• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/21/2024
  • AO: The Storm
  • QIC: BOS
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Eh Yall, Roscoe, Breaker Breaker, Anchorman, Tesla, Tardi Gras, Flintstone, Pinto, Sargento, Boudin, Alma Mater, Cheesesteak, Montana, Dr Seuss, Tiger

Sixteen HIM dove headfirst into the Storm.  Two got out early for an extra mile while cones were being placed and before the others pulled into their starting spots.

A quick disclaimer and count off and we were ready to go.  Warm up:

15 SSH IC / 15 Imp Walkers IC / 15 Gravel Pickers IC / 15 Plank Jacks IC / Stretch for the old guys.  R over L / L over R / Feet Together / Arm stretches and that was enough stalling.

Mosey to guardrail.  Decline Merkin x 10 /  Dips x 10 IC / Incline Merkin x 10 IC

Mosey to traffic circle and circle up on your six. Leg lifts.  One person runs around the circle while others hold six inches.  Runner returns and yells up.  Feet go up to 45 degrees while next runner runs the circle then yells down.  Repeat through all runners.  Flip over to plank and follow the same rules with high plank and low plank.

Mosey to main parking lot for football.  Touchdown Beatdown.

Bear crawl through endzone to 10 yard line.

10 Jump squats, run to 20

20 Merkins, run to 30

30 Flutters, run to 40

40 Monkey Humpers, run to 50

50 LBC, run to 40

40 Apollo Ohnos, run to 30

30 Plank Jacks, run to 20

20 Squats, run to 10

10 Toy Soldiers, Bear Crawl through endzone then run back to start.

Multiple trips across the field were made.  Great job everyone

Back to the flag for some Mary and time was called.


Memorial Day Murph / PT Test June 1st / Blood Drive coming soon.


Turtleman, Termite, Recent Grads, Breakers Family, PAX on IR

Til Next Time