• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/23/2024
  • AO: The Goat
  • QIC: BOS
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Tesla, Mama's Boy, Tardi Gras, Gavel, Elf, Dr. Seuss, Radar, Boudin, Watt's Up, Anchorman, Pinto

12 HIM showed at the Goat for what YHC thought was going to be a quiet workout.  Well that didn’t happen.

Count off to myself because some days its easier, a quick disclaimer and its time for our warm up.

8 SSH IC + 2 Burpees / 8 Imperial Walkers IC + 2 Burpees / 8 Crack Pickers IC + 2 Burpees / 8 Plank Jacks IC + 2 Burpees.  Lots of confusing looks and comments about 8 reps compounded by the fact that YHC even messed up the count.  The burpees didn’t quite register either since they are not regularly on this Qs weinke.   The 8 & 2 was a nod to Mom’s 82nd birthday coming up Saturday.

Mosey to the bridge and Lt Dan across.  10 Merkins and plank for the six.

Mosey to second bridge and cross with High Knees and 10 Morrocan Night Clubs on the other side.

Mosey to the back parking lot for three rounds of four corner stack.

Round 1 = Start with 10 Merkins, run to second corner for 10 Merkins and 20 Apollo Ohnos. Run to third corner for merkins, Apollo Ohnos and 30 Squats. Run to fourth corner for Merkins, Apollos, Squats and 40 Flutters. Plank for 6.

Round 2 = Stack 10 Monkey Humpers, 20 Calf Raises, 30 LBC and 40 Air Presses

Round 3 = PAX Choice.  Boudin called 10 Merkins, Mama’s Boy called 20 Burpees (WTH!) At this point the Q started taking more shots and Mama’s Boy too.  Dr Seuss called 30 American Hammers and Radar called 40 Lunges.  And we are off.  Lots of grumbling and modifying on this round, but lots of hard work too.

Mosey back to the flag for Mary.

Announcements:  Memorial Day Murph.  Tequila Sunrise moving to Southpoint HS while driveway is under construction.  6/1 = PT Test at all Saturday AOs

Prayers:  Turtleman, Gavel’s Family, Termite, PAX on IR and Graduates.

Til next time!