• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 06/15/2024
  • AO: The Fighting Yank
  • QIC: Montana
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Brutus, Goose, Orangeman, Watts Up, Tardi Gras, Bos, Doodles, Tesla, Pinto.

YHC  was the only PAX w/o respect. I had to earn it by having the group doing the following in cadence on the bouncing park rubber.

No FNG, disclaimer , pledge GO…

Warm ups

Right hand to right foot   Flap jack

Right over left       Flap jack

Side straddle hops/SSH


Mountain climber


Imperial Walker

Toy soldiers

Cherry Picker jk gravel pickers.
We moseyed the long way to the bunker where we counted off to 10. Set up 11’s with one side LBC’s other side Mike Tyson’s. Everyone got to choose how they wanted to travel between each set. Wall sit for the 6.


Next was Dora

Pick a partner and do 100 CDD, 200 calf raises, 300 flutter kicks. While one partner was doing the exercise the other ran up the bunker stairs and down the hill back to starting point. Wall sit for the 6.

Final set… 4 corners

SSH, CDD, low slow squats, heals to heaven. Started out with 5 reps of each in each corner. Make way around and increase 5 until all the  you reach 30 reps at each corner.  Fellowship mosey back to yank for 3 minute marry.


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