Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 30, 2020

3rd F – Listen

This is the commentary I shared at the Yank this past Saturday.  Topic follows up on the four points shared at CSAUP a couple of Saturday’s ago Build Pray Keep Wait.  Topic is listen and give God the time to speak.

Most of us picture prayer sort of like a monologue: We talk to God, sharing our heartfelt thanks and offering up our petitions and requests. But prayer is really more like a dialogue, where we speak with God and the Lord speaks to us.

Listening prayer centers around a clear request for God’s guidance. In making our request, we give God’s guidance authority over the other voices we hear throughout our daily lives. Then we hit the pause button. We wait on God in a time of silence, giving the Lord opportunity to speak to us. We focus our time of prayer on intentional, purposeful listening and let God do the talking.

This is really important because as followers of Jesus, we all desire to do the right thing and make the wisest choices. Yet we are constantly being bombarded with the noise of the world all around us. There are lots of voices telling us very different messages, and too often we find ourselves challenged and confused about what we should do in a given situation or what is really the best way ahead. These are times when we can seek God’s guidance through listening prayer.

This is from the Listening Prayer guide from

This week let’s pray for Pilgrim Progress, Stone Cold, Flintstone, Stinky Bird, Waterboy, Gold Digger, Loveboat, Spiderman, Less Nessman


It’s beginning to look s lot like…..

So, Covid happened this year, duh! It truly messed up a lot of things. Perhaps that’s why there’s a station playing Christmas music! I always planned on using today’s workout in the summer just at that moment when you are seeking a cool down!
Low slow squats
Plank jacks
Mountain climbers
Toy soldiers
All of these IC x12 ( also the idea is that those few of us who were present Sunday on the Mt Mitchell climb should enjoy stretching their aching joints again)

Cue the music …. yes Christmas music for the 12 days of F3 Christmas!
After each day we mosey around Snoballs ( Snow anyone)
Day 1 hand release merkins burpee ( no, I did not sing …. I cannot sing and do not will this voice on any ….. some did sing this morning …. that was better )
Day2 crunchy frogs
Day 3 Bobby Hurleys
Day 4 sumo jump squats
Day 5 monkey humpers
Day 6 SSH

a present of 5 burpees for the train excited ALL as they unwrapped this unexpected last minute gift!

day 7 Michael Phelps ( instead of swans a swimming)
Day 8 pickle pounders ( instead of maids s milking)
Day 9 Rosalitas ( instead of ladies dancing)
Day 10 jump lunges count one leg ( instead of lords a leaping)
Day 11 diamond merkins
Day 12 Mike Tyson’s

Enough of that !!

cross street and nope ,,,,, can’t use the wall … it’s being watered … mosey to atm at bank and very low derkins, dips monkey humpers , Freddie Merck’s, ssh and assorted exercises starting at 12 …. until we drop to one burpee

now we escort Stroganoff across the street and continue down and at each light pole begin with 2 burpee 2 merkins 3? Plank jacks 4 something something

and 5 burpees Because we have arrived

20 big boys  in honor of Turtleman

bunny hop to pole for Island

and time for a rerun of this

assemble in back lot for a circle where pax picks an exercise for all to do while he runs around until returning to his place and hand off to next
there were flutters American hammers Lbcs ….. then this horrible gas cloud erupted from Gastone …that was ALL we could take of that !!! Abandon ship!!!

race away from toxic methane fumes and finish with 35 flutters led by Gastone

prayers for Gustavius  son of Stinky Bird who was bitten on face as he petted A dog In neighborhood


Licking up ants

With skies threatening a washout, 11 pax took a chance on a Defib Q this afternoon.


SSH and Merkins – thats enough.


Mosey to picnic benches for a tabata style picnic –

3 sets of exercises that included –

Decline Merkins

Single leg squats


Box Jumps

Decline CDDs

Lateral leg step ups

Decline Peter Parkers

Rocky Balboas


Exercises were done for 30 seconds with a 20 second break in between.

Finally mosey back to flag for 5 minutes of Mary

The workout was difficult and induced some hunger with at least one pax resorting to licking up ants for sustenance.  Lots of mumble chatter indicated at least some pax enjoyed the beatdown.



Slaw, Bedpan wife surgery, Purple Haze’ s niece, Sister Act’s family, people battling addiction

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