- Post Type:
- When: 12/22/2018
- AO:
- QIC: Montross
- FNG's:
- PAX: Volt, Mozart, Hacksaw, Freight, Swimmer, Gumby, Montross

Sweat courtesy of Freight
YHC hung the shovel flag with care, with hopes that the PAX soon would be there. With the rain finally gone and a few guys out of town, Montross has the Q and is bringing a beatdown.
I knew we would be missing a few Saturday regulars so I arrived to Folsom unsure how many HIM would be there. All the best to those running the Santa Hustle today, hope it went well and all were safe!
Turns out we had 7 this morning for a Christmas-themed workout. Get some!
SSH – 10 in cadence
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC
Monkey Humpers – 10 IC
5 Burpees
Let’s mosey!
Mosey to the flag at the entrance of Folsom for the pledge.
Short mosey over to the parking lot.
12’s – as in the 12 Days Of Christmas. Just like 11’s but with a bonus lap. We did Merkins and WW1s. The guys got this done a few minutes quicker than I expected!
Lets mosey down through the park. We head left at the fork to the lower parking lot by the softball fields. There is some mud to navigate right now. Fat Ricky noted that Tool Time could run through the mud and still have clean shoes. The outgoing Nantan is special, but I don’t know if he is that special!
Santa’s Sack – we did a variation of a Triple Nickel here – partner up, size matters. Partner 1 planks, partner 2 puts his feet on partner 1 and does 5 Merkins, then partner 2 jumps on partner 1’s pack for a piggyback rode across the lot. Flip positions, 5 Merkins and another piggyback ride across the lot. That was 1. 4 more times for 5 total.
Let’s mosey! We cruise down and around the pond and up the hill to the tennis courts.
Run Run Rudolph – I forgot to share the name of this, but it goes like this: run to the end of the first court, 10 burpees, run back, 2nd court 20 jump lunges, run back, 3rd court 30 tuck jumps, run back, 4th court 40 squats, run back, 5th court 50 merkins, run back, 6th court 60 LBCs.
We did a few rounds of Captain Thor, but it wasn’t flowing so I Omaha.
Mary – everyone called an exercise and led it.
Gumby – Heels to Heaven 10 OYO
Swimmer – Flutter Kicks 25 IC
Freight – In and Outs 20? IC
Mozart – Freddie Mercuries 20 IC
Volt – Sandy Vs – 15? IC
Hacksaw – 10 burpees and 10 Hillbillies each leg.
Time! As we got up and saw pools of sweat around the tennis courts, we noticed Freight’s silhouette left a little extra surpise…the Folsom logo!
Prayer Requests: families at Christmas, and Hacksaw’s dad and step-mom. You don’t have to fear death if you know where you are going!!!! YHC took us out in prayer.
Moleskin: I wanted to bring some scripture and beer to the workout this morning. I know, not a normal combination! Here me out though…My message to the guys this morning is about celebrating the birth of Jesus, first and foremost. As I looked at scripture related to Christmas, one thing thst caught my eye is how Joseph had just married Mary and she was pregnant before the consummated. Therefore, he had to be thinking ‘what will people say’, ‘is she lying’…many questions….but the angel of the Lord spoke to him and he leaned on his faith. He obeyed the Lord. Joseph was a real HIM. One of the OG HIMs!
In addition to Christ’s birth, let’s also celebrate friends and family. Enjoy the time with your wife and kids and soak it in. Let’s also enjoy time with our F3 brothers….that is where the beer(amd other beverages in my cooler) comes in LOL. With Roadie and Huck absent, there were no takers on the beer, however we enjoyed some water and Gatorade together.
I suppose I will have to bring the beer back.
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