Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 19, 2019

Heres Backblast. Now shut up!!

11 men showed up in the gloom anxiously awaiting a chief like beatdown.  As i looked around i soon realized they were unsure of what the paterfamilias had in store. First thang we warmed up. I got the mens blood flowing with a lil chumbawamba. After a lil mumblechatter we moseyed to front of park for the pledge. Today was medicine womans Q but he had asked for a volunteer since he was still under the weather so i gladly accepted the challenge. I was originally gonna just run the whole time as me and some others are preparing for the upcoming P200 but changed it up at the last minute.  We moseyed to bottom shelter for some circuit training and some core time with chief.  Always a pleasure to lead u men and also a pleasure to be a part of this group with u men. I consider you guys as family. And trust me when i tell ya…. theres NO place like Folsom!!!

Allen Tate — aka CHIEF. Aka—black panther. Aka— paterfamilias!!  Etc. etc..

Rotters, Kotters, and Late Folk

I noticed last week there was an open spot on the Folsom calendar. Though I helped with a Q-school a few weeks ago and also did a co-Q with Hacksaw, I haven’t really had the opportunity to bring a normal Montross Q in a while. After calling out the Kotters (particularly, the Rotter (Roadie the Kotter), and Medicine Woman (he claims to have posted last week but I dunno)… it was up to me to deliver the Jayvee-level workout I had promised. As usual, I planned to borrow from some other Qs who have graced Folsom with their presence over the past few months.


SSH – 15 IC
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC
Mountain Climbers – 10 IC
Grass Pickers – 10 IC

Let’s Mosey! We pause at the first light pole to let a few late arrivers get a quick stretch and knock out 5 burpees. Resume mosey as we run to the flag at the park entrance, Sparky passes by us as he is doing Sparky thangs.

As we wait for Sparky to catch up at the flag, we do:
LBCs – 20 IC
Rosalitas – 15 IC

Pledge and mosey back to the tennis courts.

I told the guys about an article from USA Today that I had seen on Twitter. It said in a study, men who could do 40 pushups in a minute were 95% less likely to develop cardiovascular disease. That led me to checking out the Army PT test for pushups and I explained the Army standard for pushups….keep your butt down (Leppard!!!) and you lower your body until your arms are parallel to the ground. Lets practice. 1 minute, AMRAP. I am not great at pushups and I lost count about 45, but I ended up in the low 50s.

V’s – partial Q fail here but we went with it – Run from the corner of the tennis court to the center of the net, Nur to the far corner, 2 burpees, repeat for each tennis court. Rinse and repeat to return to the tennis court entrance. Props to the Rotter, he was pushing hard here despite the fact he isn’t in peak condition right now. MW finished at the front of the pack as well after being out a lot recently due to flu (and Sandy V?). Seriously though, nice job guys!

Marine 16 – I was running a little behind so we had to cut it short. The Marine 16 is a hero workout that Sister Act called a few months ago, designed to honor 15 Marines killed in a helicopter crash in 2017. It is an AMRAP exercise in 2 minute intervals.

  • Sprint (or run) to the end of the 2nd tennis court, 16 burpees, run back to start. Repeat AMRAP for 2 minutes.

  • Sprint (or run) to the end of the 2nd tennis court, 16 Merkins, run back to start. Repeat AMRAP for 2 minutes

  • Sprint (or run) to the end of the 2nd tennis court, 16 Squats, run back to start. Repeat AMRAP for 2 minutes

  • Sprint (or run) to the end of the 2nd tennis court, 16 Tuck Jumps, run back to start. Repeat AMRAP for 2 minutes

  • Sprint (or run) to the end of the 2nd tennis court, 16 Side Straddle Hops, run back to start. Repeat AMRAP for 2 minutes


Announcements and CoT:

CSAUP at 4 am on 2/23, 2nd F at Buffalo Wild Wings at 4 PM on 2/23. Storm shirts are on pre-order (HIPAA, everyone asked about and wants that Folsom shirt brother!!!!!!!). Prayers for MW and his family, Ratchet’s M, Allen Tate’s M and 2.0, Pizza Man’s M, Big Pappy and family (his father passed away last night), and each other. YHC took us out in prayer.


It felt good to have the Q this morning and see some old faces making a return. I know Roadie has been out of town working and had some things he is dealing with, but I love seeing him back out there today. We call ya Rotter because we love ya! I missed a few days last week so I hadn’t seen Hank or Medicine Woman for what seems like a month. It was like a little reunion out there.

We cut up, we tease, we can get irritated from time to time, but it all comes together when we are in the CoT and Sparky mentioned Big Pappy’s dad, who had not been doing well…at that point, we didn’t yet know for sure, but we had a feeling things had turned for the worse and that’s probably why Pappy wasn’t with us today. Hearts got heavy, the PAX got a little more serious.

Big Pappy is one of our newer guys too. He’s sorta quiet but he gets out there working almost every day…he got involved because his son Pearl Jam did (through WC Friday Wrestling and Hacksaw). Now he brings all 3 sons with him. His improvements each week motivate us all and though we’ve only known him about 2 months, he is one of us now. It doesn’t take long to get close to guys around F3 Gastonia and particularly at Folsom!

All the prayer requests are important, but say an extra prayer for Pappy’s family today as well as Pizza Man’s M!

VQ in Mt. Hollywood

The morning started out with some confusion about who was going to be the Q.  I had mentioned to Tiger that I would be the Q a few weeks earlier, I should have followed up with him on that (my bad).  It was my first time being the QIC ( or Virgin Q).

We started out with a warmup:

SSH x 20 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 IC

Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

Then we took a Mosey down W. Catawba Ave. to the South Capital Bank Drive Thru.  It has been kinda wet lately so I wanted to find a dry area to workout.  While in the parking lot we performed the pledge, and then proceeded with the workout.


Dora 1-2-3

We partnered up to reach cumulative exercise goals.  One person would run around the block while the other performed the exercise.

Diamond Merkins x 100,

American Hammers x 200

Bobby Hurleys x 300

After this was complete we took a short Mosey to what I am calling the Mt. Hollywood Pit.


Donkey Kick OYO

Bear Crawl to the other side of parking lot

Merkins OYO

After we completed this workout we Moseyed back to the Mt. Holly Middle School parking lot.

We circled up and finished out with a few more exercises.

Finished up with announcements and a prayer.

Thank for those who came out for my VQ.

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