Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2019 (Page 7 of 10)

The dog ate my weinke!

Well not really. Read on.

YHC wasn’t sure he was going to make this morning. Our faithful K9 was accused of eating ~ 1 oz. of my son’s pipe tobacco. Many hours and two different after-hours vets later, she showed no signs of any problems or distress. So at 0130, when YHC crawled into bed, a message to Clavin indicating he may need to sub. Alas, YHC realized the difference between posting and going to work was a mere 1 hour of sleep…who needs more than 3.5 hours of sleep, anyway?

BTW, YHC did not prepare a weinke due to last night’s adventures, so this is what you get from a sleep deprived Watts Up…

When YHC rolled in, 4 were out getting EC. (Way to go get it!) All rolled in before 0530…

No FNG’s on this fine 20+ degree morning, so an abbreviated disclaimer was given.

WarmUp x 1:
Goof Balls IC x 13
Merkin IC x 10

Warmup x 2:
Mosey toward Union, stopping at every other light post on Riverwood Parkway to do exercises. Each stop included at least 1 and up-to 3 of the following:
20 Monkey Humpers
5 Burpees
25 Flutters
5 Flying Squirrels

Once we reached Union Road, frogger/mosey across to the lit, covered walk at Robinson Elementary.

The Thang…
At one end of the walk, Squats. At the other end, Dips.
Meander back to the middle when done.
(Lots of chatter about this, since the two points were ~150 yds apart)

Next on the hit parade was ascending 4 corners, using the corners of the parking lot.
10 Moroccan Night Clubs
20 Merkins
30 Reverse Crunch
40 Flutters (Single Count)

Since we went up, we needed to go back down, but only half way…
20 Flutters
15 Reverse Crunch
10 Merkins
5 Moroccan Night Clubs (apparantly this is hard to say in 20 degree weather. Luckily Whoopee and Gastone worked it out)

Meander back toward the church…. Scratch that, backward meander…

Once we were close to the church, lets mosey…
Past the Childcare Place, BB&T and into the BP.

Frogger back across Union to the soon-to-be Planet Fitness.

Here we did a little wall sitting and 15 Air Presses IC.

Mosey back toward the flag, but wait there is more…

20 Step-Ups each leg at the bank wall.

And then on to home.

According to the PAX with the fancy watches, we got right at 3 miles.

Your Welcome!

Prayer Requests:
Clavin’s M and Family.
Rock Hill/Fort Mill/Lake Wylie PAX with loss

Easy Rider took us out.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

During today’s workout the PAX made sure I knew this wasn’t The Pub or Coconut Horse. I realize there has been a good bit of running when I Q’d recently. Some of that is purposeful, some of it accidental. I don’t like running, nor am I particularly good at it. I don’t know that I will ever like it, but maybe I can get better at it. Almost everytime I run with the PAX, I will glean some nugget of truth to help improve.

I can’t express how much I appreciate the push, encouragement, support and accountability I have received in 10 months I have been out here. I can only hope to pay it back and forward.

James 5:16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Watts Up Powering Down

“Burgess & Bondy”

8 PAX posted for a frigid November night at Midoriyama.  With Veterans Day on Monday YHC wanted to honor a couple vets that lost their lives serving.  The Hero WODs that were completed were the “Burgess” & “Bondy”.  Please take time to read about these two Heroes below.  It went like this:


SSH x 20 IC

Don Q’s x 20 IC

Let’s mosey to the playground…

1st Hero WOD – “Burgess” :

30 Pull-Ups

30 Burpees

20 Pull-Ups

20 Burpees

10 Pull-Ups

10 Burpees

With that complete let’s mosey around the soccer field and back to the playground…

2nd Hero WOD – “Bondy” :

20 minute AMRAP

6 Pull-Ups

11 Burpees

24 Sit-Ups

Mosey to the flag and finish with 22 for our VETS….TIME!!


Thanks again to all the Veteran’s that served and the ones still serving today.  Please take time to remember the ones that lost their lives serving for our freedom.  It’s ALWAYS a honor to lead!!  Strong work by all PAX…until next time Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!



Christmastown 5k w/ SpeedForNeed – Nov. 30th

Santa Hustle 1/2 Marathon – Dec. 14th

Be on the lookout to serve and ruck with Freight

Silent PainLab

On this, the coldest day so far this season, YHC has the Q. Warmup was run, by Clavin with Gashouse.

Instructions were given to the PainLabbers to head to the amphitheater while YHC helped HunkaJunk get Kettlebells from this ride for later.

Knowing we were going to join Gashouse in an exercise. Upon arriving, YHC found the the PainLabbers huddled up as far as possible from Gashouse like boys and girls in a middle school dance. Once they realized we were going to party together, all took up the cause.

Upon completion, Gashouse took off to do what they do and PainLab headed back to the parking lot.

Now that everybody is good and warmed up, let’s do 55’s. just like 11’s but the reps total to 55 and you count by 5. The exercises called were flutters and Moroccan night clubs (You can thank Stroganoff for this one). Oh, and do side lunges back and forth. (In retrospect, this wasn’t the best idea. My hip flexors were sore…)

Since this was a modified 11, let’s do 11’s next. Merkins and Squats with high-knees in between.

Next on the hit parade was AMRAP exercises for 45 seconds and 15 seconds of rest. YHC had 20+ exercises ready, but alas we only got about 10 in with Gashouse joining us for the last couple. They would be noted here, but YHC can’t recall which were done. Me thinks pullovers, curls, offset merkins, crunchy frogs were definitely included though.

Guess you had to be there…

Prayer Requests and Announcements were documented by Clavin.

YHC took us out

Thanks JJ and Stroganoff for the EC.

It was an honor to be present and lead.

Watts Up powering down.

Thanks Veterans

Special thanks to everyone who served our country in the military.  Your sacrifice makes it possible for guys like me to enjoy a safe and FREE life.  Thank you all.  It’s also Armistice Day.  Do some research on WWI, it’s very interesting.



Warm UP

Goof Balls

Mountain Man Poopers

Ski Jacks


The Thang:

Mosey to the concessions in between the baseball fields

5 burpees

30 Flutter Kicks

20 Calf Raises on the bleachers

Run around the baseball field

Rinse and repeat x 4


Mosey to the shelter by the turd shack

Jump Rope Mary – Circle up.  One PAX calls an exercise and jumps rope while the rest of the PAX perform said exercise until the jump rope stops.

Lazy Dora – An estranged and despised relative of Dora 1-2-3. Partner up. Partners perform 60 Merkins, 150 flutter kicks, & 200 Squats as a team.  (Needed to revise the numbers due to time restraint)  P1 starts with 10 Merkins while P2 planks, then switch. Continue switching between Merkins and plank until 60 total Merkins reached. Next, while P1 does 15 flutters (counting one leg), P2 performs a 6″ leg hold until P1 is finished, then switch. Continue switching until all 150 LBCs are completed. Finally, P1 does 20 squats while P2 does squat hold, then switch. Continue switching until 200 total squats are completed.

Mosey back to the Flag


Prayer Request- Watts Up’s son, Easy Rider’s son and one other.   Sorry can’t remember.

Thanks for Participating


Day 28: Love Makes Sacrafices

Life can be hard. But what we usually mean is that our life can be hard. We’re the first to feel it when we’re the ones being mistreated or inconvenienced. We’re quick to sulk when we’re the ones who feel deprived or unappreciated. When life is difficult for us, we notice.


But too often the only way we notice that life is hard for our mate is when they start complaining about it. Then instead of genuinely caring or rushing in to help, we might think they just have a bad attitude. The pain and pressure they’re under don’t register with us the way it does when it’s our pain and pressure. When we want to complain, we expect everyone to understand and feel sorry for us.


This doesn’t happen when love is at work. Love doesn’t have to be jarred awake by your mate’s obvious signs of distress. Before worries and troubles have begun to bury them, love has already gone into action mode. It sees the weight beginning to pile up and it steps in to help. That’s because love wants you to be sensitive to your spouse.

Love makes sacrifices. It keeps you so tuned in to what your spouse needs that you often respond without being asked. And when you don’t notice ahead of time and must be told what’s happening, love responds to the heart of the problem.

Even when your mate’s stress comes out in words of personal accusation, love shows compassion rather than becoming defensive. Love inspires you to say “no” to what you want, in order to say “yes” to what your spouse needs.

That’s what Jesus did. “He laid down His life for us” to show us that “we should also lay down our lives” for others. He taught us that the evidence of love is found in seeing a need in others, then doing all we can to satisfy it. “For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me” (Matthew 23:35-36).

These are the types of needs you should be looking for in your wife or husband. Instead of sitting around upset that they’re not treating you the way you think they should, let love pick you up out of your self-pity and turn your attention to their needs.

Is he “hungry” – needing you sexually, even when you don’t feel like it?

Is she “thirsty” – craving the time and attention you seem to be able to give everyone else?

Does he feel like a “stranger” – insecure in his work, needing home to be a refuge and sanctuary?

Is she “naked” – frightened or ashamed, desperate for the warm covering of your loving affirmation?

Is he feeling “sick” – physically tired and needing you to help guard him from interruptions?

Does she feel in “prison” – fearful and depressed, needing some safety and intervention?

Love is willing to make sacrifices to see that the needs of your spouse are given your very best effort and focus. When your mate is overwhelmed and under the gun, love calls you to set aside what seems so essential in your own life to help, even if it’s merely the gift of a listening ear.

Often all they really need is just to talk this situation out. They need to see in your two attentive eyes that you truly care about what this is costing them, and you’re serious about helping them seek answers. They need you to pray with them about what to do, and then keep following up to see how it’s going.

The words “How can I help you?” need to stay fresh on your lips.

The solutions may be simple and easy for you to do, or they may be complex and expensive, requiring time, energy and great effort. Either way, you should do whatever you can to meet the real needs of the one who is a part of who you are. After all, when you help them, you are also helping yourself. That’s the beautiful part of sacrificing for your spouse. Jesus did it for us. And He extends the grace to do it for others.

When the New Testament believers began to walk in love, their lives together were marked by sharing and sacrifice. Their heartbeat was to worship the Lord and to serve His people. “All those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have “need” (Acts 2:44-45). As Paul said to one of these churches in a later decade, “I will most gladly spend and be expended for your souls” (2 Corinthians 12:15). Lives that have been raised from death by Jesus sacrifice should be ready and willing to make daily sacrifices to meet the needs of others.

He laid down His life for us.  We should also lay down our lives for our brothers. – 1 John 3:16 HCSB

Today’s Dare


What is one of the greatest needs in your spouse’s life right now? Is there a need you could lift from their shoulders today by a daring act of sacrifice on your part?  Whether the need is big or small, purpose to do what you can to meet the need.

In the eleventh hour

Once again I find myself enjoying multiple ironies …. early this morn, after an 8-9 year struggle it would appear my mother in law is ready to finish the race ….. of life. She has battled Alzheimer’s to the point where her body is little better than a shell.. withering away to my estimation is 65 pounds or less. My father in law and I have battled like Matterhorns over hospice and when my M texted/ called early this morn I was unfortunately cynical about his willingness and acceptance of what needs to happen. I was most encouraged though after rearranging thoughts for the day , making my 2.0 understand that life changes like these MUST be accepted and embraced. God has a bigger plan! Upon my arrival, dad embraced me and spoke not only of hospice coming, but also talking openly for the first time about what we need to do next….. and he was not sure what to do next.
So while she is in her eleventh hour … today we celebrate veterans everywhere past present and even the future as this day was chosen many years ago to firstly commemorate the end of the Great War in the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
I began today’s workout with 11 SSH, 11 imp walkers and 11 merkins all in cadence to honor this Veterans Day finalizing it with a rare pledge said after a warm up as I preferred to do it in this fashion today!
The music choice is from the concert I recently took the fam to ,,,,,Crowder …. their latest release American Prodigal, I had tweeted that we were going to church and we did as David Crowder told the crowd much of the show. Incidentally they put on an amazing show, Mercy Me was great and we also enjoyed Micah Tyler who we were not familiar with.
So the workout was simple in form
Using two bricks ( I used 5 pound weights )
MNC/ curls/ tricep ext/ press
The intermission was done without weight/ bricks …. lbc/ flutters and American hammers
The timing was 10 first round then increase to 20, 30, decrease to 20 and 10 ….. and we completed this cycle twice and even had time for 5 burpees, 10 corkscrews each side ( thanks to Broke … never done these and I’m stealing them!!) obliques 10(?) each side and 10 big boys.
Plenty of running races coming p200 there’s almost enough for 3 teams!!
Remember to post at Starkville and San Quentin to keep these going
Shirts up for sale
Remember to wAtch those calories and keep track of efforts / success
Prayers for Oompa and Clavins M s
Veterans past present and future
High school friend of Hipaa who was murdered

Lastly I wish to especially thank Oompa Loompa for offering to cover for me if I needed help and even more so for joining us in the workout …. I know that his shoulder troubles him much, but it was great to see him join us … great work!

Cardio Yanked

It was a beautiful, brisk morning.  Caught several Pax lining up for EC.  Pockets and myself took a 2 mile mosey in addition to an additional walk.

14 Pax for the show, let’s mosey, no warm up required.  Right at the tracks I realized my first Q fail as I did not indicate to the learned Pax that I was indeed no professional.  Figured it was worth mentioning anyway.  Off we go, turns out Queen of the Apostle Catholic Church is about an 8/10 of a mile stretch.

Showing up nearly last, I heave a call to do the following:

11’s, Partner Booyah Merkin:  Shout out to Roscoe for true Booyah form.  Start at bottom of hill, 10 squats, mosey to the top and partner booyah merkin, 1 and counting up.   You can recall how the rest of this goes.  During one of my last stretch I encountered a not so friendly apostolic welcome from one of our parking saboteurs.  Knowing this, I figured our time was limited but really wanted to finish some mosey/relief exercises.

Hold’s:  No partners only group 1 and 2.  Group 1 runs full U-shape while group one holds plank.  Rinse and repeat for:


Crab plank

Al Gore

Off to Suntrust we go, arrive.  Here I’ve saved the best of the worst for the week and Breaker Breaker Cooper River Bridge run steals the show.  A quite modified version, mind you.  Still in U shape pattern.  Location 1, 1 burpee, 1 squat, 1 beer (I mean merkin), run to location 2 and count up in same fashion.

Mosey to gravel parking lot and public farmers lot.  Think we have time to knock out a round of Dora.

Dora 1,2,3:  Merkins, LBC, Flutter kicks (I did not finish but think that some Pax may have)   Hmmm, me leading the beasts.

One minute til, thank goodness, I’m about to fall over.  With Pocket’s EC and this Bootcamp, my ever so handy 1990’s Vivofit registered 7.5 miles.  Who know’s, it may have actually been a bit more cardio than I cared for, who do I complain to about that?


Shirt orders online now


Lynn Hamm and family

Breaker Breaker family with uncle, Step Dad, and cousin’s husband in surgery

Top Hat, family friend, Kee family

Termite, wife in surgery

Freight, Grandmother

Honored to lead

Aye, Linus

40 on 4th of 40/50?

Seems there are a lot of challenges being thrown out there lately. A few weeks ago, YHC was called out to join an EC ruck workout. I must say I have become a fan (but I still wouldn’t call myself a Sambriches). That same day, YHC was challenged to Q a workout at Neverland. It had been a while so it was probably the push I needed. My day just happened to fall on day 4 of the 40/50 challenge. YHC reversed the challenge back on the PAX of F3 Gastonia to see if we could get 40 to post on day 4. Yes, it was ambitious. No, it didn’t matter if we didn’t get 40 to post. The men who showed up would push the rock, and putting a little extra challenge out there may help some PAX get the challenge going.

On the morning of the workout, there were only a handful of cars in the Snoball’s parking lot when I rolled in about 520. At this point, I was hoping to have 4 PAX to post. Pretty rapidly, a flurry of vehicles came in and the count grew. As 530 approached, I knew we may not hit 40, but it was the largest crowd that I had Q’ed.

Clock hit 0530 so it was time to start.

No FNGs, so a short disclaimer

SSH x 14
Merkins x 14
LBCs x 14
Imperial Walkers x 14

At some point, an FNG rolled in so a more detailed disclaimer was given.

The Pledge

Mosey to the park between the baseball fields

Partner up for a round of Squatros. One partner runs to the end of the baseball field while the other does AMRAP of the exercise. When partner 1 returns, partner 2 runs while partner 1 does the exercise.

Round 1 – Squats
Round 2 – Sumo Squats
Round 3 – Imperial Walker Squats
Round 4 – Copperhead Squats

Rinse and repeat with Merkins

Round 1 – Merkins
Round 2 – Diamond Merkins
Round 3 – Wide-armed Merkins
Round 4 – Copperhead Merkins

Mosey to the field near the rocks for some 4 corners

Round 1 – Escalating 4 corners
Corner 1 – Merkins x 10
Corner 2 – American Hammers x 20
Corner 3 – Flutter Kicks x 30
Corner 4 – LBCs x 40

Round 2 – De-escalting 4 corners
Corner 1 – LBCs x 40
Corner 2 – Flutter Kicks x 30
Corner 3 – American Hammers x 20
Corner 4 – Merkins x 10

Mosey to the picnic shelter
Dips x 20
Step Ups x 40
Dips x 40

Mosey back to Snoballs with several stops along the way for flutter kicks to keep the PAX together.

Sledge-O-Matic election (He won! Congrats!)
P200 – see Montross or Stroganoff
Go Ruck Light – 12/7
Go Ruck Heavy – April
40/50 Challenge – Prep for the CSAUP-ish close on 12/21 which may or may not involve rucking

Prayer Requests
Mason – trip to specialist
Dry Rub’s M

Naming of the FNG – Welcome Styx!

Prayer to take us out.

Thanks to the HIMs that posted that morning. Upon returning home from this post, I found the daily Bible verse on my phone was from Galatians 5:16. “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” To me, this embodies the spirit of the 40/50 challenge. We’ve talked a lot about the maintenance of calories, but I see this as a challenge to become better men in all aspects of life. There is, by the way, a good deed component specifically called out. Being around the men of F3 Gastonia helps me in my walk. You guys encourage me to be better and set the pace in our community in all areas of leadership. I feel truly blessed to be a part of this group.

Until next time…

Lots of Activities

Lambskin and I came in hot at 0659.  I woke him up when I called him from his driveway at 0645.  He threw on a t-shirt and shorts and headed out to the gloom.  T-shirt may not have been the best choice since the temp was around freezing.  Meeting us there was a group of pax including an FNG I had been EHing for a while.  Also, Tiny Tank was back from the beach for a beatdown!

Full disclaimer was given for the FNG.  But he already knew I was an idiot.

Mosey over to the parking lot on Glenway for some corewood.  I had all of the activities written on my weinke, but my M threw it away before I was able to write this backlast so I don’t remember all of them.  I’m sure crunchy frogs was one of the activities during corewood.

Like I usually do I sprinkled some trivia questions in throughout the workout.  The pax would have some time to deliberate on an answer.  If they got the question right, we would move on to the next activity.  If they got it wrong, we all had to do five burpees.  They got the first few questions right, so I tried to dial up the level of difficulty.  But to no avail, these guys were on their trivia game.

Mosey to the Field of Dreams for an accumulator.  From what I can recall the activities during the accumulator were SSHs, squats, merkins, shoulder taps, LBCs and one or two others.  The way it worked was we did one activity for 60 seconds, took a lap.  Did a new activity for 60 seconds then the first activity for 60 seconds, took a lap…  I think we did about 6 rounds.

Mosey to the fountain for some Mary.  Since I couldn’t trip this group of geniuses up on any of my trivia, which meant no burpees, the first thing Boudin called for in Mary was 10 burpees.

Fellowship mosey to the Yank where we explained to the FNG the five core principles.


Prayer Requests
Tiny Tank – two friends recently commit suicide including an F3 brother from Cape Fear
Boudin – Son and family are going through struggles
Tiger – Ms


Thanks fellas!

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