• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/22/2024
  • AO: The Sandlot
  • QIC: Short Sale
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Stroganoff, Flintstone, Maybelline, Winehouse, Amazon, Bullwinkle, JJ

Rare Q for me on a Wednesday morning. I owed Maybelline a Q as he has the GasHouse this weekend (come out and get some). I saw a drinking game where participants stacked cups competitively. I began to ponder how it would work within a workout. As I played out the concept, I thought a PAX of 8 would be ideal. As luck occurred, I saw 7 other men in the circle as I approached. How fortuitous.

Warm-up – the usual: Seal Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldier, Side 2 Side lunge IC x 10. We said the Pledge.

Stay in the circle for the Thang:

  • SSH IC x 30, run 1 lap around the building
  • Iron Mike Tyson IC x 20, run 1 lap around the building
  • Split Jack Toe Touch IC x 20, run 2 laps around the building
  • Diamond Merkins IC x 15 (barely for the Q), run 2 laps around the building
  • Jump Squats IC x 20, run 2 laps around the building
  • Mtn Climbers (slow graze of knee 1″ over the ground), IC x 20

Mosey to the office building down the street in the back parking lot. I wanted an even middle of the parking lot so divided the PAX in teams of 4 (Team Amazon vs. Team GSM) and had them march toward the middle to create the line. There were 2 blue cones in the middle flanked by 3 green and 3 yellow cones. There were 8 exercises listed which would be performed as a team total. With teams of 4, I declared the total team reps to be 50 with the exception for LBCs to be 100 total. The teams gather at the edges or the parking lot and upon completion run to the center and move the blue cone one spot (green for Amazon and yellow for GSM). Goal was to get the blue cone to the 3rd cone of the team side. Sounds complicated? Oh good, then I’m not losing my touch. Competition breeds intensity and our PAX love competition. The teams were even through the first round. I had to figure out a difference maker. So, for round 2 I combined the exercises into groups of two. I now realize the reps need to be individualized or higher team reps. Stay tuned for the next opportunity. It worked out with Team Amazon earning the win.

With the time left, we hustled back to base for some core work to finish out our time.

COT: Prayers – Turtleman, Maybelline’s co-worker’s wife in stage 4 cancer, HS graduates, Choo-choo’s Mom; Announcements – Memorial Day Murph on 5/27 at 0700 at The Sandlot (Sword and Mt. Hollywood open at normal times).