• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/12/2021
  • AO: The Ricky Bobby
  • QIC: Big Pappy
  • FNG's: 3 inch
  • PAX: Sargento, Buckshot, Cinderella, Flinstone, Dirt, Watts up, Sarlacc, Ball Joint, Nutria, Roscoe, Dirt, Tricycle, Gavel

It was an honor to lead a solid group of HIMS at an AO I have only ever visited once.

Being the Ricky Bobby, the work was themed around the movie.

We started out with “shake and bake” dora.

We looped around the front of the school carrying brake rotors and completed:

  • 100 big boys
  • 200 merkins
  • 300 squats

We placed the brake rotors in the back of the truck and picked up a block and made our way to field for some “I am on fire sets”

While one partner ran around the field the other part did the follow with the blocks

  • Curls
  • Triceps
  • Presses
  • Squats

Time was running short, so we had to cut the “I am going to come at you like a spider monkey” short with only one bear crawl to the cone in the field.

We put the blocks up and moseyed back to start and wrapped up with a round of iron hulks.

We did the pledge and COT.

Prayer request

  • Turtleman
  • Sister Act
  • All spoken and unspoken prayers

HIM’s take the opportunity visit and  Q outside your home AO. F3 Gastonia is filled with many awesome HIMs. Get out and meet them.