Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2019 (Page 1 of 10)

Caroling Caroling through the snow…

11 strong and dedicated HIMs made their way out of the fartsack to start working off their Thanksgiving indulgences. This would be YHC’s first Q is a very long time so of course I had to have some tricks up my sleeve… a couple of early gifts from Santa? Cue the music!

Disclaimer was given, no FNGs.


Goofballs x10 IC

Don Quixotes x10IC

Monkey Humpers x3IC

Start up the music, Christmas Hits for the Black Friday action. Mosey to the parking deck, all the way to the top. Today we would be welcoming back the Q’s best friend.

The Deck of Death

The PAX would perform the exercise on each card pulled. Anything not a face card was given 10 extra reps. Fun, fun, fun.

After lots of mumble chatter, passing of Thanksgiving digestive gases and overall good times we ran out of time. We only made it through about 1/3 of the deck so this will have to be revisited soon.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead men!

Prayer requests: Dry Rub’s wife in the hospital, couple others I can’t remember.

Announcements: Christmastown 5k tomorrow evening, laser shows at the Schiele Museum starting December 14th

A Thankful Folsom

4 HIMS got out there to get in some work before a great day of fellowship ahead. We took a mosey around Folsom stopping at various locations. We did a variety of exercises and had fellowship on past Q’s.

A few stops/ memories remembered were:

  • Medicine Woman letting us all know that nur spelled backwards was run
  • Montross and the calve raisers
  • Huckleberry and the wall work
  • Tolkein and the Merkins/ laps
  • HIPPA and the crazy he put us through
  • King Pin has a heck of a jump shot with the Bobby Hurley’s

Once back to the to the flag we did COT, Volt’s farmers market, and Prayers.


During the workout, we stopped at 4 places were YHC almost made to the decision give up and never to post again.

  1. During my first post, the PAX took off  for a mosey and YHC could not run to the end of the parking lot.  Def Leppard came back and did fellowship mosey with YHC and encouraged me throughout the workout. Thank You Def Leppard
  2. On my third post, YHC was tired, sore and was sick tired of being in pain continuously.  For whatever reason, Oompa Loompa stayed with YHC throughout the whole work out. Encouaging and pushing me. Thank You Oompa Loompa
  3. On my first weekday post, It was raining and freezing cold. There was only three of us that Gumby, the always reliable Volt, and YHC. We were taking a quick mosey and YHC was thinking to myself this is stupid. I stopped halfway 100% sure that I was done with this idiocy. Gumby came back and picked me up but pushed me through the rest of the work out.   It finally clicked that it not just a work out. Thank you Gumby.
  4. Finally about 3 months later, during a Q with a lot running, YHC was about to just give up, walk back to the car and call it a day. But Hacksaw in all his HIMness, was not having any of it. He pushed and pushed me and was not going to let me stop until we were back to the flag. At the time is was not even a third of a mile, but YHC have not run that far continually in over 20 years.  It was a big event for YHC. Thank you Hacksaw.

By posting more and more, YHC got involved in other F’s and events.  Thank you Sparky for convincing me to do my first 5K. Thank you Huck, and Allen Tate for inviting me to the House of Hims.  Thank you Montross for convincing me to get out there for a Speed for Need event.  Thank you Bedpan for being a solid stone. You have helped me more than you will ever know.

Thank you to all of Folsom and F3 Gastonia. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Big Pappy



Turkey Trottin 2019

We all Ran this Morning.

1st Place: Stinky Bird took home a sweet aged Old English 40oz.
2nd place Rader with only the finest Christmas Beer aka Santas But.
3rd goes to Gump, he took home a feelin Lucky Koozie, Mini American Flag, and a tube of Gold Glitter.
Top pick award goes to the one and only Def Leppard received a custom Medal. (show 2Know)


The Bed Pan is Full!!

Christmas town prep

Warm Up,
SSH, Hill Billy’s, Monkey Humpers, MO-Rockin Night Clubs.

Mosey to the triangle in the road, we did 10 American Hammers, 20 Squats, 30 Seal jacks,
Sprint to each corner perform 3x.

Dora 1,2,3,
Merkins, Rosa Litas, Arms Circles,

Mosey one more time for a quick mile then we finished the morning with some Yoga.

The Bed Pan is Full.



5 man maker burpees

run around snoballs

5 more man makers


off we go

arrive at doctors office down the street where I inform pax today’s inspiration comes from that great song “ A few of my favorite things” as I’ll be calling some of my favorites as well as some of my least … like now where we will broad jump to light come back   And then perform 5 corkscrew merkins

now we mosey to Gastone’s Hill and there’s chatter as to whether we will use the hill or as Watts Up correctly calls …. not

10 diamond merkins and after all recover I act as though we will climb the hill …. only to psyche all out

mosey to Dollar General for 20 flutters and nur the hill

now to wall across from old Auto Bell for Australian Mtn Climbers IC  x 10 …. rest

10 suspension merkins …. rest

least favorite ( but as I tell all of Gastone’s comment that if an exercise is not your favorite/ strong suit … embrace it and conquer it)  Hip Slappers 10 single count

now we collect in Food Lion parking lot for Rugby Sprints

pax will call out what they are thankful for,  call an exercise until they call,”Go!” And then we are to mosey halfway and back and then full on run to end of lot finally walking back

much thanks were called for F3 and it’s comraderie and leadership … also God, Jesus as well as family

exercises were diamond merkins, flutters, squats and plank/arm raises/ lower plank

run to other side twice over

mosey to steps for 3 separate sets of calf raises during which a light literally comes on and Watts Up says must be a great idea

run behind Planet Fitness where another light comes on  Undoubtedly timer related , and someone mentions a perfectly placed ramp so we double back for bear crawl and lunge walk along it

mosey to wall at bank for 15 IC dips and 15 step ups each leg finally 15 IC derkins and Dry Rub asks ic the turkey is over done yet

mosey to Martha’s where at entrance we perform 5 big boys up the hill for the invisible Turtleman and run back to start

seal jacks 10

goof balls for Sargento as he drives off wishing all a good night,, I mean turkey ,,,, i mean happy turkey ,,, aww hell he said something

finally Parker Peters ….. I finished last savoring every morsel of this over done Bird ( or maybe  I’m just slow

all of this today I did wearing a turkey hat … so pax has something to chase

pub/ goat/ Diablo all open tomorrow morn

Midoriyama not

pain lab shirts still up for sale til Saturday

operation sweet tooth
christmas town

prayers dry rubs m in hospital

all pax/families traveling

there were some pax doing EC good to see Gastone out ( on IR) only running now

may your turkey NOT be overdone

Christmastown Ruck Pre-Pre-Blast

F3 Plank from F3 Hickory asked on Twitter about a possible McAdenville Ruck.  Recognizing the brilliant nature of his idea, YHC and Whoopee agree to co-Q the event.  Those running or not running the Christmastown 5K this Saturday will still be able to enjoy a Ruck pace event without trying to chase the SpeedForNeed racing chairs running sub 7 minute miles.  The official lighting is Monday, December 2nd and the lights come on at 5:15 and run during the week until 9:15.  The Town of McAdenville recommends seeing the lights during the week due to much less traffic and will be safer to navigate the narrow sidewalks with a band of Rucking PAX and 2.0’s.

We have some tentative plans but will actually complete this Ruck next week to improve on the ideas and finalize the logistics.  In the meantime, please note the official date will be Wednesday, December 11th from 1815 hours until.  The plans will be to Ruck with 2.0’s for some pre-determined mileage and then finish with hot drinks for those

This is subject to change based on the “walk-through” next week.  Save the date and stay tuned!


Allen Tate Steps Up

Huck had to reach out for a replacement Q today due to illness and Big Pappy agreed to take over. When Pappy got stuck at work the one and only Allen Tate decided it was time for him to take a break from his extensive training for the P200 and bring his Q talents to a Pain Lab style workout.


After a a short warmup we moseyed to the flag at the entrance, said the Pledge, did some ab work and moseyed back to the start. Rudolph grabbed a couple of kettle bells and pain stations were established. We did about three rounds of various exercises; curls, swings, merkins, goblet squats and a bunch more I can’t remember. Solid work by a great group of HIM’s.



SFN this Saturday

Convergence at the Yank on 12/28

Christmas Party 1/4 – preblast soon


Prayer Request

Oompa’s M still recovering from car accident

Friend of Montross having surgery to remove tumor

Broke’s M illness

Others I failed to remember


Allen Tate took us out



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