• Post Type:
  • When: 04/01/2019
  • AO:
  • QIC: Broke
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Dr. Seuss (respect), Freon, Tiger, Tesla (Respect), Sister Act, Broke (QIC)

April 1st and I was curious as to how many fools would actually show. There was chatter of a possible FNG coming with one of the Fake Rucksack Club regulars, but I guess this was also fake since neither showed. However, 6 eager PAX posted on a somewhat chilly start to April ready to work.


After the pledge and my typical warmup of SSH’s, Don Q’s and Moroccan Nightclubs we took a short mosey downtown to the BB&T to get started with the workout. Due to the local favorites all bombing in the NCAA tourney, I figured we might as well join in on the action and do some BOMB’s ourselves. It went like this:


Partner up and while one partner runs a lap around the bank the other performs the following until the total cumulative reps are reached:

Burpee’s x50

Overhead Claps x100

Merkins x150

Big Boy Sit Up’s x200

Squats x250


After this we headed over to the parking lot at Vasilio’s for a few rounds of Route 66


Round 1 – Bear crawl and Merkins

Round 2 – Lunge walk and Jump Squat

Round 3 – Broad jump Burpee’s


Back to the start for 6 minutes of Mary and we’re done.


Moleskin / COT

Proverbs 24:10 – “If you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small.”

If you are fearful and discouraged by every trial and affliction that you face you will have no strength and in time become your own worst enemy. Let your faith in God be greater than your fear of any enemy and trust in Him to guide you through the adversity you face.


Tiger called out the PAX to be in prayer for this week and will post them later today. Pray for each of these men and their families this week and reach out to them if you can.

The numbers at Mt. Hollywood have been a little down the past few weeks. If you haven’t posted here, give it a try. It’s a great way to get your week started!

YHC took us out.

It was a pleasure to lead.
