Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 4, 2020

Post Super Bowl Workout

Better show out than I expected for a post super bowl workout.  Great job to all there and thanks for the turnout!
Warm up
Workout begins….
Short mosey to the front of the school and then followed by a lap
10 Burpees

Lap, 20 Squats, 10 Burpees
Lap, 30 LBCs, 20 Squats, 10 Burpees
Lap, 40 Side Straddle Hops, 30 LBCs, 20 Squats, 10 Burpees
Lap, 50 Merkins, 40 Side Straddle Hops, 30 LBCs, 20 Squats, 10 Burpees
Lap, 1 min Flutter Kicks
couple laps and then worked back down the ladder of exercises above with 1-2 laps in between each sequence
Mosey back to our normal starting point
Finished out last couple minutes with exercises from the group…. foot shooters, American hammers, and dead cockroaches
Ax Throwing -Feb 21st?
Convergence – March 21st – 7am – Martha Rivers
F3 Guns – March 21st afternon – Allen Tate’s Place – Reach out to Whoopie
In 2 weekends? Lake Wylie Fia F3 Workout?
Name o Rama
Closed out with Prayer


Ephesians 6:4 is the verse for the week.

“Fathers,  do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

All threw the Bible God makes it clear that it’s the mans responsibility to lead/shepherd or pastor his family. With statistics showing that 75%-85% of kids that grew up in church leave the faith after only one semester of college, then something must be missing. If their only getting a couple of hours a week at best of Bible teaching at church and very little if any at home it’s not the churches fault. Just like the first F in F3, if we only post once a week do we really expect to improve our fitness? So it is if with family worship, if we go at it aimlessly without intentionality there will be very little if any growth spiritually in our families.  Men  we will have to answer for how well we shepherd. This is our greatest calling, not how good our kids are at sports, how smart they are, or how popular they are. These things are not bad in and of themselves but if we place more emphasis on them than we do our own personal holiness and leading them to the Cross of Christ then we have failed them.God never commanded any of us to raise the next Kobe Bryant, Derek Jeter, or a super star athlete or scholar or to have their on hunting and fishing show. No, He commanded us to teach his word to our children DILIGENTLY! Deut. 6-6:7.

Men let’s fight for our families, because the devil sure is!

Men I pray for you all daily and thanks for letting me lead!


I tend to sometimes feel like Paul Simon and hear the trumpet blast for You can call me Al …. all too often ( Watts Up always catches it and we have a great laugh) as pax will use whatever secretary their system uses whether Google, Alexa, Siri, Dummy, Fool, Goober or Gomer … it always will auto correct your words especially for Clavin ,,,, it becomes Calvin! Voodoo sent out a pre announcement for my Q today inevitably getting the above said.
Arrive a few minutes early to set up finding all huddled in vehicles ?!?? It’s only 65 degrees outside? I did however find us a new mascot of a frog and contemplated renaming to Bull Frog, but I tend to catch Hell on moments like that … so…
Set up my stations, set up music and await time to start…
Begin by welcoming all to the new south where the weather is what ever you want!! Only last week we were bundled in 3 layers and heavy gloves and toboggans … now?!?? Shorts ?!? Ok
Let’s begin like Voodoo last week with stretches …

downward facing dog into cobra and stand up


Don Q IC x 11

IW IC x 11

merkins IC x 11

significance of 11 …. none lost track on first exercise count where I thought to end on 10 and stopped at 11 … oh well

stations … did not matter how many showed whether 1,  3, 5 , 10 or 30

timer would be the bucket brigade ( kitty litter tubs filled 1/3 full of ( yes … clean ) sand take down to end of drop off area nearest flag pole and bag ( some would shrug whilst moving, others tried holding tubs high …. hell I even forgot once to pick up when it was my turn …. oops q fail!

jump rope

band ( use around pole, back, under leg (s) and pull upright)

2 dumbbells   (10 lbs)

kettlebells or block

slam ball / light exercise ball with handles and single

weight to use as steering wheel (Hipaa fav)

finally we had an interesting station that was left for interpretation …. 2 blocks and a piece of 4×4 wood about  5 feet long …. I laid the wood thru uppermost holes in blocks to make an impromptu barbell ( heavier than we all expected) but you can attempt to lift or balance on this or change  to whatever you envision …. indeed today’s exercises we’re told to all to be you against you only … either you can challenge self to whatever exercises you wish to either vary it up or work only one muscle group …. all your choice !!!!

this last station was most fun to watch as the group each pax in turn challenged selves to either lay beneath and chest press , Oscar showed us to bend over and lift one side and drop over and over (nice), Dry Rub was the one to begin us all pressing and he also tried to balance as did I and squatted on top but the award goes to Spider-Man who lifted this and with one hand balanced on 1 finger and twirled this all while doing jumping jacks … I wish I videoed… it was like Harlem Globetrotters were present!!! Amazing stuff to say the least!

we ended with Thunderstruck … I ambitiously chose flutters and for every Thunder …. heels to Heaven ….. nope! After 1 minute changed to American Hammers , then called on each pax for an ab exercise… obliques and 2 others I can’t remember

And the music today was CLUTCH …. if you’ve never heard them ….do …. they are not in any radio rotation not because of language or other … but they are awesome …. Spider-Man checked them out in 92 ( I think he said?) in Ohio at a small venue … lucky!

announcements for March 21 all day F3 events 5 year anniversary and later shoot a thon at Tates

prayers for cashier at QT (Saturday night bunch of thugs left bar and trashed store and beat someone up at gas pump and threw bottle at the cashier)

shooting victims on Greyhound bus and at Texas A&M

read prayer from Prverbs30:5 Every word of God proves true, He is a shield for those who take refuge in him.



A Lil’ Schoolin at The Storm

As this YHC first Q at this AO and with only a handful of postings, there wasn’t a whole lot of experience to draw on. Also, YHC has been trying to improve his cardio game, and there are some races upcoming, so wanted to try to cover some distance. Drawing inspiration from a recent Ricky Bobby, this is how it played out.

YHC arrived early and taped the weinke to the wall, much like Martin Luther did with his 95 theses.

0530 arrives to find 11 have joined YHC with 2 coming off of EC. None are FNGs. We knock out the Pledge and a minutely short disclaimer is given before we set on a mosey around the parking lot to end up at the school.

Alas, my weinke is no where to be found. So YHC heads back to the truck for the electronic version. Expecting to have 11 in tow, YHC was surprised to find only Dirt in attendance.

We complete the retrieval and return to find most of the PAX where they were left, while others were searching for the missing paperwork. Shout-out to Virus for locating the missing weinke, so now we can get started with school.

Here is the concept. Do the 1st grade work, mosey 1 row. Repeat 1st grade work and do 2nd, mosey 2 rows Repeat 1st & 2nd, do 3rd, mosey 3 rows. Repeat 1, 2 & 3, do 4, mosey 4 rows. Repeat all work for graduation and run entire parking lot. Once you graduate Elementary, wait on six and then repeat for middle, repeat for high, etc.

1st Grade – 2 Burpees
2nd Grade – 10 CDDs
3rd Grade – 15 Bobby Hurleys
4th Grade – 20 Crab Position Heel Touches
Elementary Graduatiom
5th Grade – 3 Burpees
6th Grade – 15 HRMs
7th Grade – 20 Step Ups (10 per Leg)
8th Grage – 25 Plank Position Knee Touches
Middle Graduation
9th Grade – 5 Burpees
10th Grade – 20 IWs
11th Grade – 25 Plank Jacks
12th Grade – 30 Squats
*Note: For the sake of time, all moseys in high school were 1 row.
Unfortunately we ran out of time and were not able to actually graduate, much less get into the college level work that was prepared. We did have time for Anchorman led Am. Hammers to close us out.

This morning’s verse comes from Philippians 2:4:
“do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”
This is reminder we are to live 3rd. Always be looking to how we can be more like Christ and let people see Him through each of us.

Gastonia Area 5 year anniversary/convergence. 21-Mar at Martha Rivers 0700 – 0930ish. See PreBlast.
2nd F Shooting Event – 21-Mar at Allen Tate’s 1200-1500. RSVP to Whoopee. See PreBlast.
GoRuck Training 08-Feb at GasHouse 0600. HIPAA with the Q. Don’t wear your good clothes/shoes.

YHC took us out in prayer.

I really appreciate the encouragement and push from the PAX. I am trying to accelerate. I have been trying to get 3 miles in a 45 min bootcamp. While today was the closest yet, the carrot yet remains.

It was an honor to be given the opportunity to lead.

Watts Up powering down.

If you don’t use it, you lose it.

Warm up:

  1. Don Q x 10ic
  2. SSH x10ic
  3. Fire Hydrants – 3 w/ pause 3 quick (keep back and heels straight)
    1. Out to side bent
    2. Out to side straight
    3. Rear straight
  4. On 6:
    1. Single leg lifts 3 w/ pause 3 quick
    2. Double leg hip lifts
    3. Single leg hip lifts
  5. Wall Drill for Dorsiflexion

Mosey to Field:

  1. Heel to toe walk
  2. Heel Walk
  3. Toe Walk
  4. Nur – Toe to Heel Walk
  5. Squat Walk
  6. Lateral Squat Walk
  7. Skips
  8. High Skips
  9. Power Skips
  10. B Skips
  11. Straight Leg Bounds
  12. Thigh Pop Bounds
  13. Alternating Bounds
  14. Double Broad Jump
  15. Triple Single Leg Jump
  16. Single Leg Bound to Lateral Bound, Land on Single Leg (all same leg)
  17. Sprints w/ acceleration zones

Mosey to Flag


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