Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2019 (Page 3 of 12)

Buckets of fun


6 including myself made it on a beautiful  Sat.




Side straddle hops 10 IC

Cherry pickers 10 IC

Lbc 10 IC


Mosey to flag,

lbc’s while wait on six . Thanks Montross.


Next some IRON HULKS

This is a favorite of Freight’s and a good way to get the upper half warmed up .

1 to 4 ratio with 1 merkin then 4 overhead presses. Did this to 10 merkins…

Back to start for a little Tabata .

We did 10 exercises for 1 min with 15 seconds of rest between.  After 1st round took a break and did some ab work.

This went as follows.

Circle up each pax would call an abb exercise , pax would do said exercise while 1  would  carry buckets of rocks across parking lot and back.

Now  back to Tabata for 1 more round.

Tabata exercises included.


Lat.  Raises



Merkins  on block uneven to right and then to left


Tricep presses

Calf raises


Time was called

Not a lot to say today but did try to encourage pax to get involved in something other than a workout. We are blessed to have other things going on each week such as Q Source  , House of Hims, The Station in Belmont .

I took us out in prayer

Keep pushing the rock men .

Also keep spreading the word lots of men are just waiting on the opportunity. All we have to do is just give it away….💪💪💪💪💪

Day 16: Love Intercedes

You cannot change your spouse.  As much as you may want to, you cannot play God and reach into their heart and mold them into what you want them to be.  But that’s what most couples spend a large part of their time trying to do – change their spouse.

Insanity has been described as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  But isn’t that what happens when you try to change your mate?  It’s frustration at the highest level. At some point you have to accept that it’s not something you can do.  But here’s what you can do.  You can become a “wise farmer.”

A farmer cannot make a seed grow into a fruitful crop.  He cannot argue, manipulate, or demand it to bear fruit.  But he can plant the seed into fertile soil, give it water and nutrients, protect it from weeds, and then turn it over to God.  Millions of farmers have made a livelihood from this process over the centuries.  They know that not every seed sprouts.  But most will grow when planted in proper soil and given what they need.

There is no guarantee that anything in this book will change your spouse.  But that’s not what this book is about.  It’s about daring to love.  If you take the Love Dare seriously, there is a high likelihood that you will be personally changed from the inside out.

And if you carry out each dare, your spouse will likely be affected and your marriage will begin to bloom in front of your eyes.  It may take weeks.  It may even take years. But regardless of the soil you’re working with, you are to plan for success.  You are to get weeds out of your marriage.  You are to nurture the soil of your mate’s heart and then depend on God for the results.

But you won’t be able to do this alone.  You will need something that is more powerful than anything else you have.  And that is effective prayer.

Prayer really does work.  It’s a spiritual phenomenon created by an unlimited, powerful God.  And it yields amazing results.

Do you feel like giving up on your marriage?  Jesus said to pray instead of quitting (Luke 18:1).  Are you stressed out and worried?  Prayer can bring peace to your storms (Philippians 4:6-7) Do you need a major breakthrough?  Prayer can make the difference (Acts 12:1-7).

God is sovereign.  He does things His way.  He’s not a genie in a lamp that submits to your every wish.  But He does love you and desires an intimate relationship with you.  This doesn’t happen apart from prayer.

There are some key elements that must be in place for prayer to be effective.  But suffice to say that prayer works best when coming from a humble heart that is in a right relationship with God and others.  The Bible says, “Confess sins to one another, and pray for one another … The effective prayer of righteous man can accomplish much” (James 5:16).

Have you ever wondered why God gives you overwhelming insight into your spouse’s hidden faults?  Do you really think it’s for endless nagging?  No, it is for effective kneeling.  No one knows better how to pray for your mate than you.

Has your scolding or nagging been working?  The answer is no, because that’s not what changes a heart.  It is time to try talking to God in your prayer closet instead.

A husband will find that God can “fix” his wife a lot better than he can.   Wife will accomplish more through strategic prayer than from all her persuasive efforts.  It is also a much more pleasant way to live.

So turn your complaints into prayers and watch the Master work while you keep your hands clean.  If your spouse doesn’t have any type of relationship with God, then it’s clear what you need to start praying for.

Beyond this, begin to pray for exactly what your mate needs.  Pray for his heart.  Pray for her attitude. Pray for your spouse’s responsibilities before God.  Pray for truth to replace lies.  Pray for forgiveness would replace bitterness.  Pray for your heart’s desires – for love and honor to become the norm.  Pray for romance and intimacy to go to a deeper level.

One of the most loving things you can ever do for your spouse is to pray for them.  “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to” (Matthew 7:7)

Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. – 3 John 2

Today’s Dare

Begin Praying for your spouse’s heart.  Pray for three specific areas where you desire for God to work in your spouse’s life and in your marriage.

Roscoe Special

This morning 16 PAX showed for the Redwood Original workout in the Gashouse.  16 total, with 8 for Painlab and 8 for Bootcamp.  Here is what went down.


Warm Up: SSH (numerous while waiting for Sledge-0-Matic to get out of his car and join the PAX), Low Slow Squats, Merkins, LBC’s,

The groups split up.  Bootcamp went to the Insurance agency parking lot across the street and up the hill to the west of the Museum.  At the bottom of the hill complete one exercise, run to the top, complete second exercise and return to base.
20 Mountain Climbers, run to top, 30 Flutter kicks, return to bottom

15 CDD’s, run to top, 20 LBC’s, return to bottom

20 merkins, run to top, 20 Imperial Walkers

10 burpees, run to top, 20 WW1 situps

Repeat except run halfway up the hill.  Whoopee had to leave to go speak to the Mended Heart society. A mentor of mine was a member of this group that helps encourage others with heart disease to keep pushing the rock.  Thanks for all you do Whoopee.  #Excusedabsence  (Whoopee also had his rucksack and sandbag for some track work EC before the workout.

Mosey to the Library for a set of ring around the parking strip.  (lateral plank walk in a circle)

Mosey to back of library and partner up for mini Dora 1-2.  YHC was going to give a breather to the PAX so asked Dirt to share something good that happened to him this week.  He took about 3 seconds to share that he worked out, went to work, went home and spent the evening with his M.

P1 completes exercise and P2 runs up library steps and completes 5 jump squats and returns.  Aggregate work 100 merkins, 200 squats.

Mosey to Nature trail to the amphitheater.  50 Calf Raises, mosey to memorial benches.  20 dips IC, lunge walk ½ way around pond.  2 sets.  Dr. Seuss needed to see more of the trail so we ran to the Catawba Indian Village, the Grist Mill, and stopped for some Al Gore’s while Short Sale shared a good news story about some quality time  and taking advantage of the opportunity to spend a couple days with his 2.0.  YHC had to audible the Al Gore since his story was longer than anticipated.  He certainly learned a lesson from Dirt.

Back to start for some Heel touches and dying cockroaches until we heard the bells.

Announcements:  Dark Helmet will be speaking at Rotary meeting this Thursday.  If you want to go, RSVP to Sargento or Stroganoff.

Prayer Requests:  Peace for Anchorman, prayers for Sledge-o-Matic on his election.  He could use help at the polls on election day.  Prayers for Tuna and OIB runners for safe travels.  Prayers for the family of Bryan Davenport, the young man that passed away in Charlotte last week.  Prayers for those battling addiction and struggling with mental health issues.

Glad to take the Q when Linus needs help, and always good to see the showing, especially when many are out of town running races.  Kudos to Dirt, Whoopee, Dr. Seuss, Sister Act, and maybe more for the EC before the workout.


Day 15: Love is Honorable

There are certain words in our language that have powerful meanings.  Whenever these words are used, an air of respect is associated with them.  These words never lose their timeless quality, class, and dignity.  One of these will be our focus for today.  It is the word honor.

To honor someone means to give them respect and high esteem, to treat them as being special and of great worth. When you speak to them, you keep your language clean and understandable. You are courteous and polite.  When they speak to you, you take them seriously, giving their words weight and significance.  When they ask you to do something, you accommodate them if at all possible, simply out of respect for who they are.

The Bible tells us to “honor” our father and mother, as well as those in authority.  It is a call to acknowledge the position or value of someone else.  Honor is a noble word.

This is especially true in marriage.  Honoring your mate means giving him or her your full attention, not talking to them from behind a newspaper or with one eye on the television. When decisions are being made that affect both of you or your whole family, you give your mate’s voice and opinion equal influence in your mind.  You honor what they have to say.  They matter – and because of the way you treat them, they should know it.

But there’s another word that calls us to a higher place, a word that isn’t often equated with marriage, though its relevance cannot be understated.  It’s a word that actually forms the basis for honor – the very reason why we give respect and high regard to our husband or wife.  That word is holy.

To say to your mate should be “holy” to you doesn’t mean that he or she is perfect. Holiness means they are set apart for a higher purpose – no longer common or everyday but special and unique. A person who has become holy to you has a place no one can rival in your heart.  He or she is sacred to you, a person to be honored, praised, and defended.

A bride treats her wedding dress this way.  After wearing it on her special day, she covers and protects it, then sets it apart from everything else in her closet. You won’t catch her in it when she’s working in the yard or going out on the town.  Her wedding dress has value all its own. In this way, it is holy and sacred to her.

When two people marry, each spouse becomes “holy” to each other by way of “holy matrimony.”  This means no other person in the whole world is supposed to enjoy this level of commitment and endearment from you. Your relationship is like no other. Your share physical intimacy with only her, only him.  You establish a home with this person.  You bear your children with this person.  Your heart, your possessions, your life itself is to be wrapped up in the uncommon bond you share with this one in individual.

Is that the way it is in your marriage?  Would your mate say you honor and respect them?  Do you consider them set apart and highly valued?  Holy?

Perhaps you don’t feel this way and maybe for good reason. Perhaps you wish some outsider could see the level of disrespect you get from your wife or husband – someone who would make your mate feel embarrassed to be exposed for who they really are behind closed doors.

But that’s not the issue with love.  Love honors even when it’s rejected.  Love treats its beloved as special and sacred even when an ungrateful attitude is all you get in return.

It’s marvelous, of course, when a husband and wife are joined in this purpose, when they’re following the biblical command to be “devoted to one another” in love, when they’re giving “preference to one another in honor” (Romans 12:10).  “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure” (Hebrews 13:4 NIV).

But when your attempts at honor go unreciprocated, you are to give honor just the same.  That’s what love dares to do – to say, “Of all the relationships I have, I will value ours the most.  Of all the things I’m willing to sacrifice, I will sacrifice the most for you. With all your failures, sins, mistakes, and faults – past and present – I will choose to love and honor you.”  That’s how you create an atmosphere for love to be rekindled.  That’s how you create an atmosphere for love to be rekindled.  That’s how you lead your heart to truly love your mate again.  And that’s the beauty of honor.

Live with your wives in an understanding way … and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life.  – 1 Peter 3:7

Today’s Dare

Choose a way to show honor and respect to your spouse that is above your normal routine.  It may be holding the door for her.  It might be putting his clothes away for him.  It may be the way you listen and speak in your communication.  Show your mate that he or she is highly esteemed in your eyes.

Don’t be ALARMed!

8 Pax with a whole parking lot to ourselves, as then entrance was blocked off.


Warm Up: SSH, Goofballs, Peter Parkers



Mosey to gazebo

Alarm 1: oyo

A- Pull-ups x 5 

L-Lunges x 10 (Count one leg) 

A-Crunchy Frogs x 15

R-Rocky Balboa’s x 20

M-Merkins x 25


Alarm 2: with partner: one Pax does a lap; other performs the exercise; flapjack 

A- Dips x 100

L-Imperial Squat Walkers x 150

A-Flutter Kicks x 200 (Count one leg)

R-Russian Twists (American Hammers) x 250 (Count one side)

M-Mt. Climbers x 300 (Count one leg)


Mosey to Fire Station for Route 66: CDD’s at each pole

At the top, Dominoes: Left and Right Plank x10 Merkins 

Across the road in the church lot, Elevens LBC/ Hand Release Merkin

Mosey back to parking lot.



David Platt: “God has made a way of salvation for you! And the way is faith in Jesus! The way is not you working your way to God. The way is trusting in what God has done to make His way to you!”

Everyone pressed on and worked hard! The prior word reminds us that salvation is not something we have to, or can, work to achieve. It’s free, through Christ’s blood and by grace alone through faith alone.

Always an honor to lead such a great group of HIMS! Welcome Stinky Bird to your first time at The Goat. It’s great to have El Tigre as a regular; Sister Act back with us after a period away; Tophat pushing through; and Virus, Dirt and Time Frame giving their all!



The Quinton Chronicles

YHC thought he may be the lone rucker today after getting a message from King Pin saying he probably wasn’t going to make it and Rockabilly had previous engagement.  But then as I pull into Folsom there is Oompa Loompa ready to work.

We rucked, we had fellowship, we pledged to the flag, and we prayed in the COT.


Day 14: Love Takes Delight

One of the most important things you should learn on your Love Dare journey is that you should not just follow your heart.  You should lead it.  You don’t let your feelings and emotions do the driving.  You put them in the back seat and tell them where you’re going.

In your marriage relationship, you won’t always feel like loving. It is unrealistic for your heart to constantly thrill as the thought of spending every moment with your spouse.  Nobody can maintain a burning desire for togetherness just one feelings alone.  But it’s also difficult to love someone only out of obligation.

A newlywed takes delight in the one they now call their spouse. Their love is fresh and young, and the hopes for a romantic future linger in their hearts.  However, there is something just as powerful as that fresh, new love.  It comes from the decision to delight in your spouse and to love him or her no matter how long you’ve been married.  In other words, love that chooses to love is just as powerful as love that feels like loving.  In many ways, it’s a truer love because it has its eyes wide open.

Left to ourselves, we’ll always lean toward being disapproving of one another.  She’ll get on your nerves.  He’ll aggravate you.  But our days are too short to waste in bickering over pretty things. Life is too fleeting for that.

Instead, it’s time to lead your heart to once again delight in your mate.  Enjoy your spouse.  Take her hand and seek her companionship. Desire his conversation.  Remember why you fell in love with her personality.  Accept this person – quirks and all – and welcome him or her back into your heart.

Again, you get to choose what you treasure.  It’s not like you’re born with certain pre-sets and preferences you’re destined to operate from.  If you’re irritable, it’s because you choose to be.  If you can’t function without a clean house, it’s because you’ve decided no other way will do.  If you pick at your mate more than you praise them, it’s because you’ve allowed your heart to be selfish.  You’ve led yourself into criticism.

So now it’s time to lead your heart back out.  It’s time to learn to delight in your spouse again, then to watch your heart actually start enjoying who they are.

It may surprise you to know that the Bible contains many romantic love stories, none more blatant and provocative than all eight chapters from the Song of Solomon.  Listen to the way these two lovers take pleasure in one another in this poetic book …

The woman: “Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among the young men.  In his shade I took great delight and sat down, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.  He has brought me to his banquet hall, and his banner over me is love” (Song of Solomon 2:3-4).

The man: “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along! O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the secret place of the steep pathway, let me see your form, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your form is lovely” (Song of Solomon 2:13-14).

Too sappy?  Too mushy? Not for those who lead their heart to delight in their beloved – even when the new wears off, even when she’s wearing rollers in her hair, even when his hair is falling out.  It’s time to remember why you once fell in love.  To laugh again.  To flirt again.  To dream again.  Delightfully.

Today’s dare may be directing you to a real and radical change of heart.  For some, the move toward delight may be only a small step away.  For others, it may require a giant leap from ongoing disgust.

But if you’ve been delighted before – which you were when you married – you can be delighted again.  Even if it’s been a long time.  Even if a whole lot has happened to change your perceptions.

The responsibility is yours to relearn what you love about this one to whom you’ve promised yourself forever.

Enjoy life with the wife you love all the days of your fleeting life. – Ecclesiastes 9:9 HCSB

Today’s Dare

Purposefully neglect an activity you would normally do so you can spend quality time with your spouse.  Do something he or she would love to do or a project they’d really like to work on. Just to be together.

What Goes Up….Must Go Down


We had 9 HIM at the The STORM this morning.  We started with a long mosey around the school.

Warm Up
SSH – 25 IC
Windmill – 10 IC
Cotton Pickers – 10 IC
Hillbillies – 15 IC
Mountain Climber Merkin – 10 IC

Round 1: 10 Burpees  / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 2: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 3: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / lLap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 4: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / 40 Flutter Kicks (DC) / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 5: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / 40 Flutter Kicks (DC) / 50 Carolina Dry Docks / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Escalator Down
Round 1: 50 Seal Jacks / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 2: 50 Seal Jacks / 40 Mountain Climbers (DC) / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 3: 50 Seal Jacks / 40 Mountain Climbers (DC) / 30 Rocky Balboa’s / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Some ab exercises, which I can not remember.

Circle of Trust
Please pray for Breaker Breaker and his family. A family member recently suffered a heart attack and his wife was also taken to a hospital for chest pain.

Please pray for Radar’s colleague. His daughter is going through drug rehabilitation.

I enjoyed the opportunity to lead. I hope you all were able to burn a lot of calories this morning!

Sean Corcoran (RADAR)

Abs and Shoulders

It was a beautiful morning at the Rotary Pavilion.  Everyone was ready to go, so we got it it right away.

Warm Up

  • 20 x Grass Pickers – *YHC did not realize that this was frowned upon, but we did them anyways
  • 20 x Imperial Walkers
  • 20 x Merkins
  • 20 x Mountain Climbers

The Thang

Several stations honoring the many children that YHC has had in his home over the past 10 years.

  • Station 1
    • 20 x LBC’s
    • 20 x Big Boys *Whoopie happens to find the only rock in the lot and lays on it.
    • 20 x Flutter Kicks
  • Station 2
    • 20 x Hillbillies
    • 20 x Hillbilly Squats *Shown to YHC by the great Bedpan
    • 20 x Merkins
  • Station 3
    • 20 x Austrian Mountain Climbers
    • 20 x Hip Slappers
    • 20 x Squats
  • Station 4
    • 20 x Freddie Mercuries
    • 20 x Imperial Walkers
    • 20 x Merkins
  • Station 5
    • 2 min plank
    • 20 x Plank Jacks
    • 20 x Big Boys
  • Station 6
    • 20 x Rocky Balboas
    • 20 x Dips
    • 20 x Derkins

We rinsed and repeated and swapped out a few exercises here and there and a few burpees thrown in as well. We then pledged to our great nation and ended in the COT.


We are called to a mission and to serve. There is no mission or service greater than another as long as the focus is from and to God.  Whatever your calling may be, do it.  Life will be rewarding and fulfilling  because of it.  It was an honor this morning and thanks to all of you for pushing me everyday to live right.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  1 Peter 4:10

Big Pappy


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