Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2018 (Page 3 of 7)

Return Of Lil Sweet

Date 09/18/2018 Back blast called for by Weasel Shaker so YHC (Def Leppard) will try to remember for Lil Sweet.
Warm Up…. Can’t remember.
Mosey to Dog Park Hill, I think. Sprint the hill with 10 squats at top and 20 LBC’s at bottom. I think I remember doing this 7 times (seemed excessive) and several dogs at the dog park didn’t like this at all. We had several ROTC students running by us on the sidewalk also.
Mosey to lower big soccer field for a Dora but I can’t remember the three exercises and one partner moseying about 60 yards and back then the exercise.
Split into 2 teams and took turns sprinting half the field and back and then our second turn sprinting to the fence and back to see which team won. I seem to remember my team winning but I really can’t be sure. This was terrible.
Mosey back to the flag!
Lil Sweet always passes along a good word. I believe the scripture was from Isaiah 40:29-31 about the Lord renewing our strength and not growing weary.
Announcements and COT.

Arms and Shoulders

The weather was perfect and 9 PAX resisted the urge to fartsack and chose to start the work week off right by posting at Mt. Hollywood. Since there were no FNG’s a short disclaimer was given and we got started.


Warm Up

SSH and Imperial Walkers x15IC followed by a lap around the parking lot


The Thang

Everyone grab two bricks out of my truck and let’s do this. Since YHC doesn’t have the new “official” F3 version we’re going old school for the Deck of Death.


Spades = Mountain Climbers

Clubs = Squat to Air Press

Hearts = Morrocan Nightclubs (counted IC)

Diamonds = Merkins

Ace = 14 reps plus a lap around the lot

Wild = PAX choice of exercise plus a lap around the lot

(All exercises and laps performed with coupons in hand)


We got through the deck with a little time to spare so we did a blind draw of one card and doubled the face value to get the number of reps for one more round of each exercise. Out comes a Queen so 24 reps of each and one last lap around the lot. Three minutes of Mary and the workout is complete.



YHC is doing a study on Transformation by Rick Warren through his church and wanted to share a little about what that means. We need to seek God’s will to transform the essential areas of our lives: Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Relational, Financial and Vocational.


Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”.


Conforming has to do with behavior

Transforming has to do with character

Conforming is from the outside in

Transforming is from the inside out



Burpeethon on October 6th

Need Q’s at Mt. Hollywood


Prayer Requests

Shad Rap’s 2.0 having a sleep deprivation test tomorrow

Buckeye’s aunt is ill

Tiger’s M

Broke’s 2.0 having more tests

Those impacted by the flooding


YHC took us out


Almost forgot the pledge, but remembered while most of us were still around to avoid the Q fail. Thanks for the opportunity to lead and for the push.




A Day Late and a Few Minutes Behind

This Q was approximately 7 days and 2 minutes late to begin, but absolutely well worth the wait.   Originally titled, “Florence and the Machines”, it was since modified to the self titled “A Day Late and a Few Minutes Behind”.

Cheers to Rosco for getting the PAX in motion while my tires screeched into the parking lot.

WARM UP: 5 Wolverine Burpies for Florence’s dumb ass.



Hurricane Hoedown:
– In a circle, 7 FlutterKicks, arms extended back over the head, pass to the next guy. Complete the circle.
– 7 LBCs, pass to the next guy around the circle.
– 6 FlutterKicks, arms extended back over the head, pass to the next guy. Complete the circle.
– 6 LBCs, pass to the next guy around the circle.
and so on down to 3.

Wave of Merkins
10 Merkins, pass to the next all the way around the circle.
9 Merkins, pass to the next all the way around the circle.
8 Merkins, pass to the next all the way around the circle.

Howling Monkeys
Basically a wave of Monkey Humpers.
10, 9, and 8.  Burnt Things.

Around the Pavilion: Dutch Skate one side, Lunge next, Dutch Skate , Lunge  2 X around the Pavilion.

Mosey to the Parking lot for some, CHARLES BRONSON.
50 SSH, bear Crawl to pylon, run to end of parking lot and back.
50 Merkins, bear Crawl to pylon, run to end of parking lot and back.
50 Monkey Humpers, bear Crawl to pylon, run to end of parking lot and back.
5 Burpies.
50 LBCs, bear Crawl to pylon, run to end of parking lot and back.

Count Off x 2.

To the Wall:
Wall Sits – Add in shoulder Press x 20, SpeedBags 20 count, Reverse SpeedBags 20 count, Shoulder Press 15 Count.  BURN!

To the Pavillion for Mary.

Announcements:  Burpie-Thon Oct. 6th,

Prayer Concerns: HushPuppy n- back issues, those affected by Florence,



F3 Speed For Need / F3 Gastonia Stop Soldier Suicide 5K/10K

Great turnout for the Stop Soldier Suicide 5K/10K, including over 20 PAX and two very special Speed For Need riders, Frank Polito (94) Army &  Spencer Anderson (83) Army.   Frank made it clear to Tool Time from the very beginning, “I want to win this time!” or maybe it was more like “We WILL win this time, right Tool Time!”  Tool Time didn’t disappoint as he crushed the 5K in a time that most of us couldn’t even come close to without pushing a chair.  Team Spencer was a close second and the smiles on both these Vets faces were priceless.

The remainder of the PAX inadvertently lined up for the start of the 10K, although most of them only planned on doing the 5K.  No worries, these guys are F3 men and they handled this Omaha even though they didn’t realize what had happened until it was too late.   All finished with a smile and with the support of the PAX cheering them across the finish line.  We wrapped up the day in a circle doing 22 push-ups for the soldiers we were racing for today.

Sometimes pictures can tell more of the story than any written word, so check these out and be sure to notice some of those smiles, especially from Frank, Spencer, and Pizza Man’s  2.0.  Thank you Pizza Man for your help and guidance Q’ing my first SFN race!


Florence Flutters

Thankful that the creek didn’t rise and that 10 HIMS came out and posted post-Florence.



Side Straddle Hops

Two Amigos

Crunchy Frogs (at least that’s what I meant to say;)


Mosey to gazebo for Batwings:

  • Forward Arm Circles; Backward Arm Circles; Seal Jacks; Overhead Claps- 20 IC, Mosey; 15 IC, Mosey; 10 IC, Mosey

Mosey to parking lot for:  Hurricane Hoedown (or Florence Flutters, as I renamed them for this workout):

  • Seated Flutter Kicks; Reclined Flutter Kicks, Normal Flutter Kicks, LBC Flutter Kicks- oyo in descending order 7,6,5,4,3,2,1

Following that, we chose a step for: 20 Johnny Dramas.

Mosey to bridge:

  •  Duck Walk across,
  •  Clowneys -oyo- 7 reps of 4 Jump Lunges + 4 Merkins

Mosey to hill for:

  • THE W.A.S.H: 1Pax Nur up hill and run down while partner performed the exercise, then flapjack.

50 Wide Arm Merkins

100 American Hammers

150 Step ups

200 High Knees

Announcements: JJ5K; Stop Soldier Suicide Speed for Need/5, 10 K; Burpeethon; Mcadenville Christmas 5K

Word: From Is. 41 The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary, His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might, He increases strength. (Note: God never suffers setbacks and He helps those who do).

Prayer Requests


Anchorman prayed us out.

As always, an honor and privilege to lead and serve!!

Dr. Seuss


Earlier in the week, YHC wasn’t quite sure what to expect come Thursday morning, but it turned out to be a nice, yet humid, morning for a mosey at The Pub. 8 PAX gathered for a run around South Gastonia prior to the weather that was pending towards the East.

After discussing the route, the PAX set off on the The Pub Route

Out of the Publix parking lot and right on Hoffman
Left onto Pamela
Left onto Gardner Park Dr
Left onto Armstrong Park Rd
Back to The Pub

The Pledge

Q vs Q at the Gashouse on Saturday
JJ 5k and Stop Solder Suicide 5k/10k on 9/22
Run supporting Veterans in Cramerton

Prayer Requests
Praise – BRR went well
Folks in the path of Florence
Gastone in-laws

Great work men.

Till next week…

“Get better at it”

Yes, Folsom, I know. I’m 2 days late getting my BB posted. At least it hasn’t taken 2 weeks like it did Sister Act. Ok, enough apologizing. I roll into Folsom with a weinke in mind. I’m optimistic for a good turn out considering some of the Folsom regulars have been too weak to fight the fartsack lately. Pulling into the park, I notice Hacksaw getting some EC running in. That HIM has been killin it.  As I pass Hacksaw, I see yet another PAX getting it did, this time it’s Volt. So, I’m feeling rather good about the showing so far. As I go over a few changes of the weinke, others start rolling in. As I’m waiting, I continue to run a saying through my head, “this sucks, but I want to get better at it.” I think that’s what many of say at 5AM, but we continue to do it over and over. Enough of that mess, it’s time to get to work.  5:30 hits

Warmorama SSH, Toy Soldiers x15 IC

here comes Sparky, fashionably late as usual. Moroccan night clubs till he joins the group.

Since YHC forgot to transfer the shovel flag from one vehicle to the other, we took a mosey to the Flag poll. That was most likely going to happen anyway.


Mosey a little detour then back to start, stopping at the tennis courts.


Four corners/four exercises; Corner 4 will be known as corner 4 and Start. Corner 1=10 burpees, corner 2=20 merkins, corner 3=30 LBCs, corner 4=40 American hammers. This isn’t your typical four corners though. From start, mosey to corner 1 perform said exercise. Mosey back to start. Mosey to corner 2 to perform said exercise, stopping to also include corner 1 work. Mosey back to start. Mosey to corner 3 to perform said exercise, also stopping to include corners 1 and 2 on the way. Continue to corner 4 as mentioned. Now mosey back around again to start. Now partner up for some Dora. Partner 1 runs to opposite end of courts while partner 2 performs exercise AMRAP. Exercises were 100 Squats, 150 Big boys, 200 overhead claps. After all had finished, we still had a few minutes to burn. Circle up for some Mary. All PAX got a chance to call their own exercise which were; Merkins, Freddy Merc, Mountain Climbers, American Hammers, LBCs, there were a few more, but YHC can’t remember. I know, it’d help if I posted the B.B. the day of the WO.

Announcements JJ5K, Soldier suicide run

Prayer requests lifted

YHC took us out in prayer

Nice work men! I know a while back a lot of us wouldn’t have finished this weinke as quick as we did. Goes to show we all are getting stronger. Keep up the good work. Thanks again for the Q. Thanks to all you guys who continue to push me and each other through the exhaustion. You Mennare what motivates me to keep at it. Two and a half years ago I was saying “I hate running.” Today, I still say it, but I add a little more to the expression with “but I do want to be better at it.”

MW out

VQ – 49’s

14 Showed for YHC’s VQ. 

Gastone & RPO with early EC Run.  Hushpuppy & Teddybear were in for an early self-inflicted beatdown. 

Couldn’t ask for better weather.  Let’s do this.

Warm up:


Squats X 20 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs X 20 IC

LBC’s X 20 IC




Mosey to Martha parking lot – circle around an island – Not Island – for 20 Rock Balboa’s OYO

Explanation of upcoming – Yesterday was my 49th B-day, so we are going to have fun with 49’s and multiples thereof.

Time for some Dora – P1 Run from island around the next island up the hill

P2 Performs:

98 American Hammers

196 Merkins

294 Flutter kicks

Plank for 6


Mosey to Picnic Shelter – All OYO




Round 1 – 20 Reps;  Round 2 – 15 Reps;  Round 3 – 14 Reps (see what we did there – 49 of each)


Meander back to parking lot for “Ring of Fire” – at least that’s what I called it.

Circle up, everyone in Plank position, YHC leads off with 10 Merkins, when done next PAX in circle pickups for ten more until circle is complete. 

Found to be quite difficult with 14 PAX.

While we are in Plank, and since Rudolph asked for it – 10 Mountain Climbers.


Mosey back towards start – Stop at first island for 5 Burpees

Mosey on – oh look, another island – 5 more Burpees

Mosey to corner – let’s salute the day! – 20 Monkey Humpers


Mosey to start – Weinkie ran a little short – always time for some Mary!

World War II


Freddie Mercury’s

Peter Parkers

Oblique Crunches

Overhead Press – 30+

Overhead Press – again lost track around 40 ish


Overhead Claps

Carolina Dry Docks – Time!



9/22/18 – JJ5K trail run in Stanley, Stop Soldier Suicide 5K/ 10K in Belmont – Sign Up!

10/6/18 – Burpeethon at Rankin Lake Park in Dallas.  This is an F3 event – Sign Up!

Christmas town 5K upcoming

Cape Fear & Carterico



Prayer requests:

People impacted by Storm

Mayor’s M Jackie

Squirt possible travel to beach to speak this weekend.

Rudolph led us out in prayer.



We roll on

12 men posted and either ran, jogged, rucked or mall-walked.  Good to see Montross back out with us. Roadie was not there.

Annoucements: Stop Soldier Suicide 5k, JJ5k, Burpeethon

Prayer requests: someone Broke knows, Sly.

BOM: Blart took us out.

We All Ran………Again

ÔnWell, I have to admit, I also can be slack with posting a back blast in a timely manner. That being said, the following is what took place during this past Wednesday’s Prison Break session.



looks like there are no ruck packs laying around, so this must mean all PAX are running. After quick watch adjustments by all, we take off to log in a few miles. Return to start to socialize until all PAX had returned.

announcements: JJ 5k, Soldier Suicide runs next Saturday


YHC took us out in Prayer

thanks for the opportunity to Q. Way to push men.


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