Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 28, 2020

Captain’s maiden Q


Warm Up

Side Straddle Hop         10 count cadence

Moroccan Night Clubs   10 count cadence

Cotton Pickers              10 count cadence


Mosey to Robinson Elementary from Pelicans

Step Ups                       15 Serial Count Each Leg

Dips                              30 Serial Count

Mosey to Gaston County Park below School

Partner Up (Parallel Bear Crawl/Mosey-1 Partner & Single Exercise Serial Count-Other Partner)

Merkins                        150 Count Combined

LBCs                             250 Count Combined

Calf Raises                    350 Count Combined

11s Up the steps and back Gaston County Park

American Hammers top of the steps

Squats bottom of the steps

Mosey back to Pelicans

Clavin Led Flutters to the end

Announcements: Same as Before

Prayers: Nation, F3 Families, First Responders

Goat Island – August 27, 2020

I pulled into Goat Island sore from doing Week 0 of the Iron Pax Challenge and knew there was going to be NO Bonnie Blairs today.  Secondly I thought, usually the parking lot is full with the About Face Bootcamp ladies, but I was  quickly told that they moved to a new location on South New Hope Road.

I gave a quick disclaimer to the PAX and FNG and we did a mosey to the parking lot between the police station and bridge for a little warm up.

Windmill x 10 IC
Hillbilly Walker x 15 IC
Imperial Walker x 15 IC
SSH x 20 IC

We then ran to the intersection of 8th Avenue and 9th Street.

At the bottom of 9th Street we performed a version of “Triple Nickle”

Bottom – 10 Carolina Dry Docks — Middle – 10 LBC —  Top 10 Squats
Repeat everything with x 15 reps and x 20 reps.

Bottom – 10 Mountain Climbers (DC) — Middle – 10 Peter Parker (DC) — Top 10 Merkins
Repeat everything with x 15 reps and x 20 reps

Wet Nutz thought we were going to stay their for the workout, but I had other thoughts and we did “Four Corners”

First Corner at 8th Avenue and 9th Street – 10 Plank Jacks (IC)
Second Corner – 8th Avenue and 10th Street – 10 Plank Jacks (IC), 20 Rocky Balboas (IC)
Third Corner – 10th Street and Mayflower Avenue – 10 Plank Jacks (IC), 20 Rocky Balboas (IC), 30 Dirkins
Fourth Corner – Mayflower Avenue and 9th Street – 10 Plank Jacks, 20 Rocky Balboas (IC), 30 Dirkins, and 40 Monkey Humpers.

Seeing we had some time left, we partnered up and did a mini dora. While one performed the exercise the other ran to the end of Mayflower Avenue and back.
25 Burpees
50 SSH
100 Big Boy Situps

Prayers for a co-worker of JK2 whose son is in rehap.

Prayers for those in the path of Hurricane Laura.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead!



Where’s the Q?

It was a balmy 93 degrees at the region’s premier JV workout.  5:30 hits, let’s go!  Wait, where’s the Q?  Comin’ in hot, nothing like a grand entrance.  SSH, Toy Soldiers, Grass Pickers all 10X.

Mosey to the turd shack near the soccer fields.  Q calls triple nickel, hip slappers on the wall take a lap round the island, halfway point hand release merkins.  Good work.  Stay at the wall for suspension merkins.  Feet one foot up the wall and get in plank position.  Hold for 10 count and then 10 merkins.  Three rounds OYO.  At the end everyone on the wall for 30 second plank.  These are tough core exercise.

Mosey to path around big soccer field.  Stop mid path for 10 burpees.  Continue to dog hill.  At bottom of hill, five bonnie blairs each leg and up the hill for five jump squats.  Five rounds.

Stay at bottom of hill for iron hulk, one merkin and four shoulder press.  Proceed to 10 and 40.

Head to the soccer goal, sprint length of field to opposite goal.  Short rest and sprint back.

Nice work men!  The heat was taking its toll by this point.  Fellowship mosey for couple mins toward the flag.  Pick up the pace the rest of the way.

Get back for pledge and quick word.  Q tried to have several different actions in today’s workout.  Keeping things off balance and changing.  Related this to be willing to embrace interruption of life.  Used the illustration of Jesus first calling his disciples, Peter and Andrew, casting their nets.  Jesus follow me.  They immediately stopped what they were doing and followed Jesus.  Point being to evaluate life and being willing to do something different if the need is there.

Announcements: JJ5k coming up, Iron Pax Challenge, CSAUP, Mt Mitchell hike.  Also have a date for blood drive – Sept 24 at First Presbyterian Church Belmont.

Prayer requests:  Double Stuf dad, Sister Act daughter, T Square son, Stephanie McMahan, PAX on IR, Pax on prayer list for the week.

YHC took us out with prayer.

Always an honor


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