Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 12, 2021

Chad 1000X

Although this was not a true “Bulldog” workout, it was done at that location on Veteran’s Day to help stop veteran suicide with the Chad 1000X workout. I heard about this on a Jocko podcast with Sara Wilkinson and GoRuck founder Jason McCarthy. This workout was to both honor Sara’s husband Chad Wilkinson and help end veteran suicide. If you have time, listen to the Jocko Podcast #296. Listen to the VERY END-it is worth a few hours of your time. Chad did this workout while training to hike mountains. He would go in the garage with a projector picture of his next mountain displayed on the garage door while he did 1000 step ups with a 45# ruck on. The workout is scalable-in other words, you can do it as a team, do it with no weight, or do the full thing with 45# weight in a ruck sack. I knew this was going to be tough-no surprise for anyone reading this. However, I trained pretty hard for this-I could have done more, sure, but for the most part I did a bunch of step ups. Having a shoulder injury gave me an excuse to do more step ups whenever I posted  instead of whatever the Q had planned. Thankfully I had Roscoe and a few others pushing me on a regular basis telling me how much they were doing.

I got there a few minutes before 0500. Roscoe was there with a scale to make sure the weight was legit. I just knew my ruck was at least 50# despite not weighing it at all ever. WRONG!!! it was 47.5 #, thankfully Roscoe had a few small sandbags so I made the necessary adjustments then re-weighed and made it legal. Roscoe weighed in too while a few others showed. Flintstone got a team together to do this-great idea since not everyone has been training specifically for this. Defib showed up still with a sleep in his eyes and some kindergarten hair (hair that has not been brushed since the morning before) and all he said was…..This is stupid or something along those lines with that same funny smile we all have when we know how much it means to the guys next to us when we show up to do the stupid crap we do.

I gave a quick summary of how this workout came to be (again, listen to Jocko Podcast #296) and then I remembered I have a Jocko-sponsored Gear Box at home that (in my excitement about this am and difficulty sleeping the night before) I forgot to bring. At that point I think Roscoe also said he had a hard time sleeping the night before because he was excited about this too. And then it was time to get it on…..

We all did our 1000 step ups. Some as a team, some with weight, some without weight…..but we all did it and it was great. When I finished my 1000, I really didn’t get excited to finish. It was a great feeling, but I kept thinking about how this guy that served our country for 21 years as a SEAL, had an apparently great home life with a great wife and 2 kids, great friends/brothers in the SEAL community, and a family that supported him could end his life. Think about that for a few minutes. Think about how many F3 guys you know that could fit that description as far as how they look on the outside? Could be a lot of us so next time you think about fartsacking, think about how much your brother might be hurting on the inside. Maybe you could reach out to the Kotter you have not seen in awhile. Maybe you show up when your bone headed brother announces he’s gonna do some stupid event at 3 am and call it The Moron even if you don’t really run……… and this is a RUNNING event. My point is, find a way to support your brothers-search out ways to do that even when you don’t want to. Make that effort any chance you can. It just might not come again. Let that sink in.

We finished with the Pledge and COT. Great work guys-thanks so much for those that showed and those that supported us during the training for this. It is on my list of stupid events I plan to do each year. Hope to see more next year. Yeah, I’m talking to you Stroganoff (and a bunch of others too).

Clavin’s Hill

Disclaimer, WU with SSH, Q fail Imperial Squats, and some other stuff. Mosey to 2nd entrance to park to the equipment lot for some 10/20/30 but Q Omaha’d to just 10/20 and went something like this: 10 Squats, 10 BB situps (or was it WWI???), 10 Mtn Climbers/10 BB situps, 10 SSH/10BB situps. Took a quick breather then 20 reps of same stuff. I had enough of dat and was bored….skip the 30 reps and follow me to Picnic Shelter. Start doing step ups (almost time for Chad 1000X, anyone surprised? did not think so). Each pax took turns going out to parking lot for 2 Monkey Humpers while the rest of us kept stepping upping. Next we did some 22’s…..well, all of us did except Sargento. He did his own thing. That’s ok, we all know how those uppity Cramer Mountain/Belmont/Members Only douches are…..I let some of the pax pick the exercises and I believe it was Nutria who picked Merkins. Someone else (? Linus) picked LBCs. We knocked those out then Moseyed over to Clavin’s Hill. I offered a change in the workout if anyone remembered the name of the hill, but (as far as I HEARD) no one knew. Watts Up claimed to have said it. Maybe it is so, however I am the Q. I am writing the BB. I can write whatever I want to and THAT. MAKES. IT. TRUE!!! Watts Up said it was HIS hill. I quickly corrected him. I then went on to teach him about bits, bytes, nibbles and dwords. It was difficult because of his teeny tiny pea-brain that has a hard time understanding IT stuff….thankfully I understand that stuff so well, it was eventually possible to debug his brain and get him back on track….anyone remember where I was going with this????

Eventually we got to the hill……….CLAVIN’s HILL. Was Clavin there? Why is it his hill? Who names a hill after themselves anyway? What day is it? Who am I? Where am I?

At the hill we did some stuff. First we partnered up and P1 stayed in Plank position while P2 ran up the hill (Whose hill?) and did SSH with varying numbers of reps. When P2 got back down the hill, we swapped and continued with the SSH at the top. We did 10 then 20 then 30 then 20 then 10 reps of SSH each. After finishing all of that, we ran up and down the hill a few times. I was wasting time just a bit and with all the steps ups lately, really wanted to see if that helped with hill climbing and just for the record, the answer I believe it yes. We moseyed to the first entrance to the park for a few exercises then called jailbreak to get back home. We had about 2.5 minutes so we did some Mary then called it a day.

We finished with the pledge and COT.

Great work men-thanks for coming out on a Monday. I still have not regretted posting in the last 5-6 years but can remember plenty of times I have regretted fartsacking. I need to remember this at 0500 when the alarm clock goes off. Maybe I could write it on the ceiling above my bed…..


Celebrating the Win!

No, YHC is not a big Braves fan, however, it does make for an interesting way to come up with a beat down at The Goat.

First The Pledge, then a warmup… needed as it was chilly.


Run up the hill for the first round of BRAVES WIN, which is similar to BLIMPS (or any other “acronym” that spells out a workout routine). 26 reps each, representing the 26 years between Braves WS wins of (B)ig Boys, (R)ockette dips, (A)polo Ohnos, (V)enezuelan shoulder taps (really no different from the American version), (E)uropen hammers (I got these from BOS), (S)quat jumps, (W)irkins, (I)ncline merkins, and (N)olan Ryans.

A quick 10 count and down the hill to the island. Lunge walk the bridge, and repeat BRAVES WIN. A discussion ensued regarding the health of the bridge in the back, so another mosey and lunge walks to confirm that the signage is not 100% correct, then back to the flag with time for Mary.

Announcements (you’ve seen ‘em), and prayer requests, and YHC took us out.

P.S. Congrats to the Braves for the win. It’s always good to bring it home.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Better Late Than Later

Split personality morning at Tequila Sunrise (Oct. 1) as half the Pax showed up early with Sparxx and Nutria for IPC Week 4 challenge, while the smart kids followed YHC for IPC Week 4, modified.

After a quick stop to grab a couple of coupons each, and a mosey to the unlighted tennis courts, the pax got started on a 35 minute IPC W4 version.


Each pax performed 150 curls, 125 squats, 100 overhead presses, 75 merkins (no coupons), 50 thrusters (squat w/ overhead press), and 25 Bonnie Blairs (no coupons) in that order.  The catch is that after each 25 reps, there is a suicide run of about one and a half courts. The 35 minute timer started with the first rep of curls. If a pax got through all 525 reps, then they start back up with 25 Bonnie Blairs, 50 thrusters, etc., including the suicide runs.

The guys pushed hard, and each one made it through. A little mosey back to the flag to join the brothers finishing up the full IPC.

After The Pledge, announements and prayer requests, YHC took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

VD-VQ @ The Goat

13 PAX – Showed up at The Goat for some Veterans Day thanks. Despite multiple Q fails and unclear directions all pax escaped unharmed.


Sargento’s infamous right over left stretch, flap jack left over right added in a little more stretch followed by Merkins.

The Thang:

Moseyed to the corner of the street and partnered up. One partner worked their way around the block doing lunge walks while the other partner went the opposite way moseying . When the two met each other they switched exercises. Guys repeated the process until we reached the monument. Afterwards, we moseyed across the bridge to the park where everyone found a bench and did 10 durkins, 10 dips, 10 step ups. At completion we did 5 burpees, rinse and repeat, 15 each, 5 burpees, rinse and repeat, 20 each.  A short fellowship mosey was interrupted by a train. So 5 more burpees. Back to the parking lot and next up was Dora, 100 big boys, 200 mountain climbers, 300 Cherry pickers (which Sargento has requested for an exercise rename- ballticklers) Next up was a slow mosey around the block and finished up with a round of Mary.

Prayer Request:

Nutria’s sister and family have covid

Pax on IR

Queso/SP Football

Buckshot’s family


Rudolph’s last Q  (old school and bunker closed)

mud gear shirts

Give to Give

Christmas party


Tricycle’s VQ- over and out



What Are You a Garbage Man…

12 PAX showed to click off some miles.  Q-Fail, I didn’t recognize that a new face (not an FNG) had joined for the run but he came alongside us near the front of the college.  As we talked, I EH’d him to start joining us on some of our weekday runs in Dallas.  That’s when he said he goes into work around 4:30am!  Found out he is a custodian at one of the Belmont Elementary schools so it made since why we hadn’t seen him through the week.  Later, once we all reassembled at Crossroads it somehow got brought up again that Cyclone goes to work way early so SA asks “What are you a Garbage Man”…  “Well kinda” he replied!!!  It was great to have a new face join the crowd.  Look forward to laying down some more miles with Cyclone 👍  Pledge / Announcements / COT / then on to QSource for “Opportunity”

Annoucements:  Christmas Town 5K – Pizza Man is looking for a Regional Q to take his spot since he’s been asked to serve on the Board / Christmas Party 12/11 @ Lewis Farm / Rudolph’s last Q this Saturday @ Gashouse / Assemble Service Project Bags afterwards

Prayer Requests:  Rockabilly & Family / Chris Howell Family / Stogie’s Dad / Mayor’s M

Excuse me, while I kiss the sky!  Purple Haze out

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