Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 26, 2018

Did it all for the cookies

A nice morning in the gloom.  Was much cooler, than the last time I posted.   Returning with the Q may not have been my best idea, however, I needed the motivation to not fartsack.   My plan was to try to challenge the PAX (11 strong), but not re-injure myself in the process.   For the BRR gang, it was probably a walk in the park, however, those guys are from a different planet.


Warm up

Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 IC

Don Quote’s (aka wind mill) x 20 IC

SSH x 20 IC

Lap around no-ball’s – Whoopee issued a challenge that couldn’t do a mile around no-ball’s.  At first, it sounded like a good idea, however, would have completely thrown off my plan.  Will revisit that one soon.

The Thang

Mosey to old HT parking lot

First activity – an old faithful, run to loading dock, bear crawl down ramp, run to parking lot, 20 squats OOO

Rinse and repeat x 3

Mosey to Food Lion parking lot

Wall sits for 60 seconds, rinse and repeat

Mosey towards Robinson Elementary

Monkey humpers x 20 waiting on the six

Mosey up to school

Find a spot on the wall – 20 step ups OOO (rinse and repeat x 3)

Mosey to track

Partner up

Run half a lap and complete partner merkins x 10

Run back and complete 25 LBC’s

Rinse and Repeat x 5

Mosey to ball field, find a place on the steps

Calf Raises x 10 with feet together IC followed by 10 wide stance, rinse and repeat

Q Fail, not sure exactly what YHC did on the last cadence, somehow we got extra’s

Mosey back to Food Lion parking lot

Flutter kicks waiting on the six

Jail Break back to Snoballs –

Arrived at 6:15 sharp



Burpee Challenge Oct 6th

Prayer Requests

Child missing from Rankin Park

Family of young girl who passed over the weekend at cross country event

Gastone’s mother-in-law and family

Always a honor to Q.  Turtleman

Anniversary Ups and Downs

Date 9/25/2018 In 2016 I did this routine where we just run a little bit and stop and do an exercise to a certain count (29 in 2016) based on the number of years I have been married as well as list a year and an event that was either an “up” or a “down”. Well now, it’s been 31 years as of 9/12 so here we go!

Warmup – Whoopee warmup 1 SSH in cadence. Pledge. Let’s mosey!
The Thang went similar to this but I may have missed one!
Bottom of hill below horseshoes, 1987, Got Married, Decline Merkins x 31 single ct.
Across parking lot to Field 4 right field line, 1990, Birth of my Son, Sumo Squats x 31 single ct.
Around Field 4 to left field, 1993, Miscarriage, CDD’s x 31 single ct.
Halfway to first soccer field, 1994, Son begins having seizures, affects his abilities. Hillbillies x 31 single ct.
Hill before small soccer field, 1996, Birth of my healthy daughter, Arm Release merkins x 31 single ct.
Hill at end of soccer parking lot, 1997, “M’s” mother passes away from cancer at 50 years old, Freddie Mercury x 31 single ct.
Dog Park hill at soccer field, 1999, “M’s” father passes away from stroke at 52 years old, Clock Merkins on the hill, 8@12, 8@3,8@6,7@9
Bathrooms for soccer fields, 2000, I got a much better job. M made me apply. Dips x 31 single ct.
Right field Field 3, 2002, Son was saved and baptized. Flutter kicks x 31 IC (called by Blart)
3rd base side Field 2 slightly down hill, 2003, “M” fell down stairs, major broken leg, down 6 weeks, Incline Merkins x 31 single ct.
1st base side Field 1 in shade, 2007, Unexpected promotion at work, LBC’s x 31 IC (called by Pizza Man)
Circle Field 1 to Left field, 2009, Daughter was saved and baptized, Monkey Humpers x 31 single ct.
Back to Field 1 steps, 2010, Son graduated high school after major struggles. Amen, Calf Raises 3 per Step until 31
Playground, 2012, My wife had major back surgery. Pullups x 31, OYO OUCH!
Back to turd shack, 2018, Daughter graduates college in December, Hip Slappers x 31 single ct.
22 for the Vets, Oompa with the call!
One of the things I like about F3 Q source material is the concentrica which has the M as the most significant relationship in a man’s life. I have certainly experienced this to be true. I reminded the Pax to cherish their wives, protect them and be there for them and always make them feel like you are on their side. I also encouraged each man to find out what his wife likes and needs and strive to give that to her. If that relationship is strong, it makes all of the “Ups and Downs” of life so much better!
Announcements – Burpeethon for Special Olympics on Saturday, Oct. 6th at 9 am. This is a BIG event for F3 Gastonia and everyone should sign up and be there. ChristmasTown 5K is coming up and Pizza Man said we were going to have 8 chariots this year so sign up.
Prayer Requests – The missing little boy at Rankin Lake, Lil Sweet and his family as they travel.
* I appreciate each man who came out today. It was great to see Tyson back as he has been injured. He said he wasn’t even born yet in 1987 when I got married! It was great to see Medicine Woman out today as he is a Folsom regular but missed Folsom that morning for some reason! Wojo ran today getting ready for Bourbon Chase. Pizza Man and Defib got in some EC before the workout. Freight and Blart provided running commentary throughout the workout which I mostly ignored. I’m not sure how many more years I can make it through that workout but I hope quite a few!

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