Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2020 (Page 5 of 10)

Jars of clay

2 Corinthians 4:7

But we have this treasure in jars of Clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not us!

I pulled in to ingles parking lot around 10 till 6, shins are giving me a little bit of trouble so I didn’t run this morning but I have the privilege this week to bring a good word to those who came!
when I pulled up I saw Big Pappys son, F3 Nothing waiting, he had started early this morning and had already finished his run. Then I see Wichita running in, shortly after here comes Rabbit Ears, Newton, and Mr Pibbs!
they get in, catch there breath and we get started!

I shared the verse, which was part of yesterday’s message at church, explaining that we are the jars of Clay, in the verse, and the treasure is the gospel! The good news of Of salvation through Jesus! But a lot of times the church is more worried about the jars then the treasure! We tend to at times take our focus off of Christ and turn it towards ourselves! This is something we have to fight to keep from happening, and it’s not complicated! But sometimes hard to do! It’s not complicated in that all we need to do is chase after Christ, seek his glory in what we do, this will keep our eyes on Him and us in check as we go about life. But… hard to do in that we are prone to wonder, get prideful, bite the hook of temptation at times, rely on ourselves and not God. But I am thankful I know a God who can flood the jars with grace and forgiveness wash the junk out! Remember men, tomorrow is a new day, the first day of the rest of your life! I just put my oldest son to bed for the night and we talked about this awesome forgiveness that the Lord gives us, it’s like having a new day, a fresh start! He doesn’t hang to what you done, and doesn’t want us to either, nope, he says put your eyes back on me and let’s roll! hope you all have a good week!
Prayer request- Roscoe, AT, Stone cold, our country, Roundup Wife , Huck

Announcements- AOs are open!

Midoriyama Substi-Q

Blart originally had the Q for Midoriyama but had to get a substi-Q due to work issues. I get the text at lunchtime today, so I looked online for some HERO WODS to try to mix it up. Expecting rain, I planned for picnic shelter work after the warmup. Def Leppard shows up and asked “doesn’t Blart have the Q?” He had to work late, so I have the Q because it’s raining (Quick fact- it has rained on 90% of my Q’s. They should change my name to Rain Man.). I wanted to make sure the men who posted in this weather would get their money’s worth, so here’s how it went:


  • 10 Burpees
  • 40 Squats
  • 10 Burpees
  • 30 Big Boys
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Imperial Walker Squats
  • 10 Burpees

A couple of PAX notified the Q that their Burpee limit had been reached, so we moseyed to the picnic shelter for the main course.

First WOD: DJ

13 Rounds of:

  • 13 Squats
  • 13 Merkins (Neckies, CDD’s, whatever you got)
  • 13 Reverse Crunches
  • 13 Dips (single count)

Grantan did an outstanding job of keeping up with which round we were on by stacking rocks on the concrete (redneck abacus). Mumblechatter started off heavy but quickly tapered off by round 6 or 7. By round 11, Broke was so delirious that he didn’t know whether to stand up or sit down! Another PAX (whose name rhymes with Gojo) said his nether regions were getting rather swampy!

After a quick recovery, we hit the second WOD-

Second WOD: MA3 Oscar Temores

This was supposed to go 8 rounds, but cut it to 5 rounds due to time restraints.

  • 11 Hand Release Merkins
  • 30 Lunges (count each leg)
  • 19 Big Boys

Everyone was pretty smoked (except for Gold Digger), so after a 10 count by Love Boat, we headed back to the flag. With 1 1/2 minutes remaining, I called the Slawter Stopper (20 Burpees) at which the 1st F Q exercised his right to protest and sat this out. Freight said “I only have 10 in me”. You vs. you, brother!


  • Annihilation workout starting 6/27 at Folsom at 06:30. First Q is Gold Digger. This workout is for guys wanting to push to their limits. All regular Saturday AOs including Folsom will remain open.
  • 1st F Q mentioned a PT Test in the near future at the Saturday AOs.
  • There were rumors in the wind about a convergence (NOT a celebration, Freight) in the future as well.
  • Def Leppard’s Merkin form is getting better (if everyone stops to watch him).

Prayer Requests:

  • Sister Act’s 2.0 and family
  • Clavin’s M
  •  Our country and the world

YHC took us out in prayer.

I tried to keep the pace up and push the PAX today. Mission accomplished. All the PAX pushed hard and worked through it all! Some looked as if they wanted to quit, but they didn’t. Outstanding work, men.

Until the next time,

Slaw (a.k.a. Rain Man)

Rise of Skywalker

During the long dreary months of COVID I would still awaken ( albeit not at the previous 5am) but early enough to put in a workout in the neighborhood and a handful of times I even had Time Frame to join me . But on those days when my only company was birds squirrels maybe a dog bark or two and sometimes an early riser walking or just collecting their newspaper I created WO that would progressively get tougher …. I knew if I didn’t challenge my self I’d grow bored of the routine of it all . Today’s exercise was the Pain Lab creation that I used at least once a week.
Music was Faith No more ( except when phone selected Blackened 2020 ( Metallica acoustic !! Great version …. if you check it out … wait for the ending)
So we began with Toy Soldiers IC x 15
IW IC x15
Merkins IC x15
Plank jacks x15
Mountain climbers x15
New exercise time ( although this an older exercise but I’ve ever seen it in the exicon …. I’ve submitted it as Rise of Skywalker awaiting F3
Here’s what you do on six, roll onto shoulders , support back at hips with legs stretched up … one leg extended and one down and switch leg positions for a one count …. we did 15

Grab lighter weight ( bricks )
Upright rows, curls, piston from shoulder , fly, extend arms upright at sides, boxing , thrusts, cross chest all x 15
And lastly was a crowd pleaser holding objects in front of chest lunge forward lunge back on right side, then lunge forward and back on left for a single count ….. so this yes …. 10 times (not that mean as to make it 15,,, this time)
15 Freddy Mercs IC
25 lbcs
15 box cutters IC
Now the bigger weight
Colt 45, upright row, press, kettlebell swing , squat, AMerican Hammers, skull crushers, and lastly from Sledge … set object in front of you and tap x10 …. all the other exercises were once again 15
Intermission : same as before and now add Rise Of Skywalker x10
Grab lighter weight again for more curls arm crosses ,press, fly x20 and colt 45

Moroccan night club IC x15

toes in , heels out calf raises x10 and again with heels in, toes out

heavy object:upright row overhead press kettlebell swing , squats and squat thrusters all x20

intermission same as previous and add 10 Rise of Skywalker

complete WO with small weight this time colt 45 , fly, boxing, curls and overhead press and side lunges all x 20

Change of music to disturbed and the sound of silence and some yoga

begin with right arm tucked behind head hold with left …. few seconds breathe out and back

inhale and bring left arm to same …. hold….


Luck fingers in front of chest facing palm inward 1 to 3… Now reverse one  two three….. arms still locked hold overhead….. sway gently left 1,2,3….. now right …. 1,2,3 …. back to center and bend back ….1,2,3…

exhale and return


Move into cobra pose dropping head almost to ground and hold for about 5-6 seconds

exhale returning to plank , now into downward facing and hold …. return to plank , drop knees and move into child pose … hold for 8 seconds back to plank … move back into downward facing dog hold 3-4 seconds

move up to relaxed pose and inhale as you drive one leg forward one back pivot back leg and move into warrior 1, hold …..5-6 seconds And next warrior 2 and hold

exhale as you return

do same for other side with warrior 1 and 2 poses

music fades …. we finish one minute early

we’ll done


prayers for Hipaa upcoming surgery

all medic, police and doctor ( medical)

one final note : when I would perform this and my other routines by myself pushing the envelope a little harder each time , my M would ask if anyone was there with me ( much as she does when F3 is in full gear)…. to which I’d respond that I’m probably gonna quit posting if that crazy man named Clavin has the Q again!!

Stogie-fied Workout

There was no one at Folsom when I pulled up around 5:15am. I got there a little early – still debating whether to setup for a game, or rely on my typical weinke. The rain made sure I went the typical route. At 5 minutes ’til time Bedpan and Flubber rolled in with Big Pappy in tow. Right at time the rest of the guys all came in hot.

  • We did some Moroccan Nightclubs to give them some time in. I wasn’t counting, but we did those for about a minute or so.
  • We then did 30 Side Straddle Hops – still killing time waiting on Roundup, Hacksaw, and West Side.
  • We then did 15 Gravel Pickers
  • Next was 15 Mountain Man Poopers

Mosey to the Flag

We stopped at every light poll and/or ~20 feet and did one exercise:
– 1st: 20 Shoulder Taps
– 2nd: 20 Merkins
– 3rd: 20 Plank Jacks
– Repeat…

Pledge at the Flag

Iron Hulks with 11 total Pax (1:4 ratio of merkin to air presses) – who knew pushing air would hurt so much?!?!

Mosey down to the lower parking lot shelter – asked the Pax to plank up to wait for everyone.

20 – Overhead Press Merkin (CDD?)
20 – Flutters
20 – Plank Jacks
40 – Fast High Knees with arms

20 – LBCs
20 – Werkins
20 – American Hammers
40 – Fast High Knees with arms

20 – Mountain Climbers
20 – Freddy Mercurys
20 – Bobby Hurleys
40 – Fast High Knees with arms

20 – Windshield Wipers
20 – Merkins
20 – Mountain Climbers
40 – Fast High Knees with arms

20 – Lazy Mike Tysons (Stogie-fied) plank to horizontal squat – no push-up)
20 – Gas Pumps (stogie-fied) in-out-together)
10 – Peter Parkers
10 – Parker Pers
40 – Fast High Knees with arms

We had time to repeat the last set of exercises – voted by the Pax (Tyson liked the Mike Tysons and Hacksaw liked the Gas Pumps) before lung walking back to the COT. We got about half way and switched to walking calf raises. We did a few Hillbilly-Lung-Squats  before finishing a mosey back to the COT.

No announcements…

Prayer Requests:
– Big Pappy’s Mom (she fell again)
– Roundup’s M and new baby
– Sister Act’s family
– Prayers for the world and all the craziness going on (China and Korea, the US, etc…)
– I forgot to mention it then, but thought to pray for those battling addiction later on (as I am writing this backblast)

Hacksaw was asked to take us out…

Hacksaw brought up Flubber’s comment about, “How can pressing air kill your shoulders”. Just when I thought he was going to be funny, that giddy look Hacksaw had was from him about to talk about his Savior. He talked about imagining how Jesus was when he was nailed to the cross… and having to use his legs to push up on his nail pierced feet – just to get a quick breathe of air before having to hunch back down from (probably) the intense pain and fatigue. He’s then hanging from his pierced hands/wrists. I imagine this as a constant struggle back and forth, almost squirming from one position to the next because you simply can’t not be in pain. That’ll give you something to think about next time you do Iron Hulks and almost can’t get your arms to keep going up and down – trying to push air.

Newton brought up the news around the world, with a Chinese Militia rising up in China (makes me wonder if it’s them looking at how the US is doing some of this). He also talked about North Korea bombing the liaison building for the North and South meeting (sounds like an act of hostility). There was talk of us being in the end days that Revelations talks about. I think this is only the beginning… That’s why we need to stay consistent, vigilant, and continue to be leaders and a light to this world – sharing the hope of Christ to a (definitely) lost world.

Lots of discussion and prayers to be had. Lots of encouragement. Thankful Pappy’s mom didn’t hurt herself worse by her fall earlier. This was the largest group YHC has had the pleasure to Q. Thank you for the opportunity and all that came with it.

See ya’ll in the gloom…




Blood Everywhere

Good crowd this am-little mumble chatter, lot of work, and then there was blood…..keep reading.

We started with a simple disclaimer…because that is what we do. We all claim to be idiots…..and we are not wrong. However………I’m not sure what point I was going to make so maybe I’ll just stop there. As I am not very fond of warmups, I kept it short this am. We did some SSH, flutter kicks, then Merkins and then took off like a flash…..and then stopped quickly for the Pledge. Then we took off like a flash…..again, heading for “the hill” (insert threatening music:da da daaaaaaa). On the way there we may have done some plank or other exercises just to keep the group together. Upon arrival to “the hill” (again, insert threatening music: da da daaaaaaaa), instructions were given to partner up, but keep some distance. We would start at the bottom and P1 would run to mailbox #1, do 10 Merkins then run back to start. P2 would be doing AMRAP any ab exercise until P1 returned at which time they would swap duties (not doodies, remember-keep your distance). We would escalate to 20 Merkins, then 30 Merkins and then after Defib agreed with an evil smile (again, threatening music: da da daaaaaaa), we did 40 Merkins. There were some complimentary phrases that were spoken about the Q (aka: me) during this time, but I’ll keep those to myself as this is a “family show” right?

After completing the above fun stuff, we moseyed back to start with some plank and jump squats along the way. When we got back to start I asked Easy Rider (I think) to pick a spot on the wall, any wall, at Pelicans. We kept our partners, and P1 stayed at the wall. Somehow we picked Gastone’s name for the car part of this and the exercise was for P1 to do AMRAP HIP SCHLAPPERS (all caps means you have to YELL that while you are reading-tell your M I said your welcome if she gives you grief for this while you are reading this now) while P2 bear crawls to Gastone’s Prius (he lost his man card and now drives his sister’s Prius) then mosey back. It was at about 3 HIP SCHLAPPERS that I heard TSquare scream like someone was pulling his toenail’s off. It was awful. I looked up as I heard something about “ketchup” to see TSquare tilt his head back while this red stuff was spraying out of his face covering everyone in sight with blood. Stroganoff fainted and Gastone started doing mouth to mouth on him. Defib jumped into action and did chest compressions on Dry Rub, although Dry Rub was not really having any problems at all. I think Defib’s reflexes just kicked in and he felt like he needed to do something. There was too much blood to get close to TSquare. Outhouse took off running with Time Frame into the woods. I think the blood made them nauseated. They came back a little while later once the bleeding had stopped.  Easy Rider, Watts Up, and Steubing kept on hip schlapping like there was nothing going on at all. Finally the bleeding stopped when TSquare shoved half a towel up his nose-it looked painful but got the job done. So much for schlappers……TSquare is not allowed to do those any more.

We moseyed to Clavin’s hill in the park next. At the bottom we did 5 Merkins then climbed the hill and did 10 Mountain Climbers then back to start. After 5 more Merkins we went up for 20 Mountain Climbers. We repeated this for I think 30 then 40 Mountain Climbers with 5 Merkins between each set. I think we did more mountain climbers but can’t remember how many-seems like it was a lot. My stomach was still a little upset about what happened with the Hip Schlappers, TSquare’s nosebleed, and the interaction (pick whatever one you want) that happened in the parking lot. I really just wanted to get away from these guys at this point so I started to run…but they kept following me…..all the way to the picnic tables. We passed Stroganoff’s mom and aunt. I made sure they knew some dude named Steven Long was my hero. Mom’s like that kind of stuff….even when it’s not true (especially when it’s not true). Mom’s often know they have a loser for a son but for a fleeting moment they can smile and live in that fantasy world that makes them think their son is something special…..not that this was one of those times though (wink wink).

At the tables we did some step ups and Derkins until Defib picked the right number. We moseyed back to start with some jump squats along the way then finished with the COT.

We had a quick namorama, prayer for family members of PAX and several PAX as well, and then took off. Not sure, but I think there was some ketchup on the wall. Hopefully it will rain soon.



Lake Whoopeegonagetcha

7 REAL MEN showed for another Diablo Sammich. There were some words btwn Whoopee and Oompa earlier in the week, so I was happy to see a good crowd. We took off with our rucks and a little something special for Oompa. I think we got 2.52 miles in with a short bit of arm/shoulder work. I threatened to bring my angry eyes but the best I could come up with was the rock I got from Dr. Feelgood at our CSAUP at Crowder’s Mountain that said “keep pushing.” We never saw Oompa but I was able to hand it off to Sargento who delivered it to Oompa for me.

Once we got back to start (or just before we got going, can’t remember when), Sledge got a little close to me near the puddle at Pelican’s so I did a quick jump in the puddle and got a teeny, tiny, iddy, biddy little bit of water on him…..he got me back a little later.

COT then we were outta there.

thanks guys-Whoopee

5 Years

June 13th 2015 Sparky and YHC made our first post to F3. We posted at Gashouse where 21 total men showed up to workout. We had been EH’d by Dolph a few months earlier at a men’s retreat at Snowbird. He told us how tough it was and well if it’s tough for Dolph why the heck would we want to do it? I was about 8 months into my weight loss down about 50 lbs at the time and had just started going to the gym 4-5 months earlier. My gym membership definitly did not prepare me for what was to come! That being said after it was over I couldn’t wait to do it again.

So on this special day we decided to run it back and do that workout all over again. Thanks to BB we were able too! Our first workout was Q’d by E4 and The Godfather.  Sparky took E4’s part and I took The Godfathers. Below is exactly how it went both times!


Here we go….
Mosey to Flag (Pledge) then mosey to the GMS Football Field…
WU (E4)
Side Straddle Hop (x20)
Stretch-Stretch-Reach (x10)
Body Builders (Dr Feelgood… -counting improving – you would be proud) (x10)
One Lap (400M)
The Thang (E4)
PAX meet on the sideline and partner up.
Merkin Relay
One partner busts out Merkins while other partner sprints to the other side and back. Flapjack and continue counting where partner stopped. (x150)
Mile of Fun
One partner completes Escalator (10 Diamond Merkins, 20 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats) while other partner runs 400M. Flapjack then Rinse/Repeat until a mile is completed.
Godfather takes over.
County Fair
PAX divide into six groups and go to stations set up around the field. At the whistle, start the station. At the next whistle, rotate to the next station.
1. Station 1 – Bear Crawl Suicides (5 yards/back, 10 yards/back, 15 yards/back)
2. Station 2 – Squat Jumps (100/AMAP)
3. Station 3 – Two Minutes of Mary (30 LBC, 30 Freddie Mercury, 30 Rosalita, 30 Flutter Kicks, 30 LBCs)
4. Station 4 – Crawl Bear Suicides (5 yards/back, 10 yards/back, 15 yards/back – BACKWARDS)
5. Station 5 – Burpee Broad Jump (broad jump instead of vertical jump AMAP)
6. Station 6 – Blimp (5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Mountain Climbers, 30 Squats.
Modified Zombie Walk
PAX spread out across the goal line. At the start, lunge with right leg then the left leg, then do a full squat. Rinse/Repeat to the 50 yard line.
Johnny Cash AKA The Ring of Fire
Circle up in plank position. PAX hold plank while one man does 10 Merkins. When he finishes the next man does reps until all in circle finish.
Mosey Back to Parking Lot
One Minute Wall Sit, 10 Derkins, One Minute Wall Sit, 10 Derkins, One Minute Wall Sit, 15 Derkins


Copy and paste is awesome! So we met back up with the painlab and it was done!



The day of our original post we had 4 FNG’s 2 of which are still getting after it. The other two may not have comeback due to their names-Thong and Bangkok. Yeah Sparky and I got lucky! Today we had 2 FNG’s! One that had to much to eat the night before and one that Stroganoff forced to come to keep his job(ok that may not be true). Either way he came and rucked along with Stroganoff and Hipaa(good to see you sir). I could go on and on about what F3 has meant to me and all that it has given me but I don’t want to bore you. I’ll just say there must be something to it because 5 years later we are still here.

Journey into the Unknown World

A less humid awesome Saturday morning in Belmont saw a goodly number of pax assemble for a voyage into the unknown and beyond. So, as sailors of old on frigates with sails reminiscent of names like Cook and Nelson gathered for the journey east the following activities took place:


Arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cherry Pickers X 20

Mosey into the unknown regions of East Belmont, a place only spoken of but never accessed by F3 until this morning.

Mosey @ 1.0 mile to the East Belmont soccer fields, a virtual Shangri la of mowed grass, boundary lines, and social distancing. Time for the main event to commence!

Partner assisted Suicides, aka Jack Kevorkians!

Partner 1 – Stay at home and do the called move.

Partner 2 – Sprint to halfway and do X of the called move. Continue to the other end and do X and full return back.

Flapjack Partner 1 and 2.

Set 1: Hand release merkins

Halfway: 5

End: 5

Set 2: Jump Squats

Halfway: 10

End: 20

Set 3: Big Boy situps

Halfway: 10

End; 20

Set 4: Merkins

Halfway: 10

End; 20

Form up on the end line for some four corners work:

Corner 1: SSH x 20

Corner 2: Werkins  X 10

Corner 3: Turkish getups X 10

Corner 4: LBCs X 25

Form up again for a crowd and YHC fav, the bear crawl slalom on new ground! Sort of like planting the flag of conquest.

Everyone got two runs here. Pretty much blew the pax out. Now, we enter our favorite part of the game – the 4th Quarter! Where getting tougher is imperative.

Begin to mosey back to The Yank.

1/3 mile: Stop and drop for bigboys and merkins, 10X each.

2/3 mile: Stop and drop for Mike Tysons X 10

Last 1/3: Karoke right and left, finish OYO

Repeat as follows:

dips, elevated Situps, dirkins, 10X, 15X

Fence squats, 15X

Journey complete!


Pretty long and tough buttermilk style workout today. Glad to get it done! Yes, the journey to and from the soccer fields was a long and difficult one. But it had to be done. Why? Because it was there! And the pax, came, saw, and conquered! So it is now in the books as known territory. Mission accomplished.

Many other missions to get done and now is time to do them. Most notably providing the male community leadership that is in my estimation the cause of our present day internal difficulty. So we must ne about the mission statement of F3. And now is time boys! No greater opportunity has presented itself.


Crossroads – The most fun I’ve had in a while

Taking the Q for Crossroads and Qsource on accountability never would have seemed like the blast it turned out to be.  I love these group of guys and the “sharpening” that happens on Sunday is monumental.  Lots of laughs today.

First, since I had the Q, I ordered up some good weather.  Runners and the solo rider from the DBC.

Lots of good work put in by all.  Circled up for the announcement, prayers, pledge and COT.

Announcements:  Nothing,  I was told the 5 year convergence was doe and there is nothing left for all of 2020.  Folsom had more in attendance than Gashouse.  Gashouse “Attendee” noted that it had to be that way to cater to the Folsom Q tantrum.

Prayers:  As Def Leppard stated “where do we begin?”  As Seuss posted at Folsom while Sparky was at Gashouse and a comment made about Def being at Gashouse with his blade, the Whetstone program was mentioned.  A comment about a house divided cannot stand.  In all seriousness, the Nation, Def’s M, Sister Acts 2.0, Purple Haze and HIPAA surgery this week.

Pledge:  Seuss ran thru this one quick and got everyone off on the rhythm.  Blart mentioned how much of a bat flipper you need to be to say the pledge faster than anyone else.

COT: Def took us out

Qsource: Good discussion on accountability.  Great discussions by all.  Two things also happened.  Sister Act spilled his vanilla ice coffee with cream.  If you know his affliction for this drink, it was truly a travesty and a comedy of errors.  He made the comment about almost having to lick the parking lot.  After his rant about being charged to little ice last week (because that means they give you more coffee and otherwise you would get a full glass of ice and little coffee), he was not consoled about this fact that he didn’t have to pay for the little ice this time.  We also saw the Eagle from Rankin lake this morning mixing it up with a crow.  According to legend, only the true braves who’s hearts and minds are pure, can have this vision. It’s big medicine.

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