• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 01/06/2024
  • AO: Old School
  • QIC: Wirenut
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Purple Haze

Well it was me and Purple Haze at Old School this morning. As  soon as the clock rang 0700 we immediately moved ourselves vehicles and all to the Old Courthouse so that we could put in a little work under the gazebo. I said we’d stay as dry as possible and that’s what we did. We both grabbed a couple of sandbells each and I snatched up my handy dandy Monster Torch speaker and off to the gazebo we ran. Once inside I cranked up my Classic Rock Workout Playlist and we got started. We did a nice long warmup and a lot of functional stretching afterwards to make sure the  body was ready given the weather conditions this morning. Once finished with the warmup we completed several rounds of strength exercises followed by recovery exercises. The first round started with 15/45 work to rest ratio. The second was 30/30. The third was 45/15. The final round was 1 min. work no rest between exercises. The exercises were Front Rack Squats, Curls, Overhead Press, Bent Over Rows, and Deficit Merkins – hands on the bags chest to the ground Merkins. The recovery cycle at the end of each round was 20 SSH, 20 Arm Circles Front and Back, 20 Slow Butt Kickers, 20 Slow High Knees, and a couple of stretches. This cycle was done between rounds to keep the body moving while giving it a little recovery. This workout was by no means a lung buster but the heart rate was elevated and most importantly the muscles were very fatigued by the last two rounds. After the final round we put everything back in my truck and there was about 10min. left so we decided to get in a quick little Fellowship Mosey and by the time we got back we had in a mile. We said the Pledge at the Courthouse Flag then headed back to the vehicles for the COT and that was time.


2nd F Whisky Mill in Gastonia 1/17


TurtleMan, Huckleberry, Ball Joint, My Family, Broke’s Mom, Hall Family, Gumby’s Mom, and many more I’m sure