Its been awhile since YHC led a bootcamp workout. To be honest, it’s been awhile since I regularly attended any bootcamp. Last week when Gastone had said there was an opening for 10/31, I was quick to jump all over it. I needed this kind of accountability to get my lazy arse outta the fartsack and back into the swing of things. Being the day I chose to step up and Q was also Halloween, I immediately felt the creative juices flowing. Trying to out do Short Sale in the creativity department is a challenge within itself, but it’s a challenge. Since we are also in a 40-day challenge, It seemed fitting that I needed to challenge myself in this department. I had been promoting the event as “Spooktacular” and that costumes were welcome. Hell, I even threw in a costume contest with a prize to the best costume.
After a week of careful planning I had the creative weinke set and Halloween props set aside. YHC got an early start to this cool, brisk, Halloween morning. In the old Harry Peeter parking lot, the Prius looked like a Kardashian with all of the festive junk in the trunk. I began to setup shop at roughly 0500. As I finished setup the only thing left to do was ensure the Halloween playlist was set and Bluetooth speaker was paired properly. Slight technical difficulties with the pairing. 0528, 2 minutes left and finally got the pairing to go through. Shouldn’t have taken that long as not only am I an IT guy, but I was also dressed as a Nerd for the workout. Jail break to the start. Glad to see we had some PAX dressed up for the occasion. Seeing the PAX embrace the theme makes it so much more enjoyable! Thanks to the guys that dressed up: Toto (Wolfman), Stroganoff (I can’t even explain), Clavin (Morph Man), Gastone (A 4 at the bar, maybe a 6 after a couple), Sargento (Whoopees sister cousin) and YHC (Nerd).

0530 – Let’s begin.
Quick disclaimer, No FNG’s spotted
Mosey to Old Harry Peter parking lot
The Fang
Let’s kick this party off with the Halloween playlist!!
Circle up for a quick count off – 20! Perfect # for what’s ahead…
Partner Up and line up behind 1 of the sand filled pumpkins (15Lbs. each)
Dora 123 – Multiples of 31 for Halloween
P1 starts exercise while P2 sprints, screaming with arms flailing looking like the typical Blonde in every horror movie that’s getting chased by the slasher to end of parking lot. Turn around and Zombie Walk back.
FYI – For those that tried to correct me (Ahem, GASTONE) the F3 Exicon states “Zombie Walk” is A lunge walk over a long distance. Causes the PAX to groan and stumble like the Walking Dead.
NO WHERE DOES IT STATE Lunge, Lunge, Squat.
The Exercises for Dora:
93 Lateral Pumpkin Jumps
186 Pumpkin Curls
279 Pumpkin Goblin Squats
For some reason the music halted a few times during Micheal Jackson’s “Thriller”. Rather disappointing but I blame AT&T service. The parking lot is a known Dead Zone. Pun intended.
Oh and Sargento took of his shirt. True HIM.
Next up is something I named: The Headless Horseman
Partner carry. Bottom PAX is the “Horse”. Top PAX is the “Headless Horseman” and holds Pumpkin up high with 1 arm. Switch at end of parking lot. Repeat using other arm.
YHC noted there would be penalties if you dropped your pumpkin
Kudos to Pedal & Madoff for being the first and only team to drop theirs! As they began their burpee set, Rudolph chimed in for all PAX to assist them getting through their burpee set. I don’t recall YHC agreeing to this, but hey, when in Rome…
Gravedigger/Dead Body Carry
Split PAX into two equal lines
Man 1 – picks up 50Lb sand bag and carries to end Parking lot and back
Man 2 – acts like he’s digging hole with 15Lb Dumbbell (use left side then right side)
While waiting in line for their turn the PAX held various plank positions.
Only 1 round JK2, but I appreciate you liking the exercise so much you wanted to do it again.
Last was HIPAA’s Fun House. Let’s all pile into the store opening and spell out HALLOWEEN with some fun sized exercises. For some reason the PAX looked at the list and thought we couldn’t possibly finish this in time. Well, we came damn close. Modify as needed to get through the entire list.
H-and Release Merkins x 25
A-merican Hammers x 25 (Left to Right is 1)
L-BC’s x 50
L-ow Dolly x 25 (6″ height)
O-ut and Back (Run to light post and back)
W-WI’s x 25
E-scalator (5 Jump Squats, 15 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 35 Squats, 45 Lunges)
E-2K (Oblique Crunch) x 20 (each side)
N-olan Ryans x 25 (each side)
0613 Times up, head back to start. Leave the props, ill get them later. I honestly don’t think anyone was going to attempt to steal weighted plastic pumpkins or 50Lb. sand bags LOL.
I’m pleased to announce we had a 3 way tie for best costume. For some reason Sargento wasn’t participating in the contest. He said it was just his normal attire.
Congrats to Toto, Stroganoff & Clavin. Each should’ve received a portion of Catawba Brewing Companies 6-pack of “White Zombie” (2 cans each); however, YHC done left em in the fridge. Q Fail! Sorry guys, ill hand them out when I see you next time.
Xmas Party Quiche house December 15th
Convergence November 10th
Prayers for children and families going out trick or treating tonight.
YHC took us out.

Gentleman thank you for coming out this morning. I hope you all enjoyed your time. Enjoyed the fellowship, laughter and sweat. Look forward to seeing you all in the gloom real soon!