• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 04/08/2023
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Stogie
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Gearwrench, Balljoint, Westside, Abu, Happy Trees, Maybelline, Pilgrims Progress, Montross, Volt, Purple Haze, BOS, Pony Boy

Ever since Ozark and I ran a Savage Blitz last year I have been trying to think of ways to bring something like that to Folsom. I have had this ready since Fall/Winter of last year. It just kept getting postponed do to other events taking dates.

There were iterations where it was worse than it turned out to be. But between “don’t Q it if you can’t do it” and me being worried about the time length… It is what it is. I told the men in attendance (AND ONLY THOSE IN ATTENDANCE) that I welcomed any constructive criticism. If you liked it, great! Tell me why specifically. If you didn’t like it, fine! Tell me why specifically. Hopefully there will be some good ideas that will make this thing better next time we try it.

Other than having to plan all this out, and the coordination of things with other Pax… setting things up… and all the anxiety I have had since 4pm yesterday (no joke, I was worried I would forget things or the event wouldn’t be fun… or someone would get hurt… or…) this was probably the easiest Q I have ever done. I paired Pax up and asked they assign a navigator. The navigator was essentially the Q. So, if you did something wrong, or there was any Q Fails… blame them! Okay, maybe not… but it was a nice try. I did get feedback that better instructions on certain steps (or maybe a map of Folsom) would have helped those from other AOs (got it, noted!).  But really, it was supposed to be guys working together for a common goal and seeing how well they read and understood written instructions. I could totally apply this to a lesson about reading (or only skimming) the Bible and only doing part of what is says, or misunderstanding things and not listening to the Sky Q… but this part of the Back Blast is already getting too long. You get what I’m saying.

Warm Up:
20 SSH
10 Mnt Man Poopers
40 Morracan Nightclubs

Grab a Partner

Pick a navigator and pay attention to their instructions!

***Note: If you can’t do an obstacle (one of the steps below) you must do 20 burpees (or flying squirrels) before continuing to the next step.

The Thang:

  1. Mosey to shelter at the bottom lot and do 5 pull ups on the rafters.

  2. Mosey through the path around the lake to behind the dog park.
    *** At the start, each Pax Grab a block.

  3. Once you get to the bottom of the hill (behind the dog park) perform the following exercises:

  • Perform 20 Clean and Press with your block.

  • Mosey the path, with your block, to where the grass begins.

  • Rifle Carry your block, approximately, halfway up the hill

  • Perform 20 Clean and Press with your block.

  • Rifle Carry your block to the top of the hill.

  1. With your block, mosey and jump over the drainage ditch and cross the road to the COT parking lot.

  2. Holding your block, hopscotch through the parking lot – over to the soccer field.

  3. Drop your blocks and take turns with your partner, flipping the power poles end over to the approximate middle of the soccer field.

  4. Partner carry the power poles back to start.

  5. Pick up your blocks and mosey through the soccer field, and over to the parking lot across the road – to the steps by the fitness shelter.

  6. Do 10 calf raises down each step with your block.
    *** Leave your block at the bottom of the steps.

  7. Mosey counter clockwise halfway around the pond and up the hill to the horse stables.

  8. Using the stables on the right, climb up and over one of the walls of one of the horse stalls.
    *** Watch for nails and screws with your hand placement!!!***

  9. Jog out of the stall and climb up and over the next one… do this with your partner for 3 stalls.

  10. Running to your right, run counter-clockwise the rest of the way around the horse stable, cross in between and run clockwise around the 2nd set of stalls (the building on the left) and back to the concrete steps.

  11. Do 10 calf raise each step up to the top.

  12. Run to horse track and take 1.5 laps around to the gate on the other side.

  13. Climb the stone bleachers to the top.

  14. Run to the flag at the AG/Senior Center and say the pledge.

  15. Cross over the road, to the parking lot across from the building, and Run-Nur-Run the main parking lots from right to left.

  16. Mosey back down to the parking lot where you left your blocks (left at the triangle and down the hill).

  17. Grab your blocks and mosey over to the block pile and put your block back on the pallet near the old animal shelter building.

  18. Mosey to the amphitheater, near the bottom parking lot.

  19. Each Pax, take turns pulling the rope to lift the sand bags until the flag reaches the top of the canopy’s girder.

  20. Run back to the COT parking lot.

  21. Take note of your time and then go find, and run with the six… (maybe head toward the horse stalls or AG Center to find Pax)

There were some who missed the warm up section. There were others who ran the wrong way around something, accidently going a shorter way. At the end of it all… we were all disqualified. But the closest team to winning was Gearwrench and Mary Poppins (Balljoint).

Bottom line, I wanted to do something different than the typical Bootcamp Q and I wanted folks to have fun. I think I was able to check both of those boxes off. Special t-claps go out to West Side and Wirenut (for providing two of the obstacles and helping me setup and tear down).

YHC took us out in a thankful prayer for all God has done for us. Thanks for allowing me to lead my first junior, jv, mini, non-sanctioned CSAUP – the rain and 40 degree temps made it worse than it really was.

2nd F Lunch at Pappa’s and Beer in Dallas – April 19th
Midoriyama Convergence – April 29th (I think)
Check out everything else in the latest Newsletter on Slack

Prayer Requests:
Huckleberry – still in the hospital from hernia surgery
Guy who died at the junkyard – Maybelline mentioned – pray for that guy’s family
Jackson Hall – brain cancer and treatment options in Atlanta

Praise Report from Pilgrims Progress about his friend.