Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 15, 2019

Love is in the Air

02/14/2019 Midoriyama
Nice, cool, gray afternoon at the JV workout. Freight and Sister Act coming in hot, let’s go!
SSH x 10 IC
Arm Circles Large/Small, Forward/Reverse
Low Slow Squats x 10 IC
Cotton Pickers x 10 IC
5 Burpees OYO

Mosey and circle through right parking lot. Turn right onto the road and stop at each light pole.
HEART (Since it’s Valentine’s Day! Get it? Never mind.)
Hand Release Merkins x 10
E2K, on your six, right ankle over left knee, bring left elbow to your right knee for the oblique crunch 10 each side (needs work)
American Hammers x 10 IC
Rocky Balboas x 10 IC
Tempo Merkins x 10 IC
Mosey around top parking lot and back down to bottom.

Lap around entire soccer fields parking lot.
One legged Burpee, 5 right, 5 left
V Sandy V. Freight was asked to call these and of course there was a problem of understanding which as the Q I take full responsibility for. (The lesson here is Do Not Ask Freight To Lead An Exercise). Q Fail.
E2K, on your six, right ankle over left knee, bring left elbow to your right knee for the oblique crunch 10 each side.
Enough trying to spell words with exercises lets…
Mosey to Dog Park Hill

Triple Nickel, Up Hill, 5 Imperial Walker Squats (IW right, squat, IW left, squat. Thanks for the clarification SA). Down hill 5 CDD’s, 5 Times. The dogs in the dog park were not happy.
Mosey back to small soccer field for 80 D’s.

Dips x 20 IC, Dolly x 20 IC, Derkins x 20 IC (yes I said In Cadence Blart, you can call them for us), Dancing Bears x 20 IC (I am not coordinated enough do these so I won’t again)
Everyone on the side line at the small soccer field for …
Sprints. (Wojo’s fault.)
Sprint across AYG but do not get hurt. Sprint back. Sprint across, Sprint back.
Mosey back to flag.

Announcements: CSAUP on February 23rd, Rooster on March 2nd in Rock Hill. Q Source Sundays at 7:30 am.

Word – The disciples asked Jesus what the greatest commandments were and He said Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. We could all work on those two a little more. I know I could.

Prayer Requests: Arial for a job interview, Pizza Man’s M, Slaw’s Foot, Defib’s M, each F3 guy. All guys are encouraged to talk to someone if they need to. I have found that whatever I may be going through, there is usually an F3 guy that can help. Speak Up! Talk!


*Expecting a light crowd due to Valentine’s Day family activities so I was pleasantly surprised by 9 strong. Defib fresh off a full marathon. Tyson fresh off a half marathon. Freight watched people run a full marathon and a half marathon. Sister Act posting like 7 days in a row. Dr. Seuss always among the post leaders. Blart is always tough and with a word of “encouragement.” Termite is a newer guy to F3 but has been pushing towards the front of the pack. Great to see Arial back with us today. Ash Pond was not here.

Tour of City buildings

9 of Gastonia’s finest showed for one of the best locations in the area.

The Thang:


20 SSH

15 Merkins

20 Imperial Walkers

5 Diamonds

Mosey to the bridge.

Lunge Walk across bridge. Many disappointed in no bear walk.

Mosey across the street and down to courthouse steps.


20 Merkins

Then everyone take a step.

20 calf raises feet together.

15 Calf raises feet apart.

Mosey to back parking lot.

Parnter up run around the parking lot meeting your partner at other side for 20 Merkins. (We did twice and I changed the plan)

Met at back corner for:

50 Squats

Bernie up the hill

15 Diamonds

Karaoke down the hill

50 Monkey Humpers

Karaoke up the hill

20 Merkins

Backwards down the hill

40 Mountain Climbers

Bernie to the top again.

20 Burpee’s

Mosey to the Uphill dead end of the prison.

15 Diamonds

Mosey back down and around to hill.

Stagier Merkins at next 4 post on the way up.  Switch which had is forward and backward each time.

Stop at the light and 5 Burpee’s.

Cross the street to bridge. Bear crawl across.

Once in parking lot, on your backs.

On my count American Hammers, Slow Motion.

Flutter’s to 40

30 Crunchy Frog’s OYO

Mosey to start.

The Moleskin:

Whatsup, continues to impress. Watch out for this guy because he might end up being the next Bulldog. All gave a great effort and was a pleasure to be part of all of you today.

Prayers for several that are ill and to all with the flu.

Thanks and Out,




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