.

Mosey back to the flag.

Thanks for taking part in this workout.


10-6-21 TRB

Ten PAX showed up at the Ricky Bobby to sweep up gravel in the back parking lot of New Hope Elementary School on Oct 6th.   One PAX would run to the area to clean and take 5 strokes with the push broome.  The next PAX in line would lead the group in an exercise of their choice until the first PAX returned.  It took longer than expected but we got the job done.  Thanks to all who helped.

Pleadge – Thanks for reminding me Tesla.



Goat Island 9-23-21

Seal Jacks IC x 20



Hillbilly Walkers IC x 20

Slow Merkins IC x 10


Mosey behind the restaurants and wind up at the bottom of the stairs.

5 Burpees

10 Diamond Merkins

20 Squats

40 Flutter Kicks

80 Calf Raises

Mosey around the buildings and plank at the bottom of the stairs for the 6.

Rinse and repeat 2 more times.

Mosey to the basketball court for stage 1 of Lazy Dora.

Partner up for 100 Merkins.  Partner one does 10 Merkins while partner two planks, then flap jack until each partner does 50 Merkins.

Mosey up 7th Street and turn right to the parking lot at Riverside Baptist Church for stage 2 of Lazy Dora.

Select a different partner for 200 flutter Kicks.  Partner one does 20 Flutter Kicks while partner two holds feet at 6”, then flap jack until each partner does 100 Flutter Kicks.

Mosey to the train bridge for stage 3 of Lazy Dora being careful not to trip over the ridge in the road at the intersection of South Main and Standpipe Hill.  It’s dark at this corner and the ridge blends into the pavement making it difficult to see.  YHC tripped on it and took a spill.  Anyway, a sore wrist and a skinned knee builds character, right?

New partners at the train bridge for 300 squats and wall sits.  By now, you know the drill.

Mosey to the parking lot above the stairs for Circle of ABS.  Each pax calls out an AB exercise of 10 reps, then mosey around the buildings stopping on the stairs for 20 calf raises.  Rinse and repeat.

Head to the flag.


Thanks for participating men!


The Storm 8/31/21

The Storm 8/31/21


Seal Jacks IC x 25

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins working up to 10


Mosey to the ball fields for Calf Raises OYO x 20.  Rinse and repeat for a total of 100.

Mosey to the school parking lot for circle of ABS.  Went around the circle x 2 with each PAX calling an AB exercise with sets of 10.

Mosey to the front of the school a Ladder Workout.

5 Burpees and run a lap around the traffic circle.

Add 10 Merkins and run a lap.

Add 15 Reverse Crunches and run a lap.

Add 20 Step Ups (10 each leg) and run a lap.

Add 25 Dips and run a lap.

Mentioned the following quote and developing deep relationships with our children.

Elder M. Russell Ballard has taught us the importance of the Savior’s admonition to “behold your little ones” when he said: “Notice that He didn’t say ‘glance at them’ or ‘casually observe them’ or ‘occasionally take a look in their general direction.’ He said to behold them. To me that means that we should embrace them with our eyes and with our hearts; we should see and appreciate them for who they really are: spirit children of our Heavenly Father, with divine attributes”

Mosey back to the flag.


TRB – 8/11/21



Hill Billy Walker IC X 20

Goof Balls IC X 20

Drill Instructor – On the Q’s command, rapidly transition through any combination of standing (“On your feet!”), holding 6″ (“On your six!”), high plank (“On your face!”), and Merkins (“Down/Up”). Speed, order, and duration are completely at the Q’s discretion, with the goal being to test the pax’s reaction time and/or keep them in an uncomfortable position (esp. 6 inches or down part of Merkin). Inspired by a certain Marine at the Spring 2016 F3 Mud Run and best executed with a gruff, barking orders style. Example: “On your face! On your six! On your face! On your six! On your feet! On your face! Down! Up! Down! Up! Down! [painful delay] Up!”


Mosey to the steps beside the school.

Calf Raises x20 – Inch worm merkins x 10 – Hurpees x 5.  Rinse and repeat x 4.


Mosey to the back parking lot.

Howling Monkeys – In a circle, everyone grabs their ankles in Monkey Humper fashion (or Gorilla Humper, for the fearless) . The first person does ten monkey humpers followed by the next person and so on as in other “ring of fire” exercises. Don’t let go of the ankles! Depending on the number of PAX, two rounds seems to result in Howling Monkeys. This will definitely not be a crowd pleaser, and it might be better to not be seen by light of day in a public space.  Rinse and repeat count of 10, count of 5 and count of 10.


Circle of ABS


Mosey to the track


20 Merkins – mosey across the field and back.  Rinse and repeat with the exercises below.


20 Squats

20 Peter Parkers

20 Big Boys

20 CDD

20 Jump Squats

20 Mtn Climbers




Prayer Request:

Radar’s son with is a freshman at App State

Turtle Man

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