• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 11/27/2021
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Bed Pan
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Ball Joint, Gear Wrench, Beatle Bailey, Volt, Achey Breaky, Wichita, Oompa Loompa,

Nice morning to get some werk done.
25 degrees this morning so we kept moving to stay warm.

Warm Up: Goofballs, Mtn climbers, SSH, Mo-Rockin nite clubs.
during the nite clubs I asked the pax what they enjoyed about thanksgiving, Volt yelled out Brownies!

Mosey to shelter: Dips, merkins, squats, Hip Thrusters, LBC, Bigboys, 25 each
Did this a few times then onto the parking lot.
Bear crawl 5 lines 5 CDD’s (what up Def) increasing by 5, we made it to 30 lines and ended with 30 CDD’s

after that we moseyed to each light post with 10 Bonnie Blairs at each light post all the way to the flag pole.
Booyah merkins, and Air press. 20 air presses partner 1 goes around one side partner 2 goes the other way. meet on the other side for some booyah merkins. 10 descending down to 1 with each lap.
once this was finished we made it back to the parking lot to wrap up the morning.
one of my favorite ways to burn some calories.
40 seconds on 20 second rest.
Butt Kickers, Rocky Balboas, Al Gores, Plank, Seal Jacks, Walk out merkins, Reverse snow Angels, Seal Merkins, Pulse Rows, Reachers, SSH.
2 minutes left, sprint to Beatle baileys car and NUR back. Gear Wrench mentioned he did not know what Nur ment until a few weeks into F3. Nur= Run backwards. Remember if you have some newer pax out let them know what it means when you speak F3.

1 minute left so Achey called Dying cock roaches and Balljoint called Crunchy frogs.
Time. Little over 2 miles and some strong werk by the PAX this morning.

Prayer Request, Wichita has a coworker who is battling some sickness as well as his family.
Big Pappys, family, and those traveling.
Announcements. SFN tonight at McAdenville 5k. 430 park behind the Caromont Primary office if you plan to push one of the track commanders.

The Bed Pan is Full!