Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 24, 2018

Make It What You Want

It’s been said that weinke inspiration can come from various places. Even for The Pub, you never know what can inspire the upcoming Q. That happened to YHC while watching TV and catching the latest Subway commercial. It appears their new tagline is “Make it what you want.” Good idea.

YHC arrived a little earlier than usual and found The Pub lot was full of cars. Nice. However, I didn’t see any PAX. Not nice. I then remembered there was a women’s run group that met from time to time. Good work by the ladies.

Eventually the PAX started rolling in along with some of our guys that had gone for some early EC. The PAX was 12 in total which was a great number.

The Pledge

Shared with the PAX that this was going to be a “make it what you want” mosey. The plan was to run down Hoffman Snoball’s at Martha River’s Park. There and back would be just over 5 miles. However if you wanted a shorter mosey, turn around at any point, and you are halfway back.

Most ran at least 5 so good work by all.

Races during the upcoming weekend
Burpees by the Lake

Prayer Requests
Sly and the soldiers
Broke – friend that passed
Mayor’s M
Nicky Bailey
Sargento’s guess appearance on CSPAN’s roundtable
Flood victims


Until next time…

Time for pain

YHC was not expecting a large crowd due to the dual races in our region. After Linus lead the warmup we moseyed over to the picnic tables.

Started with deconstructed burpees.

Next we had one person doing presses with weights, one doing flutter kicks and one doing lbcs.  Two minute timer – switch until all three had a chance.

Then grabbed the bells and weights and did timed overhead presses and curls.  Several rounds of this.

We then brought out the official F3 exercise deck.  We did this until it was time to meet up with the boot campers.



Return Of Lil Sweet

Date 09/18/2018 Back blast called for by Weasel Shaker so YHC (Def Leppard) will try to remember for Lil Sweet.
Warm Up…. Can’t remember.
Mosey to Dog Park Hill, I think. Sprint the hill with 10 squats at top and 20 LBC’s at bottom. I think I remember doing this 7 times (seemed excessive) and several dogs at the dog park didn’t like this at all. We had several ROTC students running by us on the sidewalk also.
Mosey to lower big soccer field for a Dora but I can’t remember the three exercises and one partner moseying about 60 yards and back then the exercise.
Split into 2 teams and took turns sprinting half the field and back and then our second turn sprinting to the fence and back to see which team won. I seem to remember my team winning but I really can’t be sure. This was terrible.
Mosey back to the flag!
Lil Sweet always passes along a good word. I believe the scripture was from Isaiah 40:29-31 about the Lord renewing our strength and not growing weary.
Announcements and COT.

Arms and Shoulders

The weather was perfect and 9 PAX resisted the urge to fartsack and chose to start the work week off right by posting at Mt. Hollywood. Since there were no FNG’s a short disclaimer was given and we got started.


Warm Up

SSH and Imperial Walkers x15IC followed by a lap around the parking lot


The Thang

Everyone grab two bricks out of my truck and let’s do this. Since YHC doesn’t have the new “official” F3 version we’re going old school for the Deck of Death.


Spades = Mountain Climbers

Clubs = Squat to Air Press

Hearts = Morrocan Nightclubs (counted IC)

Diamonds = Merkins

Ace = 14 reps plus a lap around the lot

Wild = PAX choice of exercise plus a lap around the lot

(All exercises and laps performed with coupons in hand)


We got through the deck with a little time to spare so we did a blind draw of one card and doubled the face value to get the number of reps for one more round of each exercise. Out comes a Queen so 24 reps of each and one last lap around the lot. Three minutes of Mary and the workout is complete.



YHC is doing a study on Transformation by Rick Warren through his church and wanted to share a little about what that means. We need to seek God’s will to transform the essential areas of our lives: Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Relational, Financial and Vocational.


Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”.


Conforming has to do with behavior

Transforming has to do with character

Conforming is from the outside in

Transforming is from the inside out



Burpeethon on October 6th

Need Q’s at Mt. Hollywood


Prayer Requests

Shad Rap’s 2.0 having a sleep deprivation test tomorrow

Buckeye’s aunt is ill

Tiger’s M

Broke’s 2.0 having more tests

Those impacted by the flooding


YHC took us out


Almost forgot the pledge, but remembered while most of us were still around to avoid the Q fail. Thanks for the opportunity to lead and for the push.




A Day Late and a Few Minutes Behind

This Q was approximately 7 days and 2 minutes late to begin, but absolutely well worth the wait.   Originally titled, “Florence and the Machines”, it was since modified to the self titled “A Day Late and a Few Minutes Behind”.

Cheers to Rosco for getting the PAX in motion while my tires screeched into the parking lot.

WARM UP: 5 Wolverine Burpies for Florence’s dumb ass.



Hurricane Hoedown:
– In a circle, 7 FlutterKicks, arms extended back over the head, pass to the next guy. Complete the circle.
– 7 LBCs, pass to the next guy around the circle.
– 6 FlutterKicks, arms extended back over the head, pass to the next guy. Complete the circle.
– 6 LBCs, pass to the next guy around the circle.
and so on down to 3.

Wave of Merkins
10 Merkins, pass to the next all the way around the circle.
9 Merkins, pass to the next all the way around the circle.
8 Merkins, pass to the next all the way around the circle.

Howling Monkeys
Basically a wave of Monkey Humpers.
10, 9, and 8.  Burnt Things.

Around the Pavilion: Dutch Skate one side, Lunge next, Dutch Skate , Lunge  2 X around the Pavilion.

Mosey to the Parking lot for some, CHARLES BRONSON.
50 SSH, bear Crawl to pylon, run to end of parking lot and back.
50 Merkins, bear Crawl to pylon, run to end of parking lot and back.
50 Monkey Humpers, bear Crawl to pylon, run to end of parking lot and back.
5 Burpies.
50 LBCs, bear Crawl to pylon, run to end of parking lot and back.

Count Off x 2.

To the Wall:
Wall Sits – Add in shoulder Press x 20, SpeedBags 20 count, Reverse SpeedBags 20 count, Shoulder Press 15 Count.  BURN!

To the Pavillion for Mary.

Announcements:  Burpie-Thon Oct. 6th,

Prayer Concerns: HushPuppy n- back issues, those affected by Florence,



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