Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2019 (Page 1 of 10)

Thank you, Blart.

Very light crowd this evening.  I’m glad Blart made it out or I would have been alone.  Blart thought the workout started at 18:15, so the first fifteen minutes it was just myself as he was off running.  YHC used the official F3 deck on the tennis courts until some people came and starting playing tennis.  This was about the time I met up with Blart.  We made our way down to the lower shelter and took turns leading an exercise.

Lunge walked/did squats back to the launching pad.  Time was up.

Prayer request: Def Leppard’s M.

Blart closed us in prayer.

Folsom 9/14

13 men at Folsom on this morning!


The Thang:

Mosey to the smooth parking lot that is near the pond on the left side of the park.  Exercise called here is the Zachary Tellier workout.  This is a Hero WOD that honors Zach Tellier, who died in the service to our country.  The workout went like this.  Start out in smooth parking lot with 10 Burpees, then run down road to the  top of hill and back (about 400 meters).  Then do 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, Run.  Next is 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, Run.  Then 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, Run.  Next is 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, Run.  Finally complete 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, 150 Squats, and Run.  Good work on this men.

Next a short mosey to the pavilion.  Here 7 different exercises are called out: Hip Slappers, American Hammers, Rocky Balboas, Dips, Derkins, Mountain Climbers, and Smurf Jacks.   Start out doing 5 reps of each exercise, all done in cadence.  Next do the 7 exercises, 10 reps each (ic).  Finally we did all the exercises at 15 reps each (ic).  We were going to go back down the ladder with the rep count, but time was running short, so we moved on to something else.

Mosey to the tennis courts.  Time for one more exercise.  Route 66 suicides on the courts, performing Bobby Hurley’s.  Start at first line, run to next out of bounds line and back to perform 1 Bobby Hurley.  Run to the next line and back, 2 Bobby Hurley.  Continue this cycle increasing the reps by one, until you end up doing 11 Bobby Hurley’s, which totals 66 reps.  Mosey back to COT

Announcements:  Ragnar run 10/5, Convergence at The Yank on 10/19 at 7:00


Prayer Request


Appreciate the opportunity to lead today men!

Sister Act


Scattered all over town

Some started early, some ran the regular route, some ran 5 miles, some ran more. In all 14 PAX got better by putting in work on another hot and humid fall morning.



Ragnar Oct. 5th – Meet at Roses in Belmont at 7am for clown car

Convergence Oct. 19th at The Yank (all other AO’s closed)

Still collecting money for Rotary Pavilion bathroom project


Prayer Request

Broke’s Sister in Law – breast cancer

Def Leppard’s M – recovering well from surgery

Those battling addiction

Whetstone program Stone’s/Blade’s

Medicine Woman – medication changes


YHC took us out and 9 made it to Q Source for a discussion on Courage.


Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

I’m Broke

The Eagle Has Landed

Maybe not exactly an eagle, but in the gloom who can tell.   It was none other than Stinky Bird jumping in to take the reins as Site Q at Neverland.   A joyous occasion with 12 HIMS there as witnesses as YHC handed off.   Neverland has been pretty consistent over the past 13 months.   A great group to begin the week.   If you haven’t had a chance to head over near the park, check it out.  There are a lot of options.   As usual, a shot gun start at 5:30 sharp.

Standard disclosures

The Pledge

Warm up – Various exercises of cadences to 13, 26, 39 and 52

Mosey down Riverwood Parkway towards Clavin’s Hill, stopping at the lights for Monkey Humpers (13 first light, 26 next light, etc, etc) At some point the Pax, began asking questions about the mulitple of 13.  What was the significance?  Only time would tell.

Stopped by the doctors office.  Broad jump to the first light, mosey back and complete 26 big boys sit ups.  Rinse and repeat x3

Mosey towards the back entrance to the park from the Riverwood neighborhood.

Stop for 13 burpees

Lunge walk into the darkness up the trail in the woods.  At some point, YHC omaha’d to a mosey.   Mosey around the back of the park, stopping at the fork in the trails for 13 more burpees.

Mosey up to the play ground

Modified Cindy – 5 sets of 10 pull ups, 20 merkins and 30 squats

Meander to the parking lot

At that point, the significance of 13 was shared.  13 months since YHC had taken over as site lead and that it was time for a new beginning.   Happy to announce Stinky Bird as the next site Q and he took us through the remained of the workout.   Believe it mostly consisted of running and some exercises at the concession stand.

Mosey back to Pelicans.  TIME

It’s exciting when there is a change with Site Q’s.   An opportunity for new ideas, energy and opportunities for others.  There is no doubt that Stinky Bird will do great things with Neverland.  He is eager and excited to contribute.

The biggest learning for YHC over the past 13 months is to witness first hand the leadership that many play to make this F3 thing work.  It can’t just be a few and this site Q experience has been a good opportunity to see the passion and commitment that many contribute to make it work.  You get out of it what you put into it.  If you are looking for a HIM experience, take the keys and run with it.


Convergence at The Yank – PRE-BLAST

Men of F3 Gastonia,

Time for our 3rd Quarter Convergence, in October!!  Yeah I know, just a little late.  Man our region has a busy schedule.  This is a good thing though, because it means our guys are out pushing the rock getting some work done.  All other AO locations will be closed.  Make plans to be there!!

Immediately following the workout, there will be a short 3rd F session from our man Broke.  True HIM in our region, and you’ll want to hear what he has to say.


Date: 10/19/19

Time: 7:00

Location: The Yank


Look forward to seeing everyone!

Sister Act

Who got the W?

YHC had been looking for to do something new. Looking around Al Gore’s Internet, found a couple of new versions of exercises not normally done in Gashouse.

0530 hit within and within seconds YHC was called out for not starting on time. So lets get started…


Then YHC instructed the PAX to follow him…
Lunge around the Pavilion without changing directions…
Or Lunge Forward, Right, Backward, and finally Left.
It seems that some of the 10 PAX assembled thought this was chit-chat time, there was no waiting for all to finish.

Mosey West towards to Chester (2nd Bridge)
Bear Crawl Across Bridge
20 Squats at corner of Long/Chester.
While waiting on light/traffic, a train rolled through.

So, a detour to the ABC store for 5 Burpees. wait, make the 10 since another train rolled in.

Mosey East to York
Plank Walks Across Bridge
20 Monkey Humpers at Corner Main/York

Cross Street and Mosey back toward Long.
Crawl Bear Across Bridge
20 Squats at Corner Long/York

Mosey East to MLK
Plank Walk Across Bridge
20 Monkey Humpers at Corner Main/MLK

Mosey to Franklin
And head West to McQuitter Church wall.

25 Dips
25 Normal (Front) Step Ups Each Leg

25 Dips
25 Side Step Ups Each Leg

10 Dips
10 each leg Side Step Ups Opposite Leg

Mosey up South
Turn to Parking Deck

Bunny Hop Ramps
At Top of Ramps, 1 Fist Merkin (increase 1 at each Ramp)
Mosey Flats

25 American Hammers OYO
25 Flutter Kicks OYO

Go down stairs, touching each stair
Mosey to other set of steps and back up, touching each stair.


Mosey down stairs and back to wall on MLK.

A short wall sit with some air presses.
15 or 16 Hip Slappers lead by Whoopee.

Back to Pavilion.

YHC was going to end 30 seconds early, but again was called out on it, so Moroccan Night Clubs to close the time.

No new announcements were made, just the upcoming runs. There are many opportunities, so signup for something.

YHC took us out.

There was a good bit of mumble chatter this morn, most aimed at YHC.

Yes, UNC gave Clemson a close game, but who got the W?

Watts Up Powering Down…

The Folsom Spy at the Yank

A total of 10 Pax and 1 FNG (Welcome Captain Crunch!!) came out to the Fighting Yank.   It was a beautiful but humid morning to get in some work.  It was my first time at the Fighting Yank posting or Q’ing and to have a good turn out was an honor I am thankful for.

The Thang – The set length was decided by the time it took Nothin to solve the Rubik’s cube.

  • Mosey around to the picnic tables
    • AMRAP – Dips
    • AMRAP – Step Ups
  • Mosey to the Yank stairs
    • AMRAP – Calf Raisers
    • AMRAP – Rocky Balboas
  • Mosey to fountain
    • AMRAP – Burpies
    • AMRAP – Lunges
  • Mosey to “The Merkin Station”
    • AMRAP – Merkins
    • AMRAP – LBC’s
  • Mosey to track
    • AMRAP – Imperial Walkers
    • AMRAP – Squats
  • Mosey around track – Al Gore for the Six
    • AMRAP – Hillbillies
    • AMRAP – Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Mosey around track – Al Gore for the Six
    • AMRAP – Big Boys
    • AMRAP – Flutter Kicks
  • Mosey around track – Al Gore for the Six
    • AMRAP – Imperial Walkers
    • AMRAP – Squats
  • Mosey to “The Merkin Station”
    • AMRAP – Merkins
    • AMRAP – LBC’s
  • Mosey to fountain
    • AMRAP – Burpies
    • AMRAP – Lunges
  • Mosey to the Yank stairs
    • AMRAP – Calf Raisers
    • AMRAP – Rocky Balboas
  • Mosey around to the picnic tables
    • AMRAP – Dips
    • AMRAP – Step Ups
  • Lunge walk to the road
  • Mosey back to the Flag
  • Pledge, 22 for the Troops, and COT


  • JJ 5k
  • Christmas Town 5k – Sign up

Prayer Request

  • Tool Time,  Milburn, 5 Degrees, Tube, Stogie, Nothin, Dirt, and Wanderer
  • Termite’s Son
  • Norwood’s Friend
  • All Prayers spoken and unspoken.


The cube represented our lives as Christians. Once we accept Christ we are clean and in order. We then immediately sin and screw up. We get all jumbled up and messy. Once we repent, we get back to an orderly state. It may not be on our time or the way we want but we are always set right. We then, of course, sin again repeat the cycle.

Thank you for the opportunity to Q.  It was honor to be able to be servant leader to a solid group of HIM’s

Big Pappy

Judges 2 18:19 ESV

“Whenever the Lord raised up judges for them, the Lord was with the judge, and he saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge. For the Lord was  moved to pity by their groaning because of those who afflicted and oppressed them. But whenever the judge died, they turned back and were more corrupt than their fathers, going after other gods, serving them and bowing down to them. They did not drop any of their practices or their stubborn ways.”

The Oompa Diaries

We rucked a few miles and had great fellowship. Oompa Loompa is an awesome HIM.

The Thang:

  • We Rucked
  • We Pledged
  • We Prayed


  • JJ 5k
  • Christmas Town 5k

Prayer Requests

  • Rockabilly’s Mother
  • Oompa’s Daughter
  • The Kotter’s

Big Pappy

The Birds Are Chirping and the PAX Aren’t

Thursday Linus posted on the twitter-verse the GasHouse Q is open. I’ve not Q’ed very much this year and have a few ideas in the hopper. One I’m going to save for another few weeks because it deserves a larger audience and it will be a beast that I need some additional preparation so I can follow the mantra to be able to “do it, so I can Q it.” The other idea is not of my creation. Like the Murph we enjoy a few times each year (and Pizza Man does weekly), I saw Dark Helmet post “The Bert” at the end of July. Apparently the Honey Badger at The Fort does a Hero Workout of the Day (WOD) each week. If you’re unable to post at F3, checkout some of these workouts that you can do OYO. Some require coupons, many do not. So the Weinke was built and my only question was how much time will this take? I guessed 45 minutes since the Honey Badger is a Monday workout. Oh well, may as well try it and see what happens.

The circle formed at 0700, Tube brought an FNG so I stumbled through a disclaimer of sorts, no one left, so we proceeded with a warm-up:

  • Seal Jacks IC x 10
  • Imperial Walker Squats IC (sort of ) x 10
  • Toy Soldiers IC x 10

Channeling my inner Whoopee, I was tired of the warm-up – I called for the bootcampers to follow me. Five guys pursued, some had seen the pre-blast, others had not. We arrived at Grier Middle School track and I offered the PAX a choice to go OYO or stick together – the vote was for the latter. Roscoe who gets major props for a 7.5 mile EC run suggested we split the workout into partners…I said “no” and Roscoe retorted that he was trying to share Candor with me which was the Qsource topic a few weeks back. Nope – this workout was intended to be completed in the designated format, otherwise it wouldn’t suck as bad as it did. So without further ado, here tis:

  • 50 Burpees (it became awful about halfway through)
  • Run 400 meters (heard a train so added 5 more burpees at the end of the lap)
  • 100 Merkins (my arms became numb about 60-ish)
  • Run 400 meters
  • 150 Walking Lunges (did this as a group, counting each leg, about 175 meters)
  • Ran the remaining 225 meters
  • 200 Squats
  • Run 400 meters
  • 100 Merkins (Linus said he blacked out for a few moments, forgetting where he was and what he was doing)
  • Omaha: only 7 minutes left – skipped the final 400 meters and did 10 burpees to be back to the AO


  • Flutter Kicks while some PAX assumed the workout was over, this isn’t FIA…once everyone got on their six and joined, the count began
  • Flutter Kicks IC x 10
  • American Hammers IC x 10
  • Freddie Mercury IC x 10
  • Leg Lifts IC x 3 —> TIME!


  • Roscoe collecting final donations for the Rotary Pavilion bathrooms – if you’re donating – get your money in ASAP
  • Wednesday, October 2nd at Ray Nathans from 10 am to 8 pm is a fundraiser for Officer Chris Wooten – all proceeds supporting him
  • Prayers: Les Nessman’s Father-in-Law went to memory loss facility – prayers for his family in this transition; friend of Tube and Fugitive (Nehemiah) that has a unique disease that’s impacting his career – both men indicated their friend is inspirational for all that he does, but he needs special doctors to help him fight onward; continued prayers for Watts Up’s M that is improving from her battle with blood pressure.


I listened to 43 Feet’s latest podcast on my drive home from work yesterday. Our QSource discussion last Sunday after the Coconut Horse was lively on the topic of Contentment. I’ve built a routine that I look forward to reinforcing the discussion hearing DREDD and Dark Helmet go through the Socratics and providing additional color infused with humor and lecture. In episode 65 for QSource Q3.11 (the “idiotic numbering system”) the primary point is the difference of Happiness and Joy. I’ve enjoyed all of the Qsource series but along the way of the main point, I keyed on a sub-point discussing chaos and in particular why F3 is designed the way it is. In order to be free, working outdoors is a given – it’s not difficult to make that connection. But what struck me was about the workout plan, for some the Weinke and for some a ‘figure it out as you go’ plan.

I posted the Bert on Slack and Twitter partly to entice some PAX to attend, knowing a portion of our region were running the JJ5K. The 5 guys that posted are Saturday regulars. Defib thought I was joking and we’d end up doing something else.  Hearing DREDD describe the PAX not knowing what comes next is part of the intended chaos that trains HIMs to deal with the obstacles that we face in every day life: at home, at work, with our families. The PAX follow the instructions of the leader, once instructed, you then have control of your situation – perform the task to the best of your ability, modify, quit, or leave. Knowing the Weinke ahead of time can be comforting, but it’s not the point. I thought about that having released the workout ahead of time – and there’s no rule against it. But think to all the workouts that you post and you fall in line and embrace the suck. It makes us all a little better.

Despite having released the workout ahead, the PAX forged on. We all agreed it was an awful routine. I had expected to hear more mumble chatter but at that time of the morning, mostly it was the birds chirping. All of us took some breaks during the exercise portion to muster the required strength and fortitude to push to completion. This was a grind for sure. I couldn’t decide if the Murph was worse, maybe not because the Bert takes longer. Try it and judge for yourself.


U.S. Marine Cpl. Albert Gettings, 27, of New Castle, Pennsylvania, died on Jan. 5, 2009, while conducting counter-sniper operations in Fallujah, Iraq. Cpl. Gettings was serving as a team leader with the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, at the time of his death.

Every quarter, Cpl. Gettings’ fellow Marines in Fox Company complete a special CrossFit workout in his honor as part of the Cpl. Albert P. Gettings Award ceremony.

He is survived by his wife, Stephanie Palimino; parents, David and Juliet; and sister, Cori.

This workout has modifications that we should have followed. If you’re ever short on creativity, use this one or another Hero WOD. Motivation comes easy as you think about the one that died serving our country. You may not complete it record time, but the effort and sweat not to quit can offer the perspective of freedom that we enjoy for all the brave men and women that face challenges far more difficult than we do.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Short sale

Valvano Circuitry

Simple approach to today, I wanted to do a circuit training since it had been awhile.  Through the week I researched exercises and circuits that boxers use, and I rolled out 8 stations.  Problem was, we had 11 people!

WU:  Shortsale warmed up everyone up, then Painlab migrated to our ring of honor.  Then we did some more warmup, via Low Slow Squats, MCC’s, Merkins.

CIRCUIT WORK:  we had the following available, and me & Watt’s Up pivoted to create the last two stations.

Step-Ups (10 each leg, then 10 Dips)

Slamball (10 slams, 10 presses)

Shadowbox (continuous)

Unders (rope set up, do hooks while shuffling across the line, when back and forth 10 SSH’s.  With weights).

Swings (double or single, have at it)


Elastics (pull back with one arm, punch forward with the other)

Cleans (KB cleans continuous)

Core (pick a core exercise, do it)

Pick your weakness (Curls, Merkins, Squats)

I had the timer for each station set at 2 minutes.  This was not helped by the fact I should have had a 1 minute rest period for everyone but instead opted for like 30 seconds, maybe?  Good work from all.

At the end of the first cycle I stopped everyone to discuss the message of the day.  Linus had on NC State gloves.  I’m not an NC State fan.  I respect State because I love NC, but like all things in sportsball, the some fans (and friends!) anger me.  BUT, they hold one thing high, and that’s Jim Valvano.  Valvano is a hero to me, for his simple message of “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.”  So I let the crew know about Rockabilly, a #HIM that had to change his work schedule to work nights and that means he will miss morning workouts.  So instead of quitting, what does he do?  He starts TWO NEW AO’S.  That’s what a leader does.  He doesn’t quit, he never quits.

Message done, back to work.  This time I set the clock to 1 minute, but no rest between stations.  I think we all short-circuited around station 8.  Brutal.  Called time at 7:57, met with the Bert crew, done.

MOLESKIN –  I woke up with the worst crick in my neck at 5 a.m., fearful that I might not be able to go.  But some water, stretching (and IB Profun), and good to go.  I feel so much better due to exercise and fellowship.  Remember that F3 helps cure the mental and the physical.

Great work from Nessman on 2 consecutive weeks, thanks to Pedal for helping support by bringing gear, great to see Tube getting more time in, Hunchback and Sledge were working AND conducting business (leaders), Dry Rub and I agreed my time management sucks, and both he and VooDoo got in EC which is impressive.  Timeframe seemed to enjoy the Painlab time, maybe we’ll steal him from Bootcamp?  He doesn’t have soccer arms.  Lastly great work FUGITIVE, our FNG, when he hit his wall, he took the time needed, then got back at it.


Prayers for Nessman’s family, Tube & Fugitive’s friend, there was another personal one that I hope Short Sale captures.

WATT’S UP – thank you for the opportunity to Q today, a man among men.  Maybe your Tigers will take it easy on my Tarheels today.

Great work men – Rudolph

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