Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 24, 2021

The Cool Down

It seems the only two places I’ve been in F3 this year have been on the IR or headed to the IR. That’s Injured Reserve if you’re keeping score at home. I just don’t recall more than a few weeks where my body felt right. Maybe that is something to do with crossing into the “respect” category. But look at Tesla, Oompa, Dirt, Virus, and don’t forget Dr. Seuss. Those guys keep pushing to set the bar so I guess I better get with the program. Time Frame put out the call for Q’s and I signed up.  That’s been the challenge recently as my newest injury is a pinched nerve causing numbness in my arm. Voodoo is working to get me fixed up so I should be into the gloom before too long, at least modifying to keep up. But holding the Q power today, I got to pick the workout, so I slowed things down. You know like when the DJ at the middle school dance announces it’s ladies request and you secretly hope the hottest thing since puberty grew hair in places never seen gives you that smile and stretches out her hand for your opportunity to hold her so close for a slow song. Not George Strait slow, cause who could get laid to that twang? Maybe some Journey or Lionel Richie, the kind of shit Sargento has on his playlist. Slaw probably has a boner at this point thinking back to his middle school days or time on the big ship. The point is, I tried something different today. The veteran crew of the Bulldog lugged out their kettlebells but they’d barely be used. Here’s an idea of the events:


  • Cotton Pickers IC x 10
  • Side to Side Lunge IC x 10


Began with some yoga and stretching. I’m not a professional as you know, so have no idea what these positions were called. Really a combination where we focused on legs, particularly glutes. We did some triangles, deep lunge with twists, straight legs, downward dogs, upward dogs, pigeon pose, hollows, seated forward, glute bridges, and a bunch of other stuff. We held for various times and usually sets of 3.  There were some groans and grunts along the way.

We then switched to some weights holding the weight directly overhead and doing 20 full big boys, 20 reverse crunches, and 20 of something else I can’t recall.

We then moved to core with this routine from The only difference were the 10 sit-ups were done as butterfly with feet touching rather than knees up. Check out this site if you ever need some ideas or want a home workout. We repeated that routine 3 times total.

Announcements: Christmas Party December 11th – look for pre-blast; Christmas 5k Saturday night. Prayer Requests: town of Waukesha, WI, especially those families of the deceased and injured; healing for our country; safe travels for those on the roads to visit families and friends.

Moleskin: I thank the PAX for allowing the chance to lead this change of pace workout. We certainly put our bodies through enough beat-downs and punishment that an morning like this is a good change of pace. We’re not getting any younger so we need to take care of ourselves. Maybe something like this would work on a consistent basis? I’ll talk to the First F Q, I hear he’s creative.

Short Sale

It means a lot

7 of F3 Gastonia’s finest were out at the frozen tundra of the greatest AO named after 2 former Nantans, getting in some work before all the events of Turkey Day.  Here’s what I remember:

Holiday workouts can be hard to predict, because a change in the routine changes numbers.  Either no work means no rush means guys are able to post, or no work means nowhere to be means no reason to leave the fartsack.  With the Triple Post coming on Thanksgiving day, it seemed more likely that the crowd would be small.  YHC showed up right at 5:25 to be greeted by 3 cars in the lot and no PAX to be found.  Norwood got out of his car and wondered what if he was in the right place.  Turns out it was his first venture to the AO with 2 first names.  Sargento arrived on foot and Nutria followed, but it was 5:30, so time to get going.

The disclaimer was long, as YHC has a tendency to ramble, and the cinder blocks would be coming out, so proper warning was given of my lack of expertise in the field.  During this time, 3 more PAX showed up, and just like that, we had our group.  Time to get to work.

The Thang:

  • 10 x Goofballs (IC)
  • 10 x Abe Vagodas (IC)
  • 10 x Seal Jacks (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
  • 10 x Overhead Claps (IC)

Mosey 1 lap around the track

To the Footmobile, where the coupons were waiting.  One cinder block for each of the PAX, with Watts Up overseeing the distribution.  Circle back up for the first of 3 rounds of our Tabata work.

  • 30 seconds AMRAP x Curls
  • 15 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds AMRAP x Dirty Hookups/Hand Step-ups on the block
  • 15 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds AMRAP x Those things like windshield wipers where you raise your feet from side to side over your block that is stood vertically without your feet touching the ground (wasn’t much on naming things this morning)
  • 15 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds AMRAP x Overhead Presses
  • 15 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds AMRAP x Squats w/Cinder Block

Wrapping up, we toted our cinder blocks to the next stop – the soccer field.

The theme for the day was to kind of relive and redo my VQ, but in a different (and better) way.  Really, the only 2 things I wanted to incorporate again were the “Two Corners” routine of an exercise on the near side of the field, and stacking exercises on the far side of the field.  Originally, we kicked soccer balls and did burpees, but originally we didn’t have cinder block work to do.  Soccer and burpees didn’t make the cut.  What did?

  • 10 x Werkins (OYO)
  • Mosey across the field
  • 10 x Werkins (OYO)
  • Mosey back
  • 15 x Plank Jacks (OYO)
  • Mosey across the field
  • 10 x Werkins (OYO)
  • 15 x Plank Jacks (OYO)
  • Mosey Back
  • 20 x Mahktar Ndiayes (OYO)
  • Mosey across the field
  • 10 x Werkins (OYO)
  • 15 x Plank Jacks (OYO)
  • 20 x Mahktar Ndiayes (OYO)
  • Mosey back

20 Mahktar Ndiayes is a lot.  They weren’t on the original VQ Weinke, but YHC will call them whenever there’s good grass available.

Back to the flag for Tabata Round 2 (see above)

Load up the cinder block and head to the other side of the parking lot, but en route, YHC got concerned with time, and just did the Dora from the front of the school instead of on the other side of the school like we did in the VQ.

Dora today consisted of

  • 100 x Block Hops
  • 200 x Rocky Balboas
  • 300 x SSH

with the other partner carrying their cinder block the length of the covered walkway and back.  Pace was optional with the carry, and YHC definitely just walked it.  Kudos to Sargento for pushing the pace hard while carrying the cinder block.

Back to the flag for Tabata Round 3 (see above)

With a few minutes left, we took 1 more lap around the track, and that was time.

Strong effort and mumblechatter today. Only one word can summarize my gratitude to the PAX for sticking with me through the workout.



  • Christmastown 5K
  • Christmas Party
  • Triple Post
  • Friday options
    • Friday AOs
    • LKN Black Friday Convergence – clown car @ 0600 at Starbucks Belmont (Park St)
    • 10 Mile Run/Hike Shortoff Mtn Linville Gorge Area – wheels up @ 0700 at Ingles in Dallas

Prayer Requests:

  • Norwood’s mother had a seizure
  • Waukesha
  • Charlotte Thanksgiving Parade
  • South Point Football Friday
  • PAX traveling


Great to see Norwood in the weekday Gloom.  He’s been a big part of the crew at the Yank for a long time now.

My goal today was to just do something different.  Not a ton of running which is unusual for me, so I guess it was different.

I’m a very different Q than I was back in October of last year.  It’s good to look back and see the growth.  I’m very thankful for you all and how you helped me grow.  I’m also looking forward to being part of the growth of others and they push to places they didn’t think they would ever go.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

11/22 Crows Nest – F3 Lake Wylie

Speed Racer, Site Q at Crows Nest in Lake Wylie put out a challenge that if 20 PAX showed at Crows Nest, he would do burpees for the 45 minute workout while the rest of the group followed the Q.  He put it out to a few regions, including F3 Gastonia.  We put it out on the clowncar channel, and reached out to some guys and ended up with 8 PAX from F3 Gastonia showing up.  Solid group for a cold, rainy Monday.

No burpees were done though, as the total count was only 18.

Ice Bear was the Q at Lake Wylie and we did a handful of things including The Motivator, which was a countdown from 10-1 of a handful of exercises, and a mega Dora, which took the rest of the time.  Virus and Bubba Sparxxx ran like it was the Extinction Run all over again.  They were definitely the fastest of the group.

In the end, it was good to get out and put in work with guys from another region.  And it’s always good to answer the call.

Thanks for the push.

Yabba Dabba Doo

“Now THATS a BIG BM!!”

Time for some quick movie trivia….


15 low slow squats
15 low slow squats

16 butt kickers
16 butt kickers

15 IC merkins
15 IC merkins

Kinda felt like Groundhog Day

Ask Captain Stubing for favorite and least fav exercise ( more later)

Mosey to Gastones hill for something ( maybe ) new

20 IC flutters

At EVERY mailbox up and down each street 5 squats

20 Ic flutters

Choose A, B OR C

Captains choice was B …. Burpees!!this was his least favorite  

a was his fav of SSH

c was mine of merkins

1 burpee per ALL BOXES ( came up with this as I delivered the mail thru here only a few hours beforehand )

counted 39 ( maybe right,,, maybe not ) but had to add one more at bottom for balance 

completed our journey with 5 seconds to count down


lastly, I issued ( as I do now to the one faithful reader) to Be the change You wish to see in the world and also to make this a better place esp for the next generation : ie if at the grocery store don’t just push your buggy into the next one, line them all up , if at the restAurant stack the plates and other stuff to make clean up for the wait staff simpler, if just out and about and come across a piece or two of trash … pick it up and deposit in the trash ….. don’t sit on the sidelines grousing about how others are mistreating the Earth …. Affect change …. Perhaps it will be contagious! 

prayers for traveling folks, those that are homeless, struggling, families with losses coping with a change for the holidays

Happy Turkey!!

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