Today was awesome! Myself and my dad Hacksaw had the opportunity to lead 24 rock pushers today including 3 FNGs,We were both thinking of what to do and we wanted to make sure we kept everybody busy and pushing the rock for a solid hour. This is how we done it!
20 ssh ic
15 monkey humpers ic
20 merkins ic
Mosey towards the flag, on the way stop at each light pole with merkins and burpees.
pole 1 10 merkins/ 5 burpees
pole 2 20 merkins/ 6 burpees
pole 3 30 merkins/ 7 burpees
pole 4 40 merkins/ 8 burpees
Get to the flag we get the pledge then circle up the PAX and hit 2 rounds of:
10 Merkins,20 LBC and 30 Squats
While we were in a circle dad wanted to get 5 reps BOC’s in (Blood On Concrete) and 10 X crunches IC
Mosey to the parking lot across from ag building time for some dirty elevens with Mike Tyson and Mountain climbers with blockees in the middle. Finished those up and hit about 50 ssh and 25 Imperial walker squats while we waited on the 6.
Mosey back down towards the bottom shelter with Hacksaw taking the lead we hit 5 burpees and the speed bump with 10 merkins and 10 mountain climbers at each pole. There may have been more burpees I’m not sure by this point me and dad are both jacked up and the PAX was looking good so we were rolling!
Get to the shelter Hacksaw breaks out the tunes and calls out 10 Derkins,20Dips and 30 American hammers with a lap around the parking lot hitting 10 jump lunges and 10 imperial walker squats in each corner sprinting the long sides and bear crawl the short sides. We done that about two rounds and Huckleberry says first rule in Q school is we end on time so I get dad and the pax and we mosey back to the shovel flag.
Announcements: CSAUP coming up February 23 sign up by feb 16.
Prayer Request: There we several and I’m sorry I didn’t get them on paper but we all should be praying for each other and the families.
I want to thank God first for everything he has done for us all to have the freedom to workout each and everyday with our F3 brothers.He has blessed us all by giving us hope through his son Jesus Christ. Man F3 is a big part of Hacksaw and my life now and having the opportunity to step up and lead this pax was awesome! It was an honor and a blessing for me and my dad. We look forward to the next beatdown in Folsom!
God bless you brothers
Hacksaw and Round up OUT!