• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/18/2024
  • AO: The Fighting Yank
  • QIC: Gavel, Jane Fonda
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Base Cadet, Jelly Roll, Nutria, Toothfairy, Montana, Tesla, Orangeman, Flintstone, Brutus, Tiger, Tardy Gras, Cheesesteak, Wreck it Ralph

Just before we celebrated a great Extinction Run we celebrated at The Yank. Jane Fonda was getting married that evening and I turned 39. We also had a PAX in town from Atlanta. You should’ve been there.

Pledge of Allegiance

Jane Fonda warned us up for about 13 minutes then put in about 2-3 minutes of hard work. I messed up my addition of 3+9 and it all went down hill from there.


Memorial Day Murph 0700 at Martha Rivers Park
PT test at every AO 6/1
6/22 clean up after bootcamp at The Yank

Jane Fonda’s marriage

Yours truly prayed