Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2020 (Page 5 of 10)

Pursuing God 1 Timothy 6:11

We had 8 Men show for the Sword this morning it was great!

Roadie, Dirte, Nothin and myself went for about 3 miles rucking and running. We get back to ingles and the rest of the guys show ready for the verse pf the week.

I was excited to talk about the word and share with my brothers this morning. This AO is one that I look forward to every week to get started. its such a good place to be with your brothers and in the word!

The verse of the week is: 1 Timothy 6:11

But you, Man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness

Men of God Thats who we are!

Were doing these for Gods glory not for our own!

Its so easy to fall into destruction and harmful ways of the world if we’re not pursuing the things of God.

I thought of how this verse really applied to the sword this week and to our lives and I prayed about it and God put it on my heart. In the previous weeks of the sword there has been 5 guys in front of me so I looked into each verse they shared with us and the definition of each thing God wants us to pursue him in.

  1. Sparky had Psalm 119:105 I put that with Faith– Complete trust or confidence in something. We have Gods word as the lamp to out feet and light to our path so we can then have confidence and trust in Gods word and promises.
  2. Big Pappy had John 11:35  I put that with Gentleness– Softened hearts that abide in Jesus. Being humble and compassionate to others shortcomings or those who are struggling. Jesus wept was that verse and to think how gentle Jesus was during those time is amazing, How his heart was soft and he was so compassionate for those around and for us!
  3. Wichita had Ephesians 6:4 I put that with Patience– To tolerate, have endurance, quality of self resistants or not giving into anger. Do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the lord. We have to tolerate and have patience with so much in this world fighting against us believers!
  4. Tater Hole had Proverbs 27:17  I put that with Godliness- Conforming to the laws and wishes of God. Iron sharpens Iron so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.  As we sharpen one another and get better spiritually we will ALL conform to the law and the wishes of God.
  5. Def Leppard had 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 I put that with Love-Intense deep feeling of affection. God is love and with God in us we are love! 13 Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong 14 Let all that you do be done in love. We have to love in all that we do and its another thing in pursuing the things of God.
  6. Round Up got 1 Timothy 6:11 I put that with Righteousness- The quality of being morally right. But you, Man of God, flee from these things and pursue righteousness,  godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. If we want to be morally right with God we will pursue the things in this verse.

Sometimes pursuing the things of God can be mistaken for weakness in this world. But just know the most Manly thing we can do is be a Man of God!

In these times the world calls us weak or the devil is fighting against us with any and everything we need to take up the armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-16

Hebrews 13:6 says I love this verse! So we may badly say The lord is my helper, I will not fear. What can man do to me.

God doesn’t care of our ability he cares about our availability! He doesn’t care if we are restricted in some way or have issues with anything he just wants us open to what he is trying to do in our lives!

He wants us to be open to work for him and to recognize when he is calling us to move!

Thank you for letting me lead this morning. Im glad I could share what God put on my heart for this awesome AO!

Prayer request 

Each other

Fred Sisk just lost his wife. He works with Sparky

Other christians overseas being killed for believing in Jesus Christ



Round Up



Fight the Good Fight of Faith

We had 10 HIMS this morning at Mt. Hollywood that were ready to work right away.   Let’s go to battle.

Warm Up:

10 Gravel Pickers.

The Thang:

A quick mosey to the elementary school parking.

2 PAX start in the center of the parking lot

  • AMRAP – weighting moroccan nightclubs (2.5 lbs each hand)
  • AMRAP – weight squats (25 lbs)
  • Randomly alternate in and out with other PAX throughout the work out.

Mosey around the lot stopping at each corner for some work

  • Lap 1
    • 1 Burpee
    • 5 Burbees
    • 10 Burbees
    • 15 Burbees
  • Lap 2
    • 20 Big Boys
    • 25 Big Boys
    • 30 Big Boys
    • 35 Big Boys
  • Lap 3
    • 40 Merkins
    • 45 Merkins
    • 50 Merkins
    • 55 Merkins
  • Lap 4
    • 60 Flutter Kicks
    • 65 Flutter Kicks
    • 70 Flutter Kicks
    • 75 Flutter Kicks
  • Lap 5
    • 80 LBCs
    • 85 LBCs
    • 90 LBCs
    • 95 LBCs
  • Lap 6
    • 100 Imperial Walkers
    • 105 Imperial Walkers
    • 110 Imperial Walkers
    • 115 Imperial Walkers
  • Lap 7
    • 120 Squats
    • 125 Squats

Mosey back to the flag for pledge and COT.


  • Convergence March 21
  • Shooting at AT’s March 21 evening

Prayer Request

  • F3 Prayer list – Voodoo, Squirt, Brutus, Orangeman, Top Hat, Pythagoras, Big Pappy, JK2
  • All PAX and unspoken prayers

Men, keep fighting for the good fight of faith.

1 Timothy 6:11 – “But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.”

Thank you for the opportunity.

Big Pappy



What do you want to do today?

7 men showed up for a somewhat impromptu Q. I had a nice weinke ready for this Q, but with all the rain we had earlier in the day the fields were still flooded. As we were getting circled up for the warm-up, I asked everyone what they wanted to do today. Blart said he did not want to do sprints sooo… yeh that is pretty much what we did.

I honestly made the workout up as we went so I cannot recall it all, but we mostly did running drills, sprints, fire hydrants of course and some stretching.

About 15mins or so into the workout we finished a 100yd sprint and had an unknown Pax come running in. Tinker from Ohio had a delayed flight and decided to come get a workout in. He hopped right in and pushed the rock. Great guy. Its awesome how with F3 you can be just about anywhere in the country, and you have brothers to post with.

Usual Announcements

I led us out in Prayer.


I’m no Broke, or Dr. Suess, or Sister Act…or any other past Iron Skillet winners. But I have an internal goal for 29 or more workouts in February. I mentioned in my last Q (about a month ago – Midoriyama) the rough start I had to begin the year with illness. Unfortunately others have felt suffered from the nasty flu and other junk going around. So I set the bar for February to make up some ground. Not all are F3 because I had to get some running done in preparation for the Dam to Dam relay that I did this past weekend. And as life would have it, I tweaked my knee a little which doesn’t hurt to run, but doesn’t feel great when it comes to any jumping. Modify as needed, right? With the Q this morning at The Sandlot, I designed some stations that could build strength, core, and elevate the cardio. This disclaimer was brief – “we’re all stupid for being here but let’s get started…” We knocked out the pledge and the warm-up was:


  • Inch-worm Merkins:, crawl out to plank and start with 1, building incrementally to 5 reps
  • Knee Pulls – until I felt my hamstrings and glutes were activated
  • Toy Soldiers IC x 10
  • Imperial Walkers IC x 10

I said to the PAX it would be light on running, so we did a gentle mosey across the street to the bank to the parking lot nearest the road for the first part: the Baby Dora. What is that? Glad you inquired. No partners needed – each PAX begins on one side of the lot with 10 merkins, runs to the opposite side for 20 squats, returns back to start for 30 lbc’s. We went a total of 5 rounds. Gastone coming off the flu eagerly pushed the rock followed by the young-gun Stinky Bird. Let’s move on to the main event.

Another mosey down the road to the old doctors office (not sure if it still is – it’s dark so hard to tell) and we went to the back of the parking lot where the coupon fairy had been busy with 10 stations. As fate would have it, we had 10 PAX, though Stroganoff worked his own Weinke (that sounds bad but you know what I mean). Strog is coming off a bout of illness and having run the D2D this weekend, working to get his body into shape – so he modified to his own workout but was sweating along with us. The stations were:

  • Big Boy w/ half block overhead (arms stay extended as your head pokes through) x 10
  • 180 Sumo Squat Jumps x 15
  • American Hammer w/ Medicine Ball x 15 (count 1 side)
  • Kettlebell Swings x 20
  • Curtsy Lunge w/ weighted PVC pipe extension x 20
  • Goofballs w/ bricks x 20
  • Block press, then leg lifts x 10
  • 2 Plank Jacks + 2 Donkey Kicks x 10
  • Peter Parker (R/L) + 4 Mtn Climbers x 10
  • 4 Hand Release Merkins + 4 Mtn Climbers x 5

In order to spread the PAX out, after each station, PAX run to opposite end of the parking lot, perform 5 burpees and return to choose an open station. I didn’t practice all of these beforehand. Thankfully my first was the Hand Release Merkin/Mtn Climber station which required 4 of each to be 1 rep – originally set at 10, it was ambitious and I lost my count after 7 from delirium, so Omahaed that to 5. Some of the others could have been higher reps and I’ll adjust if I break these out again. But it was quiet for the most part and the PAX complained about various exercises and that usually means an adequate challenge was provided. I noted the quiet which was highly unusual given JK2’s presence – his mumble chatter may be Top 5 – he said he was working back into form both physically and chatterree.

With a few minutes to spare, we hustled back to the AO with time for a bit of Mary which I suggested the PAX perform 10 dips then 5 Crunchy Frogs. JK2 then suggested the dips on flat ground are really just practice for pelvic thrusts. Some chatter began and apparently he has a white board over his bed that he keeps score of each opportunity – maybe he can explain more on that another time. TIME!

COT – Dry Rub asked for prayers for the Harper & Stokes family that lost a child and struggling. JK2’s uncle passed and the family needs prayers. Easy Rider asked for prayers for all families. Upcoming events: Rooster on 2/29, P200 in March, and our 5th year anniversary CSAUP 3/21.

It’s a challenge not only to get into shape but to stay in shape. Trying to avoid injury and illness can be as challenging as completing an F3 workout. Seems counterintuitive but we have to focus on our body and know when to push and when to pull back. Hopefully our goals can be attained. As long as we’re accelerating, that’s the direction to go.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

2+2+3+2=Frostbite 10K

Two grandparents, two M’s, three 2.0’s and two PAX headed off to the beautiful Fletcher, NC to run the Frostbite 10K.

Two PAX ran the 1 mile fun run as warm up with the two older 2.0’s as both M’s and grandma chickened out to stay inside the fitness center and watch the baby since it was overcast, 42 degrees and kind of windy outside. Both 2.0’s were safely delivered back inside to one M and both grandparents after fun run for pizza, cupcakes, games and the bouncy house.

Time for potty break, hydration and stretching.

One PAX finished second in his age group and seventh overall for the 10K.

One PAX finished last in his age group for the 10K and really wished he hadn’t ran the fun run while running uphill after the fifth mile. Pretty sure ya’ll can figure out who was who.

The course was challenging with way more uphill legs than downhill.
One M paced the Q, we had multiple kills and didn’t wind up even close to last place.

Fun was had by all!

Daily Red Pill at Crossroads

Crossroads had several running EC. Broke and Seuss ran 12! Slaw ran 9. Gumby got in 5 as he recovers from surgery. Stogie was rucking. Volt did a Murph!Mayor was running intervals and the speed must have broken his earphones. Purple Haze and I discussed the problems the world throws at us. Most stayed for Q Source (Roadie and 2.0 came) about DRP Daily Red Pill. This continues our discussion in the Get Right quadrant. Tater Hole was supposed to have it but he is sick so I volunteered. I had notes and everything except they were on my iPhone 1 (the original) which doesn’t have good battery life and decided to die taking away all of my notes. I borrowed Mayor’s phone and proceeded without my notes and the guys helped me through the discussion about building the guardrails in our lives to help us accelerate. Take the Daily Red Pill and build those guardrails, brick by brick. F3 Gastonia is doing that everyday, somewhere in the region.

Sucking Buttermilk in Belmont

So YHC returned to his old site to Q for the first time in 2020. It was time for an old fashioned Tesla style beat down to be administered, one where pax are sucking buttermilk at the end of the day. Think mission was accomplished as it wen like this in the chilly mid February gloom with a FNG tagging along:

COP on the park pad:

SSH X 20

Grapevine stretches

IW X 20

squats X 20

Peter Parker X 15

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey up to the Field of Dreams:

A little track work is in order!

10 burpees X 1 lap

20 Big boy situps X 1 lap

30 CDDs X 1 lap

40 squats X 1 lap

50 merkins X 1 lap

60 SSH X 1 lap

Time for a modified half pipe:

Top: 5 plank jacks

bottom: 5 HR merkins

Other side: 5 ass to the street Monkey humpers

Two sets, one to the right, one to the left.

Mosey over to the shelter for some table work

Dips X 10

Bulgarian Split squats X 10

Dirkins X 10

Step ups X 10 (total)

Run the hill down and back.

Repeat for 15X, 20X per set.

Guess what time it is! Yep, Bear crawl Slalom time!

Three rolls by all pax.

SSH X 10

Turkish getups X 10

Jump Squats X 10

Line up, broad jump to midfield , 10 merkins. Broad jumps to end, 20 merkins

Back for two last Half pipes to finish up.



Strong work by the pax today. Welcome FNG Crawl Space, EHed by Sargento. Prayers up for Lynn Hamm and her family. Also Virus’s friend who has had a brain bleed. Keep ’em in your thoughts and prayers guys!

Always great to lead the Fighting Yank, the best Saturday AO in the region!


Anyone Have the Time?

Seven strong for Ruck work at the Yank.  Q didn’t plan very well for things to carry, only had Boudin’s 60lb sand bag.  Pax not too disappointed. 0600, let’s go.

Ruck to South Point High School and head toward football field.  Boudin reminds us of how particular SP can be about the field, so we opt for the track instead.  Start at one goal post, bear crawl 10 yards, then lunge 10 yards, 10 merkins.  Repeat to the other end.

Turn around and do the same back, substitute merkins for squat thrusters with the ruck pack overhead.  Get the bag and lets walk.  Circle through the neighborhood behind the high school, lots of hills back there.  Pass the former Nantan home, some good Tool Time stories ensue.  Make our way back to the track.

Q calls for four laps around the track, but going up the bleachers on each side with ruck sack overhead on the up.  Pick up the pace in the turns.  The home side bleachers were no joke.  After four laps we head back.  Check the time, already five mins past the hour and we have a ways to go.  Q fail.  Oh well, a little EC makes you better.

Pledge, announcements (rooster the 29th, axe throwing Feb 21, let Huck know if going, convergence and shoot em up March 21).

Prayer requests:  Lynn Hamm and family, Whoopee father in law having health problems and daughter had knee surgery.

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Plyo Lab – Now with more Bear Crawl!

9 brave soldiers showed up in some chilly weather.  Linus wanted someone to Q Bootcamp, he got what he wanted.


WU in cadence

20 SSH, 20 Squats, 20 MCC (with a little mix-up, swing one arm in circles, other arm MCC’s.  Confusing), 20 Imperial Walkers, 20 LBC’s

Split up with 5 for Bootcamp, Top Hat with the Pain Lab Q for 4.  I wanted to use the Grier Field for this Plyo Lab, and after a nice little stroll with Defib we made a bet if it would be too damp.  I thought it would be a bit frozen, and he thought it would be too wet.  We were both right.  We get down to the field, hit the goal line, time for Plyo Lab.  We would do an exercise, I would demo, and then we bear crawl 10-20 yards and stop, do an exercise, and so on and so forth until we reach the other side.  We took a break for a 10 count at one end, then went back to the other.  Toward the end of the other side of the field our hands started to freeze, so I allowed a NUR and Karyoke for the last 30-40 yards.  We repeated the cycle one more time after taking a lap, staying at the G for round 2, and doing some core.  Here is the list of exercises, which we did to various numbers (10 or 20 per leg generally).

Squat Thrusters with jump
Plyo Lateral Lunges
Reverse Lunge with Knee up jumps (right leg touch, up in the jump)
Box Drill
Frog Squat Jump
Long Jump
Burpees with a Tuck Jump
Lateral Triple Jump (make an L – Right jump off right foot, forward hop to left, hop to and together)
Alternating Lunge Jump
Tuck Jumps
Judo Roll with Jump
Kneeling Jump Squat
Full-Body Plyometric Push-Up
Single-Leg Deadlift into Jump
Horizontal Jump to Tuck Jump
Pistol Squat Roll with Jump (lower the body until no more)

I was shocked when I asked JJ the time and he said we had 9 minutes to get back.  Time flies when you’re having fun.  Back to the Schiele, circle up for 5 minutes of Mary.  TIME.


Great work from everyone, plyometrics will take your wind and your legs.  Quickly.  I loved the guys working hard.  Defib killed it with both the cardio and the flowery scent; I could not get JJ to breathe hard, or at least he masked it.  Well done with your frozen, salmon colored gloves Pythagoras, and Linus I’m glad you discovered new stuff in your body.  Stabilizer muscles are real.  If anyone wants the lowdown on how to do these plyometric exercises complete with video demonstrations, shout at me.


new walking AO launching at the 5 year convergence!  This is a soft launch, see Linus and Bandit for details.  We’re going to get the older male population into a walking group that also benefits them with Fellowship and Faith.  More to come, but if you have someone who can benefit from this STRICTLY WALKING AO, holler.

P200 inbound, get with Montross to ensure you’re set if on a team

5 Year Convergence March 21st.  BRING AN FNG OR A KOTTER.  This is your challenge.  At Martha Rivers.  Shootout afterwards (see Whoopee or Allen Tate).


Tube’s Knees

Les Nessman’s Sister-in-Law

Pedal health (not mentioned)

Linus brother has collitis

BOOTCAMP Q FOR NEXT WEEK IS NEEDED!  If I can do it, you can too.

Until the next time, and if you want a Plyo Lab at your AO, give Rudolph a shout.

This time at the Ricky Bobby…

At the 5th meeting of TRB, 6 HIMs rolled up looking for work. Hard work. This is the right place. This is what I recall.


Warm Up

Goofballs, Don Quixote. Practice lap around the track.

Mosey 20 yards and get ready for BLIMPS.

  • Burpees x 5
  • Lunges x 10 each leg
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 each leg
  • Merkins x 20
  • Plank Jacks x 25
  • Squats x 30

We ran this back for 3 rounds of pain.

Mosey to the back of the school for the next round of torture. Partner up for the always popular Dora 123!!!

Partner 1 runs up the steps, down the chute and back to the start. Partner 2 does

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Monkey Humpers
  • 300 Flutter Kicks

Good times, keep pushing the rock! Mosey all the way back around the front of the school to the track. Head to the bleachers for the last routine of the gloom. Lindsays!!! On one side do 30 reps, run to the other side of the field and do 5. Flap jack by 5s until its back the other way. The exercises were Dips and LBCs.

One last lap around and back to the start and we’re done. Time!

It was great leading these dedicated HIMs again. Keep pushing and we’ll be back next week!


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