Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Clavin (Page 9 of 12)

Vu Ja Day

According to Stinky Bird it was all like Deja Vu to him today for some reason …. could be because this was my first ever redux of a workout. It was such a hit last week down in Lake Wylie that I felt it needed presentation here…. there were a few minor changes just not with the workout …
Upon arrival I noticed Stinky Bird and informed him that it was Back to the Future ( past ) day …. he may want to leave ….. he went on and EC run but I thought he took my advice not seeing him until start time …. the crowd assembled and I informed all of what was to happen ….
Disclaimer …. should be easy to modify …. plz do if needed..
This workout was mainly influenced by 3 major exercises that seem to have been in heavy rotation lately ( yes …. even I have used these and am guilty ) however they have been greatly modified …. but the influence remains ….
SSH. IC x11
5 burpees
Merkins IC. x11
4 burpees
Stinky Bird informs all pax to get accustomed to being in a plank position much of rest of time ( spoilers!!)
Time to slow stuff down…
MNC IC. x11
3 burpees
Plank jacks IC. x11
2 burpees
LBCs. IC x11
What’s next? 1 burpee ….. if you can’t figure …. this is a reinvention of 11s
Mosey to front entrance of the park that has not been in use much of the last few weeks with F3 ( usually we end up Old HT or Robinson)
Locate nice patch of grass and introduce the Big BM ‘s …
4 exercises that we will do for next 15-20 minutes
5 burpees 25 big Boys 25 merkins and 25 CDD scorpions … 25 first lift one leg and then do 25 other leg up ….. wait for pax and inform them that self and Stinky Bird remained in the 6 last week as the Crew at Crows Nest stayed at it …. Stinky Bird confirmed and added that they may have added by twos …….
At the back of the school …. completely in the dark with plenty of owls to talk to there is a mega monster hill they affectionately call “ the Green Monster” … Hipaa told me of it weeks ago when I told him of my guest Q ( also it should be noted that other than Iced Tea whom I work with who is the site Q who stayed after me until I accepted the invite ,,, I only knew Radar who supplied a Slack message that brought out The Hushpuppy and Stinky Bird… I chose NOT to visit the site nor visit and meet unmet pax prior to that date and met 8 great guys with amazing stamina’s !!

Back to the workout where we mosey to hill at front of park normally used by Gastone which was probably close …. although shorter than the Green Monster where we will recreate those 4 exercises minus one cdd scorpion at bottom of hill , mid of hill top of hill , back to mid hull and end at bottom of hill with all exercises…. last week I failed to explain that you are to ‘carefully’ do each exercise in the direction you are facing but added today …. sadly pax did their 5 burpees and moved to mid hill when Stinky Bird and I suddenly called them out …. bringing them back to finish AlL exercises …. they cheered and were overjoyed ….. they had somehow forgotten the big boys and merkins …
guickly they realized just how challenging each of these is in another direction…. my influence was NOT present ( Turtleman ) who loves to perform Big Boys on Hills with Moderate inclines ….. he NEEDS these!!
Burpees are VERY tricky in the dark facing downhill …. in the interest of time …. I Omaha the last bottom of hill set and explain that this was a reinvention of 4 corners ,,,, however , you can do 2,3 or 4 exercises for a complete beat down , just change the direction , elevation or some other aspect and you greatly increase the difficulty and challenge!
Short mosey to parking lot for my Dora exercise …. it was influenced by Dirt who gave us Rugby Sprints

Here pax line up , pax one calls exercise until they decide to yell , “Go!” We jog to start of parking spaces and back then run to other side and walk back …. reset for pax 2 and so on…
Stinky Bird started us with ….. well it was intended to be imperial squat walkers In cadence ….. lost in translation …..
There were flutters, Rocky B’s, MNCs Mercury Freddie’s … bicycle in reverse… seems the same…. most notable was Defib and his 20 minutes of Mike Tysons …. we ALL stopped to admire his form …. he finally called go I just had time to call little man/ Gumby in the woods ( Smurf Jacks) , I chose not to be cruel and after one yelled “go!” Had pax stop other side and quick mosey across the field for ,,,,,, Time!

It should also be noted that these Rugby Sprints are great to challenge the pax for creativity (choosing the right exercise and /or timing as well as watching many challenge nearby partner for who will finish first ! These are a great addition ,,,,,, much thanks to Dirt for this one …

There are many great locations here , but I admire those fellow pax who post out of town whether on vacation or at work in strange cities … I’ve also noted many who’ve posted near our area … I thoroughly enjoyed my guest Q and hope to have a chance to revisit these great HIMs just south of us … their workout times are earlier than ours …5:15…. Monday’s At Crowders Ridge Elem ( Crows Nest) Tuesday’s cannonball at New River Church
Wdnesday Shipwreck ( brand new 2 choices beat down one z moderate style the other high intensity each 30 mins and cofeeteria after called Shipwreck Thursday Poop Deck at the Bowl n Bounce Friday Bermuda Triangle Bethel Church ( middle of nowhere) Saturday 6:30 oak ridge Middle …. check it out ….. or Q!!
Challenge yourself !

“ Youths May faint and grow weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles : they will run and not grow weary: they will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:30-31

Pizza man Rankin Lake 10-1 rhis Saturday signups on Slack

9/11 Stair Climb on 9/14 in Charlotte ( or donate to FF)

Stop Soldier Suicide / SFN 5k/10k on 9/21

JJ5 k 9/28

Ragnar 10/5

BRR ruck McAlisters party 8/18

Xmas town 5 k / SFN F3 …… this WILL sell out …. don’t miss out!!!!

Prayers for Island
Def Leppard’s M upcoming surgery and Easy Riders family

Stroganoff prayed us out

They call him TaterHole ……… also?

So…. what to do when faced with a HUGE potentially life changing/ mind altering event? Well first you post it on Slack. I posted that there “may” be 2 Taterholes in our little neck of the woods … thoughts of time travel ran mostly in my brain ….. ( kept searching for Dr. Emmitt Brown and his DeLorean or train….. neither arrived) but in no short order …. Short Sale posted “…alien…” and here comes I.C.E. Dropping down out of the sky …. when all of a sudden the Citizens Band channel of Slack squawks to life “ Breaker, Breaker…. can you hear me ….. this is Breaker Breaker with important information ….. cease and desist … that man is on loan from Granite Falls !”
Order has been restored

On with the regularly scheduled program already in progress…

Disclaimer….. Pledge

Warmarama : MNC, arm circles forward then back, Imp walkers, lunge and lbc ….. all IC

Why so easy on the warm up? Well it’s hot for one ….. and the main event is about to begin and since it’s the return of something I tried Downtown back in April or May behind DSS with a really long hill …. I always felt the hill at the Goat May work better …. I was right!
So what’d we do? Burp Back Mountain! Partner up , P1 does burpees while P2 nurs the hill but runs back normal to trade off until reaching 100…. now we mosey over to gazebo and deconstruct Burp UPS …. 1 squat, 1 merkin and lastly 1. Pull up until we do this 10x

I now offer pax option A and option B explaining one is only a little more cardio involved ….. much mumble chatter but not about what’s on the table … try again and get my ass handed to me when I hear “ You’re the leader so lead!” Alrighty then !!!! So it’s gonna be option B … more cardio run back up hill behind buildings and use steps.
Originally was gonna just do individual “jacked up” exercises but chose for us to stay with our partners and while P1 does SSH P2 does Little Gumby( lil man) in the woods 25x then switch followed by seal jacks and plank jacks all to the tune of 25. Do this twice over and then I add two more with plank jacks and SSH once again achieving 25 each round. We are way ahead of time that I felt we’d have left so back to gazebo for 5 actual burp ups then mosey to little wall beside fire dept for dips and incline merkins with cadence count until someone recognizes that there may be some sleepers getting rest inside …. so ….. run like hell back to start for 7 minutes of Mary complete with obliques, dying cockroaches and s few more exercises until TIME!
Great job by all

I’ve really enjoyed stepping out and trying new venues and working out with others in the area that I don’t get to see in my normal haunts of downtown, gashouse, Neverland and Snoballs

Folsom dads /2.0 this Saturday 7
Same day …. Green River tubing

Farewell party at Sargentos for the Tool Times August 3 … rsvp on Slack

Convergence next Saturday? We were unsure

Convergence next month at The Yank as well as the last 2.0 event

Prayers for Time Frames parents, Dry Rub and Top Hat

One final notable moment came when I recorded namearama stopping the recording before entering my name in the books!! Doh!

Zero to no running

Yes …. you read that right . This workout was inspired by Broke who I explained to assembled pax about 1-1/2 months ago q’d the Storm running us all the way to Goat island and back then attempting to reach Midoriyama all the while adding exercises that made me wonder what it would be like to Q and not really move or move far without using coupons either. Top hat the other week spoke of too much running a few weeks back and I’d told him of this Q having “Zero to no running involved “, but unfortunately he was not present ….. so….
Arrive early to see Boudin…. yes Boudin is back and looks strong … rucking … I quickly grab my weighted vest and join in for two trips around parking lot. This HIM told me his plan to follow Whoopee going for 75 miles this month!
So with 5 minutes to spare , doff gear and greet pax assembling . Dirt has youngest son in tow for an FNG , this is another first for me never having led at the Storm and now an FNG!
Start with pledge and then MNC 10 count IC
1 burpee
10 D Q. IC
2 burpee
10 I W IC
3 burpees
4 Burpees ( I accidentally did 5 forgetting and getting ahead of self
10 cDDs ( I think) IC
Now….5 burpees

Move slowly over to upper lot after having pax deliver the 5 core principles to our new recruit

Escalating four corners!
Corner 1. 25 merkins
Corner 2. 25 merkins and 50 plank jacks
Corner 3. 25 Merc 50 PJ and 75 lbcs
Corner 4 same as above adding 100 cDDs
When moving from corner to corner … remember NO running! We ….. NUR
Thankfully it was so humid sticky and hot … I chose not to deescalate… but we must do 5 burpees for the train that rolled through ….. Slaw was so happy!
NUR to school where we do 3 rounds of 10 dips 10 derkins and I choose to NOT use exercise I planned on of Hip slappers but change over to 10 burpees for Slaw! …. funny how there was almost no mumble chatter until I tell all this …. many thanked Slaw!!
Then Doodles mumbles about preferring some running , someone mentions setting Strava on drive home to get ANY running in …… soooooo…. I modify next exercises for Doodles giving pax 100 high knees 100 mountain climbers and 100 squats … we next lunge back and circle up and since there’s plenty on the clock we complete 2 short rounds of exercises I was originally going to call ….. ABC s … since were at school
25 A American Hammers
25 B Big Boy sit-ups
25 C CDDs
25 s squats
Still 3 minutes … I ask Boudin for 10 count ….and ask him fav exercise … Burpees….. how many? 5!
I look to other side ask Slaw what is …….. Sister Acts fav exercise ( we all KNOW if called on what was coming …. so I threw a curve ball which really messed both guys up …. so I asked SA what his exercise would be and he calls Mike Tyson’s and tells us 10 andddddd time!

No Diablo Sammich this Thursday , but Whoopee will bd leading a Fourth Murph at 7
All other AOs will be open as usual in the morning with a Special edition of The Yank at 7 where the Declaration of Independence will be read!
There will NOT be a Midoriyama workout this Thursday (7/4)
Possibly another tubing event 7/20 more to follow
Folsom F3 fathers/ 2.0s on July 20 at 7:00 ( yes … that time is correct according to Mayor)

We next name the FNG …. takes a few minutes which surprised me … I tried not to influence the pax but when David mentions his dad (Dirt) and mentions for second time being in school in Idaho…..
I ask all what comes from the dirt or is grown in the dirt ? Finally someone calls “mud!”…. I ask the pax one or 2 agree …. then “spud” is called out ….. in all fairness I ask all “mud?” Again only 2 agree so I now call out “spud “ and get a better response … so welcome Spud … son of Dirt!
Prayers for Boudins brother in law and upcoming surgery
Montross’ mother ( tumors)
Continued prayers for Lynn Hamm to remain cancer free
3 members of Breaker Breakers church who are deploying soon ( infantry) newly married all … in Texas, another California and the other in Kuwait

Thanks to all who attended or influenced me in today’s exercise

The Murder Suicide

Shortly after another crazy beat down from Island I created this monster and filed it away for another not so rainy day. I also had a couple of ideas for parts of s workout inspired by some of pax who coincidentally post Midoriyama lately … sadly they were not present….
Last week while posting I noticed several openings at sites I’ve never Q’d before and decided this bird needs to fledge and leave the nest. First was the Storm where I’ll be July 2, then I grabbed one from Dr Seuss at the Goat later in the month followed by my noticing a small want ad in the Slack section of the paper and decided what the hey…..later the same day I finally committed to my coworker who ( if you posted at the Murph recently) is Iced Tea and site q of Crows nest in Lake Wylie where I’ll be in August ( site unseen… never been …. if you wonder they meet Monday’s 5:15 Crowders Ridge Elementary.
Onto the beat down …. I began as always with pledge and proceeded to inform all that the warm up was inspired by Defib and what I lovingly call the cardio cadence count… it’s a double time count which we did for 20 and rapidly followed with 20 cadence count merkins… and we did this twice ! I gassed out at 18 merkins on the second round …..
It was remarked later that if you want to shut down mumble chatter … this is the way to do it!
Moved to bleachers and two rounds of 10 count each leg step ups and 20 dips and return to flag for a choice …. inspired by Freight….. but it was mentioned that there WAS an actual choice A and B .
Lil Sweet tried to vote both ways and then attempted to leave , all the pax pulled him out of the van kicking and screaming because his choice wasn’t chosen , but when we made him understand ( with his arms pinned behind his back ) that he won either way …. he saw the light and decided to rejoin the party ….
The pax chose A ( which I secretly hoped and Slaw was excited to learn of Burpees … so excited I could not explain the exercise for 2-3 minutes! ( choice B was escalators on soccer field of squats merkins plank Jax and lbcs)
However they chose the what I call Murder Suicide …. ran parking lot with no cars or traffic ( length of soccer field …. perhaps not wise choice) 1 burpees each end then 2 – 3 -4 and 5 each end at this point switched to half parking lot for diminishing numbers back to 1 …. pax inspired me to run whole lot on final one!
Next up to Dog Hill…. original idea was to run up hill for 11s but modified to choose your direction of to the trash can and back or to soccer goal doing squats at one end and monkey humpers facing dogs to see if any dogs might be interested ….. no takers today sorry to say.
Return to start for Mary …Freddy Merc ,America hammers and some crazy crap from Oompa that was a painful lbc keeping legs elevated for some damn reason !

Announcements for 2.0 workout Schiele Saturday and tubing later that day

Next Saturday convergence Schiele again all others AOs closed

Sign up for Tuna … Ragnar

Prayers for Blart, Whetstone , All pax and Oompa wanted to pray for guidance , understanding and hope for misguided individual he sees most mornings with bumper stickers of rainbow and what appears to be two men going at each other!

I thoroughly appreciated this opportunity and am glad to have seized it …. I’ve become so relaxed going to my usual workout sites and Qing those …. but the other month when I visited all sites I realized time to move out a little ….. there’s s lot to be said about the heat at Midoriyama …. it’s REAL ! Had arm sleeves with tattoos I had to rip off about 10 minutes in , which someone advised I do quickly !
Extra special thank you to Def Leppard for the ice cold water !!!!!!

Doctor approved

When I first accepted this Q I had more ambitious idea in my head …. I was going to reach out to great many doctors and encourage them to post here even an attempt at Whoopee!! However I went for a much simpler more subtle approach. it would seem my approach worked better than I intended as only one doctor seemed to have posted this morning at the pub which gives us our title…. thanks Defib!
I plannedTo have us hit the road quickly as I intended to make the full journey down to the old HT pad what was promised at one point to be a water balloon battle and then at another point that men with purses will be battling it out against skinny armed little boys on the run !!
Q fail number one Was on me for the neglecting to tell everyone to go with their own pace but to be safe. We started with the pledge and then we shot out like a cannon blast! Scouts were sent ahead to Rustle all the bushes and the familiar haunts and holes for the elusive Rucker’s. JJ slipped off ordered a Trenti Starbucks, sucked it down and rejoined slowpoke me ( Anthrax slowed down keep me company ). Someone stated that there were some people in cars witnessed …. not sure what that means ……
I then referenced Sasquatch to which monk responded that he witnessed said beast on way in and EH d him for Diablo Sammich ( he carried a big stick like Luke).
On our return Linus starts comparing me to maximum-security the horse due to the quick start ….which I felt more like maximum Clydesdale would be closer to true. JJ says he still working on that sugary coffee hi wants to put in four and a half because were moving too slow….. we follow him finish out our 4 1/2 here comes the rest of the gang!

Announcements for Murph on memorial day 7 o’clock I’ll Ao s closed
No new info on Mount Mitchell hike prayers for Gastone and his family
Mentions for the Whetstone program as well as prayers for which this is my second Q fail forgetting to add that in the actual prayer
I forgot to add this in annoncemebts and in the prayer for the upcoming Food Drive this weekend as well as rice and beans next week sign up if you have not
Speed for Need/ Belmont classic May 25
Prayers for Sargento‘s mother-in-law being buried today
Perhaps it is a final Q failure not recognizing that we should be praying for poor old Diablo Sammich

As a final note next Thursday at The Pub the triumphal return of…… Monk!!!!

Phones today aren’t made to last

Arrived early to set up for today’s pain lab with once again unconventional materials for our beat down . During setup Voodoo arrives to help telling story of how his phone left him High and dry no longer functioning ( he’d been admiring my tonneau cover of which the money for his new phone HAD been originally earmarked! Only phone story to top that came about five minutes into workout when Cheesehead tells me of working on Sweet Leafs batting only to have an amazing line drive catch him just one side of pelvic area destroying his phone!!
Sledge o matic kept thinking star on shirt was for Dallas….NEVER!! Not a Jerry Jones fan … in fact if Satan and the minions of Hell played Dallas Cowboys ….. well …. I’m supporting ole Berlzebubba. Shirt is in honor of Steve Rogers the Original Avenger ( Endgame starts this weekend in case there’s still one person on Earth who did not know this)
Onto the workout …timer of two water buckets carry to Island and back…. much mumble about how one bucket or another became heavier after someone must’ve added more ( buckets were yellow ….. so who knows?)
Next was 5-6 coupons carry to other side of parking space build wall , reset …. same as next which had landscaping blocks.
Then station for pax choice of which I quickly removed coupon to add for curls or presses followed by dips at bench’s .
Next was a BIG favorite …. wood chopping with an axe( much mumble about chain saws…. I advised all of great form and how we are real men needing only an axe!
Shovels and a hay fork next …. you can visuslize that ….
Shrug or curl with two sand filled buckets next and ending with two stations of choice ( I offered lbc and merkins which I believe most used)
Music provided was Five Finger Death Punch of which my M had said she’d been listening to a lot anc I wanted to check out with Apple Music … much anger in these men( plus bad language … thankfully no 2.0s present) I do like some of their more radio ready songs.
After one time through stations had group to assemble for s break where we circled up bent over and tried to ripcord start our ‘lawnmower’ of which we had unfortunately left outside all winter … 10 pulls and nothing! So if you used right hand switch to left , vice versa, using other hand try again and on tenth pull it starts!!!! So with our arms stretched out in front we now lunge walk around an island in parking lot only to find two of our kids toys that they left out in the weeds and tall grass of which we clipped ( ( jump squat) and continue remembering to chastise our idiot children for leaving stuff out in the yard….. until…. jump squat because we forget about that rock in the yard that broke the blade and ended our mowing for today! There was some mumble about riding mowers and self propelled …. blah blah blah …. be glad we didn’t have to pull out the old spinning push mower and need to sharpen THOSE blades !!We also had another break with about 17 minutes to go where partnered up for wheelbarrow around the island …. that was tougher than thought!
To give a breather I collected phone and fix an early namearama of PL , return for one more station and here comes boot camp back a little early , so let’s gather for 10 minutes of Mary which I lead off with Makhtar N Diayes ( Up/ down plank 10x ) and we made most of way around pax … fun moment came when Hush Puppy didn’t want to be left out , so he moved up in front of Broke to give us a backwards baby maker ( thrust hips up) for which someone remarked if you were doing it right you wouldn’t need to move 🧐
Finished with announcements on Lewis Farm bonfire tonight, Belmont 5k / fun run May 25 (SFN event as well)…. sign up!
Yhc prayed out …. prayers for Anchorman, Cheeseheads mother in law, Youth at Bethlehem Church who lost Middle school pastor , service tonight, there were 2-3 others cannot remember

It was a great honor to lead ! I don’t get many Saturdays off to stay for entire workout …. so thank you …. all did very well and as a final note …. keep encouraging Cheesehead who has now lost 60! Pounds!!

Old school

Since we are at a school ….. let’s go old school. Old school PL with the coupons . I grabbed this Q mostly because Whazzzuppppp and I erroneously thought the Snoballs Q he accepted fromGastone was this week and he’d asked me to bring the coupons …. so why not kill two arms ,,,,, I mean two birds … you know the drill . However tomorrow we’ll be stuck with Gastone ( collective groans from much of S. Gastonia) and I’ll return with my part of the bargain next Wednesday along with Wazzup!
Sooo, my idea was simple, 4 exercises starting at 20 per dropping down to 1. I didn’t want the pax worn down ( even though Whhaatttssss Up! Mentioned that the Real Men of Folsom complete this exercise without setting coupons down ( or there’s a 5 burpee penalty) ! But this is Pain Lab , so there may or may not be burpees….. just not today!
So any who we reset after each exercises of triceps extensions, shoulder press, curls and swings ( these were wearing all down quick so after 20-15 switched those to squats. We alternated squats and heel raises also adding lunge walk of +- 150 feet and back. Now when we got to 6 down to 1 I challenged pax to a Folsom Finish not to set coupon down and they did not let me down !! It should also be noted that we did warm up of IW, merkins and SSH ( yes you read that right —- I promised pax to shake the icicles loose with something to AMP us up quick ) all IC and to the number 20.
Lastly I used DL from the Charlotte Metallica show to cheer us on expressing  to all present how the tix earned free DL of new release and the show a couple days later.
Cinco de Mitchell
2F event 4/27 Lewis Farms …m’s invited …
prayers for voodoos dad ( exceptionally low pulse ,,, possible pace maker needed)
Allen Tate’s mom (hip)
Dry Rubs co worker

Who ya gonna call? Ghostposters!!

Arrived at Diablo ready to serve ….single serve?
Alrighty then.
Warmarama : One SSH, MNC, Don Q, overhead claps all ‘cadence’ counts if 10, then 10 squat jumps OYO
Ruck on to Gastone’s Hill
Set playlist for One by Three dog Night , o Solo Mio ( scrap that …. change station) and All By Myself …. now let’s speed it up with One from Metallica!
Too much time on my hands so new playlist included SheBop by Cyndi Lauper, Vaseline by STP, Longview by Green Day, Darling Nikki from Prince and Billy Idols Dancing With Myself …. after this things got sticky……
Let’s go shake stuff loose on the climb up doing 10 squats per mailbox and 10 heels on way down.
Much complaining from assembled pax ,,,, feeling sore from added weight in sack , wanting to remove or throw down and never return, but suddenly riding like s Phoenix I receive inspirational words from an unnamed pax to persevere ( as that is my word for the year) and i mydclf through.
Grab two small bricks with 3 sets of following:
Raise arms at sides x10
Clap arms in front x10
Piston overhead x10 per side
Complete exercise by planking at curb lift one brick at a time up to curb and back down for a total of 10 ( entire routine was single count)
Recording failure during namearama
Announcements …. usual
Prayers for Boudin surgery April 26
Youth pastor Stuart Payne fromBethlehem Church …. new setbacks and difficult decisions for their family

This is Sparta!

After Pledge I gave a very quick disclaimer While slowly removing my hoodie expose the Spartan T-shirt beneath as I’ve done a terrible Scottish accent like Gerard Butler telling everyone that this is Sparta! I forgot to mention that we were a few short of the 300.
In order to help get us warmed up and in the mood I hit everyone with a slawter starter! And I reminded them that that was 20 Burpee‘s oyo …. yes two zero! Dirt
Had a question about when …. and I didn’t hear the second half I miss assumed that he meant when was my upcoming Spartan race …… only to find that he meant would he be able to finish the 20 Burpee‘s in the allotted time!! No really surprise that he accomplished the task.
I explained that in a typical obstacle race part of the event that there are obstacle challenges and much running and if you don’t accomplish a task that there is an assigned penalty which we would all be facing in today’s challenge ( and yes please modify if needed).
We began our trek quickly off-road Ing on the access road taking us to a series of walls that are used to separate mulch dirt and sand.
I had previously come out on a scouting mission and determined that only one of these walls would be usable in the dark. We assembled and the task was to cross over the wall or do five penalty’s. Almost all chose the obstacle and I awarded them with five more burpees!
Our next trek over pull-up bar all by itself for 10 pull-ups or chin upsor 10 penalty burpees…. and as all completed this task I once again awarded them with 10 more burpees! Now around the soccer field reassembling on the soccer field facing north elbow to elbow can you do the tunnel of love last man crawl through to the front first man at the end finishes the task…. this time there were no penalty Burpee‘s allowed or used.
Now we track on over to the playground Where we use the pull-up bars for a 30 second dead hang that I followed with 10 pull-ups…… and since we are not out of breath we do 10 Burpee‘s!
Next we take a long route over to the far soccer field where we once again reenact the tunnel of love only this time a man at the other end goes through first and the last man finishes us out . As we depart from here up to head over to the middle building in baseball fields I here a lot of grumbling and ask if anybody needed a count of 10 count…. there was some ascension and I said good 10 let’s continue…. today there will not be a 10 count!
We are now facing new challenge of a bear crawl around the building or a 20 penalty burpee … of which I was surprised a few took penalty! In Order to give Watts up a breather I called for five more burpees of which I was amazed at what a true HIM he is and he did aNother five burpees with us! Now we move on to the turd shack where we do Jack Webbs all the way up to seven and back down to one. Mosey on back to the pull-up bar for another 10 pull-ups or chin-ups and then mosey back to the start and finished up with a few flutters and Gastone decided to turn the workout around and do a few side straddle hops… workout in reverse.
I’ve been wanting to add the tunnel of love quite some time at the soccer field conditions have been so terrible due to all this rain.
I’m currently about 10 days away from the Spartan Sprint and growing more excited by the day!
AnyWho wish trying upcoming obstacle race with me in June I will be doing the warrior dash with the family and then again in October it will be a bone frog… reach out to me …. we’d love to have you!
I had announcements prayers for Gastone‘s father easy Rider’s son and Islands neighbor battling pneumonia

Promises to keep and miles to go …

When asked why he climbed the mountain the man simply replied,” Because it was there.”
Ten percent of Americans do NOT write down goals . My m and I started our lives together with a great many and as she is my best friend we tried to complete them and over time to add new ones. But then when our 2.0 came along, life became complicated. Thankfully gas prices were nearing $5 a gallon and we had to move again ( I despise continually moving!) But we found a perfect church home which we lacked back in Lincoln County and made new friends and eventually my finding F3 and reawakening that inner drive that had gone into hibernation mode.
A year before starting F3 I had bunion surgery and after a few weeks recovery found that running had become easier to return to and I reset my goal for my first 5k and did it in honor of my father who had passed a number of months prior. I saw some Midoryama/ F3 shirts and knowing my 2.0 loved Ninja warrior asked finding out there was a local group exercising in the dark …. you know the drill, right?
This was not on my radar , but months later speaking with a neighbor ( TimeFrame ) he told me he had been coming and I should try , only I planned on maybe one or 2 posts a month with my schedule.
The moment I knew I had locked into something new and different was when I posted during November of 2017 ( only weeks in!!) and pax numbers had been so weak and this was only days before Thanksgiving and Sargento asked if anyone had posted more than twice that month. Mine was the only hand out of approximately 14 pax!
Where am I going you ask ? Well, hopefully my discussion here about my goals set from last year coupled with some promises made and kept may help inspire others to set/ reach and continue to grow goals … because if you’re not moving, you might need to check for a pulse!
At the Christmas party last year I promised Dr. Seuss and Virus that I would return someday to the Goat and also promised Breaker Breaker to return to the Storm. Also on my radar was going back to Midoriyama , going to all AOs , a daily double, try and post 7 or more days and even try to post all AOs in one month. Ambitious to say the least since I work most Saturdays and take kids to school 3 mornings if each week along with everything else.
I finished last year out not touching any of these goals other than to post Bulldog and all the others. I was not dejected, s new year dawned.
I began this month securing first one, then 3 Saturdays off…. mostly excited about the final Saturday where I could Attend Folsom at the convergence! By the second week of this month I had completed a daily double and started mapping out how to reach all AOs in a single month realizing that Mt Holly and the Dallas AOs would be more challenging to reach so first, being married I wisely asked permission not only to complete this task but also to receive a reprieve on Sundays ( these had wisely been set apart for ONLY family / detox /God/ unwind / relax time ) . Next I used my days off ( they are in a rotation) I next plotted my month even adding a few more posts at my usual haunts. I completed all these goals including doing 8 posts in a row ( dreadful … cannot imagine Hipaa running the Qfor 7 in a row!)
I learned much in my travels and fully enjoyed seeing new locales/ workout styles even seeing some faces I had only seen a time or two.
Whoopee said it best that each location has its own unique personality. While at The Fighting Yank a couple weeks ago, Orangeman said that their site is much like an asteroid at the outskirts of Gastonia.
Also it was amazing to talk with some I never had only recently met like Gumby who seeks to post an amazing 35 times this month and Broke who plans on posting 210-220 times this year! It was truly inspirational to see others with amazing goals set before them.
Do your goals need to be high? No not really.
I end with this our pastor Dickie Spargo at Bethlehem Church has used a few times this year “If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done.” Ecclesiastes 11:4

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