It was the day after the Extinction run. 5 brave souls showed up to Members Only.
2 Ruckers started at 6 and the remaining three ran 5 miles starting a 6:30 am.
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
It was the day after the Extinction run. 5 brave souls showed up to Members Only.
2 Ruckers started at 6 and the remaining three ran 5 miles starting a 6:30 am.
Promptly stared at 7 am with the pledge then moved into the warm up
Imperial Walkers 15 IC
Merkins 10 IC
Grass Pickers 10 IC
Squats 20 OYO
Mosey to Greer Middle School
Route 66
Merkins then lunge 2 parking spaces
Comeback on Route 66 with Squats and bear crawl 2 parking spaces.
The remaining part of the work out consisted of the following sets with about a .25 mile mosey in between sets
Set 1
15 burpees
20 Reverse lunges
15 merkins
20 LBC
20 Moroccan night clubs
Set 2
30 Mtn climbers
20 squats
15 CDD
20 Freddie Mercuries
20 Hip dips
Set 3
30 SSH
20 Lunges
20 Merkins
20 Reverse crunch
30 Sec L side plank
30 Sec R side plank
Set 4
Tabata for Abs
American Hammers
Reverse Crunch
Freddie mercuries
Flutter kicks
Time with that last exercise of Tabata completed.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead. The difficulty of the work out did not match the name of the workout, but I liked it. Mumblechatter was good during the work out. Relived some relay moments and had a few laughs. Until the next time. SYITG.
Tiger was the QIC for The Yank, so he warmed up PAX. Those that were staying for The Bunker stayed and we moseyed down to the parking lot. YHC grabbed his speaker and The Bunker began.
We completed 4 rds of the following excercise
Tabata – 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest in between the following exercises for 4 minutes
Flutter Kicks
Reverse Crunch
Then we transitioned into
After the 4 rounds were completed we moved to the wall for 2-3 rounds of the following exercises
60 second wall sit
20 Hip Slappers
20 Shoulder Taps
60 second wall sit
Train came by during the work at the wall, so we honored it with 5 burpees.
With 5 minutes to spare we fellowship moseyed to the Fighting Yank. 11 Monkey Humpers IC then boot camp guys started showing up, so we ran to pickup the 6. Time
Tiger took us out with Pledge, annoucments, and COT.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead. SYITG
There were flashes in the sky from the lightening on the way to The Ricky Bobby. The clock struck 530 am and Bubba Sparxx expressed his concerns about the lightening, but being the meteorologist that we are we pushed on
Warm up:
Moroccan Nightclubs 15 IC
Merkins 15 IC
Grass Pickers 15 IC
We completed 4 rounds of the following exercises. The PAX had 1 minute to complete each of the following excecises. If you finished early we planked, did arm circles, air presses, or recovered.
24 squats
15 merkins
24 4 count flutter kicks
15 CDD
24 reverse lunges
1 minute of mountain climbers
Mosey for 1 minute
After the 4 rounds we moseyed around the track for about 5 minutes until time.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Have a great week!
This Q was timely do to YHC had not posted in about 2 weeks. Good to be back out with everyone even though YHC almost made himself splash merlot. The clock struck 7 a.m., so we moseyed down to the parking lot to warmup.
20 Morracan Night Clubs IC
10 Don Q’s IC
10 Merkins IC
10 Imperial Walkers IC
20 Squats OYO
The PAX who were attending bootcamp separated with The Bunker PAX. 14 in total we moseyed to parking lot across from Glenway. We started with the following abs exercises
25 4 count Flutters
25 Reverse Crunch
25 4 count Freddie Mercuries
25 LBC
Next we did 2 rounds of the following exercises with a mosey around the parking lot in between.
5 Burpees
20 Squats
5 Burpees
15 Merkins
5 Burpees
20 Lunges
5 Burpees
10 V ups
We then moseyed back to Stowe Park for a Bear Crawl Merry go round then right into DORA 123. One PAX ran around the circular sidewalk while the other PAX did:
100 Merkins
200 Squats
300 Flutters
With that complete we moseyed to the middle school for 2 rounds of
60 sec wall sit
20 hip slappers
10 Dirty Hook ups
60 sec wall sit
Moseyed back to the Fighting Yank to finish with some ab work.
25 4 ct Flutters
25 Reverse Crunch
Freddie Mercuries until time.
Thanks for the push and the opportunity to lead. SYITG
Warm Up
10 Merkins IC
10 Grass Pickers IC
20 Squats OYO
Mosey to back of school
Round 1
30 SSH
20 Squats
10 Merkins
Mosey to side of school
Round 2
30 Mountain Climbers
20 Lunges
10 Pushups
Mosey back to front of school
Round 3
30 Pulsing Squats
20 Burpees
10 Merkins
Mosey back to side of school
Round 4
30 Freddie Mercuries
20 Plank Jacks
10 Merkins
Mosey to back of school
Round 5
20 Russian Twist
20 Flutters
20 Reverse Crunch
20 Plank with side dip
We were able to get through all rounds 2 times and through round 2 on 3rd time around. Finished up with a round of Mary and time.
So it was about 9:00 pm Monday night, and I see a Slack notification come up. It’s Pilgrims Progress talking about
Boudin with the Q at The Storm. I immediately start to put together work out. Show up the next morning and rain is in the air. 9 PAX show up in the gloom. We say the Pledge and we are off on a mosey to get the blood flowing. We take a lap around the parking lot and ended under the awning at the school.
Warm up:
15 Moroccan Night Clubs IC
10 Merkins OYO
10 Don Quixote IC
20 Squats
Set 1
15 Burpees
20 Reverse Lunges
15 Merkins
20 LBC’s
20 Dips
Set 2
30 Mountain Climbers
20 Squats
10 CDD
20 Freddie Mercuries
10 Plank Hip Dips each side
Set 3
30 SSH
20 Lunges
20 Merkins
20 Reverse Crunches
30 Sec Plank Left Side
30 Sec Plank Right Side
Run 2 laps under Stuart Cramer awning. Dirt wanted to feel the gloom more, so he ran in the rain part of the time.
We were able to get 3 rounds and Set number 1 completed then planked until the clock struck 6:15 a.m.
Announcements: Rafting trip next weekend, F3 Dads, Extinction run on November 6th.
The clock struck 7:00 a.m., I looked at Termite who was the Q of The Yank to let him know. Typically the The Yank Q warms both groups up, so we moseyed down to the parking lot. When we got to the parking lot Termite took control of the situation and promptly asked me to warm the group up. No problem, SSH, Merkins, Morrocan Night Club, Squats is all I remember because they were not part of the Weinke thinking Termite would lead the warmup. The two groups split up and 7 PAX stayed for the bunker.
The Thang
4 rds
10 Lunges
10 Airsquats
10 Monkey humpers
5 Burpees
Bear Crawl about 10-15 yds
Lunge walk with a twist back to the start
Next Ab work Tabata style 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 2 rounds of the following exercises
Flutter kicks
Freddie Mercuries
Mountain Climber
To the wall next which I realized it was going to be very quiet without music, so I found a Metallica channel on Pandora. Q fail for not bringing a speaker.
3 rds
1 min Wall Sit
20 Hip Slapper
10 Dirty Hookups
1 min Wall Sit
Off the wall for more Ab work Tabata style 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 2 rounds of the following exercises
L Side Plank
R Side Plank
Mountain Climber
Next we used parking spaces do the work then moving to the next space for 2 rounds of the following exercises:
5 Burpees
20 Squats
5 Burpees
10 Merkins
5 Burpees
20 Lunges
5 Burpees
10 V Ups
Walk back to the start.
Now that’s over lets work on our core again, more Ab work Tabata style 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 2 rounds of the following exercises:
Leg Lifts
LBC feet on ground
Reverse Crunch
With time running low we started to move our way to (There may or may not have been the song Cruel Summer by Bananarama played during this time) The Fighting Yank doing 3 rounds of:
10 Merkins
10 Monkey Humpers
10 CDD
10 Squats
With about a minute left we planked around The Yank, the boot camp guys showed up an time.
I took care of COT knowing that Termite didn’t have his phone on him.
Announcements: F3 Dad’s at Folsom, Tubing Green River
COT I took us out in prayer.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead. SYITG
The clock struck 7:00 a.m. and the PAX were anxious to get started. We moseyed down to the Bunker where The Bunker and The Yank Pax warmed up together.
15 Morraccan Night Clubs IC
20 Merkins OYO
15 Grass Pickers IC
5 Burpees OYO
The Yank PAX then split off to continue on the boot camp adventure. Moseyed up to the rail road tracks 5 burpees to cross the rail road tracks. We then continued our mosey up to Nellie’s parking lot for the following Tabata exercises (20 sec of work 10 sec of rest for 8 sets).
Monkey Humpers
Mountain Climbers
5 Burpees to leave the parking lot then we moseyed to Ballards parking lot for the following Tabata exercises (20 sec of work 10 sec of rest for 8 sets).
5 Burpees to leave the parking lot then we moseyed to parking lot across from Jekyll and Hyde for the following Tabata exercises (20 sec of work 10 sec of rest for 8 sets)
Reverse Crunch
Freddie Mercury’s
5 Burpees to leave the parking lot then we moseyed to parking lot in between Jekyll and Hyde and Glenway for 11’s. I let the PAX pick the exercises. Dirt picked dying cockroaches and Freon chose Mike Tyson. In between the exercises we started by doing bear crawls, but also used lunges to give the shoulders a rest.
5 Burpees then we moseyed back toward Stowe Park stopping at the train tracks for 5 burpees, so we could cross. We continued the mosey down to the fountain. A train came by at this time, so another 5 Burpees were enjoyed by the PAX. We then did the follow exercises running a lap around the fountain in between each:
100 Squats
90 LBC
80 Lunges
70 Merkins
60 second plank
30 sec left moseyed back to The Fighting Yank.
Annoucements – 2nd F Tubing (Check Slack or details), F3 kids at Folsom.
Prayer request
Named the FNG who is CPAP’s son who attends Liberty University. Welcome LiMu. It’s at this point where I caught a bunch of grieve do to I was supposed to do Name O Rama first. I’m not going to mention the leader of this charge, but I bet you can guess who it was. It was SARGENTO! The maker of all the rules.
I took us out in prayer.
Thank you for the opportunity to lead. Come out next Saturday and catch another Boudin Q at the Bunker. Have a great week!
It all started when CPAP put out the SOS on Slack that he needed a substitute Q do to he had to be out of town. I decided to take it do to I have not Q in a while and need to lead more. 5:30 a.m. came and there were a total of 9 PAX then Dr. Suess showed up late. He is really taking this summer off of school seriously.
Moraccan Night Clubs IC
Merkins IC
Don Q’s IC
Squats 20 OYO
We then took of on a mosey in which every .25 miles we stopped and did
5 Burpees
10 CDD
15 Squats
20Merkins ( They may or may not have been some substitutions going on for this exercise YHC though it would be good training for GrowRuck PT test.)
Complete 4 rds, so we got a mile in. Good start to the morning.
We next settled in for some TABATA work. 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest of the following exercises
Monkey Humpers
Push ups
Mtn Climbers
Flutter kicks
Monkey Humpers
Push ups
Mtn Climbers
Flutter kicks
Round one complete we ran approximately .25 miles then completed a second round.
We then moseyed around the parking lot coming back to the flag for a little core work. I tried to get as close to 25 seconds per exercise other than finishing with a full minute plank
Low Flutters
High Scissors
Low Scissors
American Hammers
Heals to Heaven
Freddie Mercuries
Right side plank
Left side plank
Finished with 5 burpees and that’s time.
Freight: service project collecting mints, cough drops, gum, and small brush/combs.
Prayer request: Nutria traveling with family to Baton Rouge, Uranus baby and family, and all the PAX lifted up on Slack over that past few weeks.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead. This is the push I needed Q more workouts.
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