Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2021 (Page 5 of 12)

Goal Setting and Execution

11 Strong at Folsom with a simple goal of getting to the flag at the park entrance.

The thang was simple. We went back, forth and all around stopping to do 10 Merkins and 10 Big Boys along the way. After finally reaching our goal,  Spackle counted 22 for the vets at the flag. We then took a mosey back to start stopping for some burpees along the way.


  • Christmas Party
  • Thanksgiving Trifecta

Prayer Request

  • Sister Act and Family
  • James Goulock
  • Jason Black
  • Hacksaw

Big Pappy

The Grapes of Wrath…

It was quite the chilly morning when I arrived early for Downtown.  No other PAX in sight so I drove Main Street counting  light poles to figure out if I could use them in my weinke.  Back to the parking lot, getting a little concerned cause still no one had arrived.  Then in pulls the Slaw mobile.  Shortly after, a couple others.  In total 5 PAX embraced the cold.  Slaw emerged from his vehicle sporting a bright neon yellow top that would have easily rivaled the Times Square Waterford crystal ball but it was what he DIDN’T wear that started the mumblechatter.  You guessed it, with the onset of cold weather it was time to smuggle the grapes!!! 🤢  I, being of such high class and having much respect for my fellow F3er’s last meal, had shorts covering my tights that morning.  So of course I quickly shed those when Slaw approached with a big grin and said it was that time of year again!  Time for some werk!

A short warmup (probably wouldn’t have passed a Westside scrutiny) followed by the Chicken Little WOD.  Tried to make a criss-cross thing work under the Pavilion involving bear crawls & bouyah merkins but it didn’t turn out like I had planned.  Oh well, we dang sure worked our shoulders regardless.  We finished up with some wall work at W Main & MLK Blvd.  Small crowd but loads of fun!

Announcements:  Service project at Salvation Army today @ 4:00pm / Saturday Clown Car for Chicken Little WOD at F3 Race City / F3 Christmas Party Preblast went out (sign up & commit to bring something) / Thanksgiving Trifecta (Folsom-The Goat-The Pub) / Christmas Town 5K following Saturday / Slaw possibly to have the Q on Black Friday / Slaw w/ the Q @ Crossroads Sunday

Prayer Requests: Broke’s Mom, Mayor’s M, SA & Family, Big Pappy & Family, Tiger’s M & 2.0, James Goudelock Family, Beau Rice

Excuse Me While I Kiss the Sky!  PH

10 Cats

This morning was like herding cats, but we got through it.


  • Sign up for the Christmas Party
  • Thanksgiving Trifecta

Prayer Request

  • Mayor and M
  • Sister Act
  •  James Goulock
  • Jason Black


If you Aim at Nothing, you Hit Nothing

9 strong @ The Sandlot to start the week off right.  Here’s what I remember:

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 x Toy Soldiers (IC)
  • 10 x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • 10 x Merkins (IC)

Mosey a lap down Old Neal Hawkins, around the Walgreens & back

Return to the building that used to be a bank across the street for some Dora.  Partner up and complete the following exercise while the other partner runs the lap around the building

  • 100 x Merkins
  • 200 x Squats
  • 300 x LBCs

Mosey another lap

Return to the Snoballs building for

  • 10 x Merkins (IC)

Lunge Walk halfway around Snoballs

  • 15 x Rocky Balboas (IC)
  • 15 x Dips (IC)

Lunge Walk the rest of the way around Snoballs

  • 10 x Merkins (IC)
  • 10 x Plank Jacks (IC)

Lunge Walk halfway around Snoballs

  • 15 x Rocky Balboas (IC)
  • 15 x Dips (IC)

Lunge Walk the rest of the way around Snoballs

  • 10 x Merkins (IC)

No time for the Plank Jacks.  Mosey one last lap around the Walgreens.

Returning, we had time for a little more, so we moseyed to the other side of Snoballs for

  • 10 x Rocky Balboas (IC)
  • 5 x Dips (IC)

Mosey back to the flag and time was called.


  • The Sandlot is going to FNG & Kotter-friendly, low-running bootcamps for the months of December and January.  The goal is to help get guys to get guys out to kick off the New Year and have Bootcampers and Pain Labbers get together regularly for beatdowns outside of a Convergence.  It’ll look like this:
    • Running: Under 1.5 miles
      • Keep run segments short distances and/or loops
    • No (or limited) jumping exercises (including burpees)
    • Low rep counts (sets of 10 rather than 50)
    • Bricks as coupons rather than Cinder Blocks
    • No man left behind.  Leave no man where you found him.
    • Regular EC @ 0500 for those looking for more running
  • Christmastown 5K
  • Christmas Party

Prayer Requests:

  • Folks with COVID
  • Folks who have lost loved ones
  • Families during the holidays


I watched a movie this past weekend, and a character was a bit flighty and noncommittal in a way that ensured no real failures, but also no real successes either.  One of the elders told her “You aim at nothing.  You hit nothing,” and it kind of hit me too.  When I’m working towards something, I’m better.  That said, the initial phase of losing weight and getting in shape is slowing down.  It’s not new anymore.  It’s easy to lose focus.  It just seems vital to me to push through and stay focused.  Stay consistent.  Be dependable and try and help others.  Keep growing.

Thanks to everyone for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Franz Combler?

Slow warm to wait on FNG. started out with IC side straddle hop, grass pickers, and something else I can’t remember. FNG finally showed. Full disclosure given and the workout commenced.

Moseyed over to the top of the neighborhood. A round of Route 66 thet began with burpees at each light post all the way to the cul de sac. Reversed Route 66 with monkey humpers back to the school.
partnered up and for a round of Dora. 100 big boys, 200 squats, 300 Moroccan night clubs/cherry pickers/air presses.  Moseyed to the field for a set of 11s . Step ups on one side and merkins on the other. Finished up with a round of Mary.

Pledge of Allegiance

several suggestions for FNG name but of course Uncle Ted came up with the winner. Welcome Franz!


Christmas Party Sign Ups

speed 4 need

Thanksgiving Day Trifecta


Prayer Request:

T Square Grandmother

Chicken Little’s family

Buckshot’s M

South Point Football Team / Queso


Tricycle Over and Out

Remembrance and Thanks at the Yank

Yank and Bunker combined for the Chicken Little WOD after which we separated and continued to push. Great job men!


Warm-Up: Toy Soldiers, Gravel Pickers, Mountain Climbers


Chicken Little WOD

24 minutes AMRAP


24 Merkins

24 Burpees

24 Big Boys

Lindsays- Decline Shoulder Taps/Dips 30/10, 25/15…

Route 66-Squats at each pole

Jacked Up

SSH x 50 IC  (Yes, Bubba, it is actually! Sargento, I couldn’t make heads nor tails of your mumblechatter;)

Seal Jacks x 40 IC

Plank Jacks x 30 IC 

Crossover Jacks x 20 IC

 IC Smurf Jacks x10 IC

 Mary around the Fountain– Each pax calls an exercise and runs around fountain


He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. John 21:17 

“This is something we need to remember about Jesus when we fail. Our sins can easily hardened our hearts against him and blind us to his grace. Do not think that he is ever taken by surprise when you fail him. Go to him immediately and confess your sin and the weakness of your love for him. 

Trust your fellow Christians, however, do not forget that they are saints, not angels. We ourselves fail, others fail us, Christ alone is unfailing. Put your trust in him first, and learn to live within the fellowship of failures knowing that he will never fail you.” Sinclair Ferguson


Speed for Need: next Saturday

Thanksgiving Day: Folsom, Goat, 2 5K’s

Christmas Party: December 11..Sign up on Slack (See Backblast)

Prayer Requests:

Chicken Little’s family

Families around the holidays

YHC took us out.

Nice work!!



A darker Tequila Sunrise?

Yes,  the end of a lunar eclipse greeted 10 PAX this morning making a dark AO even darker!  No FNG so a quick disclaimer and  get to it.

Warm up:

SSH’s 13 IC

Abe Vigodas 13 IC

Morrocan Night Clubs 13 IC

Grass Pickers 13 IC

The Thang:

Mosey to first spot for 30 Squats OYO

Mosey to the VFW for the pledge and 30 WWI’s OYO

Mosey to the church for 20 Rosalitas IC

Mosey to the truck for to pick up some blocks and line up along the soccer field

20 – 4 count overhead presses IC then sprint across field and mosey back

25 curls OYO – bar crawl across field and mosey back

25 front extensions OYO – Sprint across field and mosey back

Snapshot – throw block as far as you can then lunge to it, continue across field mosey back

10 Blockies OYO – Sprint across field and mosey back

25 tricep extensions OYO – mosey across field and sprint back

25 bent over rows OYO – sprint across field and mosey back

25 block swings OYO – sprint across field and mosey back

Another round of Snapshot –  some Pax figured out how to throw the blocks pretty well, a few broke.  Nutria took the grand prize for block annihilation – into at least 8 pieces

One last round of tricep extensions then sprint across and back

Time for 3 minutes of Mary.  Big Boy situps IC, LBC’s IC and Flutter Kicks IC.


Announcements  –

All turkey day activities – see Slack

Christmastown 5k

Christmas Party


Prayer Requests –

Breaker Breaker’s Uncle

Katie Sawyer and family

Pax travelling

Race City Pax

Bubba Sparxxx new job and travel

family of Jose Cabrera


Some fun national holiday facts along the way – Happy World Toilet Day! (Not making that up)  Hidden message for        Q #4.

Humbled and honored to serve as Q, thank you for the opportunity to lead.






Five dudes in the chill

It was a chilly morning that required a little extra time to break out the sweats, but it happened.  With 5 strong, the small size allowed us to be nimble in the transitions and swift it hitting the exercises. A good group of hard working, non-fartsacking dudes!  That’s all you can ask for.

Warm Up: Moroccan Night Clubs, Imperial Walkers, SSH, Merkins, LBCs

Away we go!

Run to steps. All Pax at the bottom
One at a time, 1 runs to the top and hits 5 burpies or 10 merkins
everyone else does 10 merkins, 15 squats and repeat


Run to top of steps. All Pax at the top
One at a time, 1 runs down steps and hits 5 burpies or 10 merkins
everyone else does 15 mnt climbers(count 1 leg), 20 side Straddle Hops


Run to steps. All Pax at the bottom
One at a time, 1 runs to the top and hits 5 burpies or 10 merkins
everyone else does 10 lunges each leg, 5 werkins, 5 diamond merkins, 5 merkins


Run to top of steps. All Pax at the top
One at a time, 1 runs down steps and hits 5 burpies or 10 merkins
everyone else doe 25 flutterkicks(count 1 leg), 10 Bobby Hurleys

Mosey to bridge | Bear crawl half way

Mosey to playground
10 pull ups, 15 monkey jumpers, 20 lbcs – 3 Rounds

Bear crawl half bridge then mosey to bike rack

10 Derkins, 10 dips, 10 shoulder taps – 3 Rounds

Dying cockroaches 20 – single count, 20 Peter Parkers – single count – 3 Rounds

1 minute of Flutterkicks

Prayer Concerns and Announcements: They’re out there somewhere.




Does a new route make you sexy?

Ask Waterboy



Service project – Meet Freight at Salvation Army at 3:30 on Friday to hand out supplies

Thanksgiving day trifecta – Eat as much as you want if you post 3 times:

5:30 Folsom

7:00 Goat

8:30 5K from the pub

Christmastown 5K Saturday Nov 27 – show up even if you did not sign up

Give2give fundraiser

Clown car to Moorseville for the Race City convergence to remember Chicken Little.  Meet at Roses at 5:45



Broke’s mom

Roscoe’s Friend with cancer

Roscoe’s father in law


Eat, Drink, and Be Merry! Christmas Party

🎄 🎅 🎄 🎅 🎄 🎅 🎄🎅 🎄 🎅 🎄
🎅 🎄 🎅 🎄 🎅 🎄🎅🎄 🎅 🎄 🎅
🎄 🎅 🎄 🎅 🎄🎅 🎄🎅 🎄 🎅 🎄

Eat, Drink, & Be Merry!

What:  Annual F3-Gastonia Christmas Party

When:  December 11th, at 6 PM (7 PM meal)

Where:  Lewis Farm , 330 Lewis Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Who:  PAX and significant other / guest  (book your babysitters now!)

Dress:  Dressy Casual / Holiday Festive

Food & Drink:  Buffet-style with smoked meat cooked by our own PAX-Chefs, potluck sides and desserts.   Drinks – BYOB.

Cost:  $10 per PAX/couple

What to bring:    (see link below) and BYOB

Important:  Please take a moment to click the link below to:

  • HC (RSVP) to help us get a headcount
  • Help us know who will be bringing what
  • Sign-up to bring food items
  • Sign-up to bring non-food items

Link:  HC/RSVP, Sign-Up for Potluck & Other Items

Things to look forward to on this special evening, besides a delicious meal, sparkling dinner mumblechatter, and the company of the PAX and their special guests are:

  • Nan’tan Remarks
  • Awards Ceremony
  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Karaoke
  • A highly-entertaining M.C.

Note:  Dinner will be served at 7:00pm, but please plan to arrive early (6:00pm-6:30pm), to have enough time to set up your potluck item on the buffet table, and to mingle, too.


Hope to see you there!

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