Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 13, 2019

How Many is That??

Q came in hot in a bad mood, 20 Burpees!!!  That was after a short disclaimer due to Broke and visiting Band Camp from the Fort EHing a couple of FNGs, welcome to Red Ribbon (Ben Harkey) and Chalkboard (Joel Lineberger).  Get the pledge after round of burpees.  Mosey to the BBT.

Get to BBT and Q calls walls of Jericho.   Exercies were merkins, werkins, Diamond merkins, hand release merkins, stagger merkins right, stagger merkins, left, and merkins that Q had no name for.  Feet on the wall about a foot off the ground and do merkins.  Tesla called them suspension merkins.  Good name Tesla!  Suspension merkins are TOUGH!  By round two chatter was hot, by round four Q name taken in vain.  This one was tough.  Got about 15 minutes left, so Q calls for rugby sprints.  Exercises were, LBC, flutter crunches, V ups, Heels to Heaven, American Hammers.  Mosey back to flag.

Good work men on a tough workout, rock pushers out there.

Word for the day came from Q church sermon from day before, based on 1 Peter, chapter 4 verse 8 “above all, love deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins” .  Jesus calls us to love, even when it is really hard to even like or forgive someone.

Events upcoming:  Mt Mitchell hike this coming weekedn, Speed for Need in Belmont May 25, Murph on Memorial Day at 7am, Monday AO’s closed.

Many prayer requests and our prayer list for the week is Mayor, Pizza Man and his family, Gastone and his family, Roadie and his family, Sargento mother in law, my buddy Sprinkler and his family (lost his mother in Mississippi last week.

Q took us out

Always an honor to lead


Prime Suspects?

7 men pushed the rock at Mt. Hollywood this morning.  Beautiful morning, time to put in some work!!  We were delayed for a few moments as an officer with the Mt. Holly police department pulled into the parking lot.  Apparently the alarm was going off at the middle school, and we were the prime suspects.  There was some discussion about an all out prison break run, just to see what would happen.  We better get the workout started, before the officer ask too many questions, especially with the  questionable character of some of the  pax in attendance.


10 Burpees, short disclaimer with something about me being an idiot, 10 more Burpees.

The Thang:

Mosey to the parking lot of the South State Bank on S. Main St.  If the alarm goes off at the bank, we may be in trouble.  Exercise called here is one of my favorites, BLIMPS!  We would do our best to stick together on this and push each other to the end.  This exercise went like this:

10 Burpees, Run a lap around the bank

10 Burpees, 15 LBCS, Run a lap

10 Burpees, 15 LBCs, 20 Imperial Walker Squats, Run a lap

10 Burpees, 15 LBCs, 20 IW Squats, 25 Merkins, Run a lap

10 Burpees, 15 LBCs, 20 IW Squats, 25 Merkins, 30 Plank Jacks, Run a lap

10 Burpees, 15 LBCs, 20 IW Squats, 25 Merkins, 30 Plank Jacks, 35 Smurf Jacks, Run a lap


Good work on that men, way to push it out.  Next we take a short mosey to the wall behind BB&T.  Our second stop at one of the local banks.   I promise we were not casing the joint for an after hours return trip.  We had some time to spare, so let’s get in some 11’s.  The exercises called were Hip Slappers and Bobby Hurley’s.  Start with 10 Hip Slappers, run to other side of parking lot for 1 Bobby Hurley.  9 Hip Slappers and 2 Bobby Hurley’s.  You know the drill, continue until we finish with 1 Hip Slapper and 10 Bobby Hurley’s.

Next with time running out, lets start our mosey back towards the flag.  We took the long route down W Central Ave and stopped at the wall in front of Ida Rankin.   Here we did 3 different exercises:

10 Dips (IC)

10 Derkins

10 Burpees

We would do 2 rounds of these 3 sets of exercises.  Good work men, way to push through until the end.  Mosey back to the flag.


Annoucements:  Belmont Classic 5k -SFN 5/25, Memorial Day Murph 5/27


Prayer request:  All pax in our area, Broke took us out


Honor to lead today men.

Sister Act



Big Enos, thats Watts Up: a pre-blast……

Help!!! Big Enos, I mean Watts Up wants 4 cases of Coors finest to celebrate in style with his Painlab AO Site Q inauguration.  Best I can tell there’s a truncated supply of any cases from here to Texarcana, (Lineberger Park).  The offer from Watts Up is nothing except an $18.00 advance on a pre-owned wheelbarrow with a semi-deflated pneumatic (depending on the temperature) and the demand that we get it done.  We have 54 minutes to complete the challenge.  I suppose you may have a ‘nice ass’ when complete.

Vagabondage begins right at 0700, well after disclaimer and warm up.  Join us as we saunter through Smokey and the Bandit’s historical ride.  We’ll catch up with Sheriff Branford, pick up Frog at church, munch on a Diablo Sammich and maybe get lucky in the park (that alone should get you out of bed).

Watts Up has given us until 07:54 to be back with his brew.  If we’re lucky we’ll get double or nothing for Clam Chowder next time.

Know what the kicker is?  He does not think we can do it!!!

Saturday, 5/18.  Gashouse Bootcamp; Smokey and the Bandit style, Painlab, Monk with special Whetstone updates, recognition of Hippa’s leadership, inauguration of Watts Up as Painlab Site Q.

Post here, Folsom or The Yank.  Post somewhere.


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This event is not yet rated.  Contains adult humor and content that is not suitable for any audience.

Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may or may not apply to you.


Aye……. Linus

More Moron Recovery

After being a MORON, withstanding Hush Puppy’s PainLab on Saturday, and celebrating Mother’s Day yesterday, YHC was not quite ready for Monday to get here (physically or mentally). But time rolls on, so YHC rolled out of the fartsack a little earlier than normal to try to get a little more stretching in. Rolling into Neverland at 0515, Easy Rider was already parked. Within just a few minutes 13 had joined YHC in the gloom.

0530 its go time.

No FNG’s, so a short standard disclaimer is given.


Warm Up (While some would claim there was no warm up, YHC is going to write it up this way.):
Mosey to Bellacino’s parking lot (Side Note: If you haven’t tried Bellacinos, they have great pizza and grinders.)

YHC had been reading old backblasts from the start of F3 Gastonia, the inspiration for this came from a Martha’s House workout Q’d by none other than Outhouse in 2015.
Start with 5 SSH in the first set of parking spots.
Sprint to 1st light – 10 Sumo Squats.
Nur to start – 10 SSH
Sprint to 2nd light (stop at 1st light – 1 Burpee) – 15 Sumo Squats
Nur to start – 15 SSH
Spring to 3rd light (stop and 1st and 2nd light – 1 Burpee) – 20 Sumo Squats
Nur to start – 20 SSH

During the 10 count, Island graced us with his presence, bringing the total to 16.

Next YHC called an Indian Run around the building. While this started out well, it quickly got out of hand with a near sprint pace by halfway around and JJ, Whoopee and Defib taking off in a full-on jailbrake by 2/3.

Next on the hit parade was a repeat of the first exercise with Mountain Climbers in the parking spots and Hand-Release Merkins at the lights.

While the intent was to do another Indian Run, this was quickly modified to a just a mosey around the building return to the wall of the abandoned grocery store. (Even then certain attendees ran some EC around the ATM as well.)

Everybody on the wall for People’s Chair with some hands in the air marching. YHC doesn’t remember the count as he was scheming an audible to the plan…

To ensure there was much joy brought to all who attended, YHC asked Whoopee to lead in 10 Hip-Slappers IC. If you have ever done Whoopee’s Hip-Slappers, you know the joy this brings to everyone.

Even though we were now on the other end of the parking lot a repeat of the 1st set of exercises was in order with American Hammers in the parking spots and Monkey Humpers at the lights.
YHC knew time was starting to get short, so the mosey was shortened to just around the parking lot, again ending at the wall.

Again the People’s Chair was called, this time all were “encouraged” to get those thighs parallel to the ground. YHC then asked Gastone to lead the marching this time. YHC did not give Gastone a count, so after 25, Q Omaha’d whatever number Gastone may have gone to… Q fail #1.

YHC was down to less than 10 minutes and still had one more set to get done. To get this in, the “first” light was eliminated with Big Boy Sit-ups in the parking spots and LBCs at the lights.
Somewhere in the middle of the last Big Boys, it was time to mosey back to SnoBalls to ensure YHC was not accused of demanding EC/overtime.

We arrived there with 2 minutes to spare, so some Mary. As Gastone had been out of pocket with family, YHC asked him to start.
30 IC Flutters later, YHC informed Gastone he had to share Mary (Q fail #2)
To complete Mary, Island called LBCs and Dirt with Peter Parkers and Parker Peters.


Thanks to JJ for picking up the six (other than during the Jailbrake).

Mt. Mitchell hike rescheduled for 19-May.
Belmont 5K – SFN – 25-May
The Murph – 27-May
Monk’s Departure Celebration – 31-May

Prayer Requests:
Mayor’s Recovery, Gastone’s Family, Sargento’s Family, PizzaMan’s Family, Roadie’s Family, Mothers
JJ took us out

While I was driving to work after this workout, I ended up behind a minivan who driving either very slow or very fast and was barely keeping it between the curb and oncoming traffic. The vehicle ultimately missed a curve in the road, jumped the curb and hit one the big switch housings (that control the traffic lights) at 35-40, half-flipped, half-rolled and landed on the wheels. The lady driving didn’t have any visible wounds, but didn’t start to respond until just before EMS/Fire/Police rolled up. The van is going to be a total loss, but I pray she is ok.
Seeing this accident brought to mind how short and precious life is and how our region has been hit with much loss and hurt recently. Through our Fellowship and Faith we can get each other through these trials. None of us know the time we have allotted on this Earth, but I know we can have eternity if we know Jesus.
Thank you for the opportunity to lead. I hope I made it worth your while to roll out of the fartsack.
Either way, there are no refunds…

Watts Up powering down.

Crossroads on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day, a chance of rain and an alleged “Smartsack” hindered attendance but we had 5 Runners for Crossroads and 1 tall, lonely Rucker Montross representing The Boar’s Nest Rucking AO showed on a gloomy Mother’s Day Sunday Morning. All the runners ran 5 miles, except me. I slogged through a slow 4 miles and called it a morning. I’m just going to say Montross or anyone else should NEVER have to ruck or run alone.


Prayers lifted for Pizza Man and his family in the passing of his niece, Mayor as he recovers from surgery, Wheezy, Roadies family and a reminder to be available for guys around the workouts for anyone who needs someone to listen. There are lots of guys going through things right now. Broke took us out!

A Reminder from the Q Source discussion that followed about “Live Right”.
To Live Right a man must have an ultimate Purpose in mind.
To Live Right requires self-sacrifice.
Living Right helps a man to stay Right.

The Piano Derby………?

So, YHC has never been very creative at a “themed” type Q. That being said, and the fact that I’m a bit ADD, this Q came out around more than a single theme.  The Q was under fire much of the WO, but mumblechatter is always a boost of moral. Enough with the introduction, this is how it went down.

On this day, Billy Joel/The piano Man just happens to turn 70 years old. I’m not a big fan, but after hearing his birthday announced on the radio, I thought I could honor it. Again, ADD.


Seven Exercises, 10 reps each IC for a total of 70, hence Billy Joel. I know pretty dumb, but hey, it was a good warmup. Exercises were, Merkins, plank jacks, Goof Balls(not used much at Folsom), Imperial Walkers, Flutter kicks, mike Tyson’s, Freddie Mercury’s.


mosey to tennis courts.


This past weekend was the running of the 145th Kentucky Derby. Again, not a big fan or anything, but the number 145 stood out to me. So, line up on the first court. This routine will be called “9-1.” Three exercises will be performed. Start with 9 reps each then run the total distance of the courts and back. Then perform 8  reps each, run and back for 7, etc. etc. Down to 1 rep each and finish with another run down and back. Exercises were Burpees, LBCs, Squats. 9-1 with 3 exercises happen to equal 145 reps. Next up, another routine Oompa had called “screw your brothers” or something, but I heard it called “Clipboard” out at Blackbeard’s AO.  Line up and each PAX will call an exercise of his choice then run to the end of the courts and back while his brothers perform said exercise AMRAP. Once he returns the next calls and runs, etc. we had time for 2 complete rounds of this before time was called. There were 16 different exercises, but I honestly couldn’t tell you what all they were. Time:

Announcements: SFN Belmont(sign up, PAX needed), F3 Dads Camp

COT; Roadies Family, Gastone’s family, Wheezy, The Champion Family,  each other

YHC took us out in prayer

Always an honor to lead you men! It’s exciting to witness new PAX staying committed, getting stronger, and becoming HIM! The accountability, support, and encouragement in our region has been the definition of what F3 stands for. Let’s continue to stay strong and build each other to be the Men that God called us to be for our families and communities.

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