Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Bulldog (Page 1 of 2)

Bulldog’s Farewell Tour

First I want to apologize in the delay to get this out.  With the move and settling into my new role it has been busy, but that is no excuse for not getting it out sooner!

This Q started back on 1/1/2017.  T-Square had the heart and the vision to approach me, one sad clown, and invited me to this thing called F3!  I’ve been wanting to exercise more and be part of a community of men that pursued God and fitness and this seemed to be the perfect fit.  I knew my track record though and figured I wouldn’t commit and follow through and gave myself at most 3 weeks before having some excuse not to continue with F3.

I decided to go and it took me a couple days of saying I would go before finally defeating that darned fart sack!  It was chilly morning and I came out in work out pants, two layers of shirts, a coat, and a stocking cap.  I soon realized I was way over dressed and couldn’t shed the layers fast enough.  Unfortunately it was one Gastone’s Hill workouts and I had no clue where we were going next so I just continued to sweat to death instead of littering the homeowners yards with my displaced clothes while Gastone tried to kill me.  Here is the link to my first exercise…

Gastone’s Hill of Fun

Thank you Gastone for making it so remember able  that I came back for more.  I couldn’t keep up at all and think I may have done 5 flutters and 5 merkins before collapsing it was all I could do to just try to keep up by doing maybe a 1/3 of the exercises.  It all finally ended and it was then I got the name Bulldog, to Hell with Georgia!

I started to come Monday through Saturday, with a few appearances at Goat Island but ended up between Martha’s House, Folsom, Downtown and the Scheil.  I started to go everyday not for the fitness but because I was so soar from the previous day I realized that working out the next day it helped the soarness go away.  The fitness may have been the first thing that brought me to F3 but it was this group of men that kept me coming.  I knew that this group of men really was special, and not just that Whoopee kind of special.  This group was on mission and on purpose to build up men through true community and through Christ’s power and prayer.

I got the privilege to lead this group multiple times but was never so honored in my life to lead my last Q with this group (38 men from my count).  I knew Folsom’s Saturdays were getting larger and was expecting to have about 15-18 men there but you all kept it a great secret of a convergence.  I was in awe, honored, and humbled that you all would come out to support me on my last Q.  It was again a shinning example of the brotherhood formed in this group.  I’ve served and lead in a church and a fire department for years and never experienced this type of strength and bond.  I tried to make a short speech expressing my thoughts and appreciation but I knew if I was going to keep it together I better get started so SLAUGHTER STARTER!

So warm up was the slaughter starter. Then a mosey to the bottom of the large park lot, it was the largest area I could think of to give us enough room for the next exercise.  Dora Hill Climb.  Partner 1 does exercises at bottom of the parking lot while Partner 2 runs up to the top of the parking lot (75 yards?) does 5 burpees, and then runs back down and switches with Partner 1.  Exercise were


  • 200 LCB’s
  • 200 Mountain Climbers
  • 200 Michael Phelps
  • 100 – 200 Mike Tysons (had to Omaha these)
  • 200 American Hammers


After Dora, we mosey’d around till we got the the tennis courts.  Here again because of the group size split in half.  Half of the men lined up on one side of the tennis courts and the other half on the other.


  • Crab Walk to net, 25 diamonds
  • Lunges walk to to fence, 25 sumo squats
  • Bear crawl to net, 25 CDD
  • Duck Walk back to fence, 25 monkey humpers

Rinse and repeat.  At this time we tried a new exercise.  We met in the middle of the courts at the net, half on one side and half on the other.  Group 1 got shoulder to shoulder, at this time a few men lost their shirts and it was quite nasty at the amount of sweat and stink that was coming out of us…anyways shoulder to shoulder in a sit up position, arms locked together and feet under the net with Group 2 standing on our feet.  15 sit ups in cadence.  This was an awesome exercise because as one man starts to struggle in completing the sit up the two on either side is arm locked and helps his struggling brother get up to stay with the team.  We switched and it was Group 2’s turn.  We then rinsed (in each other’s sweat I think) and repeated but at 30 sit ups this time.  I think I might call this one, shield lock sit ups!

We had about 5 minutes left in our hour so we did some tennis court suicides with some burpees at the starting line.  It was a great finish to an awesome beat down that I myself wanted to kick myself for coming up with.  We meandered back to the parking lot.  Sparky shared some water with everyone, had prayer requests and announcements and then I was presented with an F3 shirt signed by you all.  This shirt and the surprise of the convergence was amazing, I will always treasure this day and the gift of the shirt, the gift of being part of this group.

We finished with the pledge, pictures and pancakes that probably needed a large flat shovel to flip!  It has been great men and I look forward to working out with you all again if God allows!


Folsom’s Dora Hill

Brief and to the point. 2 showed. Warm up. Core (below) Mosey to flag and pledge. Core again. Mosey to the hill. Dora’s Devil Hill (below). Mosey to stairs for calf raises. Mosey. Core again with added dips. Mosey back to cars.

Folsom Dora Hill Climb, One partner runs to the bottom of the hill and back while the other does the exercise, then switch:


  • 50 – Burpees
  • 100 – Diamond Push Ups
  • 200 – Squats


30 seconds of each core:


  • American Hammers
  • Left side V-Ups
  • Right side V-Ups
  • Michael Phelps
  • V-Ups



No Mosey Here (Folsom)

Volunteered to Q when scheduled Q was not able to make it

Warm up

Core…30 seconds of each: Crunchy Frogs, Big Boy sit ups, X Cross sit ups, Dancing Chilcutts, Sweat Angels, American Hammers

4 corners around 2 tennis courts:

Crab walk to first corner, 10 Diamond merkins, Lunges to next corner, 10 sumo squats, Bear Crawl to next corner, 10 Carolina Dry Docks, Duck walk to next corner, 10 monkey humpers.

Rinse and repeat, increase 10 count exercises by 10 each time so finishing with 30 counts.

Finish with another core cycle.

No Mosey Here (Martha’s)

Disclaimer, warm up, and pledge

Some were excited some were terrified, a Q with no mosey…?

Core…30 seconds of each: Crunchy Frogs, Flutter kicks, X Cross sit ups, Dancing Chilcutts, Sweat Angels, American Hammers

4 corner about 20 yards apart:

Crab walk to first corner, 10 Diamond merkins, Lunges to next corner, 10 sumo squats, Bear Crawl to next corner, 10 Carolina Dry Docks, Duck walk to next corner, 10 monkey humpers.

Rinse and repeat, increase 10 count exercises by 10 each time so finishing with 30 counts.

Finish with another core cycle.

The Gastonia Triangle

9 showed up, but after experiencing the Gastonia Triangle, some wished it where the Bermuda Triangle where they could just disappear.  It was a true beat down!

The Thang:

Disclaimer, SSH x 10, LBC’s x 10, Burpees x 10, Mosey to park

Exercises performed in rapid succession for 30 seconds each

Arms – Jumping Spider, Dips, Diamond Push Up, Bear Crawl approx. 30 yards to the next point in the triangle

Legs – Split Jacks, Sumo Squats, Smurf Jacks, Lunges approx. 30 yards to the next point in the triangle

Abs – Crunchy Frogs, X – Sit Ups, American Hammers, One legged Wheel Barrow approximately 50 yards back to the arm station.

Mosey around park and the rinse and repeat

Mosey to baseball fields, 30 seconds of Dips, 30 seconds of Diamonds, Mosey, Burpee Long Jumps, Mosey to the cars.

Death by a 1,000 cuts…ok maybe not death

Well 6 brave men fought off the fart sack and maybe it to Folsom this morning.  I had planned a Q that would be fast paced with about 5 seconds of rest between.  It was compromised of 30 different exercise, okay I over estimated on the 1000, all done for 30 seconds then move into the next exercise.  The idea was to keep the heart elevated without a mosey and do various exercise in rapid succession.

Start with disclaimer and pledge and a brief introduction on how the morning was going to go.

Mosey to pavilion.

30 seconds of each in rapid succession:

Burpees x 10 (not timed)


Low Plank Peter Parker


Flutter Kicks


American Hammers


X Sit Ups


Right Leg Burpees x 10 (not timed)

Step Ups

Box Cutter


Sweat Angels

Monkey Humpers

Crunchy Frog

Shoulder Taps

French Fries

Hold a Squat

Left Leg Burpees x 10 (not timed)

Calf Raises


Stagger Merkins

Dancing Chilcutt

Smurf Jacks

Dying Cockroach

Russian Dips

Freddie Mercury


Burpee x 10 (not timed)

Mosey back to the cars

COT – prayer requests and announcements (April 29th Burpee-thon, 30 Burpee challenge each day through April)

Finished slightly ahead of schedule so next time maybe 45 seconds per exercise!

B is for Bulldog and Burpees!

12 men showed for a Bulldog Q at Martha’s House.


Burp & Merk Pyramid ascending up to 10

Burp & Groin Pyramid descending from 10

The Thang:

Mosey to the park

Set of 3 BOPO (Burpee, One legged Burpee, Plank Jack, Burpee) while you partner does American Hammers, switch.

Bearpee across the parking lot and back while partner is doing Flutter kicks, switch

Burpee Dans across the parking lot and back while partner is doing X Sit Ups, switch

Bataan Death March – Indian run but before running to the front of the line do 3 Burpees, then sprint to front of line

As a group Bearpee and Burpee Dans, alternating across the parking lot and back.

Mosey back to the cars

Cool down:

Burp & Merk Pyramid ascending up to 10

Burp & Groin Pyramid descending from 10

Announcements – April 6-9th Gaston Day Play good with 2.0, Whoopee putting together a skeet shooting event, Gastone organizing a Mt. Mitchell climb, Checkers Hockey game on Saturday Charlotte Police and Fire game to follow after Checkers game

Prayers – Many prayers for family and friends with cancer and surgeries and P200.  Keep each other and our families in our prayers.


Bottom of the List

13 braved the cold for a royal beat down from the bottom of the exicon list!

Warm Up: SSHx15, LBCx15, Burpeesx5

Mosey to Martha’s Park.

Dora 1:

X Sit Ups while other partner lunges to the middle of the parking lot, switch exercises repeat until PAX gone across the parking lot and back

WMD Crawl (Wide, Merkin, Diamond with bear crawl) and LBC’s.  First partner does LBC’s while second partner does 5 Wide, 5 Bear Crawl, 5 Merkin, 5 Bear Crawl, 5 Diamond, 5 Bear Crawl and repeat until reaches middle of parking lot.  Then switch exercise.  Continue until both PAX make it across the parking lot and back.

Walk like an Egyptian (indian run but with lunges that you hold while the back runner sprints to the front)

Dora 2:

First Partner does Prison Cell Merkin Burpee while other partner runs 30 yards and back.  Switch exercises and repeat 5 times.


Repeat Dora 1 but half the distance

Walk like an Egyptian back towards the car and end with an all out jail break dash to the cars.

It was awesome…the bottom of the exicon will be visited again!

“From the Mouthes of Babes”

When my kids found out that I was leading the workout they decided to take it upon themselves to show me the exercises that I should do.  After about 30 minutes of watch this daddy and how about this one the list was made.  There were standard ones like side straddle hops and merkins but then there where the more complicated, advanced exercises like leap frog (jumping over each other like a frog).  After some thought I decide I better modify where needed so there where no leap frogging but instead Burpee long jumps.  Most of the items here were left just as my kids said to do with some slight modifications.  So here it is:

Warm up: SSH x 15, Merkins x 15, LBC’s x 15, mosey run to pavilion

Pavilion 1: CDD x 10, Hip Slappers x 10, Merkins x 10

Jail Break to Light Post

Light Post: WW1 Sit ups x 10, Snow Angels x 10, Michael Phelps x 10

Lunges back to pavilion

Pavilion 2: Squats x 10, Step Ups x 10, Box Jumps x 10

Burpee Long Jumps to road and bear crawl back to pavilion

Rinse and Repeat, and then mosey run back to the parking lot with a few Burpees to salute the passing train.  Along the run it was determined if my 5 and 6 year old were going to come up with the weinke, next time they need to do it with us!

Once back at the car took the suggestion for the next exercise to be star gazing.  So we did and challenged the men to share about their M’s and 2.0’s and say one thing that they were thankful for about their M.  Then left them with a challenge to serve their M at least once before we meet again.

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