Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2020 (Page 4 of 9)

We’re better then this.

20 pax including one FNG gathered at the Gas House amidst national panic and fear regarding Wuhan Virus to get better and set an example for what we would expect to be a normal behavior that includes getting out of our shells and getting better even during a media driven crisis that gives us an opportunity to be who we really are –  set of leaders capable of handling a time of adversity. So with that in mind as the sun began to rise YHC took the Gas House boot campers on a magical mystery tour with some buttermilk sucking effort involved. Went like this:


SSH X 25

IW X 20

Grapevine stretches

Merkins X 10

Mtn. Climbers X 20

LBCs X 20

Mosey up to the Middle School track for a six shooter round:

10 burpees X 1 lap

20 American Hammers X 1 lap

30 squats X 1 lap

40 merkins X 1 lap

50 SSH X 1 lap

60 CDDs X 1 lap

This got us about halfway and everyone was getting gassed by now. Mission proceeding as planned! Buddy Love was hanging in there. Great work brother!

Move to the picnic tables

10 X 15 X 20 repeats with 10 SSHs at the end.




Down to the baseball field for some triple nickel

Bottom: % plank jacks

Run the hill

Top: 5 HR merkins

Repeat 5X

Back to the football field for a Tesla Special – Bear Crawl Slalom!

Went across the field. sideline to sideline. Everyone gt three rolls.

Turkish getups X 5

Skip back across to where we started. Mosey back to the flag and a few minutes as a group of Mary.


We pushed the ole rock up the hill today – hard! I wanted to do that. It’s no secret YHC runs a tough boot camp. There are some reasons for that and today was a special one. YHC wanted to create a degree a degree of adversity for all of us, even me! I was pretty well sucking wind on the last part of Triple Nickel and even the slalom. But this was all about pushing through. Guys, when I came up the 1980 US Hockey team beat the USSR and it wasn’t even on live TV.  That’s how certain defeat was in the minds of the media covering it. Oh, and did I tell you, the whole 1980 Olympics was held in Lake Placid New York. A town not even as big as Gastonia.  The only guys that believed they could win were the guys on the team. Why was that in real terms? Because their coach Herb Brooks (the last guy cut from the 1960 team that beat the USSR in Squaw Valley) pushed them with a killer 60 game schedule leading to the games and tough conditioning, sometimes doing sprints and suicides AFTER some of those 60 games, And he did it because he wanted those guys to be have faced real adversity before they ran into it in the Olympics. It worked. You look at guys from that team now and they all were successful. Rob Mclanahan became the top college coach in the US as an example. and he did it by pushing guys in real time like we need to do in F3 to be better.

YHC faced some real adversity with an old friend out west last week. Intense conversation about his daughter’s death. I’m here to tell that if I had not pushed or been pushed I would have crumbled in that situation. But I did not and my buddy knows to reach out to me. Tough, tough situation for him and his family. But I am going to help them through. No doubt in my mind the ole Sky Q put all this in motion. That’s who we work for. And he would prefer you be ready when he calls you number to do something unique in the game.

We are also facing this Wuhan thing. And I have to tell you I am more than a little disappointed at our reaction to it lately. Too much herd mentality and not enough thoughtful action – and frankly prayer. Yeah, this thing can be bad, but we’ve seen things like it before. What we need to do as a group is recognize it as a time to step up and lead. Not get back in our shells and comfort zones.  Let’s lead, let’s be smart, pray, but don’t panic. Facts over fear men!

Oh, and that buttermilk thing. It’s here to stay! Know when you see it that you will be challenged in real time. Which is your opportunity to respond and get better. That is up to you. The opportunity will be there.

Hats off to our Mortimer guys! Great work all.



We robbed the Q-money from Bandit

Well, sometimes you just got to punt.  Being a true #HIM, Bandit double-booked his Q.  Operation Walk This Way takes precedence, I told him we would figure it out.  We did:

Tesla started us with the pledge, the walkers left, Tesla killed it with the warm-up, and we split up.  Rudolph has the con.  We walk to the circle with Frank, and work commences.

I. 11’s with crawls – bottom of the steps, 1 squat, bear crawl up, 10 merkins.  Come down however you want, 2 squats, 9 Merkins, etc.

II. Pain stations – we made 6 stations, but we did 3 sets of each, with a 10 count in-between sets.  I set the timer to 45 seconds, but key was to max-out.

Squat Thrusters with 50 lb. bar


Pull-overs with Kettlebells

Curls with dumbells

Front shoulder raises with calf-raises


About half-time, so we I asked if they wanted to do more stations, or choose the mystery box.  They chose.  Poorly:

III. The Test – shorter time, as we made 3 groups of 2.  Less rest, so we did half the time.  Great work by all, it really did turn out to just be 7 minutes of continuous Burpees.  I got gassed and called for a 1 minute break at the conclusion.  Quickly pivoted to LBC’s for awhile, then recover.

IV. Follow the Leader:  single file line, follow me, bear crawl up and across, stop for 10 squats, crab walk across to dips, lunge walk to something….grab the gear and head off to await Tesla gang.  He worked us for a good 5 minutes, bells.

Announcements – Tesla gave an account of a friend in need, and trust me, it was a hell of a story.  Tough to go through, but as men that’s what we do, we step up with the hard stuff.

MOLESKIN – we had 3 for Bootcamp, 6 for Painlab, and 5 for Walking Crew.  This has to be a new thing in F3 Nation, 3 different varieties of AO at the same place, and it’s exciting.  Bandit doesn’t owe anyone anything, a true #HIM for he and Linus starting the new AO.  Go get it boys, always a pleasure to serve.  ***Our FNG “Totaled” says the word SIX as SEX.  Let that sink in.


Surprises at Folsom

YHC was listed as the Q but Folsom Site Q Big Pappy (A HIM I will talk about in a minute) had texted me earlier saying long time former Gashouse Nant’an Tool Time (who has since moved up north to Mooresville) would like the Q so I gladly deferred. So after a fake out warm up of 5 Don Q’s (one of his favorites), Tool Time took over and gave the disclaimer for our FNG and then we ran! We took a tour of Folsom and then to Gaston College (or UNCD as we alums call it) and we stopped every so often so Pizza Man and Round Up could gather the Six and get a few exercise reps in. We stopped at the flag for a pledge. We got in a little Core Time and ran back to the flag with Big Pappy leading us in. Tool Time talked about F3 being a men’s leadership group and that we should be on the lookout for opportunities to lead during the current circumstances. We clocked over 4 miles today and everyone got better.

Announcements: 5 Year Convergence next Saturday, March 21st from 7 a.m. – 9:30 a.m., Run or Ruck followed by Bootcamp followed by 2nd F (food) and 3rd F.
Speed For Need at Community Foundation 5k on 4/4 at 9:00 a.m.
Annihilation (New High Intensity Workout) on 4/4 at 6:30 am at Folsom happening at the same time as the usual weekly Folsom Workout.
Walking Only AO Saturdays weekly at Gashouse at 7 a.m. with the hopes of getting a few more “Respects” involved. Linus and Bandit are trying to get this going to possibly open up F3 to a group of men we may never have reached before so spread the word.

Big Pappy thanked everyone who helped him and his M deliver 3 suitcases of clothes and other items to needy kids on his recent “vacation”. Most people plan vacations 100% for themselves. He collected clothes and other Items, lugged around extra suitcases and took time away from his vacation to deliver and spend time with needy kids. You may not know Big Pappy. He rarely says anything. He is sometimes even the Six in our workouts, but he is leading the way to show us all how to be a HIM (High Impact Man). Thanks Pappy!

Prayer Requests

Tool Time took us out. Great to see him back in F3 Gastonia. His enthusiasm is, shall I say “contagious”!

Downtown Beatdown

YHC finally takes a Q downtown. I know it’s been awhile. I hadn’t posted for a week prior due to sickness, so I wanted this workout to be a good one. Knowing that E-Z Rider has a love for the burpee like I do, I made sure that those would be incorporated into the Weinke. Everyone circles up and the mumblechatter is lively. Everyone seems to be in great spirits. 5:30 hits, and we get to work.


Seal Jacks X15 IC, Don Q’s X10 IC, Morr. Nightclubs X10 IC



Mosey to main street for route 66 Burpees. Real crowd pleaser. Mumblechatter almost nonexistent.

Next we moseyed to the parking deck for escalator work.

Ground level was 5 Burpees, then sprint to other end of parking deck and Joe Hendricks/ Bear Crawl up to next level. Rinse and repeat the sprinting/ Joe Hendricks work and add exercises at each level.

Level 1- 5 Burpees

Level 2- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins

Level 3- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges

Level 4- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges, 20 Big Boys

Level 5- 5 Burpes, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges, 20 Big Boys, 25 Squats

Mosey to the top of the deck for Red Barchetta. This has become a favorite of mine. Keeps the heart rate up. We ran down 1 level to the far end for 100 SSH. Ran back up to start. Ran back down 3/4 of the way for 75 Mountain Climbers then back to start. Ran to far end up upper deck for 50 LBC’s then back to start. Ran 25 yards out for 25 Merkins then back to start. We then ran all the way down the parking deck to ground level, then performed the 10 Burpees.

Moseyed back to the pavilion for 5 MOM. Dirt calls 15 dying cockroaches IC, then the other 4 or 5 PAX (you know who you are) decided to be a bunch of “Walker wannabes” and called Flutter Kicks. That’s enough of that! Time’s up.


Convergence next Saturday at Martha’s at 07:00. Yes, we are doing it!

All other events (P200, Community Foundation 5k) may be cancelled/rescheduled soon, but as of now, they are still a go.

Prayer Requests: (My voice recorder flaked out on me, so I’m going off memory)

Family member of Orangeman, E Z Rider’s family, Blart’s M is having surgery next week, and the whole world with the Coronavirus situation.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Until the next time,


The Ricky Bobby – March 11, 2020

The Ricky Bobby – March 11, 2020

We had 6 HIM post this morning at Goat Island.

We took a lap around the elementary track and then circled up for the warm up.

Warm Up:
SSH X 25 (IC)
Windmill x 10 (IC)
MNC x 10 (IC)
Low Slow Squat x 10 (IC)
Plank Jacks x 10 (IC)

I had plans to bring Sandy (play sand), but left her at home so we only had Cindy (cinderblock) to use.  As one PAX carried “Cindy” 50 yards and 50 yards back… the other PAX performed a called exercise. We did three rounds of this.  There was a lot of mumble chatter about the Corvid-19 and our Pax “Virus.”  In addition, we had some good jokes on Sargento who was returning from a brief absence.

Secondly, we did the following exercises.

¼ mile run
50 SSH and 50 LBC

¼ mile run
45 SSH and 45 Squats

¼ mile run
40 SSH and 40 merkins

¼ miles run
35 SSH and 35 LBC

Orangeman’s mother who recently had surgery.


Do you like pina coladas? Prison Break semi-secret

Two hims escaped from prison break before the rooster crowed to run over to Roadie’s place, and he was nowhere to be found. After several minutes of farting, belching, and scratching, Roadie received a wake up call stating “Get your fat lazy ass out of bed you sorry sack of chit.” Not hard to figure out who called is it?
Whereupon Roadie got his crap together and manned up.
Off we go to run the lovely greater metropolitan area of Ranlo and Auten Rd neighborhood.
It seemed we ran uphill the entire way.
Roadie knew every dog in every yard.
We hid from the po-po, a thousand bloodhounds, couple of questionable streetwalkers, bad drivers, trash cars, and eventually safely reached Bedpan’s humble abode.

At the end, up 4.7 miles was the total on Oompa’s Fitbit.

Bedpan took us out.

Team Q at the Goat

Good morning Gents.  A cool but not cold and dry morning at the Goat.

Arrive at 5:20 am to find the guys starting to gather in the center of Cramerton in an effort to start the day off the right way.  During the pre-workout mumble chatter it started to become obvious that we did not have a Q.  I was honored to Q but it was really more of a group effort.  It went something like this…but I’m quite sure with errors in my recollection of this morning’s gloom.

5:30 — Pledge

Warm up

20 x SSH double count IC

20 x Squats

15 x SSH double count IC

Mosey to stairs behind the building

20 x merkins

30 x LBC’s (Q fail – YHC stopped at 20)

5 x calf raises per step.  Looked like maybe 25 steps.

Top YHC made up missing 10 LBC’s

Ring of FIre

there were lots of SSH, burpees, LBC’s, American hammers, squats, merkins and maybe other stuff

Mosey to gazebo 

Note:  The town of Cramerton I hear is complaining of us doing pull-ups at the gazebo.

YHC did not call pull ups.

10 x merkins

10 x LBC’s

10 x Squats

Repeat x 5

Mosey to Police Department’s parking lot

11’s — CDD’s that side and mountain climbers over here

Mosey back to start

30 x SSH

5 burpees for the train


Prayer concerns


It was a great honor and a great way to begin the day with such awesome men.

Peace and cheers;



Prison Break

Had a solid 14 at the prison break this morning. It was a great morning to be out! We all got better!


Lms 5k this Friday see sparky for the link or events page!

convergence on the 21st of March!

community foundation 5k see pizza man for that SIGN UP!

Prayer request

Blasts M

Dry rubs M

Ez Rider

Watts Up


Broke took us out

Thank you men!

Round Up


At one point this morning I told all of one of my favorite statements, “I thought I made a mistake once but it turns out I was wrong!”
Gump sits down to watch our form during warm up and not offer advice as we perform toy soldiers, MN C , and merkins all IC x11 ( except merkins we’re really 12 mosey to Sara’s road to nowhere and Gump decides to come join in as we Diamond merkin x10 …. oh well the balance against the other leaves us at 11 ….
mosey to pool for 11 OYO squats ….. keep to mosey expectations are high at Gastone’s hill and yet I continued moving until the wailing and sobbing from Gastone has to be quelled so I submit to 11 OYO monkey humpers back to the hill ( Gastone was elated!)
Continue all the way to covered area at Robinson for 11’s ( is there a theme in this somewhere?)
Single dip at this side t’other flying squirrels and back to reverse Gump was even sighted as in the six , or maybe it was his misuse of math by decreasing and increasing only by 2’s
Mosey to back of school for modified 11 …. start with 10 merkins top of stairs and decrease by one until finish but at bottom of stairs do only 1 burpee …. got to 4 or 5 merkins before halting due to time constraints , but it should be noted that even after my careful instructions there was still one person who HAD to screw up and only perform 1 merkin before realizing his bad form ( oddly, this persons name has the same letters just assembled differently as Calvin!)
Arrive back at start 1 minute late to find Stinky Bird fresh off his nap in back of his truck ( claimed he ran 14 miles….. pshaw !!
I now perform 10 ( or maybe it was 70 ) penalty burpees all while waiting on JK2 whom I knew would ask for them anyway for running late
Interestingly with all these runners preparing for p200 and other events ( Madoff was a blur of motion at one point) we still put in almost 3 miles, or by JK 2’s figit spinner ( it cant be a Fitbit) he claimed we traveled   nearly 4 miles !
Read passage from Revelations 5 …. powerful

Check events calendar for upcoming ( too many

Prayers for Dry Rubs M
Mathew Smith ( patient of Voodoo who is 23 but after much effort by many doctors Is being placed in hospice care
Owner of Schneider Tree to receive / accept blessing from God to help in this time of change and crisis
Prayers for the 2 soldiers whose names were released yesterday protecting this world
I believe there Was one more ……

NEXT UP …… WATTS UP POWER CHARGED 50 th birthday bonanza complete with parade, cake dancing women …. or maybe it might be a little more low key ….. either way …. look for your invite ….. it’s bound to be lost in the mail stream …. or check your spam folder!

Pain lab – 2.0 friendly March 7,2020

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