Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 8, 2021

The Day After

It was the day after the Extinction run.  5 brave souls showed up to Members Only.

2 Ruckers started at 6 and the remaining three ran 5 miles starting a 6:30 am.




Got it done

Nice morning from what I remember. Light crowd but we got it done.

Warmup :

2 min stretch

MNC x 10

SSH x 15

Monkey humpers x 15


10 burpees in cadence

AMRAP : 1 min

Squat curl press


Flutter kicks

Tricep extensions

Plank jacks



10 burpees in cadence

Dirty Dogs

KB swings


Big boys

Chest Press

Baby makers


10 Burpees in cadence

American Hammers

Bobby Hurleys


Front raises


Calf raises

Mountain climbers

10 burpees in Cadence

Rocky balboas

Chest press

Pull overs

Nolan Ryans

Time…. Wasn’t pretty for me but it got done.


The day has come and I am 50… WOW


Warm up: SSH, Merkins, & some stretches

Group of 8 for boot camp

mosey up to the stairs behind the church for some partner work :

LBCs, flutter kicks, squats, baby makers, merkins, monkey humpers- hundreds of each

Mosey around to the back of the church for some Route 66 merkins and high knees

Mosey around to the front for some suicide drills per parking space on the right.

Mosey back to the start

Times up

Announcements: Extinction Run in an hour, blood drive, Christmas Party

Prayers request: family member, Pax on IR and job search, our Nation

Prayer to end

EZ out!




Visitor from the West

Great morning to get out and run, it was a surprise to see Love Boat today.
He let us know things are going well out west, and the volcanoes and earthquakes have only woken him up once.

After we said our hellos it was time to mosey.

Bible Verse is Proverbs 13;20
walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Sometimes we act foolish but I must say I have never had the pleasure to be around such great Men.

Announcements: Sign up for the Christmas party coming up December 11th.
Big Pappy needs baby wipes, for the foster child closet.

Prayer request: safe travels back home for Love Boat, SA’s family, and a little girl who is in need of a heart transplant.
recently her Dad committed suicide and her Mom is giving up and not engaging much with the world.
All of us as we go through our lives this week.

The Bed Pan is Full!

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