5, only 5! PAX posted at Midoriyama on a beautiful December evening. I’ll take weather like this all winter long!
Warm up:
If you’re not warmed by 5:30 in the evening then what have you been doing all day? Let’s go grab some blocks.
The Thang:
Fat Amy WOD nope Fat Ricky WOD. Same principle but different exercises.
50 mtn climbers-count one leg
10 blockees
40 american hammers-count one side
10 blockees
30 skater lunges-count each one
10 blockees
20 jump squats
10 blocklees
10 thrusters
10 blockees
Now work your way back up to the 50 mtn climbers.
As it seemed a few PAX were just sitting around talking instead of finishing we moved on to something else. in the parking lot.
11’s Mike Tysons on one side and tiger squats on the other. Rifle carry y our block back and forth as you go.
We put the blocks back up and had 3 minutes for some Mary.
Announcements-Rumor about a convergence New Years day. Currently just a rumor at this point.
Prayer Request-A lot of baby mama’s these days, y’all being the baby’s.
DEf took us out